I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 570 The Shinsengumi and the Aizu Army are dispatched!Surround the Kyoto Judicial Office! 【45

Chapter 570 The Shinsengumi and the Aizu Army are dispatched!Surround the Kyoto Judicial Office! 【4500】

Kyoto, Kyoto Administrative Office, Hakushu——

Hakushu: The courthouse of judicial institutions such as the Edo Period. It is named after the white sand that symbolizes justice and sanctity.

A layer of straw mat was spread in the center of Baizhou, and the suspect who was tied up sat on his knees.

The police officer named "Shengtori" stands behind the suspect, holding the hemp rope that binds the suspect, to prevent the suspect from doing anything wrong.

Tongxin, who was responsible for assisting in the trial of the case, sat on both sides of Baizhou.

Yinwei Fang, Yuli and Lishu, who were responsible for trying the case, as well as the clerk who recorded the trial process, were all sitting in the lobby directly in front of the suspect.

[Note: Ginmi side: the judicial institution of the Edo period. 】

The above is the basic staffing of the judicial courts in the Edo period.

In order to reduce the occurrence of unjust, false and wrongful convictions and to limit the power of the judiciary, the shogunate had a set of complex and mature judicial procedures.

The suspect was first handed over to Ginmi Fang Yuli for interrogation.

As soon as the suspect pleads guilty, the clerk will record it, and the editor will compare it with the edited old records, and then the case will be drafted according to the previous case and submitted to the town for execution.

[Note: Writer and Editor: Responsible for reviewing the court records of the clerk.Case Reporter: Responsible for recording and investigating legal cases]

After multiple interrogations and confirming the charges confessed by the suspect, the town official will announce the sentence, and the death penalty requires the permission of Edo Laochu.

At this moment, Aomori was sitting in the suspect's seat at Shirasu, Kyoto Prison, looking around with curious eyes.

In the past, when he returned to Feng Gong in Kitabansho Town, Edo, he had always looked down on others, and this was the first time he had sat in the position of a suspect.

There are some torture instruments used to intimidate prisoners on both sides of Baizhou, but according to usual practice, they will not be tortured casually.

Only when the suspect has committed a crime that is more than a capital crime but is unwilling to confess, Yuriki will apply to the town chief for permission to torture, and the town chief will ask Lao Zhong for instructions. After obtaining Lao Zhong's permission, Ginmi and Riki will go to the prison house, and in Accompanied by the prison guards, the prisoners were tortured in the tunnel.

If the prisoner still refuses to confess, he will be taken to the torture chamber and tortured. If the evidence of the prisoner's guilt is conclusive but still untrue, he will apply for an "examination" (a penal system that does not require a confession from the suspect on the premise that the evidence of the crime is clear). execution).

The efforts and unity responsible for the entire case will be there to witness until the end of the execution.

However, with the blessing of the talent [Fire Eyes + 5], Qingdeng, who has sharp eyes, keenly discovered that the torture instruments placed on both sides of Baizhou did not have deep dust accumulation, and there were traces of use everywhere, which was obvious at a glance. is used frequently.

Qingdeng turned his head and looked at the two Tongxin who had arrived and were sitting on both sides of Baizhou.

"Hey, Sato-kun, do you want to go to Shimabara to have some fun tonight?"

"Going to Shimabara again? Your energy is too high, right?"

"I can't help it. Who said that the new wandering girl in Lotus House is so sexy? Those little feet really make me want to stop!"

They chatted casually as if no one was around, without even looking at the suspect Qingdeng. Both their words, deeds, and appearance exuded a strong sense of laxity.

"...Little brother, do you have money?"

At this time, a calm male voice suddenly came from behind Qingdeng.

Qingden turned his head back and looked at the owner of the voice - the man who was responsible for guarding him.

In front of Qingdeng's blade, the officials did not dare to approach him, let alone tie him with hemp rope.

Therefore, the natori who was responsible for guarding Qingteng was very free. He did not need to control the hemp rope used to bind Qingteng. He only had to stand upright behind him and stare.

"Money? What? Do you want me to spend money to buy you off?"

Naotori sneered.

"I'm just a powerless little official, so what's the point of giving me all the gold and silver in the world? If you are rich, you can use money to buy off Mr. Takahashi. In this way, maybe I can save a life."

"Master Takahashi? Who is he?"

"Kinzaburo Takahashi, Yin Wei Fang Yu Li, he will be the judge of you later."

Speaking of this, Nadori curled his lips.

"Little brother, you are so unlucky."

"As soon as I offended Kusunoki-gumi with my front foot, I immediately offended Mr. Takahashi with my back foot."

"Master Takahashi is known to be a miser."

"For a long time, he has relied on his identity as Ginweifang Yuli to amass wealth unscrupulously."

"In any case he handles, the outcome of the trial is not linked to the amount of evidence, but only to the amount of the bribe."

"As long as he pays enough money, he can change the conviction of a major crime to a minor crime, and the minor crime to a not guilty one."

