I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 500 [Martial Arts School] where the most dangerous monsters in Edo gather! 【5200】

Chapter 500 [Martial Arts School] where the most dangerous monsters in Edo gather! 【5200】

Male Tan Seiichiro... At the same moment when he heard this name, Qingto's eyes suddenly burst into astonishment.

He turned around without thinking - an old man burst into his field of vision.

A frosty head, rough skin, a thick frame, a height of about 1.7 meters, and elegant and neat clothes... all this information poured into Qingdeng's mind.

The old man's finely wrinkled face was incompatible with his energetic appearance.

His pair of thick arms with exposed veins and protruding joints like dead wood were particularly eye-catching.

When Qingteng looked at the old man carefully, the old man glanced at Qingteng with curious eyes, then turned his head and asked softly to Katsurin Taro beside him:

"Sheng, who is this?"

Katsurin Taro responded quickly:
"Otani-sama, this is Tachibana Aoden!"


The old man raised his eyes and looked directly at Qingdeng, with a smile on his lips.

"Oh? You are the famous 'Nioh' at your feet, hahahaha, I have admired your name for a long time. When we first met, I am the male Tan Seiichiro."

"No, Otani-sama, I have admired your name for a long time. I am Tachibana Aoden, please give me your advice."

After saying that, Qingdeng bowed slightly and took the initiative to salute the other party.

In terms of seniority and strength, this gray-haired old man deserves the highest level of respect from Qingdeng.

Seiichiro Tanani, born in the 1798th year of Kansei (64), is [-] years old this year.

Regarding his life and achievements... in one word: he is an undoubted "living legend"!He is the fourth man to be recognized as a "Sword Master" by the world after Nobutsuna Kamizumi and Fuden Tsukahara during the Warring States Period, and Issei Ogata 70 years ago!

Looking at his life's deeds, he realized the two ideals of Japanese martial arts masters - to be immortalized in history as an invincible man; to be named his wife and son with his martial arts talents.

From an early age, he showed his talents in martial arts and knowledge.

I learned the spear from the Hohoin School, the bow from Yoshida-ryu, and the sword from Danno Mahonsai, so I got the essence of it.

When he was just a little-known figure, the atmosphere in the Japanese martial arts world was very conservative, and various dojos strictly prohibited him from participating in competitions.

But he holds a different opinion. He believes that warriors should learn from others and learn from their strengths to make up for their own shortcomings.

So, when he went to Edo in order to improve himself and broaden his horizons, he met all the famous swordsmen and fought with them one by one - no one could beat him!
Among them are Chiba Shusaku, Chiba Sadayoshi, Kato Heihachiro, Oishi Susumu and other world-famous swordsmen.

Thanks to Otani's practice, Tat-ryu games became popular in Edo.

In addition, he also improved the length of the bamboo sword.

Oishi Susumu - who was 2 meters tall and wielded a bamboo sword that was more than five feet (1 meters) long - killed everyone in Edo and beat all the swordsmen in Edo to the point where they could not lift their heads. The long sword was advantageous The saying became popular, and bamboo swords over four feet became popular in Edo.

It wasn't until Otani defeated Oishi Susumu that Otani took the ancient method and modern trends and established a length of three feet and eight inches as a compromise.

Since then, all sword halls across Japan have adopted the three-foot-eight-inch length.

In other words, the bamboo swords currently used by Aoto and others all have unified standards formulated by Otani Seiichiro.

The reason why the world respects Otani as the Sword Master is not only because of his extraordinary strength, but also because he has made an indelible contribution to Japanese Kendo.

According to legend, when he was young, he was a dominant existence in the martial arts world "below one person and above ten thousand people" - the only person above him was the "Eternal Sword Master" Ogata Issei.

Throughout the ages, "cricket fighting" has always been one of the most popular things among the general public.

Issei Ogata and Seiichiro Tanani, who are both "Sword Masters", who is stronger and which one is weaker?

This question has troubled many people and attracted many people.

Unfortunately...the age difference between the two is nearly 30 years.

When Ogata Yoshi became famous, the male Tanisei Ichiro was not yet born.

While the latter overcame the crowd and became famous, the former had already gone into seclusion and no longer appeared in the public eye.

Not being able to witness the direct confrontation between the two sword masters... This is the biggest regret in the Japanese martial arts world in recent decades.

In addition, Otani Seiichiro is not a hermit who only knows martial arts and does not care about worldly affairs.

