I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 506 Qingdeng is promoted!Official worship [Gyeonggi Town Governor]!Open the government and m

Chapter 506 Qingdeng is promoted!Official worship [Gyeonggi Town Governor]!Open the government and manage things! 【5000】

"Gyeonggi...the governor...?"

Qingden chewed this unfamiliar word gently.

Tokugawa Iemo nodded:

"This is a new official position that I am preparing to establish in order to stabilize the situation in Gyeonggi."

"Responsible for maintaining law and order in the Gyeonggi area. He is above the Kyoto Shodai and Osaka Castle, and is at the same level as the Kyoto Guardian."

Kyoto Guardianship: This is the position currently held by the Lord of the Aizu Domain, Matsudaira Yoho, who is responsible for commanding and monitoring the Kyoto Sashiro, Osaka Castle, and Kinkuni Daimyo. In addition, he is responsible for maintaining public security in Kyoto.

"Although the title has the word 'Gyeonggi', Otsu, Nara, Osaka and other places do not need protection at all. The only place that really needs strict management is Kyoto."

"My original intention in setting up this position is to reduce the burden of peace and security."

"Therefore, I will adjust the specific functions of the Guardianship of Kyoto."

"Matsudaira Yoho will continue to be responsible for commanding and monitoring the Kyoto Shodai, Osaka Jodai, and Kinkuni daimyo, but will no longer intervene in the security operations of Kyoto municipalities."

"He will have full authority to guard the Imperial Palace and the residence of the ministers, and monitor the movements of the Choshu Domain and Satsuma Domain."

[Note: Imperial Palace: the location of the political and administrative center during the Heian Period (794-1192).It has been the residence of successive emperors since the Heian period]

"The governor of Gyeonggi Province is only responsible for maintaining law and order in Kyoto towns, clearing all lawless villains from the streets, and monitoring the execution of the party."

Speaking of this, Tokugawa Iemo paused, seemingly leaving a gap for Aomori to digest and buffer.

Qingden pursed his lips, thinking.

The right hand holding the chess piece was frozen in mid-air, and he still didn't put it down.

About half a minute later, he spoke slowly:

"Master General..."

"Tangerine-kun, there is no need to be restrained."

Tokugawa Iemo interrupted.

"There are only you and me here. Just call me 'Jia Mao' like my mother. That way we can feel more relaxed."

For some reason, Tokugawa Iemoji emphasized his tone when he mentioned the word "Mother".

Aoto, who didn't notice the change in Tokugawa Iemo's tone, nodded, and then changed his words:

"Well, Iemo, please forgive me - whether it's recruiting troops or using them, we all need the same thing."

Qingden made a "money" gesture.

"Although I have never been in charge of the shogunate's finances, I still have a good idea of ​​how desolate the shogunate's treasury is now."

"With the current financial resources of the shogunate, is it really possible to build a new combat force that can fight well?"

As soon as Aoden finished speaking, Tokugawa Iemo smiled bitterly.

"Well, you're absolutely right."

"The current financial situation of the shogunate is indeed not ideal."

“There are so many places that need money, and there are holes everywhere that cannot be filled no matter how hard you try.”

"So... I am ashamed to say that the start-up capital I can deliver to the governor of Gyeonggi Town is not too much."

Qingden asked bluntly:
"How much exactly is it?"

"3000 taels of gold."

The word "Chuan" suddenly appeared between Qingdeng's eyebrows.

"3000 taels of gold...this number is too embarrassing."

Qingdeng is not the kind of idiot scholar who only knows how to talk about war on paper and knows nothing about military affairs.

He was once a member of the military system (Huo Fu Thieves Kai), and had both led soldiers and fought in battles.

Qingden learned too many things during the expedition to Kaibi.

Not only was it the first time for me to be exposed to the entire process of an army from mobilization to departure and what needs to be paid attention to, but I also had a preliminary understanding of the logistics system and supply capabilities of the Edo period.

