I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 470 The bloody battle begins!Qingdeng vs. the main force of the Shimizu clan! 【1】

Chapter 470 The bloody battle begins!Qingdeng vs. the main force of the Qingshui clan! 【6000】

Qingdeng turned his head sideways and glanced at Ebina beside him.

The agile posture of bending over but not affecting the movement, and the light footsteps when walking quietly... It seems that he is not bragging.Such a performance, but also worthy of the title of "veteran".

Ebino is much more reliable than he expected... Thinking of this, Qingdeng felt relieved.

The two cautiously advanced into the depths of the factory.

The smell of herbs in the air is getting stronger.

Suddenly, Qingdeng, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, and raised his hand to signal Ebina behind him to stop.

It turned out that someone was on patrol.

In the corridor in front of the two, three warriors with swords on their waists patrolled back and forth with lanterns in hand.

In terms of "infiltration", Qingdeng, who had been a chivalrous phantom thief with Mai Kinoshita, and received the rigorous training of the new imperial court, was professional and experienced in this area.

After a while, Qingdeng saw the gap, led Ebina around the guards, and continued to move forward.

The further forward and closer to the depths of the workshop, the more guards the two encountered.

The security is so tight that the mansion of a rich man is nothing more than that.

A mere herb workshop with such tight security measures... It's not normal no matter how you think about it—thinking of Qingdeng and Ebina who went together, they both frowned.

Finally... After going all the way without any danger, the two finally reached the deepest part of the workshop.


Ebina muttered.

"This should be the place where pharmaceuticals are made..."

What caught the eyes of the two was a spacious site that looked like a modern assembly line factory.

The huge space of more than 300 square meters is divided by square tables, and each square table is covered with a thick canvas.

With the development of the commodity economy and social productive forces, in some manual workshops, the owners of the workshops who have funds and raw materials hire employees with free status to produce for the needs of the market——the germination of capitalism in Japan was born from this.

Although the commercial level of Edo is not as good as Osaka, the "business capital" with unparalleled geographical convenience, it is the ruling center of the Tokugawa family after all, and its economic strength should not be underestimated.

Large-scale handicraft factories with hundreds of employees abound in Edo.

If you don't find out what is hidden under those canvases, then this place is just an ordinary workshop with many guards, and there is no way to prove that it is a production site for phantom deposits.

After confirming that there was no one around, Qingdeng and Ebina glanced at each other, then quietly walked towards the square table closest to them.

Qing Deng casually lifted the canvas in front of him - the moment the canvas fell to the ground, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Ebina leaned over his head - in an instant, his expression changed suddenly: "This is...?!"

Under the canvas, there are flowers that have dried up.

Taproot subconical, vertical.Stem erect, unbranched, glabrous, with white powder.Alternate leaves, ovate or long ovate, apex acuminate to blunt, base heart-shaped, margin irregular wavy serrations, both sides glabrous, white powder, veins obvious, slightly protruding; lower leaves with short stalks, upper leaves Sessile, clasped.

These flowers are so beautiful and gorgeous-anyone will think so, before knowing the names of these flowers...before knowing the effects of these flowers...

At this moment, both Qingdeng and Ebina felt chills all over their bodies, and every cell in their bodies was knocked awake one by one...

Ebina was about to speak, but Qingdeng took the first step and said the names of these flowers word by word:

These extremely gorgeous flowers are the raw material for the production of phantom deposits - poppies!
Ebina walked away from Qingdeng's side in three steps at a time, and quickly lifted the canvases of the other square tables.

Except for a few tables with unknown common herbs, most of the tables are covered with poppies that are still fresh or have dried up.

Tens of thousands of poppies!Such a sight made Qingdeng feel dizzy.

"Finally found it...!"

Qingdeng took a deep breath, trying to calm down the emotional waves in his heart.

"As long as you report this place to the shogunate, the Fazhu Party will suffer a lot."

Ebina said softly as she walked back to Qingdeng.

Qingdeng nodded:

"Oh, yes."

The meat-eaters of the Edo Shogunate were mostly a bunch of contemptible fellows, but they were not fools either.

After all, Japan has been founded for so many years.

They have basically seen and heard of trendy novelties and the most advanced knowledge.

They must know what poppies are, and they must also know how terrible it is for the folk forces to hoard such a large amount of poppies.

Otherwise, Tianzhang Court would not have shown such a terrifying expression when it learned that the raw material for making Huanfudian was poppies.

Next, just pass on the address and details of this medicinal material workshop to Tianzhangyuan.

Afterwards, Qingdeng didn't need to worry about it—the shogunate... no, it should be said that the Tokugawa family and Tianzhangyuan would take action on their own.

