I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 627: The newly chosen chamber of commerce makes huge profits! All the forces were frightened

Chapter 627: The newly chosen chamber of commerce makes huge profits! All the forces were frightened! 【4200】

In order to facilitate the naming, the two tile dealers coincidentally referred to the silver mirrors sold by the Xinxuan Chamber of Commerce as "Xinxuan Mirrors".

The tile dealer who criticized the newly elected chamber of commerce was also very sharp in his criticism.

To directly claim that there is nothing remarkable about the new mirror selection is to parody the Western mirror.

Although the clarity is far better than that of a bronze mirror, it is too fragile and too expensive, so the price/performance ratio is not high.

As soon as this report was published, the tile dealer that supported the newly elected chamber of commerce immediately launched an unflagging counterattack.

Weirdly speaking, their counterattack speed was so fast, so fast.

This afternoon, the other party just issued an article attacking the Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce.

Tomorrow morning, freshly published response articles will be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys.

It's as if... they had already expected that someone would oppose them, so they prepared the manuscript in advance...

They already strongly supported the Xinxuan Chamber of Commerce, and they tried their best to rectify the names of the Xinxuan Chamber of Commerce and Xinxuan Mirror.

Their response... can no longer be called rainbow fart.

I saw them directly saying harsh words: The new lens is the pride of our Kingdom of God! It proves that whatever the Westerners can do, we people from the Kingdom of God can also create it! Every person in the Kingdom of God should buy Xinxuan lenses to support the Xinxuan Chamber of Commerce! If you don’t buy it, you are not a member of the Kingdom of God!

In addition, they also resorted to moral kidnapping to put pressure on those with lofty ideals: Here is your chance to serve the country! Buying new lenses is supporting “God’s products”, in other words, supporting the Kingdom of God!

Not only that, they also went straight to personal attacks, lashing out at the tile dealer who was against them.

It is said that they are shady businessmen who deliberately smear the Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce. Their writing is poor and they cannot criticize others well.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was not a coward, and they also immediately launched a very fast counterattack.

If you post today, I will respond tomorrow.

Today you call me a black-hearted evil businessman, tomorrow I will accuse you of being an unscrupulous businessman who ignores the facts.

The two sides were quarreling more and more... and the quarrel was getting louder and louder.

Through the thin newspaper, I could smell the strong smell of gunpowder, so I just had to meet offline and share the grand occasion with a sword in hand.

The two tile merchants had not yet come out with any quarrel, but the people of Kyoto were enjoying watching the excitement.

"Sex" and "violence" represent "reproduction" and "survival" respectively.

Therefore, anything involving "sex" and "violence" will naturally arouse people's interest.

Throughout the ages, this has always been the case.

"Quarrel" is one form of "violence".

In other words, "watching other people quarrel" is one of people's favorite entertainment activities.

If a certain tile dealer boasts about the new mirror, or if a certain tile dealer does a lot of damage to the new mirror, it will not attract people's special attention, let alone cause too much trouble.

However, when two tile dealers were quarreling there, the situation was very different.

Just hearing someone quarreling and having fun makes people's eyes light up.

This kind of scene where two tile dealers are tearing each other apart from each other can be said to be rare in several years... no, it is rare to see it in ten years!

How could we not join in the fun of such a strange scene?

For a time, most of the people in Kyoto were paying close attention to this rare "war of words."

Unknowingly, the popularity of Xinxuan Chamber of Commerce and Xinxuan Mirror has skyrocketed.

The scholars and people in Kyoto all had the same idea: Is this mirror so powerful? How could it actually make two large shingle dealers quarrel over it?

As a result, driven by curiosity, more and more people went to Rensheng Township, intending to explore the reality of the new lens with their own eyes.

After arriving at Rensheng Township... what they saw before their eyes really surprised them!

I saw a dense flow of people inside and outside Rensheng Township!

Shoulders to shoulders, heels to heels.

The crowd gathered in Rensheng Township were either just here to join in the fun, or they were waiting in line.

The long queues meandered forward and finally gathered at the same destination: the Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce.

The Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce, which just opened not long ago, is caught in the whirlpool of crowds of people.

"I want a hand-sized mirror that can be carried anywhere!"

"I want a mirror as big as my height!"

"Which mirror is the most expensive?"


This grand situation has been going on for several days.

The "model effect" of the garden prostitutes and the public confrontation between the two tile merchants attracted a lot of attention and brought countless traffic to the Xinxuan Chamber of Commerce and Xinxuan Mirror.

This small mirror has completely become the most widely watched hotspot in Kyoto.

