I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 536 The second full-level talent! 【Born to Fight 2】! 【9】

No lengthy home introductions.

No fancy titles.

There is only one concise title that he deserves—Sword Master!
For a moment, there was silence inside and outside the shooting range.

The sound of people and the sound of wind all stopped.

Looking at the male Tan Seiichiro in a fighting posture, a look of nostalgia appeared on Soda Kiyone's face.

Oishi Susumu, Sakakihara Kanyoshi, Itami Hideaki and other elderly people looked solemn.

The younger generation, headed by Noburo Imai, all opened their eyes wide and stared at the whole body of the male Seiichiro Tanai, paying full attention without taking their eyes off him.

Since getting older and his health has deteriorated day by day, the male Tan Seiichiro rarely shows his fists in front of others.

The scene of "'Sword Master' coming into battle"... is already something that can only be encountered!
Facing the blade-like gaze from the other party, Qingden tightened his grip on the bamboo sword in his hand and asked softly:

"Otani-sama, don't you need to change the venue?"

Male Tan Seiichiro smiled:
"No need. A person who has to stand on a smooth and flat dojo floor to display his strength cannot be called a swordsman!"


Qingdeng remained silent and only responded with a calm smile.

In the next breath, he spread his legs suddenly, raised the tip of the sword, and started to move in the middle.

"Gyeonggi Town..."

He wanted to call out his identity and rank, but when he was about to speak, he seemed to have remembered something and stopped suddenly.

After a moment, he changed to a high-spirited tone and changed his words:

"The King"

"Orange Aoden"

"Come on!"

At the same time that Qingden came to the door, the male Tan Seiichiro retracted the bamboo sword he held horizontally, lowered his waist, and adopted the Blue Eyes pose.

The same gaze.

We are equally prepared!
The pale white sun hung high above the lecture hall.

The soft clouds blowing in the wind occasionally cover the winter sky, casting dark shadows.



It was unlike any battle Qingden had experienced before.

There was no turbulence like when fighting Saito Yakuro.

There is no Qi Guan Changhong when fighting Chiba Sadaiki.

There was no overwhelming feeling during the battle with Oishi Jin.

This battle... begins with the silence that can be heard when a needle drops.



Neither Aoto nor the male Seiichiro Tanani moved at all, just keeping their distance and glaring at each other.

The clouds in the sky slowly gathered and then dispersed.

A lone bird flew gracefully over their heads.

The sound of flapping wings was extremely loud in this space.

In the eyes of ordinary people who are not familiar with martial arts, they will definitely find this scene very strange - they have clearly set up their stances, and both sides look ready to attack, so why are Aoto and Otani Seiichiro still standing still? Do not move?Why don't you start fighting soon?
If Etian Qingyin, Oishi Jin and others who were watching the battle heard this question, they would definitely laugh: What are you talking about?Look, hasn't the battle already started?



Qingdeng let the breeze ruffle his hair.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at the whole body of the male Tan Seiichiro.

Soon enough, he suddenly stepped forward and slashed straight at the shoulder of the male Tan Seiichiro like a flying swallow.

The steps are moving quickly and the momentum is boiling!

In just a blink of an eye, his figure was in front of the other party.

However... before Qingden's bamboo sword could be slashed down, the male Tan Seiichiro suddenly opened his arms, and the blade of his sword hit Qingden's body first, slashing him away...



Qingden's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Wouldn't this trick also work..."

After saying this in a volume that only he could hear clearly, Qingden couldn't help but take in a breath of cold air, and then exhaled a translucent turbid mist.

At first glance, after setting up his bamboo sword and assuming a mid-level stance, Qingden seemed to have turned to stone and remained standing motionless.But in reality, he had repeatedly challenged Otani Seiichiro in his mind.

Jumping and slashing, sliding and thrusting, splitting Huashan with force, flat green eyes three-level thrust...

From ordinary horizontal and vertical slashes to special moves to press the bottom of the box... Qingden tried every offensive attack he could think of.

He never underestimated the enemy.

Qingden has never been the kind of person to underestimate his opponents, not to mention that the opponent he is facing now is a famous sword master?
But... even though he tried his best, after more than ten rounds, the outcome he simulated in his mind was the same: being severely chopped away by Seiichiro Tanani...

Of course Qingdeng cannot have the ability to predict the future.

The reason why he dared to conclude that if he stepped forward to attack, he would definitely be defeated miserably, all because Otani Seiichiro's body exuded the dangerous aura of "you must not approach him"!

The sharp gaze that shot out from his eyes was like the sun at noon in midsummer, making people's skin feel numb and painful.

The turbulent energy emanating from his body is not "power", but an indescribable aura of dominance, full of thunderous bravery!

At the same time, his figure gives people a smoke-like and elusive feeling.

