I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 527: Break through the "3rd Avenue Field"!Qingdeng vs his father-in-law! 【5200】

Edo, Kanda Tamama Pond, Genbukan——

Ever since his relationship with Sanako became unclear, Qingto's visits to the Genbukan became more frequent.

Over time, he became familiar with the disciples of Xuanwukan and Chiba's younger brothers...that is, Chiba Dosaburo and Chiba Tamenshiro.

Compared with the enigmatic Chiba Eijiro, the bold and uninhibited Chiba Jutaro, the proud Chiba Tamonshiro, and the dignified Sanako, Chiba Dosaburo is the one who is least like a swordsman in the Chiba family. One person.

He has a delicate face, fair skin, gentle manners, and a gentle smile on his lips... With such a face, he looks more like a scholar studying ancient books in his study than a swordsman wielding a sword in a dojo.

Judging from the surface, it is completely unimaginable that this young man with a kind personality and no airs would actually be the leader of the Xuanbukan, the first of the "three great venues" in Edo.

About half a year before Aoto launched this "Edo Conquest", he had already issued a challenge to Chiba Michizaburo.

Looking back at the red and white battle 2 years ago, Chiba Michizaburo fought against the five strongest men in the trial defense hall with one against five.

At this time, the lineup of the Trial Guard Hall is Aomori, Souji, Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo, Inoue Genzaburo... It can be said that the strongest people in the Trial Guard Hall are here.

As a result, they were stunned that there was nothing they could do against Chiba Michizaburo.

In the face of the "Beichen Two Sword Style" created by Chiba Michizaburo, Qingto and others were beaten to the point of losing their armor.

At the end of the battle, only Qingteng and Souji were left struggling to support themselves.

If it weren't for the extraordinary power of "Liu Guang" and "Ping Qingyan Three Steps".

If it weren't for the tacit understanding between Qingteng and the General Secretary.

If it weren't for the two of them being lucky.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for them to defeat Chiba Michosaburo at that time.

Qingdeng took on the challenge half a year ago with the hope of "avoiding previous shame".

Maybe the other party also wanted to know who was stronger or weaker compared to Aoto now... In short, when Aoto launched the challenge, Chiba Michizaburo nodded and agreed without hesitation.

The venue for the battle between the two was a certain open space on the outskirts of Edo.

On that day, the core members of the Trial Guard Hall, Xuanwu Hall, and Little Chiba Sword Hall came to watch the battle.

This was a bitter battle that makes Qingden still feel numb all over when he thinks about it.

The fierce battle between the two lasted for nearly an hour!
When playing against Michizaburo Chiba, there was no feeling of "dueling with others" at all.

His self-created "Beichen Erdao Style", combined with his talent of "mutual exchange", is simply synonymous with "cheap".

His left and right swords can attack from different angles at the same time, and one person can do the output of two people.

Moreover, "these two people" are also excellent partners who complement each other, and their coordination with each other is extremely wonderful.

When attacking, they are like wind and fire. The wind assists the fire, and fire takes advantage of the wind. When defending, it is like wood and earth. The wood borrows the strength of the earth, and the earth strengthens the wood.

Just to guard against Chiba Michizaburo's ever-changing moves has taken up most of Qingto's energy, and he is unable to launch attacks that can threaten the opponent.

It was also difficult for Chiba Dosaburo to break through Aoto's defense.

No one can do anything to the other... In this kind of evenly matched battle, the battle is "don't make mistakes."

Whoever makes fewer mistakes has a greater chance of winning.

Finally, when the battle was getting intense, Chiba Michizaburo was stunned for a moment - Qingden accurately grasped this golden opportunity, boldly stepped forward, slashed with his sword, and knocked off his mask. A narrow victory.

According to Qingto's rough estimate... Chiba Doisaburo and Rakshasa should be between equals.

In the duel with Rakshasa, Qingden barely managed to defeat the opponent with the blessing of his two eternal talents: "Dragon of Reversal" and "Hachiman of Immortality".

But now, he can defeat masters at the same level as Rakshasa just under normal conditions.

I have to say, this is really a huge improvement.

Half a year ago, Chiba Michizaburo was no longer Aoto's opponent, let alone half a year later.

