I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 563 Goro Komaki and Atachi, please join us! 【4400】

Fair skin, slender and soft body, charming and handsome face, and outstanding figure - this is Ms. Atachi who we have not seen again since we met once at Kondo Isamu's wedding!
I saw A-Machi wearing a black women's kimono and white hair, with her hair pulled into a high ponytail for easy work, and her pretty face was full of surprise and joy.

[Note: Kappo: an apron used for cooking in the Edo period. 】

"Mr. Tangerine..."

Seeing that Atachi wanted to call him by his real name again, Qingto, who was afraid that the people around him would recognize him, hurriedly raised his right index finger and put it in front of his lips.

Looking at Qingto's action, and then looking at Qingto's regular clothes, A-Machi suddenly had a look on his face.

"One step."

She changed her tune.

"Heh heh heh~ This is really a pony out of a gourd! Long time no see!"

[Note: A foal comes out of a gourd: a Japanese proverb.It is a metaphor for unexpected people appearing in unexpected places.It is said that Zhang Guolao, one of the Eight Immortals, would put the donkey into the gourd. 】

Atachi speaks Kansai dialect fluently, but his accent does not sound like Kyoto dialect.

Kyoyanha, Osaka Benichi...these dialects in the Kansai region all come from the same family, and they are all Kansai dialects, but they have subtle differences in tone and accent.

Aonto speculated that Omachi's accent should be Omi.

Omi is adjacent to Kyoto and is a beautiful area surrounded by Lake Biwa and highly developed economically and culturally.

Lake Biwa was called "the fresh sea" in ancient times, so Omi was known as the "country of offshore waters".

Aoto once met a certain minister who was from Omi, and the way he spoke was exactly the same as Omachi.

Qingdeng put down the finger that was touching his lips and responded with a gentle smile:
"Komufu...ah, no, Miss Atachi, long time no see!"

Komaki Goro, Omachi—Qingto never thought that one day he would have a chance to renew his relationship with these two names.

To be fair, Qingdeng was not very familiar with this couple.

They only met once at Kondo Isamu's wedding two years ago, and then lost contact.

Although the time they got together was brief, Goro Komaki's elegance and Omachi's liveliness left a very good impression on Ayoto.

Of course, a large part of the reason why Aonto still clearly remembers the Furumaki couple is due to their relationship with Chishiya's "young and old duo" - they are friends of Kiryu's boss, and they are also close friends with Kinoshita. Dance is emotionally close.

"Ms. Atachi, is this the shop you and Mr. Komaki have?"

Qingden still remembered that Komaki Goro once said personally: The couple made a living selling Japanese confectionery and opened a small Japanese confectionery shop in Kyoto.

"um, yes!"

Atachi's tone was full of pride.

“This is the store that my husband and I are proud of!”

Driven by curiosity, Qingdeng turned his head, glanced away, and carefully looked at the interior of the store.

Looking up, there are only about twenty tables in the entire store, and the area is really not large.

No fancy decorations.

There are no stubborn oil stains that are common in restaurants.

The table is of a very ordinary style.

There is nothing else on the wall except the price list, which is concise and clear, giving people a refreshing feeling.

Regardless of the area or decoration style, it is a very standard "mom-and-pop shop".

It's just after 7 o'clock, which is one of the best times for the Japanese fruit shop.

A wagashi shop in the Edo period is similar to a modern bakery.

Generally speaking, there are two periods of time when wagashi shops do their best business.

One is early in the morning, when people come to buy wagashi for breakfast.

The other is in the afternoon, when people come to have afternoon tea.

Most of the customers pouring into the store at this time are ordering takeout.

Only a few people - mostly middle-aged and elderly people - found a place to sit down like Aintō and Sanako.

Such a scene made Qingdeng couldn't help but recall the morning tea in his previous life.

In his previous life, Qingdeng's hometown had a special morning tea culture: he would invite relatives and friends and go to a nearby restaurant to have morning tea early in the morning.

It is said to be morning tea, but in fact the form is very free.

It doesn’t have to be in the morning, and it doesn’t have to be just tea.

Ordering a pot of tea and then a dozen baskets of snacks is the norm.

There are also many people there drinking from morning to afternoon, or from noon to evening.

Everyone ate, drank, and chatted. They refilled the tea when they were thirsty, and ordered a la carte when they were hungry. They just had a leisurely half-day of leisure.

“This store is really nice.”

Qingdeng admired sincerely.

"Business is great."

Sanako echoed.

Listening to the compliments from the two of them, A-Machi looked very impressed.

