I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 47 Gaining talent: [Hawkeye]!

Chapter 47 Gaining talent: [Hawkeye]!
"Father, do you want to play in person?"

Whether it was Kondo or the other apprentices sitting around the edge of the dojo, they all showed surprise after seeing Zhou Zhu raise the bamboo sword in his hand to Qingdeng.

"Hohohoho...I haven't been active for a long time." Zhou Zhu twisted his shoulders, "I accompanied your mother back to her natal home a few days ago, but I was tormented to death. My shoulders and waist are still so stiff. .”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Zhu hurriedly looked around as if he realized something.

After confirming that he didn't see the figure of his mother-in-law, he seemed relieved, and then continued:

"There just happens to be a new apprentice in the sword hall whose sword skills I haven't seen with my own eyes."

"Since this is the case, I can just take this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone--while testing the newcomer's strength, I can exercise my stiff arms and waist."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhu raised his eyebrows at Qing Deng.

"Mr. Ju, you just finished a match with Kondo, do you want to take a break now? Or do you want to start now?"

Qingdeng was stunned for a moment, then quickly replied without thinking: "I can start now!"

Compete with Shusuke Kondo?
It was exactly what Qingdeng wanted!

In Qingdeng's chest, there was still a strong feeling of joy gushing out of the newly acquired powerful talent, but he couldn't wait to quickly see if there was also something hidden in this third-generation head of the natural mind-flow school. What a great talent.

Zhou Zhu had already said that he wanted to personally test Qingdeng's strength, so Kondo and the others, who were sons and apprentices, naturally had no ability or room to refute or argue.

Kondo obediently retreated to the edge of the dojo, making enough room for Qingdeng and Shusuke.

"Huh?" Qingdeng realized at this moment that neither he nor Zhou Zhu seemed to be wearing protective gear, "Master, don't we wear armor?"

"Hohohoho, it's too troublesome to wear protective gear, and I'm too lazy to wear it, so that's fine! Don't worry, I'm a very solid person, so attack as much as you want, don't be afraid of hurting me, There is no need to be afraid of being hurt by me, an old man like me who has come from the "no protective gear era" is best at how not to hurt people."

Now that Zhou Zhu has said so, then Qingdeng will not say any more.

He and Zhou Zhu squatted on the left and right sides of the dojo, and after bowing to each other, Qingdeng and Zhou Zhu imitated the movement of drawing a sword, pulled out the bamboo sword pinned to his left waist, and then slowly got up.

The moment Qingdeng stood up——

A slender afterimage drew an arc and approached Qingdeng's legs!

Qingdeng felt pain in his left thigh.

After cutting Qingdeng's left thigh with a horizontal cut, Zhou Zhu quickly retreated 3 steps to widen the distance from Qingdeng.

Looking at Zhou Zhu who had retreated 3 steps away from him, Qingdeng's pupils shrank violently.

——I was stabbed...?
Qingdeng didn't see Zhou Zhu's knife just now, the timing of the knife, or the trajectory of the knife!

"Hey, Mr. Ju, concentrate." Zhou Zhu slowly lowered the blade and switched to the lower stance, "If you don't concentrate, you won't be able to swing the knife well."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhu sent his footsteps forward and approached Qingdeng again.

Seeing this, Qingdeng quickly took a deep breath and concentrated all his body and mind.

Although Qingdeng was already tense, his eyes were wide open, and he was staring at the movements of Zhou's assistant and the trajectory of his sword.

But even so, he still couldn't see Zhou Zhu's sword clearly.

Zhou Zhu's bamboo sword fell on Qingdeng's body like raindrops.

Often Zhou Zhu's bamboo sword has already fallen on Qingdeng's body, and he realizes belatedly: Ah, did his sword aim at me?
Zhou Zhu was indeed as he said just now - very good at how not to hurt people.

Although Qingdeng has been "dozens of stab wounds" now, all the stab wounds are painful for a while, and then the pain will soon disappear.

Completely suppressed, not to mention a counterattack, they couldn't even organize a decent defense.

The battle situation was obviously so overwhelmingly unfavorable...but Qingdeng's face did not show any dejection or depression.

Or rather... just the opposite.

Sure enough, you can't judge people by their appearance... It is really impossible for someone who can become the head of a school of swordsmanship to be a weak person.

The opponent in front of him was so powerful that he was completely crushed, but Qingdeng didn't feel the slightest bit of fear or shrink back.

Qingdeng now only feels his heart beating faster and faster.

With the gradual acceleration of the heartbeat, Qingdeng only felt that his condition seemed to be getting better!I just feel that I am getting more and more motivated!

Sensing the changes in his body, Qingdeng was a little startled at first, but he quickly realized that this should be the effect of "lonely courage" activated!
And in fact, it is.

In the talent list, the new talent just obtained: "Gudan" has been shining brightly since just now!

And "Sword of Excellence" also shines brightly at this moment, immediately after "Gudan"!
——Shusuke Kondo's main attack direction...is my two legs...

——In that case... let's lower the blade a little...

——Hold the knife lighter... It seems to be more convenient to defend...

Taking advantage of the gap between Zhou Zhu's attacks, Qing Deng quickly lowered the blade.

The increase in swordsmanship talent is 50 times that of ordinary people... The effect of "Sword Talent" is not just that Qingdeng can practice swordsmanship much faster than ordinary people.

The effect it brings is also - when fighting with people, it has a very high sensitivity to "the change and form of the sword"!