Sometimes it is as misty as the morning mist, sometimes gathering and sometimes dispersing; sometimes it is as light and fluttering as the clouds in the sky, sometimes rolling and sometimes relaxing.

Ever-changing, like the free wind.

In terms of achievements, Qingdeng, who has killed countless people, definitely deserves the title of "experienced in hundreds of battles."

However, even Qingdeng, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, has encountered this kind of opponent for the first time, who is "both like thunder and wind"!

Qingdeng clenched the bamboo sword in his hand, neither advancing nor retreating.

The only thing that can be done is to tense up, take a good stance, and hold on to the position.

On the other hand, Qingden was not the only one who was unable to attack.




The male Tan Seiichiro pursed his lips and his eyes were as wide as copper bells.

In an instant, he stepped forward, his old body pounced on Qingdeng like the weight of Mount Tai.

Qingdeng stood firm and took the initiative to respond.

With a snap, the slash of Male Tan Seiichiro was deflected.

The next moment, Qingtou stepped forward with his sword and passed under the left armpit of the male Tan Seiichiro. At the moment when they missed each other, the former's bamboo sword hit the latter's waist and abdomen, knocking him away with just one blow. A few meters away...



Male Tan Seiichiro blinked, with a helpless smile on his lips.

——My hands and feet have become more sluggish than I expected.

The old man is also waging an "invisible battle" in his mind.

The scene presented in his mind, compared with Qingdeng's simulation results, can be said to be the same result - as long as he takes action, he will end up in a complete defeat!

Seiichiro Otani has an aura of "don't come near me" wrapped around his body...and so does Aomori!
I saw that Qingdeng was as motionless as a mountain, and his whole body was ready to go, like magma that would boil at the slightest touch.

If we say that the figure of the male Seiichiro Tanani is "the combination of wind and thunder", he can move in the nine heavens and hide in the invisible.

Then, Qingden's figure is the ultimate flame!Burn and devour everything that comes near him!
If it were the young male Tan Seiichiro, he would naturally not hold back because of such a level of intimidation.

Looking back on the past, in his 65 years of life, he has encountered countless opponents who are more powerful and difficult to deal with than Qingdeng.

However, no matter how glorious and glorious the past deeds are, they are still old history.

In terms of swordsmanship alone, Tan Seiichiro is undoubtedly superior.

Not to mention anything else, his "Wind and Thunder Combined" is infinitely higher than Qingdeng's "Simple Flame".But...his body was no longer able to support him in carrying out the actions that could suppress Qingdeng.

Now, he is unable to break Qingdeng's defense and protect himself at the same time.

Both of them have the ability to "defeat the opponent's attack and then unleash a decisive blow."

Whoever strikes first will lose.

This situation of "whoever loses composure first will lose" made the war situation naturally evolve into a deadlock in which "no one dares to act rashly and can only continue the confrontation for a long time".

Both sides always maintain the same posture and are in a stalemate.

Everyone watching the battle was dumbfounded.

The space centered on Aoto and Seiichiro Tanani seemed to form an invisible barrier, making it impossible for people to approach.

There are many barriers between the two opposing sides, and no one is allowed to interfere.

The audience, headed by Eda Qingyin and Oishi Susumu, were shocked by the tense and tense atmosphere. They forgot the time for a while. They all stared with bated breath, watching the battle with concentration...


Time passed bit by bit.

10 minutes……

20 minutes……

30 minutes……

1 hour……

2 hour……

In the blink of an eye, the hour hand on the clock quietly crossed two numbers.

The beads of sweat accumulated on Qingden's eyebrows turned into water and slid from his eyelashes to the corners of his eyes.

He opened his eyes wide, raised his eyebrows, and squeezed his brows a few more times, finally shaking off the sweat.

"Huh...! Huh...! Huh...! Huh...! Huh...! Huh...!"

As if trying to exhale gravel, he repeatedly blew out heavy breaths from his nostrils that were stretched to the limit.

Don't breathe through your mouth unless absolutely necessary - this is common sense during exercise and combat.

The mouth, unlike the nose, has the functions of keeping warm, moisturizing, and filtering air to protect organs.Breathing through the mouth for a long time can easily lead to dry throat, tracheal allergies and coughing, etc., which wastes physical energy in vain.

For this reason, Qingdeng closed his mouth and held back his tongue, trying his best to calmly coordinate his breathing with his lips.

His hair was steaming, and his whole body was like a burning fireball. Sweat dripped from his face to his chest, soaking his clothes, sliding into his sleeves, and dripping onto the hilt of his sword. There was a puddle at his feet. Another puddle of water.

It's a similar situation with Otani Seiichiro.

His hair, skin, clothes, the hilt of the bamboo sword... were all wet.

In the late winter climate, there was a half-white breath, lingering near his face for a long time.

His face was bloodless, his lips were dry and flaky, and his finger joints were white from holding the sword hard.