In terms of growth rate, there is no way Chiba Michizaburo can match the cheating Aoto.

Although Qingdeng's swordsmanship level has never improved due to limited physical capabilities, he has acquired or upgraded many talents that are helpful in combat in the past six months.

Not to mention anything else, in this "Edo Conquest" alone, Qingto's natural ability has received another major upgrade.

The day after "breaking through" the training hall, Qingdeng rushed straight to the Xuanwu Hall.

Both Aoto and Chiba Doisaburo are very aware of the current strength gap between them.

But the latter still accepted the former's challenge without hesitation and started a duel with him after half a year.

The battle that took nearly an hour to decide the outcome half a year ago took only 1 minutes to decide the outcome this time.

Although there were some thrills in the battle between the two, the result was not what everyone expected - after the Shi Academy and the Military Training Hall, even the Xuanwu Hall was lost.

As soon as this news came out, the citizens of Edo were stunned.

At this point, all the "Three Main Streets" of Edo have fallen!
To the citizens of Edo... no, rather to people who admire martial arts all over Japan, Edo's "Three Great Halls" are a holy land of martial arts that cannot be reached.

Studying abroad in Edo and pursuing further studies at the "Three Great Halls" - this is the dream of countless rural swordsmen.

Although the martial arts school has gathered a large number of monsters headed by Seiichiro Otani, its establishment history is too short, and only children of Hatamoto can enroll, so it lacks a sense of depth and intimacy.

Not even the "Three Great Arenas" could stop Nioh's sword...

For a time, the topic of "Edo Conquest" reached a new high.

However... some attentive townspeople keenly discovered that there is still a dojo that has not yet been conquered by Qingto.

Although most of the disciples in this dojo have been Qingteng's opponents, there is still one person whom Qingteng has not yet competed with.

I must have a challenge with him - it was with this feeling in mind that Qingto sent a letter of challenge to the Little Chiba Sword Hall.



Edo, Barrel Town, Little Chiba Sword House——

A straight waist, hands placed on his legs, a standard sitting posture that cannot be faulted, Vairocana and Dingguishen placed on the floor on the right side of the body... Qingden looked straight at what was in front of him. Chiba Nobuyoshi.

"...Jijun, do you really want to compete with me?"

Chiba Nobuyoshi smiled bitterly as he spoke.

Qingdeng smiled slightly and put on a humorous tone:
"As far as I know, anyone who pursues martial arts will not want to compete with you."

No matter which angle you look at it, Hokushin Itto-ryu, which was founded less than 30 years ago, is an undoubted rising star among the many swordsmanship schools in Japan.

However, it happens that this "newcomer" who is too young has quickly developed into the number one sect in Japan today by relying on his unparalleled overall quality and divine luck.

His status is so high that it is difficult to shake him.

Chiba Nobuyoshi was also a leading figure when he was young.

Talented, he assisted his brother in the development of Beichen Itto-ryu and made an indelible and outstanding contribution to the promotion of Beichen One-sword style.

In other words, to a certain extent, Chiba Nobuyoshi is Beichen Ittoryu itself!
Such a hero...how could Qingden not want to compete with him?

In fact, he had invited the opponent to fight a long time ago.

On the one hand, it is for the utilitarian reason of "wanting to obtain his talent."

On the other hand, it's also to broaden your horizons - why don't you get to see the "humanoid incarnation" of Beichen Yida-ryu?
However, in the face of Aoto's invitations to fight, Chiba Sadayoshi always gave the same reply: "I am old and I am weak."

However, Qingdeng did not give up.

Today, he challenged it again.

The other party has clearly rejected him, and he is still stalking her... To be honest, this kind of behavior is quite rude.

But sometimes, people just have to be thick-skinned.

Qingden happens to be the kind of person who is very thick-skinned...or in other words, he regards face as nothing.

After all, he is a magical species who can declare "I want to marry three real wives" without blushing or heartbeat.

Shame is to Qingdeng what underwear is to men - it is taken for granted if it is available, but it does not matter if it is not.

"Mr. Chiba, no matter what, I want to see you in action!"

Qingdeng added word by word.

