I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 486 Qingdeng is promoted!Pay homage to the official [side public and imperial platform serva

Qingdeng's body twisted half a circle in mid-air, and he performed a superb receiving body, and his feet fell back to the ground steadily.

There was a burning pain in his chest, which made Qingdeng grin involuntarily.

--what is this……?
He raised his gaze and stared at Boss Kiryu in front of him.

I saw Boss Kiryu walking towards Aonto with a leisurely pace, as if he were strolling in a garden.

No fighting stance.

No frightening expression was shown.

He just lowered his arms naturally and let the tip of the bamboo sword drag to the ground.

It's just that he has a calm and calm look on his face, his eyes are shining with strange lights, and his chest rises and falls in a very weird rhythm.

The more Qing Deng observed the other party, the more he couldn't hide his astonishment.

Boss Kiryu... can't feel anything.

There is neither a murderous aura as sharp as a knife, nor an impassioned fighting aura.

This was the first time Qingdeng encountered such a situation.

He looked back on every battle he had experienced in the past - no matter how weak the opponent was, they would more or less exude a bit of vindictiveness in order to win and try to attack.

However, looking back at Boss Kiryu at this time - nothingness.

Yes, that's right.

Nothingness!Can't feel anything!

Qingdeng felt that the person standing in front of him was not a person, but an elusive fog.

Can't grasp the specific shape.

Can't control the detailed flow.

It's obviously just a cloud of "fog"...but it just makes Qingdeng feel as if he is at the bottom of the deep sea!

The suffocating water pressure was pressing on Qingdeng from all directions.

The skin is tight.

The hairs stand on end.

Breathing becomes uncontrollably rapid.

Talents such as "Gudan +3", "Collecting God", "Berserker +4" have been activated immediately.

Although there are many blessings from BUFF, there is still a lingering sense of crisis in Qingdeng's heart.

Soon after, Kiryu's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage.

At this moment, Qingdeng felt a wave hundreds of meters high hitting him in the face!

Qingdeng subconsciously set up his bamboo sword and assumed a defensive posture.

However, Kiryu's bamboo sword had already passed through his defensive circle one step ahead and swept towards his left shoulder.


Qingdeng clenched his teeth, trying to endure the pain.

Just like being hit by a big truck, the "shock wave" that Peimeng could not resist spread throughout Qingdeng's body.

He retreated three steps in a row before he stabilized his figure.

As soon as the front foot stood still, Kiryu's pursuit came from the back foot.

The trajectory of the bamboo sword approached in an arc.

Qingdeng tried to raise his sword to defend again.

But a scene very similar to that of just now happened again - before Qingdeng's bamboo sword was raised, Tongsheng's bamboo sword had already slashed into his body.

Kiryu's sword speed is simply too fast.

It was so fast that even Qingden, who was extremely experienced in combat and had talents such as "Speed ​​+4", could not react at all!

If Kiryu had taken the real one, he would have died long ago.

At this time, Qing Deng suddenly discovered that Kiryu had always been expressionless and detached, like a robot that could only act according to the program.

This feeling... It's as if all the emotions and desires have been stripped from her body. It's so weird that it's almost like the "uncanny valley effect".

Looking at Kiryu who was walking towards him again, Qingdeng couldn't help asking himself in his heart: If the strongest augmentation talent he possesses now: "Dragon of Reversal" was activated, would he be able to compete against the current Kiryu?
Regarding this question...Qingdeng cannot give an affirmative answer!

——Is this Boss Kiryu... the true strength of "Liuguang Hachiman"?
Qingdeng knew that Boss Kiryu was a very powerful top expert who had once been a master.

However, it wasn't until this moment that he realized belatedly that he seemed to have underestimated Boss Kiryu's ability...

At this time, Qingdeng was really like a volleyball - the volleyball was constantly being slapped, flying around in the air, and it was difficult to fall back to the ground.

In the same way - Qingden was beaten so hard that he didn't even have time to scream in pain.

Boss Kiryu beat Qingdeng repeatedly like a lesson to a child who stole candy.

