I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 496 The unparalleled Qingdeng!A crushing victory! 【6200】

With the participation of Qingto and Souji, the battlefield situation changed 180 degrees in an instant.

Under the fierce attack of the two men, the red side, which had the upper hand, had its rainbow-like momentum abruptly interrupted.

The morale of White's soldiers was greatly boosted.

"Tachibana-kun and Okita-kun are taking action! Press back! Press back!"

They shouted, ran wildly, and bravely took the lead.

The advance of the "red wave" stopped.

In contrast, the “white wave” began to gradually occupy space.



Shannan Keisuke wiped the sweat from his cheeks and shouted to Hijikata Toizo next to him.

"Tachibana-kun and Okita-kun are out!"

When Hijikata Toisho heard this, he immediately stopped what he was doing and followed Shannan Keisuke's gaze.

After seeing Seito and Souji standing on the front line, he grinned, showing an interesting expression that seemed both annoyed and happy.

"Hmph, as expected of them, the two of them turned the tide of the battle around."

On the side, Yongcang Shinpachi said in a deep voice:
"Hijikata-kun, Mr. Tachibana and Okita-kun have all shown up. It's time for us to take action, right?"

Hijikata Suisan nodded.

"Well, let's go!"



Find the target, swing the sword, find the next target, swing the sword again... Qingden just keeps repeating this sequence of steps.

No one can keep up with the speed of his sword.

His sword is truly "one swing, one kill" - every time he swings it, there will be a pile of broken porcelain shards on the ground.

He couldn't remember how many pieces of porcelain bowls he had broken. Anyway, whenever he saw a person with a red cloth band on his head, he would just swing his sword towards the porcelain bowl on his forehead.

At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of the sword behind him.

He turned his head slightly and glanced behind him with the corner of his eye - he saw a bamboo sword rushing towards him unexpectedly!

At this critical moment, he swung his sword to fight back without hesitation.

The bamboo swords intersected and made a dull sound.


Genzaburo Inoue couldn't bear the huge force transmitted along the sword body. He hugged the bamboo sword that was knocked back and staggered back a few steps.

Without any time to breathe, the second bamboo sword struck Qingdeng.

Qingdeng suddenly dodged and hid in a safe area...or rather a safe area at this second.

The next second, two bamboo swords slashed at him - Saitoichi and Nagakura Shinpachi, one on the left and one on the right, blocking Qingto's retreat.

At the same time, Toshizo Hijikata, who just missed his attack, and Genzaburo Inoue, who had recovered his strength, cooperated with Nagakura and Saito's offensive and pounced on Aoto again.

Qingden's sharp eyes swept across the faces of Hijikata and others along the edge of his sword.

Soon after, people saw Qingdeng's body flashing flexibly.

Once he hid, then he hid again - he retreated beyond the attack range of Hijikata and the others.

Flash, flash again - the bamboo sword in his palm flashed twice.

The first sword forced Hijikata Toizo and Saito Ichi back.

The second sword forced Nagakura Shinpachi and Inoue Genzaburo back.

Taking advantage of this gap, he retreated towards the direction of Souji, creating space between himself and Hijikata and the others.

The general manager on the other side was also in a similar situation.

Shannan Keisuke, Toudo Heisuke and Harada Sanosuke formed a simple but effective "anti-General Division encirclement network".

The strongest Shannan Keisuke is responsible for the frontal battle.

Todo Heisuke, who is slightly less powerful, is responsible for assisting.

Harada Sanosuke, who uses a short gun as a weapon and has the widest attack range, is responsible for standing on the outermost perimeter and poking the general manager from time to time to interfere with his actions.

Main attack, auxiliary attack, support - all three are available.

The General Secretary is not good at using one against many.

When one is against many, the information that the brain needs to receive and process will increase geometrically.

And Souji happens to be the kind of person who is not very smart and not good at calculations - until now, she always makes mistakes in addition and subtraction within 100.