In the second year of Ansei (1855), he wrote to the shogunate and suggested opening a school dedicated to the study of traditional martial arts and Western-style military affairs.

The shogunate adopted his suggestion and established the now-famous military training center.

Under the order of the shogunate, Otani served as the swordsman of the Kobu School, and together with another great swordsman Kubota Kiyone, he served as the head teacher of the Kobu School, that is, the principal of the Kobu School.

As a result, Otani became a well-established shogunate official.

He was very concerned about the construction of the Military Academy and spared no effort to recruit talents - his high popularity played a vital role here.

Countless martial artists came to the martial arts academy because they admired him, either to study or to serve as lecturers.

Under Ogu's call, the lineup of teachers at the martial arts school was so luxurious that it was jaw-dropping.

Noburo Imai, Susumu Oishi, Kanyoshi Sakakibara, Hideaki Itami, Tadamichi Toda...more than half of the great swordsmen and great swordsmen in Edo were in the Kōbutsujo.

It is no exaggeration to say that if we talk about the most terrifying and most forbidden area in Edo, then there is no doubt that it is neither the Xuanbu Hall, the Military Training Hall, or the Scholarship Hall, collectively known as the "Three Great Halls" The museum is not the fortified Edo Castle, but a martial arts training center where monsters gather under the command of Seiichiro Tanani!

The attendees of today's "Plum Blossom Appreciation Banquet" are all political figures whose sneezing may affect national affairs.

Seiichiro Tanani, who is just a "military school principal", does seem out of place in this situation.

However, the name of "Sword Master" is too resounding. He has unparalleled influence in Japan's current martial arts world. Even Tokugawa Iemo and Hitotsubashi Keiki have to respect him.

Therefore, it makes sense that he would be invited here.

Otani's first impression on Qingto... was very "quiet", like a silent lake.

His eyes are soft, his demeanor is dignified and solemn, and he speaks in an unhurried and unhurried manner, which makes people think of gently falling leaves and slowly flowing water.

Qingdeng has long wanted to meet this prestigious "Sword Master".

If he wanted to get to know Ogu, it would be easy.

Katsu Rintaro once served as a gunnery professor at the martial arts school, and his father Katsu Koyoshi was the cousin and direct disciple of Otani Seiichiro.

In other words, Rintaro Katsu and Seiichiro Otani are both old colleagues and close relatives.

If Aoto asked Katsurintaro to help introduce him, he would easily be able to meet Otani Seiichiro.

However... due to various reasons such as lack of time and Otani himself being very busy, he has not been able to see the "Sword Master" for a long time.

Until today, his wish was finally realized.

Qingden took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, showed a smile that was neither humble nor overbearing, and started chatting with Nan Gu.

"Tachibana-kun, although it seems a little late to say this now, please allow me to solemnly say 'congratulations' - congratulations to you, the succession of the natural Rishin-ryu clan has been successful, and Kondo Shusuke can finally retire. Woolen cloth."

"I am grateful. I will truthfully convey your congratulations to the master and our new leader."

Speaking of this, the male Tan Seiichiro raised the corners of his mouth and changed into a half-joking tone.

"Mr. Ju, my Wushu Lecture Center has been severely understaffed for many years. Are you interested in helping me? You don't need to come every day. You just need to come over and give some advice to our students when you are free. "

When Qingdeng heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Thank you for the invitation. It's a pity...I'm currently busy with everything, so I really have no time to take care of him."

Qingdeng's words were not perfunctory - he really couldn't squeeze out more time now.

Holding the title of "a side servant and an employee of the imperial court", he does the job of "a servant of the side, an employee of the imperial court and a playmate of Tianzhang Yuan".

Qingden's state at work is like the embodiment of words such as "manage everything every day" and "one feed and ten rises".

Even when he is off work or on vacation, Qingden has no time to spare.

He also has a young apprentice who has to go to the Western settlements regularly to teach Elodie the swordsmanship.

After work, martial arts training cannot be left behind.

In addition, he also has to visit the Little Chiba Sword Hall and Chishiya every possible opportunity - for Qingto, this is the most important thing!
He would rather shorten the time for eating and sleeping than reduce the time for seeing his girlfriends.

Not only must he handle his own job and sideline business well, he must also maintain his relationship with Sanako, Mai Kinoshita, and Souji... Aoden has used, maximized, and squeezed his time to the extreme.

