I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 478 Qingdeng is at the gate, no one can open it! 【5200】

Chapter 478 Qingdeng is at the gate, no one can open it! 【5200】

Qing Deng is like the incarnation of Yasha, wielding the blade with precision and ruthlessness.

He took a step forward, switched the knife in his hand to his left hand, and slashed at the enemy on the left, and the blade spurted out blood like a waterfall—as expected of a new knife just pulled out, its sharpness was impeccable.

The enemy standing on the right side of Qingdeng saw Qingdeng move, and rushed forward, trying to attack Qingdeng.

However, he had only taken half a step before Qingdeng turned around and faced him.

"Uh...uh wah...!"


Two cutting sounds and two groans sounded in no particular order.

Qingdeng not only beheaded the person who wanted to sneak attack him, he also beheaded the person next to him, and the bodies of the two fell down at the same time, and the corpses were stacked on top of each other.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah!"

A new enemy swooped in from Qingdeng's front.

Qingdeng twisted his right wrist, held the saber, swung the blood off the saber, and attacked head-on.

In the corridor, under the moonlight, two figures approaching each other quickly merged into one.

At the moment when the sleeves intersected, the top of Qingdeng's head was almost touching the opponent's armpit, and he passed through his right armpit with no more than one cent, and the knife stuck to the opponent's side abdomen, cutting from Yuanyuan Pull it to the end, so that the blade of the knife passes across the opponent's abdomen from the blade to the tip. ——Cut the opponent in half.

This person's head drooped feebly, he was obviously unconscious, but he walked two or three steps forward like a zombie...

Da da da da da da da!

Qingdeng heard hurried footsteps coming from far and near behind him.

Without even turning his head, he held the knife instead, wiped the ground and stabbed the knife backward.

Accompanied by a muffled sound like a water bag being pierced and a hoarse scream, Qingdeng sensed that someone was falling on his back.

Qingdeng didn't draw the knife back.

He arched his back, using his own back as a fulcrum, and swung the enemy who fell on his back and strung on his knife from back to front, around the top of his head, with a movement like throwing a fishing rod.

Under the action of inertia, the enemy's body slid out from the knife, flew over Qingdeng's head, made a beautiful somersault in the air, and smashed heavily into the enemy group in front of Qingdeng, knocking down many people .

At this time, out of the corner of Qingdeng's eyes, he saw another black figure appearing within his attack range.

Because of the "fishing rod throwing" just now, Qingdeng's knife was in a low position, and the blade was almost smashed into the floor.

He didn't bother to adjust the direction of the blade anymore - who said that only the blade can cut people?
Just like that, Qingdeng picked up the knife, and the broad and hard back of the knife smashed straight at Hei Ying, hitting his chin, and the feeling of bone shattering spread to his palm.

Immediately afterwards, an unbelievable scene appeared.

The great strength blessed by talents such as "Dragon of Reversal", "Nine Oxen and Two Tigers", "Tiger Arm +1" directly made this person take off in place - take off in place in the physical sense.

He rushed up like a rocket, only to hear a "bang", his head plunged into the ceiling, and the body parts below the neck remained under the ceiling, and when the wind blew, they swayed lightly, like a A plump fruit that will fall to the ground at any time.

In a hurry, Qing Deng suddenly felt that the light on his left had dimmed.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

A strong man held a knife high, the moonlight shone from behind him, casting a huge shadow on Qingdeng.

I don't know if the opponent did it on purpose, or it was pure luck, but the timing of this strong man's attack was really ingenious.

Qingdeng's posture and blade orientation made it difficult to deal with the attack from the left.

But...it's a coincidence.

Right on the floor next to Qingdeng's left foot, the knife he had placed there just now happened to be inserted.

In an instant, Qingdeng stretched out his left hand, pulled out the knife on the floor at the speed of Xingben Dianmai, and swung the blade upwards obliquely.

The light of the knife that comes first rises into the sky.

There were also two severed arms and half a head that soared into the sky.

Qingdeng once again slashed left and right, with momentum like a rainbow, and swung his saber into the body.

