I formed the strongest swordsman group.

第533章 【9牛2虎3】!从欧洲大陆追来的不明势力!【5000】

The collision of "potential"!

Qingden's "power" alone is enough to make people with weak ambitions and mediocre abilities feel physically uncomfortable.

And now, with the addition of Oishi Jin's "power"...

The aftermath of the collision between the two made Noburo Imai and other less powerful people feel frightened!
Hiraishan Sandanju - This natural ryshin-ryu secret created by Souji is a unique skill that is indispensable for both superb swordsmanship and strong physical fitness.

Without the former, it would be difficult to keep a steady hand on the sword.

Without the latter, it would be difficult to quickly withdraw the thrust sword.

The General Secretary is not a secretive person.

She did not hide the "Ping Qingyan Sandan Tu", she opened its cultivation method to the Quanshi Weikan, and fully welcomed other people's learning and reference.

However... so far, no one except Qingdeng has mastered this technique!
The swordsmanship skills required to practice "Ping Qingyan Sandan Tu" are not insurmountable difficulties.

Kondo Isamu and Hijikata Toshizo are both amazingly talented swordsmen.When it comes to swordsmanship skills, they are definitely passable.

The most important thing is physical fitness.

The physical requirements for "Pingqingyan Sandantu"...especially the requirements for explosive power are too high.

Thrust out the sword in his hand with all his strength, and then retract it in an instant... This "moment" makes it impossible for more than [-]% of the people in this world to do this move.

What's more, this step has to be used twice in a row, enough to stab three times.

The only people who can master this secret are "freaks" like Souji, who are extremely talented and have far more explosive physical strength than ordinary people, and "wall-hangers" like Aonto.

Even Qingdeng only reluctantly learned this trick not long ago.

Because he just learned it not long ago, his power is naturally not as good as that of Souji, who is the "right master". It will take some time for him to get used to it before he can catch up with Souji's level.

The two sword points that collided heavily in the air were like two bulls with red eyes, raised their sharp horns, and rammed into each other.

Even the most daring and skilled matadors would not dare to intervene without permission.

The two sword blades, which were originally extremely straight and smooth, were all bent into exaggerated arcs, making a miserable "squeaking" groan.

There is no "you use some force, I will push back some force" wrestling.

Both of them tried their best!All the strength in the body was poured into this blow, and no more energy could be squeezed out of the body!

"Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-!"

An angry roar like an eruption of lava burst out of Oishi Jin's throat.


At the same time, a roar that seemed to penetrate the sky also centered on Qingdeng and spread to all directions.

Screaming from the Dantian can induce greater power - this is the last resort they can use.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak—!
The moans and wails of the bamboo sword suddenly intensified and intensified.

At this moment, everyone on the field, including the two warring parties, had a strange sense of time.

They feel like a long time has passed.

But in reality, everything happens in just a few seconds.

A few seconds later, with a series of crunching sounds, the two bamboo swords broke at the same time in no particular order!Like glass, it breaks into thousands of fragments and scatters like scattered flowers!
Both Qingdeng and Oishijin only had a bare sword hilt in their hands.



The two looked at each other with straight eyes, expressionless and silent.

"Quick! Get them new bamboo swords!"

A certain apprentice hurriedly said to the classmate next to him, and then the two of them hurriedly took two brand new bamboo swords from the knife rest not far away.

However, before they could hand over the new bamboo swords to the field, Sakakihara Kanyoshi, who was sitting in front of them, stretched out his hand to signal them to "don't move."

"No need to hand over the sword."

He said calmly.

"The victory and defeat are already divided."

"Huh? The outcome has been decided?"

Many apprentices looked puzzled and looked at Sakakihara Kanyoshi who said this, and then looked at the two people on the field.

Both Qingdeng and Oishi Jin only had their bamboo swords broken. Judging from the battle situation, they were just tied. How could the "win or lose be decided"?
However, Otani Seiichiro, Soda Kiyone, Itami Hideaki and others all looked like Sakakihara Kanyoshi and they all seemed to have decided that the battle between Aoto and Oishi Susumu had already been decided. .

The two people on the field remained silent.

The normal teachers and teachers off the field, led by Seiichiro Tanani and Kiyone Soda, did not say a word.The apprentices were so affected by this atmosphere that they didn't even dare to speak out loud.

In this silence, the person who uttered the first sentence was the giant who slowly showed a regretful expression:
"……I lost."

After saying that, Dashi stepped into the station, straightened up, and saluted Qingdeng.

At the same moment when his voice fell, Qingdeng's mind heard a cold system tone as expected:

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers +2"]

[Talent Introduction: Stronger than ordinary people]

【Ding!Detected that the host already has the same type of talent]

["Nine Bulls and Two Tigers" ability promotion - "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers +3"]

——It is indeed a "nine cows and two tigers".

After the battle with Oishi Jin began, Qingto had been guessing: This time he would probably copy the talents related to height and strength from his opponent.