Of course, he was merciful, he didn't attack Qingdeng's eyes, throat and other vital points, and he didn't hit Qingdeng's face.

All of a sudden, the "crack" sound of pumping the body echoed in the sky above Qianshiwu, which lasted for a long time...



After a while——

"We're back."

Kinoshita Mai, carrying a vegetable basket full of fresh fruits and vegetables, pushed open the shop door, and followed Mucun across the threshold.

As soon as they returned to the house of thousands of things, they heard a very strange sound.

"What is this voice?"

Kinoshita Wu frowned her pretty willow eyebrows, and walked towards the courtyard following the sound.

After coming to the veranda adjacent to the yard, she was taken aback by the sight in front of her.

"Aoden? Mr. Kiryu? What are you doing?"

Kinoshita Mai's shout made Kiryu's boss pause when he raised his sword.

"I'm teaching Tachibana Jun new moves."

Kiryu turned his face to the side, and said to Kinoshita Mai solemnly.

"Teach me a new move? No matter how you look at it, it looks like you are bullying Tachibana-kun unilaterally!"

Kinoshita Mai put her hands on her hips and cast a resentful look at Kiryu angrily.

Then, she hurriedly walked down the edge of the corridor, clinging to the flat wooden clogs placed under the corridor, walked to Qing Deng's side in three steps at a time, and carefully supported his waist.

"Qingdeng, are you okay?"

At first glance, Qingdeng and Tongyu, each holding a bamboo sword, seem to be fighting each other, but if you look closely, you can find that this is simply "hanging and being hanged".

Qingdeng's engraved appearance... Although it can't be said that he was beaten all over the place, but at least he can be said to be beaten into a mess.

"I'm fine... hiss!"

When speaking, Qing Deng accidentally touched the bruise on his chest, and couldn't help gasping.

Boss Kiryu on the opposite side let out a long sigh of relief.

Qingdeng noticed that the strange ups and downs of his chest gradually stopped, and he slowly returned to his normal breathing rhythm.

At the same time, the magnificence in his eyes dissipated bit by bit—it is miraculous, at the same time that all the strange light dissipated, the old man in front of him turned back into the gentle and elegant Boss Kiryu he knew well. , It is no longer the "robot" that is detached from the outside world and has no emotion in its gestures.

I don't know if it's Qingdeng's own illusion... He always feels that Boss Tongyu seems to have a satisfied expression on his face, as if he wanted to beat him up like this a long time ago...

"Mr. Kiryu, what are you doing?"

Kinoshita Mai couldn't hold back and said urgently.

"Qingdeng has just recovered from his injuries, how could you strike so hard?"

Before Kiryu could answer, a tall figure slowly entered everyone's field of vision.

"Ah, Mr. Makimura, good morning."

Qingdeng was the first to say hello.

"Oh! It's Ju-kun! Good morning!"

Makimura responded with a hearty and enthusiastic smile as always.

"Mr. Ju, why are you free to come and play today?"

Qingdeng smiled wryly.

"Boss Kiryu said that he would teach me something very powerful, so I came here."


Mucun's two thick eyebrows shrugged at the corners of his raised eyes.

He swept his eyes and looked at Kiryu, then at Aoden.

"Kuro, are you... are you finally going to pass 'that' to Tachibana-kun?"

As he said that, Mucun grinned, showing a complex expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, with mixed feelings.

Kiryu nodded slightly.

"He already possesses the strength enough to control it - since that's the case, it should be taught to him."

After finishing speaking, Tongyu walked to the edge corridor beside the courtyard, and sat down with his knees bent.

"Mr. Ju, sit here. Young master, you should sit here too."

Kiryu said while pointing to the empty seat beside him.

Perhaps it was because Kiryu's expression of "retribution for revenge" just now left an indelible impression on Qingdeng, so when Kiryu said "sit next to him", Qingdeng couldn't help showing hesitation, and cautiously He moved away until he repeatedly confirmed that Kiryu's body was not exuding murderous aura, and then sat down slowly - only half of his buttocks.