Therefore, Qingdeng knew quite well what kind of effect it would have if this mere 3000 taels of gold were thrown into this bottomless pit called "military".

It's probably the same as throwing a pebble into the sea - there is a "pop" sound, and then dust returns to dust, dust returns to dust...

"After deducting military pay, food and clothing, and the cost of purchasing equipment, and then deducting the reserve funds that must be set aside for pensions... with such a small amount of money, we can only train an elite force of 1 or 200 people. .”

"A mere 1 or 200 troops...not to mention protecting the capital and monitoring the execution of the party. Just maintaining law and order in Kyoto is enough."

"Moreover, for such a small amount of money, we can forget about guns and artillery. We can only use primitive swords and guns to fight the enemy."

Aoto was about to continue speaking, but was interrupted by Tokugawa Iemo with a wry smile:

"I know, I know. Tachibana-kun, I know all the difficulties you mentioned."

"If possible, I would also like to send more funds to the governor of Gyeonggi Province."

"However... the emptied treasury of the shogunate will not be filled immediately by my will."

"I also know that it is impossible to build a decent army with just 3000 taels of gold."


Tokugawa Iemo suddenly changed the subject and suddenly put on an intriguing smile.

"I will bring a little convenience to Gyeonggi Town."

As he spoke, he sat up straight and set a straight face.

At this moment, his body exuded the majestic aura of General Zhengyi!

"I will grant the governor of Gyeonggi the power to open the government and govern affairs!"

"The Gyeonggi Town Fu Envoy can open a 'Gyeonggi Town Fufu' in Kyoto. He can recruit troops independently, and he can collect and dispatch military supplies on his own, but he cannot misappropriate financial funds and treasury reserves in Gyeonggi and other regions."

"The supplies and military strength of the Zhenfufu are all decided by the Zhenfu envoy from Gyeonggi, and the shogunate has no responsibility."

"The governor of the capital city is not controlled by anyone or any force. He is only responsible to the general who conquered the barbarians...that is, he is only responsible to me!"

Every time Tokugawa Iemo said a word, Qingto's eyes widened.

When the other party finished speaking, his expression was dominated by strong shock.

Anyone familiar with history... No!No need to be familiar with history!Anyone with a little common sense will know how terrifying these "conveniences" granted by Tokugawa Iemo are!
Opening the government to govern affairs—that is, establishing government offices, appointing staff, and having an independent "small government."

It can independently recruit troops, collect and dispatch military supplies on its own - that is, it has independent military and financial power.

He is only responsible to Tokugawa Iemo - that is to say, he has a great degree of freedom. Except for Tokugawa Iemo, no one can dictate Aonto's style, behavior and behavior.

This is no longer the governor of the Tang Dynasty, but the governor of the Tang Dynasty, right? !
Tokugawa Iemo's horrifying speech was like a machine gun bullet, hitting Qingto's brain to the point of shutting down. It took a while before he gradually regained his composure.

As his mood calmed down, his thoughts returned to normal speed.

Although the power of the governor of Gyeonggi Province was frightening, it was still somewhat different from that of the Jiedushi of the Tang Dynasty.

The Jiedushi of the Tang Dynasty integrated military, civilian and financial affairs into one body, and was the unshakable and uncrowned emperor in his own territory.

On the other hand, the newly established governor of Gyeonggi Town by Tokugawa Iemo only had military and financial power and could not interfere in the political affairs of the Gyeonggi region.

Moreover, its financial power is also "incomplete" and cannot directly use the tax revenue and treasury reserves of the Gyeonggi region.

In other words, you must find other ways to expand your income.

However, even so, the power of the governor of Gyeonggi Town is already great enough.

Especially for the Edo shogunate, which liked to decentralize official power through various means such as redundant officials and redundant personnel, the power of this position was really unimaginable.

"...Iatemo, I have something unclear."

"Please say."

Tokugawa Iemo made a "please" gesture.

"As smart as you are, it's impossible not to know that granting someone such great power can easily lead to disastrous consequences."