Needless to say, Oishi Jin's strength is that he can go head-to-head with Qingdeng, who is now a "mutant", and not fall behind. He must have a power talent with a numerical suffix.

As for his height... Qingden is so jealous of his height!
It was possible to grow to a full 2 meters in the Edo period when the national genes were defective and the diet was unhealthy. What kind of terrible genes is this?

With such genetic conditions, if adequate nutrition is taken in from an early age and supplemented by scientific exercise methods, it will not be a problem to grow to 2 meters 2 or 2 meters 3.

Although his current height of 1 meters is enough to stand out from the crowd, if possible, Qingto still hopes that his height can be further improved, preferably to grow to at least 75 meters like Saitoichi.

——Forget it, although I couldn’t copy the talent related to height, it was good to be able to upgrade the “nine cows and two tigers”.

Thinking of this, Qingdeng put away the thoughts in his mind, stood up straight, and returned Dashi Jin's greeting meticulously:
"Mr. Oishi, thank you for your advice."

At this time, a certain apprentice in the audience finally couldn't help but asked Sakakihara Kanyoshi:

"Mr. Sakakihara, why did Mr. Oishi admit defeat? The confrontation just now was just a draw. He should still be able to fight, right?"

This person's rhetorical question immediately caused countless doubtful eyes to fall on Sakakihara Kanyoshi.

Sakakihara Kanyoshi replied calmly:

"It was because the fight just now ended in a draw that Oishi-kun gave up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yiting Xiuming, who was not far away, answered:
"You all saw it before, right? The heavy slashes and continuous stabbings that Oishi-kun is so proud of can't do anything to Nioh."

"In other words, he simply cannot defeat the opponent with conventional means."

"Oishi-kun's physical strength is not as good as Nioh's."

"When Nioh broke his consecutive stabs, one side's aura was chaotic, but the other side's aura was still stable and long. This is the best evidence that the physical abilities of both sides are not equal."

"The physical strength is not as good as the opponent's, and I am unable to change the situation of the battle. Under the situation of ebb and flow, defeat will be a matter of time. It is just a matter of time."

When Hideaki Itami said this, Kanyoshi Sakakihara took the words back:
"Therefore, Oishi Susumu's secret technique 'Katate Tetsu' is his only hope for victory."

"If you can defeat Mr. Tachibana with this move, then everything will be easy."

"But if even this trick fails, then there will be no chance."

"Then...as you can see, Oishi Susumu's 'Katate Tatsu' is tied with Mr. Tachibana's Natural Rishin-ryu Mystery."

"I used my last trump card, but it still ended in regret. Oishi-kun has no chance of winning."

"If you continue to fight, you will just be struggling. Instead of doing this, it is better to admit that your skills are inferior to others."

After listening to the explanations of Sakakihara Kanyoshi and Itami Hideaki, all the apprentices showed expressions of understanding.

"Oshi-kun is getting old too..."

At this time, Qingyin Etian, who was sitting in the main seat, raised his hand to rub his old face, showing an expression of mixed emotions.

"If it were him when he was young, he would have won or lost. It's hard to tell."

While everyone was talking in the audience, Qingdeng on the court was also sighing secretly.As the actual belligerent, that is, the person involved, he knew better than anyone else that the victory he had just won was quite a coincidence.

In terms of sword skills and physical abilities, he and Oishi Jin were only on par.

He defeated the opponent by virtue of his superior physical strength...or rather by virtue of his age which was in his bonus period.

If Oishi Jin is the same age as him...then the battle between the two of them will definitely be an unprecedented fierce battle between dragons and tigers.

Of course, there is no benefit in talking about this after the fact.

"It would be great if this was the case", "If only that was the case"... these words are just excuses after all.

Defeat is defeat. In the face of the fact called "defeat", any rhetoric is pale and powerless.

Judging from Oishi Jin's magnanimous expression at this time, he, like Chiba Nobuyoshi, is not the kind of person who would use "advanced age" to excuse his defeat.

Oishi Jin is regarded as the third master of the martial arts institute.

Now, their third-in-command has been defeated.

The only opponents before Qingdeng...are the second master and the first master in front!

Qingdeng turned around, raised his head, raised his gaze, and looked directly at the two elders on the main seat.

"Nioh, don't be anxious."

Yitian Qingyin smiled slightly, with a kind expression.

"You must be tired now by taking turns fighting Oishi-kun and others without stopping, right?"

Otani Seiichiro smiled and answered:
"Tachibana-kun, take a rest."

Having said this, Otani Seiichiro paused for a moment, then changed into a meaningful tone and continued:

"If you don't maintain your best condition...you won't be able to defeat the 'Sword Master'."



Ainoto, who acted vigorously and resolutely, naturally wanted to start the fight as soon as possible and quickly decide the winner with Seiichiro Tanani and Kiyone Soda.

However, he is not the kind of person who can't carry it clearly.