"Mr. Ju, before getting into the main topic, let me tell you a little story."

Qingdeng: "Story?"

Kiryu nodded, then raised his gaze, looking into the distance, as if recalling.

"A long, long time ago, there was a very powerful genius swordsman."

"When he was young, he was engaged in a close and violent fight to the death with an exceptionally powerful rival."

"When the battle situation entered the most anxious and hearty time, his body and mind suddenly entered a strange state."

"He felt like he was floating on a calm lake."

"There are no distracting thoughts in my mind."

"Obviously there are flowers and plants and many other sundries in his field of vision, but he can only perceive the knife in his hand and the enemy in front of him."

"Relying on this miraculous state, the swordsman defeated a powerful enemy in one fell swoop."

"The state he entered at that time now has a recognized name-'Selfless Realm'."

After hearing this, Qingdeng revealed a surprised look on his face, and murmured:

"'No-Self Realm'?"

This name...Qingdeng had heard of it from another of his masters, that is, Shusuke Kondo.


(Mr. Ju, you and the general manager need to work harder. You two are the most talented and have the best chance to reach the highest level in the entire guard hall.)
At that time, Kondo Shusuke said this.

(Supreme? What's that?)

Qingdeng asked back.

Kondo Shusuke smiled slightly and replied:
(No panic, no fear, no fear, the heart becomes empty, and the emptiness becomes nothing. It is called the state of selflessness!)


"Tachibana-kun, have you ever learned in detail about the 'no-self state' from Shusuke Kondo or the Chiba family?"

Qing Deng shook his head.

"Master Kondo once mentioned it to me briefly, but he didn't go into it. He said that he had never been in contact with the 'Egoless Realm' personally, so his understanding of it was only superficial, so he didn't want to talk about it for fear of misleading people. Children."

Kiryu nodded slightly.

"Shusuke Kondo is as humble as ever...then I'll come and make up for you."

"'Selfless State'—as the name suggests, people who reach this state will enter a state of selflessness in which there is no other distraction and no distracting thoughts."

"It's nothing like the 'full attention' you're used to experiencing when you're concentrating on something."

"The 'No-Self Realm' has no other distractions. It is the true sense of single-mindedness. There are no distracting thoughts in the mind. There are no distracting thoughts in the mind, so that even the existence of the body is almost forgotten."

"When you enter the 'Selfless Realm', you can draw out your physical abilities that are much higher than usual, especially the reaction speed will be greatly strengthened. It is no longer to act after thinking, but to rely on the actual experience of the body. unfold the action."

"Of course, nothing is perfect in this world."

"Such a powerful 'Selfless Realm' naturally has side effects."

"The side effect is that it will consume a lot of energy."

"After entering the 'Selfless Realm', most of the people with poor physical strength will collapse and faint due to physical exhaustion after a few minutes."

"For a long time, not to mention people who have entered the 'Selfless Realm', even those who have touched this realm a little bit are rare."

"If we say that the realm of 'potential' is the watershed that distinguishes ordinary people from the strong."

"Then, 'Selfless Realm' is the watershed that distinguishes the ordinary strong from the chosen ones."

"Only talented warriors whose talents and diligence are not that of humans can have the opportunity to touch this realm."

Speaking of this, Kiryu paused for a moment, leaving time for Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai to digest.

Er, he spoke again:

"Go on with the story I just told."

"After personally experiencing the power of the 'Selfless Realm', the swordsman has never forgotten it."

"Therefore, the swordsman devoted himself to researching the method to freely enter the 'Selfless Realm'."

"In the end, he developed a great fighting technique - the breathing method of origin."

Qingdeng blinked his eyes—breathing method, just hearing the name makes him feel awesome.

He had heard a little about the "Selfless Realm" before.

But this breathing method is really unheard of.

Fascinated, he listened more attentively, his upper body subconsciously leaning slightly towards Kiryu.

"The essence of 'Selfless Realm' is the super-high concentration of spirit."

"In other words, as long as you can control your own spirit, you can enter the 'state of no-self' as you like."