More than 2 hours of confrontation... Everyone watching the battle had back pain from standing, sore legs from sitting, and impatient waiting. However, the two people fighting still maintained their original posture.

Niwang still lifts the middle section.

The sword master still has blue eyes.

Their swords seem to be on the verge of breaking out, but in fact they are as stable as a mountain and as stable as a rock.

At this time, a bird suddenly flew down from the sky, "fluttering" and landed on Qingden's shoulder, shouting "coo-coo" and shaking its cute head.

Perhaps it mistook the motionless Qingden for a tree or a stone statue.

When Yu Tian Qingyin, Dashi Jin and others saw this, their faces were all worried and troubled.

Juggernaut v Nioh - On one side is the veteran Tarzan Hokuto, and on the other side is the shining star who stands out.

This is several years... No!Even if the time span is extended to decades, it is still a rare battle!

It would be a pity if this peak showdown had twists and turns due to funny off-field factors such as "Bird Invasion".

However, they neither dared to approach Qingdeng nor made loud noises for fear of disturbing each other.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, they were surprised to find that Qingdeng didn't seem to be aware of the bird's existence.

His eyes were still the same, staring closely at the male Seiichiro Tanani, his hands holding the sword were still steady and strong, and his body in a flat posture did not show any flaws.

Perhaps feeling the "hot" gazes of Eda Qingyin and others, the bird standing on Qingden's shoulder tilted its head a few times and shook its butt a few times before fluttering its wings and flying away.

Until the bird flew away, there was no abnormality in Qingdeng's demeanor or movements.

In fact, Qingden did not perceive the existence of this little bird.

All his consciousness and all his emotions were poured into the bamboo sword in his hand and the duel in front of him.

Let alone a bird, even if a centipede crawled onto his leg, he would not react at all.

The confrontation between him and Seiichiro Tanani was not just about standing there in a daze, staring with big eyes and small eyes, but a high degree of integration of body and mind. While maintaining the impeccable defense of his own body, he crossed his bow and crossed his horse, ready to attack!
Tight muscles, ready to turn defense into offense at any time.

The spirit condensed into one can no longer see anything except the opponent.

Because of this, the physical strength, energy, and vitality in the two people's bodies were consumed at an alarming rate.

Even Qingdeng, who has talents such as "Yuan Yang" and "Strengthening Muscles", also feels a little unable to bear it.

His physical strength had long been depleted, and he was now relying solely on perseverance to hold on.

Judging from the expression and face of Seiichiro Tanani at this time... he is currently in a similar situation.

This peak showdown has become a war of attrition of "whoever can persist to the end will be the winner."

The two are now competing for perseverance to see who can persevere better!
No matter how long the duel is, it will finally come to an end.

Suddenly, Tian Qingyin's white eyebrows twitched.

He suddenly narrowed his eyes and without blinking, he looked at the male Tan Seiichiro, then at Qingto, and murmured:
"It's time to decide the winner...!"

Suddenly... really in a very sudden moment!Otani Seiichiro's body swayed slightly!
This fleeting flaw was clearly reflected in Qingdeng’s eyes!

A loud noise finally cut through everything.

That was the sound made by Qingden.

He stepped forward and rushed forward like a rocket!

Almost at the same time, the body of male Tan Seiichiro also made a loud noise.

The distance between the two sounds was only half a moment.

At the moment of lightning, their bamboo swords, bodies, spirits... everything became one!

The bamboo sword rising in the middle drew a graceful arc.

Qingyan struck out with his bamboo sword, drawing a deep straight line.

Both raised two gusts of wind.

They merge in an instant and separate in an instant.

The two people, shoulder to shoulder, stood with their backs to each other.

Qingden stood where the male Tan Seiichiro was just now.

Seiichiro Tanani stood at the place where Qingto was just now.

They seemed to be petrified, and after a brief attack on each other, they returned to their motionless appearance.

Who won? This question filled the air.

Most of the people in the "auditorium" turned their eyes repeatedly, their eyes wandering between Aoto and Seiichiro Tanani.

The only people who can see through the outcome are Kiyone Eda, Susumu Oishi, and Kanyoshi Sakakihara.

They all had expressionless faces, making it difficult to infer the outcome of the battle based on the changes in their expressions.

Finally... under the gaze of millions of people, the two mountain-like figures were finally lifted from their "petrification".


Someone silently knelt down on one knee and supported the ground with his sword.

The first one to fall to the ground...the Sword Master!

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Born to Fight +9"]

[Talent introduction: The more tense and intense the battle situation, the better the physical and mental condition will be]

Novels with a low-level world view have an advantage that is incomparable to high-level novels, that is, they can reasonably arrange for the strong men of the older generation to withdraw and give way.No matter how awesome you are, can you still defeat time?

This chapter is the one that has the most flavor of classical sword and halberd novels.A long confrontation, and then a single move to decide the outcome is very difficult to write...

So...please vote for me!Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

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