The reason why Tokugawa Iesada and Tenzhang-in remained calm to the greatest extent even though they knew there was a problem with the Hokage Party and that the Shimizu clan and the Hokage Party were colluding with each other was because there was no evidence at hand.

To act rashly without proof and evidence is a big taboo of military strategists-the teacher comes from no name.

Giving a teacher without a name will only lead to people's hearts fluttering, and give the gang of mad dogs... that is, hand the knife to the "Yiqiao faction".

Tokugawa Iesada and Tenzhangin stepped left foot first when going out, and they were both criticized by the mad dogs of the "Hittohashi faction" as "immobile etiquette".

If the two mothers and sons misuse the already extremely scarce manpower and material resources without giving a proper reason...God knows how crazy attacks they will suffer in the future.

But, on the other hand, as long as the teacher is famous, all the above problems can be solved.

The legal, compliant, and well-founded "anti-terrorism operation" led by General Zhengyi and Odai personally... Even if the "Yiqiao faction" deliberately obstructs it, there is no way to talk about it.

In any case, the Edo Shogunate is still the most powerful force in Japan at present, not one of them.

If the Fazhu Party and the Great Salt Party have the strength to confront the Edo Shogunate head-on, then why do they need to live a life of hiding and sneaking?
Although the actions of Tokugawa Isada and Tianzhangyuan will not cause the Faju Party to suffer annihilation, it will definitely bring them huge troubles, and at least it will make it difficult for them to spread their illusions.

Thinking of this, Qingdeng involuntarily let out a long breath.

Since the fire in the prison house in Macho, I spent countless time and experiences, witnessed countless cruelties and deaths, and finally found the most powerful evidence that can prove that the French Party produces and sells dangerous drugs!

This humble medicinal material workshop will be the turning point that will fundamentally change this protracted confrontation!

"My lord, let's go."

Ebino said.

"Hurry up to..."

At this time, Qingdeng was startled as if he sensed something.

Noticing the strangeness, Ebina quickly stopped talking, and asked instead:
"Your Excellency, what's the matter?"

Qingdeng silently raised his head, scanned his surroundings, and after a long while said calmly:
"They are here."

Whoa whoa whoa!

dong dong dong dong!

tom tom tom tom!

Suddenly, the noisy sounds from all directions poured into the ears of Qingdeng and Ebina like a torrential rain!

The sound of moving legs, the sound of stepping on the wooden corridor, the sound of clashing knives and guns...

In a blink of an eye, the inside and outside of the factory became extremely noisy, resembling the Kanda vegetable market in the early morning.

It didn't take a while for Qingdeng and Ebina to see several figures.

This group of "uninvited guests" quickly formed a formation, surrounded Qingdeng and Ebina, and waited for it.

Ebina frowned, turned her body sideways, and leaned against Qingdeng's back.

Qingdeng didn't react too aggressively, he moved his eyes as usual to observe the situation.

The number of incoming enemies is not too large, about a hundred or so.

However, Qingdeng found many familiar faces.

"Blood Tiger" Shigetaro Sakurai, "Two Guns" Mantaro Kishishima, "Ghost Nagano" Binjiro Nagano, "Eisuke of the Spear" Eisuke Kusu, "The Bull of Sendai" Rosaburo Oseki...

All the elite soldiers and generals of the Qingshui clan are here!
"Ju Qingdeng, you really came."

A middle-aged male voice without sadness or joy.

Qingdeng followed the prestige.A tall and straight middle-aged man with his hands behind his back separated the crowd and stood at the forefront of the battle formation.

"Be safe, Shimizu Eiichi."

Qingdeng returned with an indifferent sneer.

"Ju Qingdeng, I didn't expect you to actually find this place... I really have you. Although you are an enemy, I have to respect you."

"Let's not do that. It hurts me more to be praised by you than to hear someone slander me as a womanizer."

Saying that, Qing Deng shrugged his shoulders.

"Where is Rakshasa? Where is Rakshasa? Isn't he here?"

"You don't need to know about that."

"So... did you expect that I would definitely come here, so you specially planted an ambush here?"

"This is Lord Rakshasa's prudent concern."

Shimizu Eiichi said lightly.

"Master Luosha saw through your purpose of arresting our cadres everywhere, so he set out to arrange multiple preparations."

"First, we pretended to gather heavy troops in Qingshui Mansion, on the one hand to protect other cadres, and on the other hand, let you mistakenly think that we concentrated all our combat power in Qingshui Mansion."

"Then, give Yataro the Phoenix House the important task of 'If King Ren comes to the door, shoot him to death with random arrows', and lend him a group of archery masters with outstanding bow skills."

"Finally, most of the elite soldiers will be ambushed here secretly, waiting for you to come."

"If you die in the mansion of Yataro Phoenix House in a muddleheaded way, that would be the best."