Therefore, once she is caught in a chaotic battle surrounded by enemies, her brain will often have no time to analyze the battle situation, which will affect the display of her own strength.

But...if the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves is too big, that would be a different matter.

The director took a deep breath and started to move in the middle——

Only three muffled sounds were heard.

The first sound was the sound of Shannan Keisuke's attack being blocked.

The second sound was the sound of Toudo Heisuke's bamboo sword being bounced away.

The third sound was the sound of the tip of Harada Sanosuke's spear being deflected.

Souji was not interested in fighting, and she immediately jumped out of the "anti-souji encirclement network" that was currently in a state of chaos.

As if agreed in advance, Souji also retreated in the direction of Qingto.

After they met, they quickly turned around in a tacit understanding and looked for their respective backs - their waists and spines were tightly touching each other.

Even though both of them were wearing clothes, Qingdeng could still feel the familiar body temperature on his skin that made him feel extremely at ease.

"Xiao Si, you smell so good."

Aomori joked seriously at a volume that only he and Souji could hear.

The general manager said coquettishly:
"Tachibana-kun, there is a competition going on now."

"You smell so good at this game."

The general manager stopped answering.

However, there was a faint blush on her cheeks, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Hijikata and the others, who were unaware of the young couple's flirtation, pressed towards the two.

Hijikata and Shannan Keisuke led Nagakura, Saito, Inoue, Toudo, and Harada to surround Ayoto and Souji from different directions.

"Two versus seven... it really turned out like this."

As he spoke, the corners of Qingdeng's mouth curved with excitement.

"Everyone has become much stronger!"

His words were not meant to be flattering, but came from his sincere feelings.

Everyone in the Trial Guard Hall... including Isamu Kondo, who is currently sitting on the high platform, are countless times stronger than when Qingto first met them.

This is normal.

Although the martial arts talents of Kondo, Hijikata and others are not as good as him and Souji, they are still extremely talented people!
Hijikata grinned:
"Thank you for the compliment. However, we will not show mercy because of your compliment."

At this time, Nagakura Shinpachi, who had the loudest voice, raised his head, took a deep breath, opened his throat and shouted:
"Now! Hurry up and take down General Bai's head!!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh-!"

The menacing roar swept through the red team formation like a whirlwind.

They bypassed Aomori and Souji, who were surrounded by Hijikata and others, and moved forward in a swarm.

Without Qingden and Souji taking the lead, White's offensive momentum suddenly stopped.

Facing the red soldiers who were coming to kill them, they rushed to attack them.

Each other's high-level combat capabilities are confronting each other.

Therefore, those who are currently able to launch a counterattack only have their own backbone combat capabilities left.

Without Aoshito and Souji, whose cavalry can equal a thousand, and Hijikata and others who can equal a hundred, the battle line is no longer pushing and pulling as fast as before, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the red side has a slight advantage.

Judging from the current situation, as long as the red side soldiers are given enough time, they have a high probability of attacking the white side's main formation and taking off Sato Hikoro's "head".

Qingdeng saw this and nodded gently:
"I see... Hold me and Okita-kun, and then hand over the important task of removing the general's head to other team members..."

Shannan Jingsuke said softly:
"In terms of backbone combat strength, our side has the upper hand. Therefore, as long as we hold you and the DG down and restrict your actions, we will have the greatest chance of winning."

Hearing this, the Souji showed a playful smile.

"But is this really okay? Are you the only seven people responsible for holding me and Tachibana-kun?"

Hijikata curled his lips:

"Besides the seven of us, who else here has the ability to hold you back?"

Qingdeng laughed dumbfoundedly:

"The success of your plan depends entirely on whether you can effectively hold back Okita-kun and me, doesn't it? Do you really have this confidence?"

Nagakura Shinpachi said loudly in an eager tone:
"If you don't try it, how will you know if it works?"

A charming smile appeared on Qingdeng's cheeks.

"If you can do it, just come and give it a try."

After saying that, he and Souji looked at each other and smiled.

next breath -

The two of them released their "power" in unison!
The two "powers" came together, pressing down on Hijikata and the others like Mount Tai falling from the top!