"Even if there are equal-level guardians of Kyoto to restrain the governor of Gyeonggi Town, the energy possessed by the latter is still large enough to pose a serious threat to the rule of the Tokugawa family."

Qingdeng narrowed his eyes, staring at the face of the mature young man in front of him as if to see through it.

"Aren't you afraid that I will monopolize power and separatist power, and end up doing the same thing as before?"

The old events of Sekigahara - the "Battle of Sekigahara" more than 200 years ago.

Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was originally a minister of the Toyotomi clan, only two years after the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, he personally led his Kanto disciples and the daimyo from various places who supported him to eliminate the pro-Toyotomi Western Army in the Sekigahara area, thus laying the foundation for "Germany". Sichuan world".Facing Qingden's piercing gaze, Tokugawa Iemo lowered his eyelids, hiding his eyes that were shining with strange eyes.

"Tangerine-kun, you don't need to worry about this."

"The reason why I want to make such an arrangement is because of my deep intentions."

"It's not convenient for me to talk about specific matters at the moment."

"But I can assure you: all my actions and all my good intentions are for the sake of the world!"

Tokugawa Iemo's voice was sonorous and powerful.

When he mentioned the word "tianxia", his voice showed an indescribable sense of holiness.

"Although at first glance, Gyeonggi Town seems to be glamorous, in reality it is like an ox carrying a heavy load."

"All the privileges it enjoys are the result of the shogunate's financial constraints."

"After the initial capital of 3000 taels of gold is delivered, the shogunate will not make any additional money or material additions to the Zhenfu Mansion."

"The follow-up supplies to the Zhenfu Mansion are all handled by the Gyeonggi Zhenfu Envoy."

"At the same time, as I just said, the governor of Gyeonggi Province cannot use the tax revenue and treasury reserves of the Gyeonggi region."

"Except for the two cities of Kyoto and Osaka, which have a little surplus, other areas in Gyeonggi are in a dire situation of being unable to make ends meet. If their interests are tampered with, it will easily lead to unrest."

"In short, as long as you don't violate this only prohibition, you can use your own private wealth, ask for businessmen's sponsorship, or even form your own trading group, or even eliminate the thieves entrenched in Gyeonggi and collect their wealth over the years. Savings are all up to you. In short, you can use any method you can think of to increase your income and expand the financial resources of the Zhenfu Mansion."

Qingdeng smiled bitterly:
"Sure enough, I knew it was not that simple... In other words, after leading the ronin and ambitious people from Edo to Luo, will the Zhenfufu become a weak organization in name only, or will it become a powerful army capable of shocking all parties? , it’s all up to my ability and luck, right?”

Tokugawa Iemo nodded slightly, and then said half-jokingly:
"As long as you have the ability, it's not impossible to raise a huge army of 10 people."

"The Edo shogunate, which directly commands a quarter of Japan, does not have a hundred thousand troops. Where can the Jinfufu, which can only show off its power in the Gyeonggi region, get 10 troops for you?"

Qingden responded in the same tongue-in-cheek tone.

After Tokugawa Iemo chuckled a few times, he slowly sat upright again with a solemn expression, creating a tense atmosphere.

"Ji Jun, I have given you such a big 'discount'...so, what is your answer?"


Qingdeng remained silent.

At this time, Tokugawa Iemo added:
"Whether you go or stay is up to you. If you don't want to take over this position, I will never force you."

"Do I still have the right to refuse?"

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows.

"Suppressing the capital—this heavy responsibility is not something that a reluctant and timid person can bear."

"Jia Mao, let me ask one more question: If I refuse to take office, do you have any backup candidates to replace me?"


Tokugawa Iemo replied without hesitation.

"It's not like you don't know my situation. I'm the general who succeeded a foreign vassal."

"I came to Edo only four years ago, and my foundation in Edo is still shallow."

"So far, the only confidants I can trust are my mother, you, Rintaro, and a few others."

"And the only people who understand military affairs and can raise an army are you and Rintaro."