"The principle of source breathing is to use a special breathing rhythm to bring hints to the brain and focus the mind."

"When I first learned the breathing of the source, at most it only made my mind more focused."

"However... when you practice it to the extreme, you can enter a state of super-high concentration anytime, anywhere, and then freely enter the 'state of no-self' without any restrictions."

"It's a pity that although Yuan Zhi's breath is very powerful, the learning threshold is very high."

"There are very few people who can successfully learn the breath of the source."

"This genius swordsman who developed the breath of origin... just happens to be my old friend, and I have a deep relationship with me."

"Under his hands-on guidance, I was very fortunate to learn and master the 'Breath of the Source'."

Hearing this, Qingden suddenly remembered: During the fight just now, Boss Kiryu had been using a very weird breathing method...

"Boss Kiryu!"

Qingdeng said impatiently:

"Could it be that the breathing method you used just now is the breathing of the source?"

Kiryu nodded with a smile.

"That's right, in the battle just now, I have been using the ultimate breath of source. What you faced just now is a warrior who has entered the 'Non-Self Realm'."

"How? How do you feel after fighting a warrior who has entered the 'Selfless Realm'?"

"So strong."

Qingdeng replied without thinking.

"Incredibly strong!"

"It's right to feel strong."

Kiryu grabbed the bamboo sword beside him and stood up.

"The powerful thing I want to teach you today is the breath of the source."

"Now, hold your bamboo sword and continue fighting with me."

When Qing Deng heard this, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Continue to fight? Didn't you say you want to teach me how to breathe?"

"My personal experience tells me that it is impossible to learn the breath of the source only by oral instruction. You have to comprehend and understand my breathing method bit by bit in the intense and intense battle. If you are lucky, it only takes three In a few months, you will be able to initially master the Breath of Source."

"...Boss Kiryu, please forgive me for confirming—are you really not taking personal revenge? Because I threatened to marry three regular wives before, so you took this rare opportunity to teach me a lesson... …”

"How is that possible!"

As soon as Qingdeng's words fell, Boss Kiryu justly denied it.

"Mr. Ju, do you think I am that kind of person?"

"I have never had the idea of ​​beating you up reasonably and legally, and beating you hard while entering the 'selfless state'."

"Stop talking nonsense, and come here quickly with your bamboo sword."

The corners of Qingdeng's mouth twitched one after another.

As a last resort, he gritted his teeth and reluctantly left Kinoshita Mai, holding his bamboo sword and standing directly opposite Boss Kiryu.

"Ah, that's right. Boss Kiryu, before we start the fight, please allow me to confirm one thing."

"What's the matter?"

"Are you...really going to pass Vairocana to me?"

To be honest, although Boss Kiryu's "Gift of a Knife under the Moon" was nearly 2 months ago, Qingdeng still has a sense of unreality until now—Boss Kiryu's family heirloom sword, this shining purple Does the cool treasured knife really belong to him from now on?
Perhaps he didn't expect Qingdeng to ask this question, and Boss Kiryu's cheeks showed surprise.

But soon, "surprise" turned into "smile".

A knowing smile appeared on his wrinkled and vicissitudes of face.

"Mr. Ju, I should have already said that, right? Now you are fully qualified to hold Vairocana."

"So, don't feel uncomfortable, don't feel like you don't deserve the knife."

"I think... Vairocana should be very happy to have a new master like you."

Hearing what Kiryu said, Qingdeng lowered his eyes subconsciously, looking at the ancient sword with a black purple handle and a large arc that was being worn by him on his left waist.

His face was like the sky after sunrise, with the black veil gradually dissipating.

"Well, I see!"

"Then...let's get back to the topic. Come on! Tachibana-kun!"

Before the sound fell, the person had arrived—Kiryu, whose chest was heaving up and down in a strange rhythm, and whose eyes once again shone magnificently, flashed in front of Qingdeng.

The white Xiange zoomed in rapidly in Qingdeng's field of vision,
In the sky above Qianshiwu, the long-lasting sound of flesh being violently beaten once again hovered...