Except for Hijikata and Saito who were still standing upright, the others involuntarily took a step or even several steps back.

Two swordsmen who have reached the realm of "power" release "power" together... How rare is this scene?How spectacular?

In an instant, the faces of Tu Fang and the others changed color.

At the same time, exclamations came one after another from the audience.

Ordinary people who didn't know what was going on didn't know what "power" was, but they felt that the aura of Ayoto and Souji had changed and became intimidating.

As the saying goes, "a layman watches the excitement, an insider watches the way".

For Shusuke Kondo, Boss Kiryu, and the Chiba family and other knowledgeable people, they were even more shocked that Qingdeng and the chief executive were able to release such a strong "power" at such a young age.


Kondo Shusuke touched his bare chin and smiled, his already small eyes narrowing even more.

Chiba Sadayoshi and Chiba Dosaburo both began to ponder, thoughtfully.

Chiba Jutaro raised his eyebrows with surprise on his face and muttered something:
"Mr. Ju and the director's 'potential' has become stronger again..."

Sanako stared straight at Souji on the field.

Although he tried hard to hide it, his eyes still showed strong envy.

Boss Kiryu's focus was on another place - Aomori's chest was rising and falling in a strange rhythm at the same time he released his "moment".

Seeing this, a faint smile of relief appeared on Boss Kiryu's old face.


Hijikata and the others put on fighting postures one after another, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.Qingdeng stabilized the bamboo sword in his hand, and Xia Duan started to move.

"Natural Mind Flow"

"Orange green!"

The chief general raised the sword in his palm towards "Ping Qingyan".

"Natural Mind Flow"

"Shoji Okita!"

The next moment, Qingden kicked the dust with his feet and ran straight towards Gensaburo Inoue who was nearest him!
At the same moment, Souji jumped up without any help and rushed straight towards Toudou Heisuke!

This is a "two versus seven" battle with extremely unequal numbers.

As a result, it was Seito and Souji who were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers who launched the offensive.

However, anyone who sees the wolf-like and tiger-like appearance of Ayoto and Souji can't help but have this illusion: It seems that those attacking Hijikata and others are not two swordsmen, but thousands of troops. Thousands of horses!

In an instant, Aoto stepped in front of Inoue Genzaburo and slashed the opponent's bamboo sword with his sword.

Genzaburo Inoue, who had no time to dodge, had to fight with his sword.

"Lonely Gale +3", "Gathering God", "Tiger's Arm +3", "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers", "Elephant's Core +3", "Bear's Waist +3"...the power of these talents, It was instantly condensed in the body of Qingden's bamboo sword, and then exploded at the moment when it intersected with Inoue's bamboo sword!
Although the reaction force transmitted back along the sword was extremely astonishing, Qingdeng's body remained motionless, his feet firmly planted on the ground like a dragon's coiled knot.

On the other hand, Inoue - he jumped backwards as if he was hit by a large truck, and his feet plowed two wide and deep ravines on the ground.

The bamboo sword in his hand was like a live fish just fished out of the sea, "beating" crazily, as if it would "leap out" from his palm at any time.

Qingto neither gave Inoue Genzaburo a chance to breathe nor gave others a chance to interfere.

He jumped like a green onion and caught up with Gensaburo Inoue, who was holding his own.

How could Genzaburo Inoue, whose fingers were severely swollen and whose arms were almost unconscious, be able to cope with Ayoto's pursuit?


The porcelain bowl on Gensaburo Inoue's forehead shattered.

Gensaburo Inoue, who possesses the natural Rishin-ryu style of Ono Kaden and has more than ten years of training experience, could not go through more than two rounds in the hands of Aoto!
On the other side, Souji was fighting with Toudo Heisuke and Nagakura Shinpachi.

Souji is petite, has a slender waist, and has very little flesh on her body except for bears and peaches. Uninformed people often mistake her for a "skilled" swordsman.