He lowered his waist and swooped forward, chopping and knocking down 5 people in the blink of an eye.

As he straightened his back, he lowered the blade, pointing the point at the floor, then tilted his body, swung the blade upwards, and crossed someone, leaving behind him a trail of blade light and a handful that shot out like a fountain blood flow.

In the blink of an eye, Qing Deng dodged in front of someone again as if sliding across the ground, his heels splashing blood on the ground.

This person felt as if there was a huge monster approaching in front of him!

Before he could react, a silver-white light pierced through his line of sight, swept past...

For a moment, swords, lights and swords danced around him, and two silver lights flickered in the corridor.

The fighting between the two sides hardly stopped for a moment.

Qingdeng's tactics are just like Sun Tzu's famous saying: "A good defender hides under the nine grounds, and a good attacker moves above the nine heavens, so he can protect himself and win a complete victory."

Hidden under the Nine Grounds—the ever-changing shadows of knives form an impenetrable barrier, and no one can approach or hurt Qingdeng.

Moving above the nine heavens—the blade flickered, and immediately someone fell to the ground, killing with one swing!

The scattered blood sometimes fell to the ground, sometimes splashed on the ceiling, and sometimes splashed on the wall.

The original colors of the walls, floors and ceilings are no longer visible.

There are battle dead everywhere, seriously injured people groaning in pain, and defeated people who lost their fighting spirit because they couldn't bear the hell.

With eyes as sharp as an eagle and indifferent as ice, Qingdeng fought tirelessly, swinging his knife back and forth, slashing and killing.

Hands up and down, hands up and down, hands up and down, hands up and down, hands up and down...

Qingdeng didn't hack indiscriminately.

In fact, he has been selectively picking and modifying his offensive line.

For example, after noticing that the knife in his right hand had been blunted, he began to approach the west side - this is where the knife he had just stuck in the wall.

Qingdeng immediately threw away the blunt knife in his right hand without hesitation, then seamlessly pulled out a new knife from the wall, and continued to kill the enemy.

After a while, Qingdeng came to the front of the Yakuza who was assassinated by the blade he threw just now.

Being pierced through the heart with a knife... Naturally, there is no possibility of surviving.

He bent his knees blindly, his neck was weak, and his head drooped weakly on his chest, as if he was staring at his chest with a knife stuck in it.

Qingdeng threw away the broken knife in his left hand that was full of gaps and was no different from a saw, then stretched out his vacant left palm and pulled the knife back from the opponent's chest.

"...What's the matter? Hurry up and come here."

He turned his head sideways and looked at the Yakuzas beside him who were still able to fight and stand still—there was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood between them.

When the Yakuza heard this, they all showed various emotions such as resentment, hatred, and panic.

You look at me, I look at you, looking at each other.

No one spoke, no one moved...

"This corridor is good" - this is Qing Deng's evaluation of the corridor under his feet just now.

Qingdeng didn't understand architecture at all, so his "not bad" was of course not a compliment to the decoration style and structural layout of this corridor.

What he means is that the height and width of this corridor are really perfect and just right, which is the standard terrain of "one man guards the gate, ten thousand men cannot open it"!

As long as the ceiling, walls, and floor are filled with swords, he can control the entire corridor!Even if an army of [-] came here, they would never pass through this place!

"If you don't attack... I'm going to attack!"

After finishing speaking, Qingdeng stepped on the pool of blood on the ground, striding forward, towards the enemy group.



Edo, somewhere——

Boss Kiryu was standing on the roof of a very inconspicuous izakaya, holding a black-purple sheathed knife at his waist, looking at the Shimizu mansion in the distance, his eyes under the lens flashed thoughtfully.

"... Mucun, how is the gathering going?"

Boss Kiryu asked Makimura Yahachi who was walking towards him behind him without looking back.

"It can be regarded as reluctantly summoning 34 people."

Makimura Yahachi replied in a low voice.

"Among them, 15 people's skills are acceptable, and the other 19 people's strength is mediocre."

"34 people... that's enough."

Kiryu spoke in a firm tone, word for word.

"Makimura, pass on the order: All members are ready to fight, and attack Qingshui mansion in half an hour!"