Edo, somewhere, the cemetery of a certain temple——

Three men of different ages stood side by side in front of a tombstone.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly, an immature male voice came from behind the three of them.

They followed the reputation - a boy, about 5 or 6 years old, cast a sharp gaze at them that a child of his age would not have.

"Are you... Nishino-kun's son?"

Ebina asked.

The boy was stunned for a moment, then immediately came to his senses, and said loudly in a childish yet upright voice:

"Yes! I am the eldest son of Nishino Hoshijiro, Nishino Chotaro! Who are you? Please name them! Why are you standing in front of my father's grave?"

Ajiujin chuckled lightly, and his tone was a little more interesting.

"Although you are not very old, you still have a good appearance when you speak."

Ebina turned around, faced Chotaro Nishino, and bowed to say hello.

"Gui'an, Nishino-kun, the old name Ye Zong in Xia Hai. We... let's count as your father's comrades-in-arms."


"When your father died, we were all by his side."


Nishino Chotaro opened his eyes wide, his face full of surprise.

"You... are the officials of the shogunate?"

Ebina smiled noncommittally.

"Nishino-kun, I think you should have known about it a long time ago, right? Your father unfortunately died due to his injuries during a top-secret mission. We are also one of the executors of that top-secret mission. For some reason, Our identities cannot be revealed yet, so please don’t mention our existence to anyone in the future.”

Nishino Chotaro nodded slightly.

"Well, I see."

"We are here today to mourn your father."

"That's it...then please do it."

Nishino Chotaro stretched out his hand in a "please" gesture.

However, Ebina shook his head.

"No, we have almost finished our condolences. We have exhausted what we wanted to say to your father. Let us take our leave first."

Ebi raised the hat on his head, then led Ichinose and Akutsu behind him, and strode away.

Just when they passed by Nishino Chotaro——

"...Please wait a moment."

Ebina raised his eyebrows, paused, and turned around.

"Nishino-kun, what's wrong?"

Nishino Chotaro turned his head sideways, raised his eyes, and met Ebina's eyes without any timidity.

"Since you were by my father's side when he died, can you tell me—whether my father died a heroic death? A death worthy of the name of a warrior?"

As soon as Nishino Chotaro finished speaking, Ebina and the others all looked surprised and subconsciously looked at each other.

After a while, Ebina grinned, a look of curiosity floated between his brows.

"You kid is really interesting, why are you asking this?"

Nishino Chotaro said seriously:

"Father always taught me: To become a qualified warrior, even if you die, you must die bravely and live up to the name of a warrior."

"Besides, he always told me: His long-cherished wish in life is to die well, so that all relatives and friends can be proud of him."

"So...I really want to know...when my father died...whether he fulfilled his long-cherished wish...whether he died so...that made me feel very proud..."

The further Nishino Chotaro went on, the lower the volume.

At the end of the sentence, his eye sockets were slightly red.

Looking at this boy who was so mature that he didn't look like a toddler, Ebina pursed his lips, thoughtfully.

Suddenly, he said firmly in a measured tone:
"Your father wasn't a samurai when he died."

Before Nishino Chotaro was surprised, Ebina continued on his own:
"The so-called 'samurai' are nothing more than a group of domesticated dogs with a leash called 'Bushido' around their necks."

"And Nishino Hoshijiro - he broke free from the dog chain around his neck, he no longer lies in the mud as a 'dog' ugly, he stands on the ground as a 'human'."

"The word 'samurai' is too small in front of him. This ugly word can't hold his courage and will at all."

"He ushered in his new life as a fighter, a real man."

After saying that, Ebina withdrew her gaze and turned to Nishino Chotaro's body, and walked away without stopping.

Just when their figures were about to disappear into the distance, a long middle-aged male voice faintly floated into the ears of Nishino Chotaro.

"Son, take your father as your goal and become a fighter like your father who breaks free from the shackles and follows your heart."

Nishino Chotaro opened his mouth blankly and blinked.

"Get rid of the shackles...? Follow your heart...?"

