I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 598 Shinsengumi uniform: light green Haori, explosive! 【4500】

Turn back time to a few minutes ago——

"That's all I think..."

After finishing her idea in one breath without stopping, Kinoshita Mai seemed to feel satisfied and let out a sigh of relief.

Sanako thought thoughtfully for a moment.

"...Miss Kinoshita, your idea is very good. Why don't you tell everyone what you think."

Kinoshita Mai was stunned for a moment when she heard this.

Then, she said haha:

"Hmm...! This...that...let's forget it...my idea is nothing special. It's not worth mentioning at all. There is no need to advertise it widely..."

Sanako turned her head and stared at Kinoshita Mai deeply.

"I understand. If that's the case, then I won't force you."

After saying that, she withdrew her gaze and looked forward expressionlessly.

Seeing that Sanako no longer "entangles" her, Kinoshita Mai showed an expression of relief.

However, at this moment... just as Kinoshita Mai relaxed her vigilance, Sanako suddenly slashed out her left hand like a snake coming out of its hole, and grabbed Kinoshita Mai's right wrist. And lifted it up, forcing his right arm to be raised high.

At the same time, she quickly shouted to Qingden on the main seat:

"Tachibana-kun! Miss Kinoshita has something to say!"



Time goes back to the present-

"How about...making the color of the haori... light green...?"

As soon as Kinoshita Mai finished speaking, the whole place suddenly burst into chatter.

The general manager muttered:

"Miss Kinoshita, I thought you would recommend that everyone wear bright red clothes..."

Hijikata Toshizo laughed dumbly:

"Director-General, not everyone is like you who pretends to be selfish."

When the director heard this, he suddenly showed an unconvinced expression.

She put her hands on her hips and pouted:

"How can I pretend to be a public servant for personal gain? If everyone wears purple, it will be so majestic to walk on the street!"

Toshizo Hijikata confronted her tit for tat without giving in:

"Others will only think that we are nouveau riche who have money but no place to spend it, and only know how to show off!"

Serizawa twitched the corner of his mouth:

"Light onion color...please spare me, I won't wear clothes of this color."

Harada Sanosuke whispered softly:

"Why is it light green? This color doesn't seem majestic at all."

After Heisuke Toudo hesitated for a while, he hesitated and said:

"Light onion-colored clothes...are they too tacky?"

It’s no wonder that Toudo Heisuke raised such doubts.

The bright and refreshing light onion color was once a very popular color, and dignitaries loved to wear light onion-colored clothes.

However, with the establishment of Tokugawa hegemony, Edo, which was originally a desolate town, rapidly prospered, and a large number of rural samurai came to Edo to seek life.

In order to integrate into this glamorous metropolis as quickly as possible and get rid of their identity as country bumpkins, they all chose the light onion color that was very popular at the time for exterior decoration.

But who knew that Edo people usually used light onion-colored fabrics in their kimonos and did not expose them to others.

This behavior of wearing light green clothes directly outside will naturally attract the ridicule of others.

In this way, the light green color gradually evolved into the symbol of the country warrior.

Becoming the center of everyone's discussion... This was an unbearable pain for Mai Kinoshita.

Her eyes wandered wildly, and her expression became more reserved and stiff.

Fortunately, Qingdeng signaled everyone to be quiet in time.

The conference room that was noisy a second ago suddenly became quiet this second.

"A Wu, tell me what you think. Why do you recommend light onion color?"

Saying that, Qingden cast an encouraging look at Kinoshita Mai.

With Qingto's "support", Kinoshita Mai's expression was obviously much calmer.

After taking several deep breaths, she said slowly and stammeringly:

"First, first of all... the light onion color is very beautiful, the color is bright and cheerful, very eye-catching..."

"Secondly... light onion is a color for common people. Wearing light onion clothes... can make you appear close to the people..."

"Finally... light onion was once the color of the dress worn by samurai when they committed seppuku... Using light onion as our representative color will show that we are not afraid of death and will fight to the last moment to protect our dignity and honor. The firm determination to fight until death..."

After finishing speaking, Kinoshita Mai timidly raised her gaze, carefully observing the expressions and movements of the people around her.

The conference room was so quiet at first that you could hear a pin drop.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that there was a quiet commotion.

The first person to speak turned out to be Saito Kazuchi, who cherished words like gold and had not opened his mouth since the beginning of the meeting:

"...I agree with Miss Kinoshita's proposition."

After saying this, he closed his mouth again and returned to the "stone statue" state.

After Saito Kazuo took the lead, the others expressed their opinions one after another.