Mucun nodded solemnly.

At this time, as if he remembered something, after raising his eyebrows a few times, he asked Kiryu in front of him:
"Jiulang, how is the young master?"

"What else could it be."

Kiryu smiled wryly, and put on a helpless tone.

"Under my reprimand, she is finally willing to obediently stay and guard Qianshiwu."

After hearing this, Mucun sighed.

"Alas... Jiulang, this is not a long-term solution. The young master is already a grown girl, and is no longer the ignorant child she used to be. We can fool her for a while, but we can't fool her forever."

Gourd House is an old enemy of the French Party.

Therefore, Huluwu already had a certain understanding of the illusion created by the Fazhu Party.

Mucun's visit to Yokohama this time was not for the purpose of investigating Huanfudian, but because he learned that there were traces of the activities of the Falun Gong Party in Yokohama, so he went to check one or two things.

Finding out the location of the production workshop of Huanfudian, and discovering the real relationship between the Fazhu Party and the Shimizu Clan is purely unexpected.

Yokohama is a newly emerging port city in recent years. Since its rise, it has been rapidly prospering with each passing day.

With the rapid development of Yokohama, many Edo merchants turned to Yokohama to carry out import and export trade - Phoenix House Yataro is one of them.

There is no large-scale cultivation of opium poppies in Japan today.

If you want to collect the poppies necessary for making phantom deposits in large quantities, you can only buy them from overseas.

Phoenix House Yataro, who has in-depth cooperation with the French Party, uses Yokohama Port as a transfer point for purchasing and transporting poppies.

Through this clue, Mucun followed the clues to find out the relationship between Yataro Phoenix House and the Hokyu Party, and then found out the location of the production factory of the phantom, as well as the relationship between the Hokyu Party and the Shimizu Clan.

Although the terrifying medicinal properties of Huanfudian had aroused the vigilance of Calabash House, they didn't want to invest too much resources in it.

Their highest goal is to completely defeat the French Party.

That being the case, instead of competing with a broken medicine, it is better to eradicate the Qingshui clan directly!In this way, it can bring higher and greater harm to the Fazhu Party!

So, after knowing that the Fazhu Party and the Qingshui Clan are allies, Tongyu immediately made a decisive decision: mobilize troops!Immediately wipe out the Qingshui clan!
Compared with the Fazhu Party, which does not know the location of its headquarters and is also more powerful, the Qingshui Clan, which is just an extreme organization, is undoubtedly much easier to deal with.

Especially after knowing that Tachibana Qingtou played against the Shimizu Clan 13 times in a row, and the Shimizu Clan also made a bold statement that they would meet with Qingdeng at the Shimizu Mansion, which made Tongyu firmer in his idea of ​​"finding the Shimizu Clan's bad luck".

Of course Kiryu was not aware of Qingdeng's recent experiences.

But he knew: Qingdeng would never make trouble for others for no reason.

In this way, due to various reasons, Tongyu decided to raise the Qingshui mansion tonight, and by the way, caught a few thoughtful people, and "asked" them what happened to Qingdeng.

This action is related to the law and punish the party, so it is natural that Kinoshita Mai was excluded.

The Fazhu Party is a vicious and unscrupulous terrorist organization.

Therefore, the protagonist of Tongsheng and Mucun... that is, Kinoshita Lin does not want the still young Kinoshita Mai to get involved in disputes with the Fazhu Party.

When Kinoshita Mai was entrusted to Kiryu who was far away in Edo in order to train her, Kinoshita Rin specifically told Tongyu: Now is not the time for Ah Wu to face the terror of the French party.

Kinoshita Mai started the phantom thief activities as a "cat monk", Kinoshita Wu and Qingdeng fell in love... She can not interfere with these things, except that there is no room for negotiation.

Therefore, before Kinoshita Lin's approval, neither Kiryu nor Mucun dared to casually let Kinoshita dance into this muddy water.

Seeing that Kiryu and Mucun were about to leave her behind to do some mysterious things, Mai Kinoshita immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

She has been arguing for a long time.

