I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 517 Qingteng’s new weapon: a black revolver engraved with platycodon flowers! 【5200】

Chapter 517 Qingteng’s new weapon: a black revolver engraved with platycodon flowers! 【5200】

Wenjiu three years (1863), January 1, night——

Edo, Koishikawa Kohinata Yanagi-cho, Shouweikan——

The moonlight, as light as dust, filled the window sill, and the erratic candlelight swayed in the room. The two overlapped and shadowed on Qingdeng's desk.

Qing Deng was writing something in front of his head in front of the case.

Sometimes he frowned slightly, showing annoyance on his face.

Sometimes he stops the brush in his hand and thinks.

Sometimes he would take out the rice paper he was writing on, crumple it into a ball, and throw it away.

The tatami around him was covered with large and small paper balls.

Suddenly, the commander-in-chief's voice suddenly sounded outside the door:
"Tangerine-kun, it's me! I'm here to bring you tea!"

"come in."

Wow... The Souji, holding a tea tray in his hand, gently opened the door and stepped inside.

"Tachibana-kun, what are you doing?"

As the Souji asked, he stretched his right foot back like a scorpion with its tail raised, clamped the door frame with his toes, and closed the door with a "clang".

"I'm drawing up military regulations."

"Military regulations?"

Souji took small steps and came to Qingden's side in three steps and two steps at a time.

After placing the tea tray with the teapot and tea cups aside, she stuck out her little head, hung her chin on Qingdeng's right shoulder, and glanced at the table in front of Qingdeng.

"The army is an organization, and organization requires discipline. This is especially true for the Zhenfu Army, which has a complex personnel structure. Without iron-clad discipline to restrain the sergeants, the Zhenfu Army is just a plate of loose sand that cannot be used for much purpose. "

"oh oh……"

The general manager nodded in understanding.

"Have you finished writing your military regulations?"

"We've finally finished the first draft."

With that said, Qingden took out a neatly folded piece of rice paper and handed it to Souji.

"Want to take a look?"

"Then...please allow me to read it for a moment or two!"

After Yingying smiled, the director-general wiped his hands, and with a solemn gesture as if receiving an imperial edict, he carefully took the rice paper, spread it out, and softly recited word by word:

"First, follow the command in all actions."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qingdeng added calmly:

"Those who violate the rules will be beheaded in public display."

"Two, you are not allowed to leave the organization without permission."

"Those who violate the rules will be beheaded in public display."

"Third, don't fight privately for no reason."

"Those who violate the rules will be beheaded in public display."

"Four. Those who extort others, rob property, harm innocent people, rape women..."

"Fa rectification on the spot."

"Five, collaborators and traitors..."

"Fa rectification on the spot."

"Sixth, it is strictly forbidden to slander Ju Qingden as a lecher."

"I wrote this for fun, don't take it seriously."

"Seven, Chiba Sanako, Kinoshita Mai, and Okita Souji, the above three are not allowed to quarrel, and they must live in the same room with Tachibana Aoden."

"This is what I wrote and played, just ignore it."

The general manager raised his beautiful eyebrows.

"Kinoshita Mai? Has Miss Kinoshita also joined the Suppression Army?"

"It's not clear yet. She wants to join, but Boss Kiryu is fiercely opposed. She has sent a letter to Osaka to seek her grandmother's opinion. If her grandmother agrees, then everything will be easy. If her grandmother doesn't agree... then... Let’s talk about it later.”

"Is that so..."

The chief nodded slightly.

"Let me tell you, Articles 6 and 7 of these military regulations are obviously contrary to each other, right?"

As she said this, she chuckled "hehehe" a few times.

"On the one hand, you are not allowed to be called a womanizer, but on the other hand, you do all the things that a womanizer would do. And you are too confident, right?" The three of you are not allowed to quarrel, and you must talk to Orange Qingdeng lives in the same room...I alone can make you breathless. If the three of us get together, I think you will die."

Qingdeng looked embarrassed. In order to cover up his embarrassment, he raised the tea cup sent by the chief to his lips:
"As I said, the last two are just for fun, so don't pursue them any further."