After enduring the battles of Oishi Susumu, Itami Hideaki, Imai Noburo and other masters, even though he has countless talents, he can't help but feel physically exhausted.

Because of the blessing of "God Brain + 9", he is still full of energy.

But the bones and muscles all over his body have really been wailing since just now.

Although he wanted to quickly copy the talents of Otani Seiichiro and Soda Kiyone, but unless absolutely necessary, he just wanted to welcome the arrival of System Sound as a winner.

So, he accepted the second elder's suggestion and rested for a while.

It happened to be noon at this moment - "Tachibana-kun, let's have lunch together." - the male Tan Seiichiro said.

This kind of invitation was reasonable and would not disturb the other party too much. Qingdeng had no reason to refuse.

In this way, he tasted the cuisine of Banxian Wushuo.

Military training is worthy of being a key support project of the shogunate.

Not only are the infrastructure such as water wells and training grounds almost perfect, but even the daily diet can satisfy a large number of civilians and middle- and lower-level samurai.

The staple food is crystal clear rice, which is piled into a small mountain in a palm-sized rice bowl, with spikes sticking out.

The meal is served with four hearty dishes and one soup.

The aromatic miso soup, the fried saury that is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, the oily fried tofu, the pickled radish with a crunchy texture... What surprised Ayoto the most was that there was pork in the side dishes of the military school. .

"Come on, Mr. Ju, try our peonies. The taste will never disappoint you."

Seiichiro Tanani enthusiastically made a "please" gesture to the pork on the Aoto table.

Although up to now, various forces in Japan are still arguing about the founding of the country, but no matter what, the introduction of Western culture and customs into Japan is ultimately unstoppable.

The reason why the ancient Japanese did not eat four-legged livestock was not because they did not like meat.

Most humans prefer eating meat to vegetables—this is human nature.

Influenced by Buddhism and Shintoism, Japanese officials believe that four-legged livestock are unclean, so four-legged animals such as pigs, cows, and deer are prohibited. Chickens, ducks, goose, and fish are not included in the ban.

But the Japanese are not stupid. They have always known that meat is delicious, and they also know that eating meat can strengthen the body.

Therefore, meat is a very important health product in the prescriptions of Japanese doctors.

In this way, meat has survived tenaciously in medicine stores under the name of "supplements" and "health products".

People who love eating meat often sell and eat meat secretly under the pretext of "buying supplements to nourish the body."

In order to avoid taboos, various types of meat have been given various names, and they have been widely spread among the people.

Pork is called "peony", horse meat is called "sakura", and venison is called "red leaves".

Therefore, the phrase "Have a taste of our peonies" by Otani Seiichiro means "Have a taste of our pork."

As the west wind spreads eastward, more and more Japanese people began to understand, come into contact with, and taste meat.

Under this promotion, the "meat culture", which already has a certain basis of public opinion, can be said to have made great progress.

In areas such as Nagasaki and Yokohama, which have a lot of exchanges with the West, people there are even proficient in cutting steaks with knives and forks.

At first, everyone in the trial camp did not eat meat.

Firstly, everyone is deeply influenced by the idea that "four-legged animals are unclean".

Secondly, meat is so expensive that even high-ranking samurai cannot eat meat every day.

After the imperial examination hall gradually became famous and the economic situation gradually improved, Qingdeng began to vigorously promote "meat culture".

The process was extremely tortuous and arduous, but fortunately the final result was gratifying.

Under Qingdeng's careful "training", the guys at the Trial Guard Hall are now finally able to accept and enjoy the joy of eating meat.

To this day, they eat meat two to three times a week.

The changes that come with improving your diet are fairly intuitive.

Compared to before, everyone's physiques have become much stronger - except for Souji.

Obviously, Souji eats meat as often as anyone else, but her body has never changed and she has always been short and small.

Maybe this is a side effect of body functions that are different from ordinary people.

——When I have stable financial resources in the future, I will definitely build a livestock farm specifically to serve my Shinsengumi, so that my sergeants can have meat to eat every day!
Qingdeng silently made up his mind.

In this era where just providing white rice can make middle- and lower-level samurai and civilians happy and grateful, and they can eat meat steadily every day... Qingdeng can't imagine sticking to this method for a year... No!In half a year, how high will the Shinsengumi's combat effectiveness be?


At this moment-

Edo, the settlement of Westerners——

Anthony clasped his hands behind his back and faced the fireplace in front of him, with a solemn expression and a look of something deeply preoccupied.

At this time, rapid footsteps came from the direction of the corridor.


Their maid: Leroy, walked quickly behind Anthony.

She looked panicked, as if she had encountered something terrible.

"Leroy, how's it going?"

Anthony asked.


Leroy swallowed and tried to calm down.

"You're right...someone is indeed watching us."

After hearing this, Anthony closed his eyes with a pale face, raised his head, and sighed:
"They...are they really chasing after us...We have already escaped from the continent, why don't they let us go..."

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By the way, many book friends may have forgotten the previous plot - Elodie is not an ordinary little girl.

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