But in fact, although Souji's swordsmanship skills are very high, her explosive body is her strength!
Rather than using exquisite skills to defeat her opponents, she prefers the violent approach of "defeating ten with one force".

She aimed at Toudo Heisuke's porcelain bowl and struck a sword horizontally.

Toudo Heisuke leaned sideways, with his left shoulder forward, and tried his best to deflect Souji's bamboo sword - Judging from his painful expression that even the lines of his facial features were distorted, he defended Souji's move very well. Hard work.

At this time, Nagakura Shinpachi, who was standing by, strode forward, showing high fighting spirit.

"Wow ah ah ah ah ah!"

He struck hard at Souji's body with both his man and his sword, but Souji jumped slightly to the side and dodged the blow.

As Souji jumped away, Nagakura Shinpachi's vision broadened.

Then... in this suddenly wide field of vision, Nagakura Shinpachi felt a fighting spirit even higher than his own, and saw the tall figure that was rapidly enlarging.

After taking care of Genzaburo Inoue, Aoto turned around to support Souji.

Aomori is here - this scene and this situation made Nagakura Shinpachi's facial expression instantly become extremely serious and solemn.

He immediately put the bamboo sword close to his chest, assuming a mid-level posture that could both attack and defend, with the highest error tolerance. His strong body suddenly disappeared into the shadow of the bamboo sword.

On the side, Shannan Keisuke, Saito Ichi and others stepped forward to support Nagakura, but they were all intercepted by the general manager.

In the blink of an eye, Qingden stepped in front of Nagakura and swept his bamboo sword as flexible as a whip towards him.

Just like Genzaburo Inoue just now, Nagakura had no time to dodge and could only stand the bamboo sword straight in the path of the Aoto Bamboo Sword - bang - both of their bamboo swords groaned under the weight.

Although Nagakura, who was known for his strength, was not directly knocked away like Inoue, he only managed to absorb Ayoto's slash after taking two full steps back.

Qingdeng struck at Yongcang with his sword again.

Nagakura gritted his teeth and stepped back, trying to avoid Qingden's blow.

However... it was still half a beat too late.


Nagakura Shinpachi, defeated!
At the same time, the General Secretary also achieved impressive results.

She single-handedly stopped Hijikata, Shannan, Saito, Harada and Toudo, giving Aoto the chance to kill Nagakura alone.

While fighting one against five, she sent Toudo off the field——

Saitoichi and Shannan Keisuke launched a pincer attack on Souji on the left and right.

The blade of the sword sounded, and the wind pressure rose.

Souji dodged.

The moment she dodged, her petite body stepped forward as if gliding, passing between the swords of Saitoichi and Shannan Keisuke, and bullying Toudo Heisuke who was behind.


Todo stood there in a daze.

The porcelain bowl on his forehead was shattered all over the floor.

Toudo Heisuke, defeated!
After getting rid of Nagakura, Aomori kept flashing back to Souji.

Hijikata, Shannan, Saito and Harada, who are still "surviving", fight with the two.

The figures of the six people were sometimes quiet and sometimes moving quickly.

Their bamboo swords turned into blurry afterimages under the warm winter sun.

"Ah... Tachibana and Souji joining forces are really in trouble...!"

Hijikata sighed in displeasure.

Since the battle began, they have tried more than once to separate Seito and Souji
But without exception, their efforts failed.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

Harada Sanosuke screamed strangely, and launched a knightly charge towards Qingdeng.

Qingdeng lowered his sword, pointed it downwards, and tilted his body.

At this time, Shannan Keisuke seemed to have discovered something, his face was full of horror and surprise, and he hurriedly shouted:

"Harada-kun! Wait! Come back quickly!"

However...it was too late.

The two immediately ran together.

The gun thrust forward.

The sword swings upward.

Wooden spears and bamboo swords clashed in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them passed each other.

At this time, Harada's pupils suddenly tightened.

Behind Qingdeng... there is a chief executive!

Aomori's broad back could perfectly hide the petite Souji, which prevented Harada from discovering this fatal trap in time.

