I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 5 This kind of hell opening, have you ever seen it?

Chapter 5 This kind of hell opening, have you ever seen it?
Seven years ago, in the sixth year of Kayong (7), the American fleet knocked on the gate of Japan, and then signed the first unequal treaty in Japanese history with Japan: the "Japan-US Treaty of Goodwill."

Since then, Britain, France and other big powers have come to Japan one by one to sign various treaties like cats smelling fish.

Two years ago, in the fifth year of Ansei (2), Japan signed a new treaty with the United States: "Japan-US Treaty of Friendship and Commerce".

In the treaty, Japan agreed to the United States to send a minister to Edo, and the American embassy was officially established in Japan.

These foreign embassies are naturally the key targets of the "radical anti-barbarian" people.

They have harassed the embassy and people working in the embassy, ​​large or small, and countless times.

At present, the idea of ​​"anti-barbarians" is spreading more and more widely, more and more people join the movement, and the attacks on the embassy are becoming more and more fierce and stronger.

If the ministers and others in the embassy were killed by the "radical anti-barbarians", it would be a serious international problem, so the shogunate decided to increase the security around the embassy.

But recruiting guards always takes time.

Therefore, while waiting for the recruitment of guards to be completed, "Original Ju Qingdeng" was dispatched to the US Embassy as a "temporary guard" a month ago.

"Original Juqingdeng" worked as a temporary guard at the American embassy for a total of 7 days, and during these 7 days, "Original Juqingdeng" did nothing.

I just patrol the embassy every day, but I am still targeted and hated by the "radical extermination faction".

They think that this kind of behavior of helping foreigners is simply unforgivable.

It's a national thief!God damn it!
Just now was not the first time that Qing Deng was assassinated by the "radical anti-barbarian faction".

Ten days ago, they carried out their first assassination on "Original Juqingdeng".

"Original Juqingdeng" was very lucky.

He was besieged by four assassins at that time, and when he was about to be beheaded, he suddenly came to help the "melon-eating crowd" just like tonight.

The assassins who didn't want to expose their appearance hurriedly fled.

That time, "Yuan Juqingdeng" really almost died.

While holding their knives high, the assassins loudly counted the so-called "crimes" of "Yuan Juqingdeng".

Thanks to the "careful actions" of these assassins, otherwise "Yuan Juqingdeng" wouldn't even know why he was targeted by the "radical extermination faction".

"Okay." Jiu Bingwei carefully checked the sackcloth he had worn on Qingdeng's wound, and nodded after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, "It's finished. Young master, check if it's wrapped too tightly or not. Too loose."

"The package is perfect, Kubei, thank you for your hard work."

"Ah?" Jiubingwei leaned his right ear to Qingdeng with a blank expression.

Seeing this, Qingdeng gave a wry smile helplessly, then moved his mouth towards Jiubingwei.

"I said! The package is perfect! Kubei! Thank you for your hard work!"

"Oh..." Jiubingwei nodded lightly as if waking up from a dream, "It's fine if there is no discomfort, as long as there is no discomfort."

This old man, who has served the Ju family for more than 30 years, has become increasingly deaf and forgetful since he got old.

Talking to Kubei with a volume that seems to be screaming at the enemy-this is one of the daily scenes of their Tachibana house.

Qingdeng stood up and jumped a few times on the spot.

After confirming that there was no major problem with the leg bandaging and that it would not affect Qingdeng's activities, Qingdeng raised his head and let out a long sigh.

Seeing this, Jiubingwei hurried forward.

"Young master, you have really worked hard tonight. You must have been terrified when you were once again attacked by the 'Big Barbarians'."

"Well, yes..." Qingdeng sighed again, raised his hand and scratched his hair, "I was really scared..."

——Almost got hacked to death just after crossing over...

——So what is my current situation... I was targeted by a group of terrorists as soon as I crossed over...

The group of "radical anti-barbarians", no matter from which point of view, is a group of undoubted terrorists.

And it's the kind of terrorist who can't reason with them, and they want to kill you wholeheartedly.

When Qingdeng felt melancholy about his current situation——

Boom boom boom!
Suddenly there was a very rough knock on the door.

This sudden knock on the door seemed to be magical, causing Jiubingwei's face to turn pale instantly.

"I'm coming!"