After appreciating Qingdeng's embarrassed expression, the director-general Haosheng looked away with satisfaction and re-read the military regulations in his hand.

She turned over and over, looking at the front of the paper and then at the back.

"Is that all the military regulations are?"

"Originally there were 40 rules, but I reduced them item by item to the current five. There are a lot of people in the Suppressing Army who are rough people with little education. If the military regulations are designed to be too many and too complicated, it will be useless. .Leaving these 5 items is enough.”

"Is it too harsh? Why are the punishments for violating military regulations either being beheaded in public or being executed on the spot? Are there no other punishments? For example, confinement, ten lashes, etc... It doesn't work anymore You should also allow others to commit seppuku."

In the Edo period, regardless of civilians, for samurai, any method of death other than seppuku or death in battle was extremely humiliating.

"It has to be so strict."

Qingdeng put on a decisive tone.

"To put it bluntly... Zhenfujun is a 'combination of desires'."

"Those who want to join the Zhenfu Army must either seek fame or wealth."

"The kind of people with lofty ideals such as 'clarifying Yunei' and 'pacifying the enemy'... I can't say there aren't many, but there are certainly not many."

"There is neither sufficient food and salary, nor a guiding ideology to unite everyone."

"If conditions permit, of course I would be happy to slowly train the troops."

"But the problem is that I don't have such conditions."

"Conscription ends on January 1."

"On February 2st, I will lead this ragtag group of people without any training to rush to Kyoto."

"The current situation in Kyoto is getting worse and worse."

"The imperial court has been controlled by the ministers sent by Changshu, and the lunatics of the Changshu clan are becoming more and more domineering."

"There is currently no latest information on how to kill the party, but I guess they won't be too honest."

"For the Zhenfu Army, the worst-case scenario is that they must immediately go into battle as soon as they arrive in Kyoto, start a life-and-death street battle in the streets of Kyoto, and start a battle between the corps in the vast Osaka Plain."

"In this case, where will I find the time to leisurely discipline the sergeant?"

"Use heavy codes in troubled times."

"I must build the Zhenfu Army into an elite division that is good at fighting in the shortest possible time."

"For this reason, rough means must be used to forcibly integrate the team."

"I want all the sergeants in the Zhenfu Army to fear my sword more than the enemy's sword, and to fear the harshness of military regulations more than the terror of death."

Speaking of this, Qingdeng paused.

Then, he turned his head and cast a serious look at the Chief Secretary.

The two looked at each other.

"So, you must not violate military regulations."

"To create iron-clad discipline, the most important thing is to treat everyone equally and not to be special."

"Even you, if you violate military regulations, I will punish you."

"Don't make it difficult for me. I don't want to kill Ma Su with tears."

Perhaps he was infected by Qingto's serious expression and awe-inspiring tone, the Souji straightened his back unconsciously and said seriously:

"Don't worry, I don't dare to tell others, but at least I will never violate military regulations!"

Qingden nodded slightly, with a pleased smile on his face.

He is still very relieved about the General Secretary.

She doesn't have any bad habits, her biggest hobbies are practicing swordsmanship and eating sweets.

Secondly, she has a very good personality, is kind and cheerful, and is far more mature than her peers. She doesn't like to conflict with others.

Whenever there was a dispute between everyone in the trial hall, or when Sanako and Mai Kinoshita had another argument, she would always step forward and act as the peacemaker.

Because Souji is very popular, even his "love rivals" Sanako and Kinoshita Mai treat him differently, so everyone is willing to obey Souji's mediation - even if you don't like it, it doesn't matter. "Physical Criticism", can you defeat Souji?
As long as the General Secretary is there, no matter how serious the dispute is, it can always be reduced to a minor issue.

Over time, Souji has almost become the "Dragonfly Captain" of the Trial Guard Hall.

Whenever there is a dispute, everyone will habitually ask the General Secretary to intervene.

Such a popular and innocent girl with a simple lifestyle really didn't need Qingdeng to worry too much.

Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch…

Suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps coming from far and near came from the direction of the corridor.

After staying in the Imperial Guard Hall for so long, Qingdeng had already developed the ability to "identify people by the sound of their footsteps".