"If conditions permit and you give enough money, even if it is a heinous felony, he can find a way to let you regain your freedom on the same day."

"Master Takahashi doesn't have any other abilities, but he still has the ability to make money by taking advantage of his official position, and it's very high."

"In terms of his ability to bend the law for personal gain, he is simply an unrivaled genius."

"Even if you are someone who has been proven innocent, he still wants to make a fortune. If you don't pay the money, he will change your not guilty verdict to a guilty verdict."

"In short, little brother, if you have money, I can help you contact your family and ask them to bring money. This is your only chance to survive. You should think carefully about it."

Speaking of this, Naotori seemed to have remembered something, paused, and then changed to a serious tone:
"By the way, don't rely on your bravery and act willfully, thinking that you can walk around in this capital."

"I know you are very skilled."

"I have heard from my friends that the famous Umehara Junyuki has not even passed a single round in your hands, and more than a dozen officials with long ladders and spears in their hands can't get close to you."

"But no matter how great your skills are, can you still fight against the entire Kyoto Enforcement Institute?"

"Even if you succeed in killing him, you will have to carry a heavy wanted warrant from now on and live a wandering life."

"Ogata is an unparalleled figure in the world. After being wanted by the shogunate for a large amount of money, he could not bear the turmoil and kept his name anonymous. He lived a secluded life where the world did not even know his life and death, let alone you?"

After hearing this, Qingdeng blinked and changed into a half-joking tone:
"Thank you for your kind reminder. I have long heard that the Kyoto Administrative Office is a putrid garbage dump with rotten people running rampant. Looking at it now, it is not necessarily the case."

Nōtori shrugged.

"You're too generous. I can't bear such a heavy evaluation."

"I'm not a good person. Don't think of me too lofty."

"You killed the people of the Kusunoki group - such a feat made me feel relieved. It is for this reason that I decided to do my best to help you."

He paused, and after a moment of silence, he continued:
"I am a native of Kyoto, and I feel very painful when I see that my hometown has been transformed into what it is today by those so-called lofty ideals."

Qingdeng pursed his lips and said thoughtfully:

"So... in your opinion, how much will it cost me to get out of jail?"

"You killed the people of Nanmu Group. If you want to get away with it...it will cost you 100 taels of gold at least."

"100 taels of gold?"

Qingdeng couldn't help but sneer.

"How can ordinary people afford such a large amount of money?"

Naotori let out a long sigh.

"Yes, it's just because ordinary people can't afford this money at all, so in the end the people who suffer are the poor people who are hungry and cold."

"Those wealthy businessmen and nobles who are rich in money and wear gold and purple can proudly get away with it by relying on their strong family wealth and noble status."

"Money is all that's left in the world now, so who can be reasonable? The yamen is open, so don't come in if you're reasonable but don't have money."

Qingdeng nodded gently with deep understanding:
"... People with lofty ideals are acting recklessly, forces from all sides are fighting for each other, and the authority of the government has disappeared. The social order in Kyoto is really worse than I expected."

Naotori smiled bitterly:
"Who says otherwise? Although the shogunate has sent a new envoy from Gyeonggi Province, in my opinion, this new official will probably not be able to succeed. At the age of 21, with only a few hundred people under his command, what use can he make? ? Not to mention the powerful Choshu Army and Satsuma Army, I’m afraid the Kusunoki Group alone is enough to give them a drink.”

"...This is not easy to say."


Nōtori shrugged his eyebrows and subconsciously cast a doubtful glance at Ayoto - only to see a meaningful expression on his face.

"You should be able to hear it from my accent, right? I'm from Kanto, so I have a much deeper understanding of this newly appointed governor of Gyeonggi Town who was born in Edo than you do."

"As far as I know, the governor of Gyeonggi Town...that is, that Ju Qingdeng has a very rough style of acting, and he is best at cutting through messes with a quick knife." Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch...

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, footsteps from far to near were suddenly heard from deep in the lobby in front of Baizhou.

The discoloration on Naotori’s face:

"Tsk! Lord Takahashi is here!"

At the same time, Tongxin, who was sitting on both sides of Baizhou and had been chatting just now, stopped talking at this time. They hurriedly pursed their lips and sat upright.

"Little brother."

The soft sound of the rope came from above Qingden's head.

"I have done all the benevolence and justice I have to do. You can ask for your own blessings next. If you want to use money to bribe Mr. Takahashi, just shout, 'I still have one piece of evidence that can prove my innocence. "Not yet shown", this is the common code word of our Kyoto practice office, so Mr. Takahashi can understand your intention."


Qingdeng remained silent, only looking straight ahead with calm eyes.

After a moment, the heavy footsteps finally came directly in front of him.

Qingdeng raised his eyes - an ugly mountain of meat came into view.

The ferocious body, the fat figure, the unflattering facial features... If it weren't for the fact that he was wearing the clothes of an official, it would be hard to imagine that this kind of ugly guy who looks like a member of the opposite sex could actually be a dignified Yinweifang. With force.