"If I can't achieve this wish before going to Luo, I will really be unwilling to do so!"

When Qingden finished speaking, everyone present focused their attention on Chiba Nobuyoshi.

All members of the Chiba family except Eijiro - Michizaburo, Tamon Shiro, Jutaro and Sanako - were all present and no one was absent.

Sanako raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Qingden who was not far away, and then looked at her father on the main seat with a complicated expression, as if she wanted to say something, but was hesitant to say it.

After hesitating like this for a while, she finally took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"Father, Tachibana-kun will be leaving Edo soon. I think it would be a good farewell gift to take this opportunity to give him some advice."


Chiba Nobuyoshi turned his head and looked at Sanako silently.

Although he didn't say anything, his eyes clearly stated what he wanted to say: You're not even married yet, and you're already turning your elbows outward.Sanako read the meaning of her father's eyes, and immediately lowered her head with a pink face, looking at her nose, nose and heart, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

"Guide... Now I don't have the ability to give guidance to Mr. Ju."

After saying this with mixed feelings, Chiba Sadaki let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, since Sanako has come to help you speak, let's... stretch our muscles a bit."

After that, he stood up slowly, his voice rising gradually as his body stood upright.

Qingdeng was stunned for a moment, and then responded forcefully:

"Please advise!"

For a moment, the Chiba disciples and the disciples of the Little Chiba Sword Hall who were sitting on both sides of the dojo had awe-inspiring expressions on their faces.

Chiba Sadakichi's appearance... Even his children, Chiba Jutaro and Sanako, may not have seen this scene for a long time!

Chiba Sadaki strode to the weapons rack, picked out two or three bamboo swords and tried them in the air. After choosing one, he walked to the center of the dojo.

Qingden handed Vairochana, Dingguishen, and the wakizashi around his waist to Sanako for safekeeping, then fetched a bamboo sword nearby, and then moved to the opposite side of Chiba Dingji.

Leave a space of about 10 steps between the two sides.

The two of them bowed to each other silently and set up their bamboo swords.

"Come on, Mr. Orange, I have held the bamboo sword as you wished, but don't let me down."

At the same moment as the words fell, Chiba Nobuyoshi's face changed drastically.

The eyes that usually sparkled with soft eyes were now narrowed into slits, with a cold light like a blade hidden in them!

Such eyes leave no doubt that no expression or behavior of his opponent can escape these eyes.

At the same time, he lightly assumed a blue-eyed pose, and the sword tip twitched slightly.

He didn't show any "power".

But his seemingly casual posture contained a chilling sense of coercion!
In terms of body shape, Chiba Sadaki is a very standard middle-aged man.

Her figure was greatly out of shape due to gaining weight.

The facial features also become bloated and shiny due to the accumulation of fat.

Being able to give birth to a "tough guy type handsome guy" with clear facial features like Chiba Jutaro, and "the most beautiful woman in Edo" like Sanako, Chiba Nobuyoshi's own appearance is naturally not bad.

No matter what...getting fat will ruin everything.

At present, we can only get a glimpse of the stunning appearance in the eyebrows, speech and other subtle details.

It's just that his body is fat and his appearance is poor, but his light arms, steady posture, and solid and powerful footsteps can't feel the traces of time on his body!


Qingden silently lowered the lower plate, tilted the bamboo sword to the left, and changed the structure from Qingyan to a more stable and steady middle section.

Whether it is Qingto or Chiba Nobuyoshi, there is no flaw in their body movements.

Just like that, the two of them stared at each other eagerly, motionless.

It was dusk.

While they were facing each other from a distance, the afterglow of the setting sun entered the dojo, staining the floor and walls red. At the same time, the edges of their bodies were inlaid with a bright red color that was somewhere between blood and roses, making them appear deep and gorgeous.

Suddenly, Chiba Dingji moved.

I saw him using a gait with the sole of his foot sticking to the ground, moving his right foot, taking half a step forward, and then stepping back to the original position, as if he was about to advance but stopped.

At the same time, Qingdeng also moved.

He did not act as cautiously as the opponent. He held his head high and approached the opponent with the edge of his sword.