"In order to build a naval force that is capable of fighting as soon as possible, Katsurin Taro is already extremely busy and has no skills at all."

"If you refuse to accept the post of governor of Gyeonggi Province, I can only ask Matsudaira Yongho to work harder and persist a little longer."

Tokugawa Iemo said it sincerely.

Apparently, what he said was true.

Qingden also believed that Tokugawa Iemo was not lying.

He is often treated as a "side servant", and he is fully aware of the decline of talents within the "Nanji Sect".

Qingdeng: "..."

Kamo: "..."

Silence fell between the two.

About five seconds later, Qingdeng's breath finally turned into sound.

"...A few days ago, after I was almost sent to the west by that bomb, I suddenly realized something."

Tokugawa Iemo had a look of surprise on his face when he saw Aoto suddenly talking about something that seemed to have nothing to do with the current situation.

But he did not interrupt, but listened patiently.

"The threat posed to me by the French Communist Party is far greater than I expected."

"They have always been thinking about the old grudge that I made it difficult for their phantom deposits to circulate in Kanto."

"They are a bunch of extremely vicious lunatics who will not hesitate to throw bombs into even densely populated streets."

"The FaZe Party, which had been dormant for nearly two years, suddenly resurfaced... This gave us a signal: they are ready to become active again."

"Maybe it's because they have accumulated strength, or maybe because they feel the time has come to take action."

"No matter what, God knows what methods they will use against me in the future."

"So, I thought: Instead of passively waiting for them to knock on the door, it's better to take the initiative!"

"Since the Boutou Party is suspected of colluding with the Changshu Domain, this group of lunatics will definitely launch intensive activities in the Gyeonggi region in the future."

"At this moment... it's the best time for me to go to Gyeonggi and compete with them!"

When Tokugawa Iemo heard this, his face suddenly showed joy.

Qingdeng’s words didn’t stop:
"I can't say that it will definitely restore stability to Gyeonggi."

"But I can guarantee that I will do my best to completely eliminate the Fa Zun Party!"

Tokugawa Iemo smiled and looked at Qingto with a solemn expression very happily.

"This is enough. Once the Fa Zhu Party is eliminated, the world will surely become a lot more stable."

"Tachibana-kun, Gyeonggi... no."

Tokugawa Iemo paused and put on a more solemn expression:
"Half the world west of Owari is in your hands!"



The next day—

"Big news! Extraordinary news! King Ni has accepted a new position! The governor of Gyeonggi Town! The governor of Gyeonggi Town! From today on, Ju Qingden is the governor of Gyeonggi Town!"

"Conscription! Conscription! King Ni personally takes the lead in forming a new combat force!"

"From January 1 next year to January 3, Nioh will open a recruitment office in Asakusa! Everyone can sign up! Regardless of origin! Regardless of age! Those who can do it! Whether they are honest farmers or wealthy people A businessman, a ronin with nothing, or a bannerman with a fat horse and a light coat, all have the opportunity to join Tachibana Qingden's command!"

"On February 2 next year, King Ni will lead this new fighting force to Luo! Suppress the capital and quell the civil strife!"


You can see tile merchants running around in the streets of Edo.

They were going crazy, repeating today's biggest headlines at the highest volume they could muster.

The citizens of Edo also went crazy, rushing to buy tiles from tile merchants.

Even people who don't usually look at tiles made a rare exception today. They held the still-warm tiles that had just left the factory in their hands and looked carefully at them one by one, for fear of missing any word.

The tile industry in Edo ushered in unprecedented prosperity.

The production capacity of tile workshops could not even keep up with the rush of Edo citizens to buy.

Thanks to the tireless propaganda of the tile merchants, the news that "Qingteng Guan paid homage to Gyeonggi Town and sent troops to Luo in February next year" spread throughout Edo in less than half a day.

The whole city is a sensation!

Qingdeng has been promoted again~ His current function is basically half of the "Gyeonggi Jiedushi"~~
So, how far can Qingdeng build his Zhenfu Mansion?Stay tuned below!
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(End of this chapter)

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