Jiubingwei hurriedly responded and ran towards the door.

Qingdeng, who didn't know why, followed behind Jiubingwei with a blank expression on his face.


The wooden door was pulled open.

Standing outside the room were three young men.

The young man in the lead was dressed in plain clothes and a bamboo hat with a very low brim.

After Jiubingwei opened the door, he immediately raised the bamboo hat on his head, revealing a face with handsome features, but a huge scar from the left ear to the right ear ruined the beauty of the face.

"Good evening, Mrs. Tachibana."

With a smile on his face, he warmly greeted Qingdeng who was standing behind Jiubingwei.

"As you can see, here I am again. Have you saved enough money this time?"

- Saving money?Who are these people?

The bewildered look on Qingdeng's face became more intense, and he quickly looked up the memory of "Original Orange Qingdeng".

While Qingdeng was trying to look up the memory of "Yuanju Qingdeng", the terrified Jiubingwei returned to the back room in three steps at a time, and then walked back quickly from the back room.

When he came back, Jiubingwei had a small paper bag in his hand.

"Here you are." Jiubingwei stuffed the small paper bag into Scarface's arms.

Scarface opened the paper bag - inside the paper bag was full of money.

"Is it just a little this time..." Scarface curled his lips, "Is it too little?"

"Please be accommodating." Jiubingwei said hastily.

Scarface glanced at Jiubingwei.

"...Well then, let's accommodate this time."

After finishing speaking, he fiddled with the money in his hand, quickly checked the amount, and took off a small abacus from his waist.

"Well... Deduct the money you paid this time... Mr. Ju, the gambling debts your father currently owes, there is still 520 taels of gold left."

Fiddled with the scarred face of the abacus, smiled and stuffed the money Jiubingwei had just given into his arms.

"The debt is only 520 taels left now. Congratulations, congratulations. Keep working hard, Mr. Ju."

Scarface lowered the hat on his head.

"The money has been received, so I won't bother you anymore."

"I'll come back in a while. Please be sure to prepare a more decent amount then."

"The money you prepared tonight is really too little. If it were normal, I wouldn't even bother to collect it."

"But because you have been working hard to pay back the money, I will make an accommodation tonight."

"Please don't fool me with such a small amount of money next time."


Dao Scar showed a very sunny and warm smile on Qingdeng's face, his eyes narrowed into a slit.

"You don't want to live a life where you can't even sleep well, do you?"

"I wish you a good night's sleep."

After finishing speaking, Scarface pushed down the bamboo hat on top of his head, then waved his hands, and led the two youths behind him to leave in a swaggering manner.

Qingdeng stared blankly at the back of Scarface leaving.

Just now, he finally digested "Original Ju Qingdeng"'s memories about "debts", and found out who this scarred face was.

They are "Yakuza"!
In modern terms, the scarred face just now is the so-called gangster.

Qing Deng, who graduated from the police academy in his previous life, is familiar with the underworld.

When I was studying at the police academy in my previous life, there was a senior who specialized in the study of underworld forces and Qing Deng popularized Japanese gangsters.

The origin of Japanese gangsters can be traced back to the Edo period—that is, the era that Qingdeng is currently in.

The predecessor of the Japanese Yakuza was a group of bottom-level members of society in the Edo period. They held together for survival.

But gradually, the organization where these bottom-level people huddled together to survive slowly began to deteriorate.They began to engage in shady but very profitable activities such as pornography, gambling, and lending, in order to seek profits and strengthen themselves.

In the Edo period, there were no such terms as gangsters and gangsters.People at this time scornfully referred to these people who were engaged in underworld activities as "Yakuza".

Yakuza is the transliteration of the Japanese word "ヤクザ", which means "rotten person" and "flat three".

In the 20th century, Japanese gangsters took the name "Golden Way" for themselves in order to put gold on their faces.

Why did Yakuza come to ask Qingdeng for money?
This is a long story again.

It's all because Qingdeng has an asshole father...

Qingdeng's father: Tachibana Longzhi was originally a good middle-aged man with a sound mind, a cheerful mind, and no bad habits.

However, good luck made people-he accidentally became addicted to gambling one year ago.

People who suffer from gambling addiction all have the same characteristic: they always think that they will win the next game, and once they get on the gambling table, they will never leave the table until they have nothing to bet on.