"Even if Yataro Phoenix's sneak attack fails, we still have a real killer move waiting for you."

"Even if you didn't do anything in the end, didn't go anywhere, neither attacked Shimizu Mansion, nor went to Phoenix House Yataro's mansion and this factory, it doesn't matter."

"I'm declaring war on you in public, but you avoid it and don't fight—this is enough to damage your reputation."

"Whether you fight or flee, we all benefit from it."

After hearing this, Qing Deng sneered.

"Hey, did you prepare such a grand 'welcome ceremony' for me? You really have a heart. Not only did you plant an ambush in that fat pig's mansion, but you even spared no effort to set up traps here."

"After all, the opponent is you."

Shimizu Rong straightened his face.

"With Nioh as your opponent, no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious."

Qingdeng sneered again.

"Is this really good? This is the factory where you make phantom deposits. Are you not afraid that I will break out of the siege and convey the secrets of this factory to the outside world?"

"Don't worry, you have no chance to escape."

After that, Shimizu Rong waved his hand.

All of a sudden, the sound of "choking" drawing a knife and "squeaking" strings came and went one after another!

"Ju Qingdeng, the 'respect for you' I just said is absolutely not false."

"Your extraordinary performance recently has really amazed me."

"I can't count how many of my subordinates died at your hands."

"In addition to causing us heavy casualties, you also managed to find out where the phantom deposit was made."

Speaking of this, Shimizu Eiichi showed a slight regret on his face.

"It's a pity. If possible, I sincerely hope that you can become our companion."

"Forget it... it's too late to say this now."

Shimizu Rong put away the regret on his face little by little, and returned to his serious and indifferent appearance.

"Ju Qingdeng, please rest here forever!"

In an instant, one after another of gazes, one after another of murderous intent, locked on Qingdeng's body!
The formation formed by Eiichi Shimizu's troops is a very typical battle formation: close combatants in front and long range attackers in the back.

It is not difficult to see from the standard and steady bow-holding movements of the archers: they are all veterans who are well versed in bow art.

There is no doubt about their breathless and concentrated appearances - as long as Qingdeng makes any suspicious movements, they will immediately shoot him into a hornet's nest!
Even if Qingdeng escaped the shooting of the archers by chance, the "Blood Tiger" Shigetaro Sakurai and others were still watching.

They are like bloodthirsty beasts, always ready to start a life-and-death bloody fight with Qingdeng. It may be difficult for them to kill Qingdeng, but it is more than enough for the archers to win opportunities to aim and shoot cold arrows.

On the other hand, on Qingdeng's side... besides an uncle who is over forty years old, there is no other companion.

No matter from which angle you look at it, Qingdeng is already in a desperate situation and doomed.

However... Even so, he still had a calm and calm appearance.

Perhaps Qingdeng's immediate performance was too calm, which made many people including Shimizu Eiichi feel vigilant.

"'Long sleep here'..."

Suddenly, Qing Deng said softly.

"If you can do it, just come and try it!"

Like boiling water suddenly overflowing, Qingdeng drew his saber out of its sheath in a "choking" manner.

"You set a trap...and I didn't come unprepared!"

At the moment Qingdeng's voice fell, dozens of kunai penetrated the window and shot into the factory from the outside!Shattered window frames and window paper sprayed the ground like shotguns!
"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Wow wow wow wow wow!"

"Ugh! Uh uh uh!"

In just a blink of an eye, more than a dozen enemies collapsed to the ground, or screamed in pain while covering the place where Kunai was hit, or simply died.

Immediately afterwards, the already riddled windows were destroyed again.

This time, it was no longer Kunai who broke the windows, but living people one after another.

The first person to break in was Sanako.

Immediately after were Soji, Ichinose, Ebina, Sae, Yae, Mr. Tian Cangxiao, and other members of the Shingoiwa... a total of more than 30 people.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, they stepped forward and killed without hesitation!

Whether it's the "method of appearance" or the "timing of appearance", it can be regarded as Sanako and others who fell from the sky, which naturally made the Yakuza headed by Eiichi Shimizu mess up.

Shimizu Eiichi is worthy of being the commander-in-chief of the Shimizu clan, his concentration and character are beyond comparison.

He quickly stabilized his mind... However, his expression failed to return to normal.

He lowered his face, turned his head sideways, and cast a sharp gaze towards Qingdeng not far away, as if trying to penetrate his body.

"Ju Qingdeng...it really isn't that easy to kill you..."

"Haina, are you alright?"

Ichinose rushed to Ebina with Akutsu.

"Well, I'm fine, you guys arrived just in time."

At the same time, Qingdeng's surroundings also became lively - Zuo Nazi, the chief executive, and the second sister cuddled up beside him.