Qingdeng only felt that his physical condition was getting better and better. At this moment, he slowly realized that he... seems to be able to vaguely see Zhou Zhu's sword path!

Qingdeng swung the saber in his palm to his right side, blocking the bamboo sword that Zhou Zhu cut towards his left waist!It was the first time to parry Zhou Zhu's attack!

"Hoho..." Looking at Qingdeng who was suddenly able to block his sword, Zhou Zhu's extremely narrow squinted eyes slowly widened a little.

After Qingdeng successfully defended against Zhou Zhu's attack for the first time, the battle situation gradually changed.

Zhou Zhu still pressed and beat Qingdeng severely.

But Qingdeng is no longer unable to take even a blow from Zhou Zhu.

"Sword of Excellence" made Qingdeng adopt the most suitable defense strategy.

"Lonely Dan" made Qingdeng's physical condition improve in a straight line.

The blessing of these two great talents made Qingdeng change from being unable to take a single knife before, to being able to barely receive 2 or 10 knifes after Zhou Zhu swung 1 swords.

At this time, among the apprentices sitting on the edge of the dojo, many of them saw Qingdeng for the first time, and they didn't know that after Chong Tian, ​​there was another swordsmanship genius in their guard hall.

Seeing Qingdeng who was able to change from "powerless to parry" to "a little bit able to withstand a few moves" under Zhou Zhu's sword in such a short period of time, they all opened their eyes wide and stared dumbfounded. up.

As for Kondo, who already knew about Qingdeng's talent, he folded his arms around his chest and gave Zhou Zhu a satisfied smile.

This appearance seemed to be saying to Zhou Zhu: Look, father, am I right?Mr. Ju's swordsmanship talent is indeed not inferior to that of the chief!

The smile that Kondo showed was destined not to be seen by Zhou Zhu.

Because Zhou Zhu put all his body and mind on Qing Deng in front of him.

"Hohohoho... can you realize so quickly what to do to defend against my attack more efficiently..." Zhou Zhu, with a deeper smile on the corner of his mouth, said in a voice that only he himself could hear clearly. Whispering softly, "Then...how about your 'sense of smell'..."

After the murmur fell, Zhou Zhu suddenly stopped his attack on Qingdeng and quickly retreated.

Only when he retreated five steps away from Qingdeng did Zhou Zhu stop his retreat.

After stopping in his tracks, Zhou Zhu turned the bamboo sword held in front of him in a mid-section posture slightly to the right...

The deviation is very slight. If you don't look carefully, you may not be able to see that the position of the bamboo sword in Assistant Zhou has changed.

While turning the bamboo sword in his hand slightly to the right, Zhou Zhu also slightly changed the center of gravity of his body. He shifted the center of gravity of his body slightly to the right.

The change of Zhou Zhu's body center of gravity is the same as that of his sword - if you don't look carefully, you may not notice the change.

At this moment, looking at Zhou Zhu who was standing 5 steps away with a sword, Qing Deng didn't know why... he just felt like an electric current was rushing through his brain.

I can't say why, but there is no reason, just such a thought flashed through Qingdeng's mind - now is a good time to fight back against Zhou Zhu!

As soon as this thought flashed through Qingdeng's mind, he immediately followed his heart like an instinctive reaction or a conditioned reflex.

Footsteps slide and the ground rattles!
Qingdeng approached in one breath until his sword could reach Zhou Zhu, held up the bamboo sword, and the sword body bullied Zhou Zhu from the road!

"Hohohoho..." Looking at the bamboo sword falling towards his shoulder, Zhou Zhu chuckled with a bit of joy.

When Qingdeng's bamboo sword was just a little bit short of hitting Zhou Zhu's shoulder——

Zhou Zhu's bamboo sword was in place in time, blocking Qingdeng's attack.

Seeing that Qingdeng's rare counterattack was blocked by Zhou Zhu, some of the apprentices sitting on the sidelines of the dojo were shocked. They saw Qingdeng's aura just now, and thought that Qingdeng's blow just now might have something to do and could hit him. What about Zhong Zhouzhu?

Qingdeng, who failed to hold back his strength well, followed Zhou Zhu's forward momentum and staggered past Zhou Zhu. He stopped his inertia and turned around when he ran to a distance of 2 steps behind Zhou Zhu.

But when Qing Deng just turned his body back, a look of astonishment appeared on his cheeks.

Because he saw——Zhou Zhu was covering his right shoulder with his left hand in pain.

"Father?" Seeing this, Kondo's face changed suddenly, and he quickly got up and ran towards Zhou Zhu.

The rest of the apprentices also hurriedly followed, together with Kondo, they surrounded Zhou Zhu with a worried expression on their faces.

Qingdeng, who didn't understand what was going on, also put down the bamboo sword in his hand at this moment, and ran towards Zhou Zhu.

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhou Zhu waved his hands to Kondo, Qingdeng and others with a smile, "It's just an old problem. It's just a little pain in the right shoulder. Just take a rest."

After reassuring Kondo and the others, Zhou Zhu smiled and turned his gaze to Qingdeng who was standing beside him now.

"I wanted to fight with you for a while longer." Zhou Zhu said in a helpless tone, "but my right shoulder seems to have moved too far..."

"No way, the test of your strength can only end here."

Zhou Zhu handed the bamboo sword in his hand to an apprentice beside him, and motioned him to put the bamboo sword away.

The cold system voice sounded in Qingdeng's mind at this moment:
【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Eagle Eye"]

[Talent introduction: Dynamic vision is far stronger than ordinary people]

New book set sail!

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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