Chapter 58
After moving into the room that Wenyaba had arranged for him, Qingdeng borrowed a pen and paper from Wenyaba, and prepared to send a letter to report his attack today to the prison in Edo.

Today I was besieged by 8 "radical anti-barbarians" people - this kind of thing, Qingdeng has no reason, and at the same time, it is impossible not to report to Fengxing as soon as possible.

After all, it is also good for Qingdeng to let the enforcement office, which is currently cracking down on the "radical anti-barbarians" faction, learn about these lunatics as early as possible and in as much detail as possible.

After specifying in the letter when and where he was today, how many people attacked him, how he counter-killed them, and asking for the instructions given to him in the next step, Qingdeng handed the letter to Hikayashi, who was hired by the government and worked in Wenyaba, was sent to the North Bansho in Edo as soon as possible.

【Note · Hikyaku: A courier in the Edo period.The main business is the delivery of letters, money, exchange, and goods, and its business scope covers major cities throughout Japan]

When Qingdeng was busy reporting to Beifan——



In a certain forest not far from Shinagawa-juku, there is a lonely cave that can accommodate 3 adults walking in and out side by side.

This cave looks unremarkable, but in essence it has a different world.

A dozen or so warriors with knives hanging from their waists were scattered in various shadows outside the cave, guarding the surroundings to prevent any unrelated people from approaching the cave.

At this time, if you walk all the way to the end along the not-so-long tunnel in the cave, you can see a little bit of light.

On the rock wall in the deepest part of the cave, there are several oil lamps for lighting.

Under the oil lamp, there are faces with different expressions.

In the deepest part of the cave, there are more than a dozen warriors gathered.

The dozen or so people sat on both sides of the cave.

An extremely burly young man sat on the first seat overlooking the warriors sitting on both sides of the cave.

This young man has a stature far exceeding the average level of this era, which is not inferior to Saito. He is just over 1 meters tall. Compared with the other warriors in the cave who are basically only about 8 meters tall at this time, he is very oppressive. .

Of course - what is more oppressive is the big scar on his face.

A large centipede-like scar stretched from the corner of his left mouth to the corner of his right eye, as if trying to lift the young man's entire face.

The young man who was sitting on a big rock put his hands on his knees, and his right index finger tapped the kneecap of his right leg rhythmically.

The indifferent gaze without any emotion casted on a short warrior kneeling in front of him, whose body was trembling slightly.

If Saito was here now, this short samurai must be familiar to him—this is the short man who escaped from his sword.

"...That is to say... Daqian-kun, are you running away?"

As soon as the young man's voice fell, the dwarf who trembled even more hurriedly said:

"Mr. Kanno! I... I... I..."

The dwarf seemed to want to argue for himself, but he hesitated for a long time, but he couldn't say a complete sentence, and his face gradually turned a strange dark red.

The young man called "Kano" by the dwarf took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

"That is to say... Ju Qingdeng, the national thief, found himself a very skilled bodyguard..."

"You said that you were double-teaming Ju Qingdeng and his bodyguard at the time, so before you ran away, did you see what happened to the other four people who were in front of Ju Qingdeng and them?"

"I... I... I didn't pay attention..."

"I think so, after all, you only care about escaping."

The dwarf buried his head lower.

"Since Ju Qingdeng found himself a bodyguard with decent skills...then I think the other four people should be in danger."

Having said that, Shino pouted.

"That Ju Qingdeng is very clever... He even found a bodyguard for himself."

"Tsk...the assassination against Ju Qingdeng has been organized three times, but none of them succeeded...this national thief is really tenacious."

Shen Ye lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on the dwarf who was still trembling.

"Omae-kun, I'm really disappointed in you."

"As a dignified warrior, how can you escape in battle?"

"God, Mr. Kanno!" The dwarf stammered, "The bodyguard that Ju Qingdeng invited is too powerful! We can't beat it at all! So..."

"Can't beat it? So can't you fight to the death heroically?"

Shino stood up slowly.

"I have nothing to say to you."

After finishing speaking, Kanno pulled out something from his waist and threw it in front of the dwarf.

As soon as the dwarf's eyes touched the thing that Kanno threw in front of him, his already pale face immediately became paler than snow.

It is a short knife without a handle.

A...a dagger that every samurai would recognize...

Kanno whispered to the dwarf as if he was saying something natural:

"Daqian-kun, cut your belly."

"Mr. Kanno!" The dwarf raised his head and said sharply in a broken voice, "Please give me another chance! I won't..."

"There will be no next time for you." Kano said, "When our 'Kuyi Group' was established, it has been clearly stipulated? To abandon the escaped companions during the battle - seppuku!"