Seeing him approaching slowly, Chiba Sadaki stepped on his heels, as if he was waiting for his opponent to attack.

Qingden moved as if he was measuring the ground with his feet.

Not moving forward in big strides, but moving forward inch by inch.

As the distance between the two kept getting closer, the "thickness" in the air at the scene became thicker and thicker.

Just when the two sides were still three or four steps away, Qingdeng suddenly sank down!The body turns into an afterimage!

Stepping, sprinting, sword raising, slashing - all at the same time.

At the same time, there was Chiba Nobuyoshi's dodge.

He jumped back quickly and stood outside Qingdeng's slashing range like a golden rooster.

The next moment, the "golden rooster" jumped back, and with a "snap" - his bamboo sword made a loud noise and slashed towards Qingdeng's face.

Qingdeng subconsciously raised his sword to defend...but at this moment, the bamboo sword that was supposed to hit his face suddenly turned down at an incredible angle and swept towards his right wrist.

This is the classic routine of Beichen's Itto Style: attack the face with a posture but then switch to attacking the hands.

This skill fell into the hands of Chiba Nobuyoshi and turned into the best annotation of "perfection".

Although this is not a particularly powerful move, no matter how ordinary it is, it can still exert extraordinary power as long as it falls into the hands of an expert.

What's more, Chiba Sadayoshi is also one of the developers of this move.

Qingdeng's pupils shrank slightly, and his body took action one step ahead of himself.

Collect your arms, jump back while holding the sword, and open your arms - all movements are like flowing water.

There was a counterattack hidden in his retreating movements.

However... Chiba Nobuyoshi did not take the bait.

He watched helplessly and let Qingdeng stay away, not pursuing him, but quietly reorganizing his posture.

This time, he adopted the middle position, and the tip of the sword still twitched slightly like a wagtail's tail.

——Beichen, who has practiced Yi Dao style to the extreme, is really difficult to deal with...

Qingden thought and smiled.

Beichen Yidao style is a style that pays attention to skills.

To put it bluntly... the masters of Beichen Yidao style are all old bastards who are keen on showing off tricks and tricks!
Although in the martial arts world, "one force can defeat ten" is an unchanging truth, but as long as the skills and routines are used properly, it is not impossible for the weak to defeat the strong.

The move just now was really dangerous... If Qingteng did not have the blessing of the talent "Godly Speed ​​+5", if Qingteng did not have extremely rich combat experience, and if Qianba Singyoshi was holding a real sword, then Qingteng's right hand would no longer be there on him.


Qingden spread his legs silently, raised the tip of his sword, and switched his posture to his most proficient Xia Dan configuration.

In the next breath, his bamboo sword was flying towards Chiba Nobuyoshi.

Chiba Nobuyoshi dodged sideways, but his clothes were still scratched by the tip of the sword.

Qingdeng's pursuit was fast, and he struck out with his second sword in just an instant.

This time, the opponent did not dodge.

He bent his knees slightly and wiped the sword upwards at an angle.

The bamboo sword struck the air.

Just as Qingdeng expected - the feeling of hitting cotton again, [-] to [-]% of the [-]% effort was lost.

After fighting each other, both sides continued to step forward in unison.

The sleeves meet and pass by each other.

When Qingto turned around to face Chiba Nobuyoshi again, the other party had already rushed in front of him, and the entire field of vision was filled with fat figures.

Qingden had been holding the sword hilt tightly just now, but now he relaxed his grip slightly, giving the bamboo sword a light rhythm - the tip of the sword twitched slightly like a wagtail's tail.

The sword edge cut through the air and hit Chiba Nobuyoshi's face.

Just when Chiba Nobuyoshi raised his bamboo sword and was about to block Qingden's slashing blow... the path of the latter's sword suddenly turned a corner and fell downwards!Falling towards the former's right wrist.

It was exactly the same situation as just now... except this time, the roles of both parties were reversed.

A look of astonishment flashed across Chiba Nobuyoshi's face, and he narrowly avoided Qingto's tricks and retreated.



The two stared at each other in silence.

For a moment, they raised their lips at the same time.

The young man's smile was filled with excitement.

The old man's smile was filled with relief.

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