Therefore, he immediately heard that it was the footsteps of Gensaburo Inoue.

"Mister Tangerine! Mr. Orange!"

Genzaburo Inoue stood outside the door and shouted loudly.

"what's up?"

"Tachibana-kun, Miss Kinoshita from Senshiya is here! She said she has something very important to see you for!"

"A Wu?"

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

——It's already this hour, how could Ah Wu...ah!Could it be that……?
Thinking of this, he suddenly realized something.

"Okay, I'll come right away!"...

Qingdeng hurried to the outside of the trial defense hall.

Outside the gate of the trial hall, a nervous-looking girl in red was seen pacing around uncertainly.

Seeing Qingdeng coming, she immediately came to greet him and said eagerly:
"Qingdeng! Grandma's reply has arrived!"

Suddenly, Qingdeng opened his eyes wide in surprise.

He really guessed it right... The reply from Kinoshita Rin really arrived!

"Your grandma's reply has arrived? So soon?"

No wonder Qingdeng was so surprised.

Even for the most powerful and fastest flying kickers, a round trip between Edo and Osaka will take at least four days.

Kinoshita Mai wrote the letter on the night of January 1th and mailed it on the morning of January 4th.

It's the night of January 1th... just over three days have passed.

In other words, after receiving the letter, Kinoshita Mai’s grandmother immediately wrote a reply and sent it!

Otherwise, Kinoshita Mai would never have received a reply in just three days.

——Sent a reply so quickly...What did she write?

Thinking of this, Qingdeng asked quickly:

"A Wu, what did your grandma say?"

Kinoshita Mai looked embarrassed.

"I don't know...I haven't opened the letter yet..."

Qingdeng was stunned:
"You haven't opened the letter yet?"

She nodded slightly:
"I want to read this letter with you and Mr. Kiryu... Qingto, are you free now? Can you come to Chishiya?"

Qingdeng was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously with a solemn expression.

"Okay, I understand. I'm going to get my knife and change my clothes. I'll be back in a while."



Edo, Senjiya——

Aoto, Kinoshita Mai and Kiryu Boss were sitting in a "pin" shape with the orientation of "facing each other".

On the tatami between the three of them was a clean, white, well-sealed letter.

Kinoshita Mai sat upright, holding her two little feet in her stockings tightly, with a nervous expression, creating a restrained atmosphere.

Qingto was originally in a relaxed mood, but after seeing Kinoshita Mai's appearance, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

The increasingly violent heartbeat wrapped around his body like a vine, making his muscles stiff and his whole body tense.

To be fair, Qingto is very happy to see Kinoshita Mai become a member of the Zhenfu Army.

(Although I am far from being able to say that I “understand A Wu” compared to you who have watched her grow up, but at this moment, it is indeed the first time I have seen her show such a determined look in her eyes.) ——He had previously persuaded Kiryu The boss once said this sentence, and it is true that he said it from the bottom of his heart.

Even if he had no choice but to do so, he would not disturb Kinoshita Mai's will and ideals.

Of course, the reason why he hopes Kinoshita Mai can join the Suppression Army is a little selfish - he doesn't want to be separated from the girl he likes - but this is just an insignificant and insignificant secondary reason!

Strangely enough, compared to the nervous Aoto and Kinoshita Mai, Boss Kiryu looked calm...as if he already knew the contents of the letter.

Kinoshita Mai raised her gaze, glanced at Aoden with a flinching look, and then glanced at Boss Kiryu.

"Then...I opened it!"

Kinoshita took a deep breath, showed a solemn expression as if she was going to the execution ground, stretched out her slightly trembling hands, and carefully picked up the envelope with a cautious movement like picking up fragile items, and opened the letter tremblingly.


The heartbeat rates of Aoto and Mai Kinoshita reached their peak at this moment.

In ancient Japan, like ancient China, the writing direction was from right to left and from top to bottom.

Therefore, generally speaking, when ancient Japanese people sent letters, they often folded the letter paper vertically into a long and thin strip.

Kinoshita Mai took out the letter paper folded like a paper fan from the envelope, took another deep breath, and unfolded the letter paper bit by bit like unfolding a scroll...