"Seppuku with dignity, like a samurai, or be hacked to death with our knives like a samurai—you choose."

Kanno's indifferent voice was like an invisible sharp knife.

The short man whose lips were turning gray looked around him, and at the rest of his companions sitting on both sides of the cave.

His companions who were caught by the dwarf's help-seeking eyes either quickly lowered their heads, pretending not to see the dwarf's gaze, watching their noses and noses and their hearts.

Or, with the same indifferent gaze as Kanno, he looked at the dwarf.

"Omae-kun." There was obvious impatience in Kanno's tone, "Hurry up and decide."

Kanno slowly put his left hand on the handle of the saber on his left waist.

"If you still think you're a samurai, cut your belly out nicely."

This sentence of Kanno... To be precise, it was the first half of his sentence "If you still think you are a samurai", as if it contained some magical power, the dwarf's body was startled suddenly.

He slowly turned his eyes mixed with entanglement, pain, and despair to the dagger that Kanno just threw in front of him.

Suddenly, determination and ruthlessness rose up on the dwarf's cheeks little by little.

He pulled off the clothes on his upper body, exposed his upper body, and then grabbed the dagger without a handle.

"Hmph... You still have backbone." The corner of Shenye's mouth raised a smile of appreciation, "For the sake of you not continuing to be confused... Let me explain to you."

After saying that, Kanno took a step across and stood behind the dwarf.

This method of harakiri is extremely painful.

After the stomach is cut open, it often takes half an hour to an hour before he dies due to excessive bleeding.

Under the excruciating pain of having their stomachs and intestines cut open, they struggled for half an hour to an hour before they could die... Few people could survive.

Therefore, the wrong person came into being.

The so-called "mistake" means that after the separiri cuts his own abdomen, someone else immediately makes up the knife, cuts off the seppuku's head, and ends the seppuku's suffering.

This behavior is called "intermediation", and the person who performs "intermediation" is the "intermediary person".

The dwarf held the knife in both hands, pointing the tip at his left side.

He straightened his back, held his head up, and tried his best to look like he was looking at death at home, but his short body couldn't stop trembling.

The dwarf gritted his teeth, let out a howl, and plunged the dagger into his stomach in one breath.

The dwarf's noble and fearless look just now disappeared in an instant.

The eyes are wide open, the whites of the eyes are red, the nostrils are blown, the cheeks are flushed, and two small hillocks are bulging on the cheeks due to the clenched teeth.

A low growl of "ho ho" escaped from between his clenched teeth.

The originally upright body fell forward, and his forehead pressed hard against the rocky ground full of sand and gravel, as if just doing this would relieve his pain.

"Mr. Shen...Kano..." The dwarf's voice seemed to be 50 years old in one breath, "I...can't do it...please...give me... excuse me..."

Kanno, who was standing behind the dwarf while holding the sword, lowered his gaze, looking down at the dwarf who was looking up at him with pleading eyes with his still indifferent gaze.

"... Omae-kun, you are also a member of our barbarian group, you should be very clear about the rules of our barbarian group, right?"

"Why are so many barbarians able to set foot on the land of this country majestically? Why did this country fall to this point."

"Because the warriors who were supposed to protect this country have fallen."

"A warrior doesn't have the look a warrior should have, and a warrior doesn't have the spirit that a warrior should have."

"We, warriors of lofty ideals, gathered together to set up this barbarian group just to expel all the barbarians and revive the spirit of warriors so that the barbarians would never dare to offend us again."

"In order to set an example for the people of the world, we made an oath when we founded the Yi Group: Never do anything that violates the spirit of the samurai."

"Even if it is seppuku, we must carry forward the spirit that a samurai should have."

"Therefore, we clearly and clearly stipulated that during seppuku, at least the 'one word cut' is completed before asking the intermediary person to intervene."

"Daqian-kun, quickly put away your begging eyes."

"Until you complete the 'one word cut', I will not under the knife."

New book set sail!

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 [Japanese history class starts~]

  Many book lovers may have a misunderstanding-the short knife that samurai put in their waists: Wakizashi is specially used for seppuku.

  In fact, it is not, Wakizashi is the secondary weapon of the samurai, and it is specially used to draw it out and use it in narrow areas.

  The knife specially used for belly cutting is a short sword without a handle and only a stem.

  The author couldn't find a suitable picture, so it's a pity that I couldn't let everyone see what this short sword looks like.

  Regarding how to cut seppuku, the samurai also figured out tricks.

  "One word cut" - cut a word on the stomach.

  "Jujimonjiri" - a horizontal knife on the stomach, and then a vertical knife on the stomach.

  "Three words cut" - cut three times across the stomach.

  There are other cutting methods, the author will not repeat them here.

(End of this chapter)

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