He stood there, silent for a long time.


"Mr. Ebina, are we really going back to Gyeonggi like this?"

Akutsu asked.

"Well, it's useless to stay in Edo any longer, it's better to go back to Gyeonggi."

Speaking of this, Ebina looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh of relief.

"King Ni... really has him. I didn't expect that the situation that was already doomed to lose was turned over by him..."

Ichinose on the side answered:

"The Qingshui clan has been severely injured and is about to be destroyed. Without the assistance of the Qingshui clan, the Fazhu Party, which lacks a foundation in the Eastern Kingdom, should no longer be able to spread phantom deposits in the Kanto region."

Ebina returned the conversation:

"That's why we have to return to Gyeonggi as soon as possible. We must report to the organization immediately: Edo has a supernatural talent that must be recruited."

The group of three stopped talking and went straight to the starting point of "Five Streets": Nihonbashi.

The figures of the three gradually disappeared in the smoke and dust blown by the spring breeze.



1 months later -

In the first year of Bunjiu (1861), March 4——

Edo, Nihombashi——

Come spring, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

The cherry blossoms bloom quietly on the young branches.

Warm white light streams down from the gaps in the branches one by one, and the cherry blossom petals shrouded in the sun are falling down one after another.

"Look! Look! Come and see! The shogunate's reward for 'Nioh' Tachibana has come down! Look! Look! Come and see! It's an unprecedented reward!"

Beside the bridge head on the east side of the Japanese Bridge, a pair of tile merchants shouted hard.

【Note·Waban Tabloid: It can be understood as a newspaper in the Edo period. It is an unofficial reading material. It is freely printed and sold by the people. It will report various types of news. The content involved includes civil wars, riots, Murder, and other news-like information, as well as some entertaining gossip and legends about love and vendetta. 】

Most of the tile merchants are in duo, one is in charge of selling, and the other is in charge of reading today's news headlines to attract the attention of passers-by.

"Nioh" Juqingdeng, rewards from the shogunate-these words are the best advertisements.

Nihombashi is one of the most visited places in Edo.

In a short while, a dense crowd gathered around the pair of tile merchants.

Hundreds of men and women showed anticipation on their faces.

Bunches of excited eyes fell on the pair of tile merchants.

Seeing that the number of people was almost there, the tile merchant responsible for attracting customers cleared his throat vigorously.

"Everyone must know that more than two months ago, 'Nioh' Tachibana Aoto..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a rough voice:
"Don't talk about these boring briefs! Hurry up and tell me what the shogunate rewarded 'Nioh'!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted countless echoes.

"Yes yes yes!"

"Let's get to the point!"

"If you don't tell us, we will buy tiles from someone else!"

Seeing this, the tile merchant smiled embarrassingly, and hurriedly said, "Okay, okay", "I see, I see".

After the "public grievances" subsided, he cleared his throat again.

"Just at noon yesterday, the shogunate announced the official rewards for Ju Qingdeng."

"Increase the family salary of 'Nioh' Ju Qingdeng by 4000 stones!"

"Including the original 1250 stones, the total is 5250 stones!"

Before the tile merchant's words fell, the sound of gasping for air rang out.

5250 stone!
Raised 4000 stones in one go!
The family salary of the banner is generally between 200 shi and 10000 shi, and those whose family salary exceeds 3000 shi are called "Dashen Banner".

Daishen Banner could have served as the head of the shogunate and the residence of the Royal Shouju, which could affect the state affairs.

What is the concept of a large banner with a family salary of more than 5000 shi?
In the early Edo period, the number of flag owners was about 5165, of which there were more than 100 koku but less than [-] koku... only a handful of [-] people!
Although the number of people in Banner has increased after more than 200 years of peace, the number of people in Dashen Banner with a family salary of more than 5000 stone has basically remained the same.

That is to say—Qingdeng has already reached the top of the pyramid of Edo society!Become an existence that even countless banner warriors can only look up to!
At this time, the tile merchant's voice continued:

"In addition to rewarding a large amount of property and beautiful clothes, the shogunate also promoted Tachibana Qingdeng to—"

Everyone quickly shut their mouths tightly, staring straight at the tile merchant with breathless concentration, waiting for his next words.