First line - blank.

The second line - still blank.

The third line - still blank.

——A Wu’s grandma must have sent a blank piece of paper, right?

Just when Qingdeng had this thought in his mind, he finally saw the dark and deep handwriting.

I saw that nearly [-]% of the area on the letter paper was blank, and only a very simple line of beautiful small characters was written in the middle position——

(Go ahead and do it, and be safe.)



There was silence and silence inside and outside the store.

Even after seeing the facts with his own eyes, Qingdeng still doubted his own eyes.

Not that he questioned the contents of the letter.

It was the freedom and trust in his granddaughter revealed in these simple words that moved him.

He blinked and was confused for a while.

It wasn't until a moment that he came back to his senses and subconsciously turned his head to look at Kinoshita Mai beside him.

The girl was just like Qingden just now, blinking her beautiful eyes in confusion, repeatedly confirming the reality in front of her.

For a few moments, she pursed her red lips tightly, lowered her head, said nothing, and tried her best to endure, waiting for the emotional wave to pass.

Qingden quietly looked away - at this time, it was better not to disturb Kinoshita Mai.

At this time, Qingden suddenly noticed: Boss Kiryu was unusually calm.

His face was expressionless and calm throughout the entire process, and even after seeing the contents on the letter, he remained the same.


Suddenly, Boss Kiryu stood up silently and strode towards the back room of Qianshiya.

Qingdeng saw this and asked quickly:
"Huh? Boss Kiryu, where are you going?"


Boss Kiryu didn’t respond.

His back quickly melted into the shadows deep in the corridor.

In less than 2 minutes, he was back within the sight of Ayoto and Mai Kinoshita.

When he came back, there was a large red cloth bag on his left hand and an exquisite brocade box under his right armpit.

As soon as he sat back down, Kinoshita Mai immediately asked:
"Mr. Kiryu, what are these?"

Kinoshita Mai's eyes were still red, and there was an obvious cry in her voice, but she could still speak.


After Boss Kiryu hesitated for a while, he quietly pushed the big red cloth bag to Mai Kinoshita's knees.
"I've packed all your clothes, food, medicine to relieve menstruation, and your favorite snacks for you."

After Boss Kiryu finished speaking, the inside and outside of the store became quiet again.

Qingdeng's cheeks were filled with astonishment.

Kinoshita Mai's expression was dominated by strong shock.

Boss Kiryu just came back and forth, and it only took 2 minutes to make sure everything was done.

It took more than this time just to find Kinoshita Mai's clothes from the closet.

Then, there is only one possibility - these luggages were prepared by Boss Kiryu in advance!

"Mr. Kiryu, did you already know that grandma would agree to my joining the Zhenfu Army?"

Boss Kiryu chuckled a few times.

"Young Master, what kind of relationship do you think your grandma and I have?"

"I started working for your grandma when I was still as young as you."

"I have known her for nearly 80 years."

"I know all her thoughts and wishes."

"Also, this is for you."

Kiryu pushed the brocade box that he had brought with Mai Kinoshita's luggage in front of the two of them.

Qingdeng asked:

"Boss Kiryu, what is this?"

He heard clearly that what Boss Kiryu said just now was "you".

In other words, the items in the brocade box were given to him and Kinoshita Mai.

"Open it and see for yourselves."

Qingden and Kinoshita Mai looked at each other and nodded indiscriminately.

The two of them stretched out their hands at the same time with great tacit understanding - Qingden stretched out his left hand and grabbed the left edge of the brocade box, and Kinoshita Mai stretched out his right hand and grabbed the right edge of the brocade box - and opened them together with a "click" Brocade box.

Suddenly, the unique shining luster of metal filled Qingdeng's eyes, causing him to narrow his eyes involuntarily - however, with just one breath, his eyes were as wide as cowbells.

"This is……?!"

I saw two completely black revolvers lying quietly inside the brocade box.

The bottom of the handle of both pistols is engraved with a delicate platycodon flower.

That's right!Qingdeng's first new weapon is a black revolver!Now everyone can guess what Qingdeng’s second new weapon is~~
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(End of this chapter)

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