Their "double act" tactic immediately bore fruit.

The Souji's bamboo sword slashed at Harada Sanosuke, who was unable to hold back his momentum.


Harada Sanosuke, defeated!

At this point, less than 2 minutes have passed, and "two versus seven" has become "two versus three."

Aomori and Souji glanced at each other quickly.

There was obviously no verbal communication, just a glance, but the two parties understood each other and changed their positions.

The two were at odds with each other - Aoto faced off against Hijikata and Saito behind Souji; Souji faced off against Shannan behind Aoto.

Qingdeng used flowing movements to unleash a strike as sharp as thunder.

In the blink of an eye, his sword was in front of Hijikata and Saito.

The two barely managed to get out of Qingdeng's attack range.

As soon as he gained a foothold, Qingdeng launched a new offensive.

When Aoto came at him for the second time, Saito used superb footwork to twist and dodge, and then took advantage of the momentum to step forward and slash Aoto's shoulder.

At the same time, Hijikata raised his sword above his head and cooperated with Saito to deliver a powerful blow.

Aoto blinked his eyes fiercely a few times, locked the position of Saito and Hijikata's bamboo swords, then spread his legs and slashed the bamboo sword from the upper right to the lower left - cassock slash - which shattered Saito's slash.

Immediately afterwards, he changed the direction of the blade and bounced Hijikata's bamboo sword away.

In this way, Hijikata and Saito's bamboo swords were still a long way away from Aoto, but their attacks were broken up in no particular order - Aoto's sword speed and reaction speed were really amazingly fast.

The fighting between the two sides hardly stopped for a moment.

As soon as the bamboo swords clashed, there was a loud noise that made people suspect that their bamboo swords must have broken.

Qingto's offensive gradually gained momentum, and Hijikata and Saito were gradually suppressed.

Saito tried to turn defense into offense and reverse the situation of the battle.

I saw him changing his posture, switching from the original stable posture - the middle posture - to the upper posture which is convenient for attacking.

Just as he raised the bamboo sword to the "upper section", a hole appeared in the "middle" of his body for a moment... This fleeting flaw was clearly reflected in Qingdeng's eyes!
Qingdeng saw it correctly, stepped forward without hesitation, and slashed horizontally with his sword.

Saito's pupils shrank slightly, and he instinctively swung his sword to counterattack, trying to suppress Qingto's slash.

At first glance, the timing of the two sword attacks seems to be the same, but after the collision, Aoto was unscathed, while Saito——


Only a bare red cloth band remained on his forehead.

Saito Ichi, defeated!
At almost the same time that Saito was defeated, Souji and Shannan Keisuke on the other side also decided the winner.

The Souji knew Shannan Keisuke's strength, and she was unwilling to fight with him, so she didn't waste any words - she directly leaned forward and pointed her bamboo sword at Shannan's eyes.

"Natural mind flow, profound meaning—"

These actions and words caused Shan Nan's expression to change instantly.

He immediately stabilized the bamboo sword in his palm, assumed a defensive posture, and was ready to meet Souji's unique skill - Ping Qingyan's three-step attack!
The bamboo sword pierced the air, like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, and struck Shan Nan's body straight.

Shannan's eyes couldn't keep up with Souji's sword speed, so he could only swing the sword based on instinct.

Perhaps it was a blind cat that encountered a dead mouse, but he successfully blocked Souji's bamboo sword.

But just by blocking Souji's "first thrust", his center of gravity and body posture were irreparably disrupted.

In the blink of an eye, the director retracted the stabbed bamboo sword, and returned to the flat blue-eyed posture.

The second sudden attack is coming!

This time, Shannan really had no ability to defend or dodge.


Shannan Jingzhu, defeated!
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PS: The stance Souji is best at is the Ping Qingyan stance~~ In fact, the detailed description of the battle in this chapter has already clarified the order of strength in the "Seven-Man Group". It is clear at a glance who is the strongest and who is the weakest.

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