Listing out his schedule would put all time management masters from ancient times to the present to shame.Fortunately, he has talents such as "Sleep God", "Yuan Yang +1", "Strengthening Essence +2", and "Shen Brain +9", and his physical fitness is much better. He can stay up for three days and three nights in a row, even if he feels sleepy. , and only need 3 or 4 hours of sleep to regain energy.

Otherwise, an ordinary body would not be able to withstand such an intense pace of life.

The reason why Qingto doesn't want to move out of the trial defense hall is that besides being reluctant to part with the bustling living atmosphere, there is also another important reason - if he moves out of the trial defense hall, he will have to meet, date, and have sex with the director. *, and a new running location is added...

If so, he will really be exhausted.


Although Qingden is not the kind of social cow who "quickly gets to know anyone", he is also not the kind of unsociable person who doesn't know how to deal with strangers.

Seiichiro Tanani is surprisingly talkative.

Under the help of Katsurin Taro, the three of them chatted casually.

While chatting with Rintaro Katsu and Seiichiro Otani, Aoto focused part of his attention on observing the banquet scene.

As time goes by, more and more big shots arrive one by one.

Abruptly, Qingdeng felt a slight change in the atmosphere around him - a middle-aged man wearing a court dress walked into everyone's field of vision with silent steps and an expressionless face.

For a moment, hatred, respect, vigilance... a bunch of eyes with different emotions fell on this middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man seems to have long been accustomed to being treated differently by others. His pace, demeanor and behavior are all the same as before.

Qingdeng squinted his eyes, sizing up this person and reciting his name softly.

"Iwakura Tomoshi..."

It was with his sharp tongue that this handsome-looking middle-aged man facilitated Wakomiya's marriage, accompanied Wakomiya to Edo, and acted as a liaison between the shogunate and the court. Warehouse view.

His body was very thin, and his skin seemed to be stuck to his bones.

A square face, a broad and full forehead, a high nose bridge that is rare among Japanese people...the only thing worthy of special mention on this face are the eyes.

Iwakura Tomoshi has a pair of sharp eyes, and it seems that what shines out of his eyes is not sight, but a sharp sword.

This is the look of a decisive person who is determined, always looking at his goal, and won't give up until he achieves his goal.

Generally speaking, he is a guy who can intuitively feel "this person is not easy to mess with" just by looking at his appearance.

In the debate a year ago about "whether to marry Kazuomiya to the shogunate", Iwakura Tomoe used his excellent eloquence and diplomatic skills to win a lot of benefits for the Kyoto court, and the shogunate was responsible for handing over this matter. The officials suffered greatly.

For this reason, most of the shogunate and the feudal lords who were close to the shogunate did not like Iwakura Tomoshi very much.

On the other hand, there were many people in the court who hated him.

Firstly, it was because many ministers did not support the "combination of public and military affairs". They believed that a noble royal woman should not marry a lowly Dongyi at all. Iwakura Tomomi, who promoted this matter, was simply guilty of a heinous crime.

Secondly, in order to facilitate the "marriage with the palace", Iwakura Tomomi used bribery, threats and other despicable tricks without any bottom line, which aroused the great disgust of the ministers.

However, even though he was reviled and cast aside by millions of people, Iwakura Tomomi still went his own way and was not influenced by the outside world.

Ayoto and Iwakura Tomomi had no friendship.

However, for some reason, he just didn't like this person.

Maybe it's because his vulture-like eyes are really unpleasant to look at.


During this idle wait, the five most important guests - Tokugawa Iemo, Tenjoin, Wagoniya, Hitotsubashi Keiki and Matsudaira Harugaku - finally arrived.

Tokugawa Iemo, who wore straight clothes, was undoubtedly at the forefront.

[Note: Straight vertical dress: the dress that symbolizes the highest status in the martial arts family. 】

The military uniforms are not limited to cassocks.

The trousers are formal attire worn to work on weekdays, similar to modern suits.

When participating in elegant banquets and extremely formal important ceremonies, the warrior family would wear another dress.

Those with imperial official positions, from the fourth rank and above, wear straight lines; those from the fifth rank and below, wear large lines.

People like Seito and Katsurintaro who did not hold any official positions in the imperial court wore plain coats.

To be fair, Qingdeng prefers plain jackets to jackets.

The two large and bulky scapulars on my waist are really in the way.