Tachibana Longzhi just kept on gambling, kept on gambling... until half a year ago, he suddenly contracted an incurable disease, and finally stopped when he died of illness.

Although only half a year passed since he became addicted to gambling and passed away, Qingdeng's father still owed a huge amount of gambling debts - a total of 600 taels of gold!

The price of 1 tael gold in this era is almost equivalent to 12 yen in modern Japan.

600 taels of gold is 7728 million yen...

Converted into RMB, it is nearly 400 million...

【Note · The conversion between Japanese Yen and RMB is subject to the exchange rate when the author wrote this chapter】

It can be seen what an astonishing astronomical figure 600 taels of gold is.

In the Edo period, basically only Yakuza would open and operate casinos.Ordinary merchants would never get involved in the casino business.

The power behind the casino where Qingdeng's father owed gambling debts was the Yakuza Group, commonly known as the "Qingshui Clan".

The Yakuza in the Edo period adopted a family-centered organizational structure, so people generally call them "XX clan" or "XX party".

The Shimizu Clan is no ordinary Yakuza.

They are very powerful, involved in all walks of life in Edo.It is recognized as "the most powerful Yakuza group in Edo".

The scarred face just now belonged to the "Qingshui Clan".

Tachibana's popularity is actually not bad, even if he suddenly becomes a gambler addicted to gambling all day long, there are still a few people who never leave Tachibana.

After Takashi Tachibana died of illness, these close friends of his united together and decided to try to find an official position for Qingdeng, so that the Tachibana family would not collapse due to lack of financial resources.

After some operations, they successfully let Qingdeng inherit Takayuki's official position half a year ago, and became the new concentric of the Edo North Bansho.

Qingdeng has inherited Takayuki Tachibana's official position - this is certainly a good thing.

But what Qingdeng inherited...and Tachibana Takashi's huge debt owed to the "Qingshui Clan"...

Qingdeng's father died, and his gambling debts naturally fell on Qingdeng's shoulders.

In the past six months since Qingdeng's father died, people from the "Qingshui clan" would come to collect debts every now and then.

Debts and repayments, fathers are debtors and sons, it's only natural, not to mention that the debtor is Yakuza who has always ignored law and order...

Swallowing his breath and silently repaying the debt for half a year, he managed to get from 600 taels to only... 520 taels...

Qingdeng raised his head slowly, raised his hands suddenly, and pressed his cheeks.

——not only being targeted by terrorists, but also being targeted by the most powerful Yakuza group in the city...

——What kind of hell opening is this? !

New book set sail!Ask for all kinds of support!Ask for collection!Ask for a recommendation ticket!
The new book is regularly updated every morning at 10 o'clock~ This feeling of being updated on time is really long gone...

 [Japanese history class starts~]

  Between the Kamakura period and the Muromachi period, there was actually a very short period: the Northern and Southern Dynasties. (1336-1392).

  After the fall of the Kamakura shogunate, the Kyoto court once regained the power of the country, and the emperor once again became the actual leader of the country.

  However, the incumbent emperor at that time, Emperor Go-Daigo, implemented various reforms to strengthen the power of the imperial court, which failed to meet the needs of the samurai class.

  The general of the imperial court at that time, the general who established a great country when the Kamakura shogunate was destroyed: Ashikaga Takauji was quite dissatisfied with Emperor Go-Daigo, so he successfully forced Emperor Go-Daigo to abdicate and established a new emperor: Emperor Komei.After setting up such a puppet empress, Takashi Ashikaga, under the canonization of Emperor Guangming, obtained the official position of the general who conquered Yi, and opened the second shogunate in Japanese history in the Muromachi area: the Muromachi shogunate.

  However, not long after Emperor Go-Daigo abdicated, he successfully managed to escape and fled to Yoshino in present-day Nara Prefecture, where he confronted Emperor Komei, who was supported by Ashikaga Takashi.

  Therefore, historians called the regime supported by Ashikaga Takashi the "Northern Dynasty" and the regime of Emperor Go-Daigo the "Southern Dynasty".It was not until the Muromachi Shogunate passed down to the third generation of shoguns that the Northern Dynasty finally perished the Southern Dynasty and ended the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

(End of this chapter)

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