"The wagashi made by Mr. and Mrs. Komaki are well-known! They are very popular among the neighbors!"

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly noticed that a person who was supposed to be here was missing.

"Miss Atachi, where is Mr. Komaki?"

"He's busy inside."

A-Machi pursed his lips in the direction of the kitchen.

"He is an important chef in our store. Without his hard work, our store would have been shut down! We have to wait until there are not so many customers before he can come out for some air."

At this time, the old couple at the next table shouted to Amachi:

"Ms. Atachi! As usual! Two plates of steamed buns and two cups of black tea!"

As soon as the old couple finished speaking, A-Machi responded quickly like a conditioned reflex:

"Okay! Come right away!"

Afterwards, Amachi turned his regretful eyes to Aoto and Sanako.

"Although I really want to continue chatting with you, I'd better wait until we're not so busy before we can talk more slowly!"

"Since you have entered our store, you probably want to have breakfast, right? What do you want to eat?"

Qingto and Sanako both raised their heads and looked at the price list hanging on the wall.

Yokan, daifuku, straw cake, steamed buns, mochi, dorayaki... all common wagashi on the market can be purchased here.

Inquiring eyes fell on Sanako.

"Is there anything you want to eat or drink?"

"...Dorayaki and green tea."

"Oh! You are very discerning! Dorayaki is the specialty of our store, especially since we got a new batch of very fresh red beans this morning, so I highly recommend Dorayaki today!"

Hearing this, Qingdeng nodded gently:
"Then let's have a plate of dorayaki and two cups of green tea."

"Okay! Just wait a moment, the dorayaki and green tea will be here soon!"

Having said that, Atachi slipped into the kitchen and then quickly returned to the front desk, warmly entertaining the endless stream of guests.

The table where Qingteng and Sanako were sitting was the "top table" carefully chosen by Qingteng.

From their position, they could just see the scenery outside the store through the open window.

Anyway, it was idle time. Qingdeng turned his head and looked out the window.

Sanako also turned her head.

The two of them just stared at the busy streets of Fusheng.

The shop of Mr. and Mrs. Komaki is located on Karasuma Street in Kyoto.

Karasuma-dori is one of the most prosperous neighborhoods in Kyoto. To the south is Higashi Honganji Temple, to the north is the Kyoto City Hall, and to the east is Kyoto's largest geisha district: Gion.Although they have completely different regional cultures, there is no significant difference in the street style of Kyoto and Edo.

On the red dirt road, the dry and cold wind howled and the dust flew.

The large truck carrying goods drove rampantly among the pedestrians, causing a lot of curses.

The traffickers carrying poles shouted loudly.

A young woman with a pale face and sunken cheeks struggled to carry a thin and small baby on her back.

The thin horse, with its ribs clearly visible, was panting whitely and grunting as it dragged the heavy truck. The person driving the thin horse was equally weak and had more bones clinging to the skin than the horse. Old farmer.

Everywhere you look, you can see ordinary people working hard for three meals a day.

Looking at this scene, Sanako murmured to himself unconsciously:

"Even an elegant thousand-year-old city cannot escape the mundane world..."

After Qingdeng heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Sanako, you are wrong. You have reversed the relationship between cause and effect."

"The elegance of Kyoto...or the 'elegance' itself is based on the 'mundane world'."

"It's not that 'elegance' can't get rid of 'mundaneness'."

"But if there is no 'mundane', 'elegance' will lose its place."

Sanako was stunned for a moment, then fell silent thoughtfully.

Qingden still doesn't know what the skills of Gu Mu and his wife are, but their service attitude is beyond question.

"Dorayaki and green tea are here!"

Atachi, who had just left not long ago, quickly but steadily returned to their table holding a tea tray containing two cups of green tea and a plate of dorayaki.

From departure to return, it only takes more than 1 minute.

The speed of serving food is astonishing.

"Be careful! Please use it slowly!"

Atachi quickly put down the tea and snacks, and then went back to work.

Dorayaki is one of the most well-known Japanese snacks.

The grilled dough and fillings such as red bean paste are named "Dorayaki" because they are made up of two doray-like cakes.

Ayoto, who has lived in this world for three years, is naturally no stranger to Dorayaki.

However, when Aimachi put down the plate of dorayaki, Aitobo seemed to have seen this kind of snack for the first time, and his expression was dominated by strong surprise.

Coincidentally, the same was true for Sanako, with a rich look of surprise covering her pretty face.

To a certain extent, it was indeed the first time for Ayoto to see Dorayaki like this.

I saw a lot of dorayaki on the plate, 4 in total, and each one was as big as an adult's palm - Aintome had only seen such a large dorayaki in "Doraemon" in his previous life. .