Tenzouin and Wagoniya, the young mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, walked on the left and right sides of Tokugawa Iemo.

After Tenzouin appeared - except for a few people such as Aonto, Seiichiro Otani, and Tomomi Iwakura who were accustomed to seeing Tenzouin's face - the eyes of all the men in the room became unnatural.

Who makes Tianzhangyuan have a beauty and figure that is not inferior to that of Sanako?

On the one hand, the male compatriots tried not to look at Tianzhang Courtyard in order to observe etiquette, but on the other hand, they could not suppress their biological instinct to have offspring with beautiful women, so they kept squinting at Tianzhang Courtyard.

Wagongiya, as always, was wearing a fancy official dress and a bloated official hairstyle - she was in perfect contrast with Tianzhangin who was next to her, wearing a simple samurai dress and a neat samurai hair style.

As for the public attire... Qingdeng really couldn't complain.

Regardless of the clothes, the hair style is really ugly.

The hairstyles of samurai women such as Shimada buns and high ponytails often worn by women such as Sanako, Mai Kinoshita, and Tenjoin are quite pleasing to the eye after looking at them for a long time.

On the other hand, looking at the hairstyle of public girls... Qingdeng really couldn't get used to it.

The hair must be long and straight; expose the forehead, comb all the hair back, drag it behind the back, and tie it into a low ponytail; the hair on the temples and the top of the head should be made fluffy and high, looking from the front, like The afro with extremely soft hair looks like he is wearing a helmet. The whole face looks fat, big and ugly.

Walking behind Tenzōin and Japanese Palace are Hitotsubashi Keiki and Matsudaira Harugaku.

Matsudaira Harugaku looked straight ahead without squinting.

Ichibashi was happy... When he passed by Qingdeng, he tilted his eyes without leaving a trace, glanced at Qingdeng quickly, gave Qingdeng a meaningful look, and then hurried before Qingdeng noticed. , withdrew his gaze.

The emotion in that look was hard to fathom, but one thing was certain - it wasn't appreciation.



Although Qingdeng's actual power was great, his apparent official position was not particularly high - at least compared with other banquet guests present, there was still a slight gap.

Therefore, his seat was placed in a position neither above nor below, which happened to be adjacent to Rintaro Katsu and Seiichiro Otani.

The banquet seating arrangement is quite classic Japanese style.

Tokugawa Iemo sat at the head of the table, with Tenzouin and Wagoniya sitting on his left and right respectively.

Others, headed by Hitotsubashi Yoshiki and Matsudaira Harugaku, sat opposite each other below Tokugawa Iemo in order according to their official position and status.

I don't know if it was set up like this on purpose - Aoto, Katsurintaro and other "Nanki faction" all sit on the left hand side of Tokugawa Iemo - this is also the direction where Tenjoin sits.

The imperial ministers and the "Ichibashi Sect" all sat on the right hand side of Tokugawa Iemo - since Tenzōin sat in the other direction, the people sitting in this direction were naturally Wagoniya.

Therefore, the two factions, which are incompatible with each other, cast menacing glances at the dissenters on the opposite side, glaring at each other.

The banquet has not yet begun, but the atmosphere at the scene is already very subtle...

After Tokugawa Iemo gave an elegant opening speech filled with honorifics, today's "Plum Blossom Appreciation Banquet" finally officially began!
This extremely difficult transition chapter to introduce important characters is finally finished!Starting from the next chapter, I can finally write something interesting! (Leopard smashes the keyboard.jpg) Today’s chapter is still the one that Leopard and Leopard worked so hard to code out... (Leopard and Leopard’s head shed tears.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

PS: Otani Seiichiro is a historical figure. He is indeed the "Sword Master" recognized by people at the time, the kind of "Sword Master" who can defeat invincible opponents in the world.

 Recommend a book - "In this life, we will not talk about love dogs"

  In the first life, I was licked by Green Tea Green Plum and Fish for 10 years. She said she only regarded me as her brother and turned around and got into someone else's car.

  In the second life, I realized it and I will never lick it again!I saved a Bai Fumei sister. I thought I could fall in love sweetly and lie down happily. But who would have thought that the yandere senior sister would create a psychological shadow for my life?
  In the third life, I have enlightened!I really realized it!If we fall in love again, I will be a dog!
  In this life, love dogs don't even talk about it!

  Wang!Wang Wang!

(End of this chapter)

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