"Miss Kinoshita said it very well..."

Toudo Heisuke murmured and nodded slightly.

Genzaburo Inoue grinned:

"Hey, after hearing what Miss Kinoshita said, I also think the light green color is good!"

Shannan Keisuke said in deep thought:

"Is it the color of a samurai's dress when he commits seppuku... That's true. According to ancient rituals, light green is indeed the color of a samurai's dress when he commits seppuku. Miss Kinoshita, you know a lot! I'm afraid many people don't know this unpopular story knowledge!"

The Souji softly repeated what Kinoshita Mai said just now:

"It demonstrates our firm determination not to fear death and to fight to the last moment to protect dignity and honor until death..."

Then, the corners of her lips twitched slightly as if they were cramped, and they tilted upward uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, uncontrollable joyful laughter escaped from his lips and teeth.

"Hehehehe~~ He's so handsome..."

Kinoshita Mai blinked her eyes blankly a few times, looking stunned.

Seeing that her proposal was welcomed and supported by the vast majority of people, she was dumbfounded at first, then a look of disbelief appeared on her cheeks, and finally she giggled "hehehe".

Sanako watched Kinoshita Mai's every move silently.

When she saw the girl in red showing a happy expression that "she was recognized", the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised slightly, and a faint smile emerged.

At the same time, Qingden stared straight into the void in front of him, seemingly in a daze, but in fact, he was imagining himself wearing a light green feather fabric in his mind.

——Light onion color...not bad.

His favorite color is burgundy, but he's not averse to refreshing tones like light onion.

It can be said that Kinoshita Mai's proposal perfectly met his requirements in all aspects.

There are both colorful black and deep and graceful white...ah, that's not right! It is a conspicuous color that attracts attention, but also contains a profound meaning.

At this time, Kondo Isamu looked around nervously.

Seeing that Kinoshita Mai's proposal seemed to be passed unanimously, he hurriedly said:

"Wait a minute! Although the light green color is good, I still think it's best to imitate the dress of the Ako martyrs!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the general manager said casually:

"Then let's combine the two - use light onion as the base, and embroider the cuffs with white mountain patterns."

Isamu Kondo tried to argue:

"How can that work! It's better to do it as it is!"

To be fair, Kondo Isamu's "Ako Wind" and Kinoshita Mai's "Light Onion Color" are both good suggestions.

Ultimately, although uniforms are important, they are not important enough to be worth investing endless time in.

Now that there are two proposals with broad support, there is no need to waste any more time!

Ever since, Qingdeng clapped his hands vigorously:

"Okay, it's settled! Our Shinsengumi's standard haori has been decided to be 'light green as the base, with white mountain-shaped patterns embroidered on the cuffs'!"

The General-in-Chief has personally made the decision... and there is no reason for anyone to continue discussing it.

Although Isamu Kondo looked regretful, he was able to retain the "mountain pattern cuffs"... This result was not unacceptable to him. Qinghe Hachiro: "Now that the shape of the uniform has been decided, it is time to discuss the style of the military flag."

"Ah, there is no need to discuss this. I have already thought of the style of the military flag."

As he spoke, Qingden smiled slightly.

"I decided to use a word that is very important to me as our military flag!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone cast curious and doubtful glances at Qingdeng.

Director-General: "Word?"

Harada Sanosuke: "Mr. Tachibana, what's the word?"

Hijikata Toshizo asked in a half-joking tone:

"You shouldn't be using your Miao character as a military flag, right?"

The Miao character - Qingdeng's surname: Orange.

Qingdeng gave Hijikata Toisan angrily and scolded:

"I wouldn't do something so tasteless."

The director-general asked impatiently:

"Tangerine-kun, don't whet our appetites! Tell me quickly! What is the word?"

Qingdeng Xunxun glanced at the chief executive.

As if thinking about something, he was silent for a few seconds.

For a moment, his expression was dominated by a look that was almost malicious.

"Don't be anxious, just let me show off."

"It doesn't take long to make the military flag anyway."

"You will soon find out what character is set as the shining symbol of the Shinsengumi!"



"Ah Wu, you performed well tonight."

Aoto and Mai Kinoshita walked side by side.

Their footsteps echoed along the long, wide corridor.


Kinoshita Mai played with the black hair hanging from her temples and smiled shyly.

"To be honest, I also find it incredible... The idea I came up with in a flash of inspiration was actually unanimously recognized by everyone..."

After saying that, she covered her lips and chuckled again, "Hey hey hey."

That silver bell-like laughter cannot be hidden.