At this size, it is truly a "dorayaki".

There are so many and so big Dorayaki, and they only sell for 20 copper coins. Is it really profitable?

With such doubts in his mind, Aomori stretched out his hand to grab a dorayaki and stuffed it into his mouth, followed closely by Sanako.

The moment the snack entered his mouth, the sweet and delicious taste filled Qingdeng's lips and teeth.

The dough has an incredible texture, is fluffy, moist, and very elastic.

The red bean paste inside has plump particles and a sweet taste, full of magic that can arouse people's mouth and tongue.

The surprise in Qingdeng's expression turned into surprise.

Sanako's eyes also lit up at the same time.

It seems that it is not unreasonable for the Gumu and his wife's wagashi shop to be so popular.

"...Tachibana-kun, we can designate the store owned by the Komaki couple as the purchasing point of the Shinsengumi in the future, and we will exclusively purchase Japanese confectionery from them in the future."

Sanako said this in a serious tone.

Qingdeng nodded solemnly.

"This proposal... can be considered."

Just as the two of them were quietly enjoying the sweet food... a strange sound suddenly attracted their attention.


Qingden and Sanako both stopped chewing, looked at each other, and then looked away.

The weeper was an old man sitting at the table next to them.

He was holding a cup of hot tea, burying his head deeply, sobbing like a child, with tears streaming down his wrinkled face. Three equally aged old men sat beside him, either patting him on the shoulder or saying: Caress his back slowly and comfort him in your own way.

"Heigoro, stop crying."

"Cheer up, there is no obstacle that you can't overcome."

"Forget it, let him have a good cry and vent. He will feel much better after crying."

Qingdeng did not forget the purpose of his trip today.

The old man, who is used to seeing all kinds of things in the world and should be mature, is crying sadly... How can we not ask questions about such a situation?
So, he immediately swallowed the dorayaki in his mouth, turned around, faced the old people, and asked:

"Old man, what's wrong? What happened?"

As soon as these words came out, the old people - including the man who was crying - raised their eyes in no particular order and cast a wary look at Aoto, who spoke with an Edo accent.

In order to dispel their doubts, Qingdeng lied:
"I am a traveler from Edo, Eastern Kingdom, and I am currently traveling around Japan to train my body and mind."

Hearing this, the old people lowered their eyes and stared at Qingdeng's clothes.

The burgundy haori, black hakama and cloth socks... Although it is not well-dressed, it is definitely not slovenly.

A ronin wouldn't dress in such a formal way.

After confirming that Qingden was not a ronin, the vigilance in the expressions of the old people gradually dissipated.

An old man let out a long sigh:

"It doesn't matter where you are from, as long as you don't respect people with lofty ideals."

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows.

"Don't you like to respect people with lofty ideals?"

The old people sneered one by one.

"If they are the kind of true patriots who are upright, noble in character, and truly have the ambition to save the country, we will naturally warmly welcome them. But if they are the kind of 'patriots' who come to prey on the people under the banner of 'respecting others'... then we will only I hope they can go to hell as soon as possible!"

After that, he pointed to the old man who was still crying.

"Did you see that? This is the poor man who was victimized by someone who had no ambition."

Qingdeng narrowed his eyes and had a stern expression.

"I was harmed by someone who was not ambitious...can you tell me the ins and outs of the incident in detail?"

After Qingdeng finished speaking in a solemn tone, before the elders had time to respond, a middle-aged male voice full of teasing came from behind him:
"Zunhuizhizhi are just a bunch of exotic birds. These exotic birds were born with the recent popularity of Tianji (the imperial court). They have a beak like an eagle's beak, a slender tail, claws pierced through wooden clogs, and a narrow forehead. When you cut open the bird's belly, you can see that it is so timid. How pitiful. The scream is as beautiful as poetry. At first glance, it sounds like it is very brave, but in fact it has no merit except running away quickly!"

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a hoodie, wiping his hands with a clean white cloth, walking straight towards Qingden and others.

The hair at the temples is white, the right arm is as black as coal, the clothes are light green, and the smile is kind.

A look of surprise flashed across Qingdeng's cheeks.

"Mr. Gu Mu!"

Komu Goro smiled slightly.

"Hello, long time no see."

Leopard Leopard Zi seems to be really suffering from yang...last night I suddenly felt very tired, my throat was sore, and my nose was runny. Although I didn't have a fever, I didn't feel good either.Fortunately, we finally managed to get today’s chapter out, even though the number of words was a little less (Leopard’s Head in Tears.jpg)

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