However, the tile merchant made a bad move at this time.

He paused at this moment, deliberately whetting everyone's appetite.

Until the impatience is about to appear on the faces of everyone——

"The people on the side are also the servants of the imperial platform!"

The tile merchant roared as loudly as he could.

The originally noisy venue suddenly fell into silence.

A warrior with a loud voice.

Women with babies.

A civilian husband with a sweat towel on his head.

Everyone... everyone at the scene, regardless of gender, age or age, all fell silent.

After being so quiet for 5 seconds, it began to gradually become commotion.

Then, the commotion turned into restlessness, and the restlessness turned into an uproar like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Side staff and imperial servant——When hearing this position, the thought of "no way" appeared in everyone's heart.

Side public: The close ministers of General Zhengyi, who are in charge of the general's surnames, small households, and doctors.Responsible for the chores of the old middleman and the general who conquered the barbarians.After the old middleman retired, he handled the chores in Edo City on behalf of the old middleman.

[Note Xiao Nayan: Responsible for taking care of the general’s daily life, occasionally helping the general with daily affairs, etc., the scope of work is very wide]

Imperial platform employing people: male officials in charge of Ooku (general's harem) affairs, also known as "Guangshi employing people".

One person holds two positions-this is quite rare in the Edo period when "decentralization of power" was emphasized.

It is even rarer to hold two important jobs at the same time.

Even people who don't understand politics at all can know how powerful Qing Deng's new position is just by looking at the job content of these two official duties!

He is not only a close vassal who often walks in front of the general, but also the chief executive in charge of managing Da'ao, whether it is the internal court or the external court, he can speak and exert influence!

In terms of power only...the names of some small feudal clans may not be as good as the current Qingdeng!
From Huofu Thief to Fan Captain, he was promoted to an important minister of the shogunate who can influence the state affairs... For a while, I don't know who took the lead, and the saying "the orange soaring to the blue sky" spread all over Edo The streets and alleys, and then spread to farther places...



Gyeonggi, somewhere——

This is a slightly dark but extraordinarily neat corridor.

Kappa knelt on one knee in the middle of the corridor, facing the simple door ahead, quietly waiting for the reply from the room.

The candle lamps arranged on the left and right sides of the door illuminate the Kappa's expressionless face flickering on and off.

In the midst of this silence, a peaceful voice suddenly came from behind the door, neither sad nor happy.

"That's it... Luosha died in battle... Cough! Cough cough cough! Cough cough!"

The rapid cough brings a puff of air

Kappa's expression was instantly dominated by panic.

"Orochi-sama? Orochi-sama? Momoi! Tao..."

"Kappa... wait... don't call Momoi, I'm in good health today, don't worry."

Despite the hesitation on his face, the Kappa faithfully complied with Orochi's request.

"Yes! Master Orochi, I wish you good luck and happiness forever!"

"Thank you, Kappa. It's hard work on your report, you can go back and rest first."


The Kappa lowered his head, bowed respectfully towards the door before walking back.

With the Kappa gone, this deep corridor was once again surrounded by silence.

After about 3 minutes, a new sound is produced:

"Rakshasa...have you also left me..."

Whispers turned into whimpers.

Sobs turned into wails.

Cries of grief echoed through the hallway.

This burst of crying lasted for quite a while before it gradually subsided.

Howling turned back to whispering.


Suddenly there was a strong wind, blowing out the candle lamps on both sides outside the door.

The only light source was gone, and the entire corridor instantly became extremely dark.

Except for the "crunching" sound of clenched fists, there was no sound everywhere...



Volume 2 "Rising to the Blue Sky" - the end!

The man who shattered the darkness and ascended to the blue sky is named [Yuanjuqing Dengshengqing].

Volume 3 "Rising Clouds and Rising Dragons" Preface:

The cloud rises and the dragon rides, and turns into a prince!

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