In recent days, countless people have rushed to Rensheng Township and the Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce, just to get a glimpse.

The terrifying passenger flow has made the employees of Xinsheng Chamber of Commerce almost overwhelmed!

It was so busy that on several occasions even Yataro Iwasaki, the chairman of the company, was forced to step down and work as a salesman.

Under Qingdeng's instructions, the new lens selection is taking the "mid-to-high-end route."

That is, it is for the middle and high-level people in society, and only makes money from these people.

This business strategy is undoubtedly correct.

Only those young men and women who have no worries about food and clothing have the need to look in the mirror.

Moreover, only these people have the spare money to buy mirrors.

People at the bottom of the class can barely afford to eat, so they won't be interested in mirrors.

Even if they want to make money from people at the bottom, they can't squeeze much money out of them.

According to the size of the mirror body, the sophistication of the frame, and the clarity of the mirror surface, Yataro Iwasaki personally divided silver mirrors into different grades.

No matter which grade of mirror they are, they all have one thing in common: the price is so high that it makes people’s scalp numb!

Even the cheapest mirror costs at least 1 or 2 taels of gold.

And those high-end products, such as a full-length mirror that is as tall as a person, can even cost as much as 5 or 60 taels of gold!

However, even if the price is so expensive, there is still an endless stream of people from all walks of life coming to buy glasses.

This phenomenon once again confirms one thing: there are really many rich people in the Gyeonggi area!

The Gyeonggi area has been an agricultural area since the Japanese Tumulus Period (250-592). It is the earliest developed area in Japan and has always been Japan's grain production center and economic center.

And because it is close to the Seto Inland Sea and has developed trade, it is a famous trading port in Japan.

Convenient transportation, dangerous terrain, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and equipped with agricultural and commercial facilities... Japan is truly a land of abundance.

Although the Kanto Plain came to the fore after the Tokugawa family established the shogunate and moved the political center to Edo, it did not affect the prosperity of the Gyeonggi region at all. It is still one of the most economically developed regions in Japan.

After thousands of years of development and accumulation, this land has never lacked wealthy people.

The long-established ministers, the big landowners of Tianlianqianmo, and the wealthy businessmen who are as wealthy as the rest of the country... these three control at least 5% of the wealth in the Gyeonggi region!

During the Edo period, the stipends paid to ministers by the shogunate were very low.

Even the emperor only had 1 koku, which was not even as good as a small feudal lord in a remote area.

Although it later increased to 3 dan, life was still difficult.

Most families of ministers have to rely on side jobs to make ends meet, and some ministers even open casinos at home to make money.

However, times have changed.

With the outbreak of the "Black Ship Incident" and the advent of the age of great strife, the ministers of the imperial court who were originally just "high-level beggars" suddenly became fragrant buns.

In order to exchange for the support of the imperial court, the shogunate, Satsuma, Choshu, Tosa... various forces donated money to the ministers to win over each other.

These Yueqing Yunke, who were originally cash-strapped, all became rich one by one, and had spare money to buy luxuries that they would never dare to expect in ordinary times.

The greatly improved living environment is also an important reason why the ministers of the imperial court are so active and actively participate in political activities.

Before the Western powers came over, Japanese society under the Tokugawa rule was already in chaos.

It has all the common faults common to every middle-to-late feudal regime. People in the middle and upper classes of society rely on their superior status to take advantage of others, use their power for personal gain, and evade their due obligations.

Eventually, the pressure was transferred to the bottom of society, and class conflicts became unprecedentedly acute.

Those who should pay taxes receive nothing, while those who should not pay taxes have their bones and marrow sucked out.

Officials, landowners and wealthy businessmen control more than 5% of the wealth in the Gyeonggi region - this statement is already considered a very conservative statement.

Among them, the wealthy businessmen - these wealthy businessmen are mainly concentrated in Osaka - are the richest, and their wealth has reached a staggering level.

Aoto has been speculating that some businessmen in Osaka must be richer than the current Edo shogunate!

In the eyes of these people, the price of new glasses is too cheap. A mere few dozen taels of gold is simply an insignificant number.

For them, beautiful and clear silver mirrors are still a novelty.

They are happy to spend a few dozen taels of gold to buy a silver mirror and play with it.

One of the important reasons why Qingdeng insists on Yinjing taking the "mid-to-high-end route" is this - he feels really guilty for not trying to make money from these rich guys!

"Don't crowd! Don't crowd!"

"Everyone line up! There are plenty of mirrors! No need to crowd! No rush!"