"Ah Wu, keep this momentum tonight and keep working hard."

Qingdeng smiled.

"Your biggest problem now is that you are not confident enough."

"Afraid of strangers, afraid of speaking in public."

"Honestly, none of these problems are that big of a deal."

"Contact more with strangers and speak more in public, and these problems can be overcome one by one."

“The so-called ‘confidence’ is cultivated by success over and over again.”

"Keep going!"

Speaking of this, he paused as if he remembered something.

When he spoke again, he changed into a serious tone:

"Awu, you should find a chance to express your gratitude to Sanako later."

"If Sanako hadn't forced you to speak, we wouldn't have known what you were thinking."

Upon hearing this, Kinoshita Mai immediately lowered her head and looked at the ground in front of her toes, with a strange light shining in her eyes.

After a moment, she changed the topic hastily and abruptly:

"Hmm... I, let's talk about something else! Ayoto, I've already heard from Okita-kun! You plan to earn the Shinsengumi's military expenses by running a business, right?"

As she spoke, she changed her posture - her left hand on her hips, her right hand patting her plump breasts, with a look of confidence on her pretty face.

"No matter how you say it, I am the granddaughter of a businessman!"

“Although I have never asked my grandma about her business experience, under her influence, I still have some ideas about how to do business!”

"In addition, when I was undergoing training under Mr. Kiryu, I also learned a lot of business skills from him!"

"And more! I was born in Osaka and can speak the Osaka dialect fluently! I am very familiar with the customs and customs of Gyeonggi!"

"If you need my help, just tell me! I will do my best to assist you!"

Listening to Kinoshita Mai's self-recommendation, Qingden smiled bitterly, and then looked straight into the void in front of him with a complicated expression.

"...A Wu, let me tell you the truth."

"Because there were too many people in the cafeteria at noon today, I didn't tell the truth to the Director-General."

"Actually... I haven't thought about how to make money by running a business at all."

"...Eh? What did you say?"

"I said: I have never thought about how to make money by running a business."




In an instant, the entire corridor became extremely quiet.

Not only did the voices stop, but the footsteps also stopped.

Kinoshita Mai opened her eyes wide, as if she were petrified, her two exquisite little feet were stuck to the ground, and her whole body stood stiffly.

Qingdeng also paused.

He turned sideways and looked at the girl in red with a half-smile.

About 5 seconds later, the girl’s shock finally turned into a voice:

"What did you say?!"

"Shh, don't be so loud, be careful not to wake up the others."

Kinoshita Mai ignored Qingden's reminder - her little face turned red due to her impatience - she clenched her two little hands into fists, held them in front of her chest, and waved them alternately.

"Qingdeng! How could you do this?"

"Logically speaking, shouldn't you think of ways to make money first, and then spend money lavishly?"

"Why did you come the other way?"

"How come you spend money lavishly first and then think about ways to make money?"

Qingden seemed to have guessed Kinoshita Mai's fierce reaction. He chuckled a few times and spread his hands.

"Ah Wu, you can save any money, except the training fees and food expenses for the soldiers."

"Be prepared for the worst at all times - this is the obligation that I, the general general and the governor of Gyeonggi Province, should fulfill."

"I conceived the strategy and future army-building plan based on the expectation that 'the Satsuma Army, the Choshu Army, the Hōzhi Party, and the Great Salt Party will attack together tomorrow.'"

"So, no matter what, even if money is tight, even if I don't think of a way to make money, I will do whatever it takes to quickly increase the combat effectiveness of the Shinsengumi!"

Speaking of this, Qingden smiled and stretched out his hand to gently comb Kinoshita Mai's hair.

"Ah Wu, don't worry about money."

"The 3000 taels of gold handed over to us by the General, plus my 500 taels of gold deposit, plus the 400 taels of gold just given by Gennosei Yagi, the total is nearly 4000 taels of gold."

"Even at the current rate of spending, such a large amount of money will last us a long time."

After finishing speaking, Qingden took back the hand that was combing Kinoshita Mai's hair with a serious expression.

"I will visit the streets of Kyoto again tomorrow to see if there are any products that can make a lot of money!"



Because the glutinous rice balls stuffed with dumplings were so delicious, I ate them so hard that I accidentally forgot about the time and updates (Leopard Head with Tears.jpg)

Although it’s a bit late, Leopard still wishes everyone a happy winter festival~PaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPa~ (slap the leopard’s belly.jpg)

PS: Historically, the light green haori was worn for only more than a year before the team members thought it was too vulgar and abandoned it. Later Shinsengumi all wore black haori.

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