"Junior! Let's be spicy!"

"Mr. Orange, the number of enemies is much smaller than we expected."

"Sha Zhong, don't be careless, there are many martial arts masters with outstanding strength among the enemies."

At this time, Shimizu Eiichi raised his head and shouted:

"Don't panic! Calm down!"

As soon as this remark came out, as if by magic, the commotion among the Yakuzas suddenly eased a lot.

Just one sentence calmed down the crowd... Shimizu Eiichi's prestige can be seen.

With the arrival of Sanako and others, the factory fell into unprecedented chaos.

The light of the sword, the shadow of the gun, the sound of the bow... a chaotic battle with each showing their magical powers!

Qingdeng's "indoor fighting technique" teacher...that is, Uncle Tiancangxiao took the lead, holding Kunai in his left hand and Wakizai in his right hand.

Under the leadership of Uncle Tiancangxiao, the Fanshi of the New Yutingfan joined the battle one after another, fighting bravely.

Luo Cha and Shimizu Eiichi knew very well that ordinary people couldn't do anything to Qingdeng, so the Yakuza gathered here were not ordinary Yakuza, they were almost the most capable group of people in the Shimizu clan.

However... In terms of skill alone, the new group of Imperial Court warriors brought by Master Tiancangxiao and the Erzhong sisters are not inferior to the strong soldiers of the Qingshui clan!
Why are the Erzhong sisters, Master Tiancangxiao, and the elite members of the New Yuting Fan here?

This is all thanks to the generosity of Tianzhangyuan.

About 20 minutes ago, Qingdeng hurried back to the Moon Palace Shrine as fast as he could, and relayed the news that "the Great Salt Party issued an invitation for cooperation" to Tianzhangyuan.

In all fairness, Qingdeng did not object to Ebina's invitation to cooperate.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

The Great Salt Party and the Fazhu Party do not deal with each other, and they also want to eliminate the phantom deposit - and this is enough to constitute a reason for cooperation between the two parties!
As far as the standpoint is concerned, the relationship between Tianzhang Court and the Great Salt Party is endless.

After all, one side is the Odaisho of the Edo Shogunate, and the other is the "anti-shogunate group" determined to overthrow the shogunate.

Qingdeng originally thought that Tianzhang Court would hesitate for a while because of this.

But who knows, she nodded without hesitation.

"I see. Sheng Qing, I will give you all the combat power I can use now, please."

The battle plan of Qingdeng and others is very simple.

In view of the fact that Ebina and others were ambushed after breaking into the house of Yataro Phoenix, it cannot be ruled out that Rakshasa also set up traps in the production workshop of the phantom.

So, after a brief discussion, everyone reached a consensus—Qingdeng and Ebina would personally act as bait and sneak into the factory first. If the situation was different, Sanako and others who were waiting outside would rush to support immediately.

Qingdeng only gave a vague explanation about the identities of the sudden arrival of reinforcements led by Master Tiancangxiao and the Erzhong sisters.

Even Sanako and the Chief Secretary have no chance to know the existence of the new Goniban, let alone Ebina and others who are only temporary allies?

Fortunately, Sanako, Zongsi, Ebina and the others are not idiots who can't understand the atmosphere. Seeing that Qingdeng was unwilling to talk about it in detail, they stopped asking questions and only regarded Tiancangxiao and others as Qingdeng's. friend.

However, after discovering that the second sister seems to be very attached to Qingdeng, and that Qingdeng has a very good relationship with this legal pair of loli, Sanako and the chief director coincidentally cast very intriguing glances at Qingdeng...

The chaotic war has begun, the survival of Huanfudian, the future of the Fazhu Party and Qingshui clan, the life and death of Qingdeng...all will be decided tonight!

Qingdeng held Echizen in his hand and held both ground and defense, put on a posture, and leaped towards an enemy not far away, like a hungry tiger pounced on a sheep.

As soon as he slashed, the blade spurted out rainbow-like blood, then his brains splashed, and his stumps flew out.

In the next breath, Qingdeng stepped forward, galloped forward, and waved Echizen and Hitachi as fast as a wheel, and in a blink of an eye, four Yakuza wailed dying.

Before it was too late, a big, strong man stopped Qingdeng—it was Binjiro Nagano, the 'Ghost Nagano'!

Binjiro Nagano didn't talk nonsense, the next moment he faced Qingdeng, he swung his knife and slashed.

Today is the long-lost 6000 words! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg) Although this number of words is not a big deal, it is enough to prove that Leopard Leopard has a heart to change! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)


 Trivia: Qingdeng doesn't like others to say that he is lecherous, because it will make him feel guilty... Ah, no, forget it, I didn't say anything. (Leopard Playing Stupid.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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