"I'll give you a piece of advice! Don't steal anything! If you don't want to go against the Shinsengumi, put away your evil intentions!"


Shouting sounds similar to this are endless.

There were so many people who came to buy glasses or join in the fun that a stampede could break out at any time.

Relying solely on the few officers of the Kyoto Administrative Office with low professional standards is a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, Seito had no choice but to dispatch the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 10th Divisions of the Shinsengumi and order them to take turns to maintain the order of the Shinseng Chamber of Commerce.

Some people with malicious intentions fell silent after seeing the Shinsengumi soldiers patrolling everywhere.

They knew in their hearts: These warriors who had the power of "kill first and then report" really dared to draw their swords and kill people!

Thanks to the terror deterrence of the Shinsengumi, there have been no thieves so far.

The lively scene in Rensheng Township in recent days...not to mention outsiders, even the locals of Rensheng Township were shocked by it.

Except for the "Resheng Chanting Buddha" held regularly every year at Rensheng Temple, Rensheng Township is deserted in normal times.

[Note: Mibu-Nenbutsu: From April 4st to 21th every year, the Mibu-Nenbutsu Temple in Mibu Township will hold the customary "Mibu-Nenbutsu" sacrificial event. This is a famous late-spring event in Kyoto. One of the activities]

This exaggerated flow of people has also greatly boosted the economy of Rensheng Township to a certain extent.

These days, the owners of restaurants, teahouses, wine shops and other catering industries in Rensheng Township are all smiling.

In this way, Qingdeng inadvertently brushed up the favorability of the Rensheng people, which also caused his own status in Rensheng Township to rise sharply.



Kyoto, Satsuma Domain Residence——

A thin, cold-looking samurai knelt on one knee on the soft tatami.

In front of him, the two pillars of the Satsuma Domain - Saigo Kinosuke in charge of military affairs and Komatsu Daito in charge of diplomacy - sat side by side.

"...The above is the current situation of the newly selected chamber of commerce."

After saying that, the thin warrior lowered his head and put on a submissive look of "waiting for orders".


Saigo Kinosuke remained silent.

Komatsu, who was wearing a knife, said nothing.

After a moment, Saigo Kinosuke waved his hand:

"Thank you for your hard work, please step back."


The thin warrior responded with a high-pitched voice, stood up quickly, and left the scene quickly with a "swish".

When his footsteps gradually moved away until they completely disappeared, Saigo Kinosuke slowly let out a long breath:

"...Komatsu-kun, we made a mistake."

Komatsu pulled the corners of his mouth a few times with the knife, showing a weird expression that was half a smile but not a smile.

"What a coincidence, we thought of going together."

Saigo Kinosuke narrowed his eyes, thinking, and murmured:

"We really underestimate Nioh...!"



Kyoto, Choshu feudal residence——

"I'm back……"

"Kusaka-kun, welcome back."

Takasugi Shinsaku sat cross-legged on the edge of the stove, putting his hands on top of the stove to warm them, and continued to speak to the dusty Kusaka Genrui behind him without looking back.

"Have you been to Rensheng Township?"


A faint smile appeared on Takasugi Shinsaku's lips, and he asked half-jokingly:

"Have you seen with your own eyes the current situation of the newly elected Chamber of Commerce?"


"Do you have any idea?"

"...Ju Qingden is indeed a serious problem for us!"

After saying that, Kusaka Genrui clenched his fists, his eyes filled with intense hatred.

Takasugi Shinsaku laughed a few times, then slowly put away his warm hands.

"From now on, we order all our soldiers stationed in Beijing to cheer up!"

"Intensify training and speed up the manufacturing and installation of weapons."

Speaking of this, Takasugi Shinsaku put away his face, looked solemn, and said in a serious tone:

"The Shinsengumi is about to rise!"



Kyoto, Tosa Domain Residence——


The loud cracking sound startled several sparrows in the garden.

Wushi Banpingtai stood frozen with a livid complexion.

At his feet, lying quietly, was the teacup that he had just thrown to the ground... Correction, it was the "original teacup", it was already in pieces.

"That underground ronin... actually has such powerful abilities..."

Before he finished speaking, Wushi Hanpingtai's complexion turned even paler.



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

The whole world is playing Capitalist Simulator...ah, no, it's "Pallu", but I'm different. I want to play "Yakuza 8"! "Yakuza 8", start! (leopard hair.jpg).

PS: If nothing else, a new copy will be opened tomorrow! The Shinsengumi are about to go on a large-scale expedition for the first time! Guess who we are going to fight~~

(End of this chapter)

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