Takahashi Kinzaburo bent his fat waist and knelt down directly in front of Aoto with great effort.

As soon as he sat down, he shouted in a loud voice:
"Are you the criminal who killed Zhongliang in vain? Tell me your name!"

"...Kanto Ronin, Kinoshita Saji."

Qingdeng casually gave a pseudonym made up of the names of his girlfriends.



Kyoto, Mibu-go, Shinsengumi station, a certain corridor——


Toshizo Hijikata stretched himself vigorously and complained to himself:

"Damn it...I really want to hug a woman..."

Hijikata Toshizo, who is energetic and extremely romantic, has a physique that makes him feel uncomfortable if he doesn't sleep with a woman for a day.

"I really want to experience the taste of Kyoto women soon..."

As he spoke, he turned to look in the direction of Shimabara.

Under Aoto's express prohibition, unless the situation in Kyoto is restored to stability, all Shinsengumi soldiers are not allowed to go to Shimabara, Gion and other romantic places to have fun.

Although Hijikata Toshizo faithfully abided by this order, he was itching to investigate Shimabara's geographical location, popular tourist girls and other important information one by one as quickly as possible.

For a "true lecher" like him, the graceful charm of Kyoto women, which is famous throughout the country, is really full of fatal attraction.

Just when Hijikata Toshizo's mind was flying to the distant Shimabara——

"Mr. Hijikata! Mr. Hijikata!"

The anxious voice of the Souji suddenly reached his ears.
Hijikata Toizo raised his eyebrows vigorously, then turned to look at Souji, who was running towards him in three steps and two steps at a time.

"Souji, what's going on? Why are you in such a panic so early in the morning?"

"Mr. Hijikata! What's wrong! Mr. Tachibana was taken away by the officers of the Kyoto Administrative Office!"

Hijikata Toshizo was stunned.

"Tachibana? Kyoto Administrative Office? Taken away?"

He repeated these three unrelated words, which should not be put together no matter how he thought about them, in a stunned tone.

The Souji nodded vigorously, and then told the whole story of the incident in a concise and concise manner.

Seito once publicly announced the "command hierarchy" of the Shinsengumi.

Under Qingto's clear plan, the Shinsengumi has a very clear chain of command.

When Aoto was away, Deputy Commander Hijikata Toshizo took over command of the entire Shinsengumi army.

In the absence of Aoto and Hijikata Toshizo, the command rests with the director, Isamu Kondo.

If the above three people are absent, the chief executive, Yamanan Keisuke, will take the lead.

Therefore, when Sanako returned to the station and informed his partners of the "leader's arrest" situation, the Souji immediately approached Toshizo Hijikata.

After listening to the succinct report from the General Secretary, Hijikata Toshizo pondered thoughtfully.

After a while, the "thoughtful" look on his face turned into "sudden realization".

"Mr. Hijikata, what should we do now?"

"How to act? Is there any need to say that?"

Hijikata Toshizo sneered: "Humph":

"Light up all the troops and horses! Surround the Kyoto Administrative Office!"



Kyoto, Jinjie Guangming Temple, Kyoto Guardian Formation——

Jinjie Guangming Temple, the headquarters of Pure Land Sect.

After passing through the "Goryeo Gate" at the entrance, there is a long ramp, and then there are layers of stone walls and twists and turns, making people feel like this is a city...

In fact, it is true.

In the early years of the Edo period, Tokugawa Ieyasu greatly renovated the Kinkei Guangming Temple with a city outline structure to meet the emergencies of garrisoning troops in Kyoto.

During the war, Jinjie Guangming Temple would be an excellent city.

For this reason, the Aizu Domain chose this place as its main formation.

At this moment, Matsudaira Yongho’s office——

"What? Say it again!"

Matsudaira Yongho looked at the subordinates in front of him in disbelief.

The subordinate, who was kneeling on the tatami and supporting the ground with three fingers, respectfully made a promise:
"Back to my lord! Mr. Tachibana was captured by the officers of the Kyoto Enforcement Office for killing Kusunoki-gumi's patriots in public!"

"Tachibana-sama... was captured by an officer from the Kyoto Administrative Office...?"

Matsudaira Yongho muttered to himself in a complicated tone.

Such a tone and such an accent seemed to be telling the most incredible spell in the world.


With a "pop" sound, Matsudaira Yongho slammed the official document in his hand onto the desk.

"The Kyoto Administrative Office... is really becoming more and more outrageous! In order to protect the lofty ideals who do all kinds of evil, they even dare to arrest the governor of Gyeonggi Province!"

Matsudaira Yongho stood up with a "huh".

"Pass my military order! Call up 200 troops and surround the Kyoto Administrative Office!"

how?It was updated on time today!
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

PS: The predecessor of the Aizu clan was the Ashina clan during the Warring States Period.Ashina is the prototype of Ashina Country in "Sekiro". Both Ashina and Ashina are pronounced "ASHINA", so you can imagine that the Shinsengumi and Ashina's army are fighting side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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