It took Kiryu a lot of effort to finally calm her down.

At this moment, she is reluctantly "guarding the vacant room alone", guarding the Qianshiwu together with Duoduo, the big orange cat.

"Makimura, we'll talk about this later. Now focus on the next battle."

Mu Cun nodded slightly, and then changed into a half-joking tone:
"Kuro, how are you? Can you still wield a knife?"

When Kiryu heard this, he smiled slightly "heh".

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Just joking, but the question I just asked is also serious."

Speaking of this, Mucun put on a serious face.

"Since several years ago, haven't you been complaining that your body is useless, isn't it getting worse every year?"

"... After all, I'm old too."

There was an elusive emotion on Kiryu's face

"Anyway, I'm already 93 years old this year, and my strength is definitely not as good as before, but it's still not a problem to deal with the mere Qingshui clan."

"Since your health is getting worse and worse, it's about time for you to pass on your mantle... to pass on your Vairocana and Liuguang's profound meanings to your precious disciples, right?"

Having said that, Mucun subconsciously glanced at the sword with a black and purple handle on Kiryu's waist.

"I will pass it on to Mr. Ju, but it's not yet. I should have said it too? Only when he reaches the realm of 'can cut things that ordinary people can't', can I safely pass on Vairocana... Pass this demon sword to him."

"'Things that can be cut but can't be cut'... this is too embarrassing,"

Mucun heaved a sigh of relief.

"Looking at the whole world, how many people can reach this level?"

Kiryu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing an intriguing smile.

"It's not easy to say it's easy, it's not difficult to say it's difficult—just 'heart without worry'."

"...Kurang, you're getting more and more rambunctious when you talk."

At this time, a figure who was neither fat nor thin hurriedly emerged from the shadow not far away, and rushed to Kiryu and Mucun.

"Master Kiryu! Master Makimura! I have something urgent to report!"

Kiryu raised his eyebrows.


"Yes! I have received reliable news that the Qingshui Mansion has been attacked by unknown persons! According to the available information... the man who broke into the mansion was 'King Ni' Tachibana!"

What a coincidence, Fazhu Party and Calabash House—the big figures of these two forces showed exactly the same reaction after hearing the news for the first time:

Kiryu, Mucun: "...what?"



Edo, the suburbs, somewhere——


Sanako's slender eyelashes trembled slightly.

Under the caress of the moonlight, she woke up leisurely.


She sat up slowly, and then glanced around with blank eyes.

Seeing this, Yae, who had been by Qingdeng's side all the time since Qingdeng left, was in a hurry, speaking incoherently and incoherently.

"Ah, uh...uh...that, that! Ms. Chiba, are you hungry? Do you want some dorayaki?"


Sanako ignored Yae, her eyes continued to scan the carriage.

As if confirming something.

As if looking for something.

Sanako said nothing.

Yae tongue-tied
Satoshi remained silent.

Although this heavy atmosphere where no one spoke was suffocating, but after only a moment, both of the second sisters heard Sanako's extremely calm voice:

"...give me the reins."


Sha Zhong turned her head to look at Sanako behind her.

The fair skin covered with a layer of "moonlight veil" has a layer of transparency, exuding an illusory fragile aura that seems to disappear in the next second.

"...Well...you and him are both virtuous...and both are equally difficult..."

After finishing speaking, Sha Zhong pulled the rein in his hand, turned the horse's head, and made a 180-degree turn for the carriage.

"I see, I will send you to Qingshui Mansion now."

"elder sister?!"

Out of excitement, Yae couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Send Miss Chiba to Shimizu Mansion? Is this really good?"

"What can I do?"

Sasuke let out a long sigh.

"Rather than being robbed of the car by Miss Chiba with violence, it's better to be a favor."

Very sorry!Today's chapter is a little shorter, because Leopard Leopard went to see the Chinese version of the musical "Phantom of the Opera" tonight, it's so good!
As compensation, Leopard Leopard will work hard to update tomorrow!

Seeing that Leopard Leopard is so sincere and the quality of this chapter is still very high, please be sure to vote monthly for this book! (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg)

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(End of this chapter)

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