I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 638: The painting talent is activated! The enemy is attacking! 【4300】

Chapter 638: The painting talent is activated! The enemy is attacking! 【4300】

In modern and contemporary film and television works with the theme of cold weapon warfare, this scene often appears: a large group of soldiers carrying long ladders, roaring "Wow, wow," while rushing toward the city.

One long ladder after another was built up to the top of the city, and groups of soldiers swarmed up the ladder like ant colonies, just to compete for the "first to climb" that could change the fate of their lives in one breath.

Although in the cold weapon age, long ladders were indeed used on a large scale in siege warfare, but... the most mainstream and most useful siege equipment are siege vehicles, trebuchets, heavy crossbows, etc. Big guy.

Long ladders and the like... have no other benefits except low production cost and convenient transportation, so they are not the best choice for siege.

A long ladder could only transport one soldier at a time, which was extremely inefficient.

As long as the city defenders have enough soldiers, abundant supplies, and high morale, these soldiers climbing up the long ladder are simply giving away their lives.

Come one and get one free, come two and get a pair.

Therefore, if you want to defend the city, it is best to use the simplest defense method, which is to dig trenches.

A trench that is both wide and deep can effectively prevent the approach of large equipment such as manhole carts and catapults.

Wide and deep trenches and layers of fences can effectively block cavalry charges and infantry advances.

The skylight follows the natural laws of the seasons, and it gets dark early just after 18 o'clock.

For the Shinsengumi, the most scarce thing right now is undoubtedly time.

The night wind blows, Lin Tao bursts, and the looming mist is dense on the top of the mountain.

There was an endless stream of sounds of shoveling soil, "knock, click, click, click" of sawing wood, and shouts of "one, two, three, pull!"

Of course, the city also continued to evolve with the emergence of artillery. Terrifying city defense systems such as bastions gradually appeared, which was a story later.

If fences and trenches are used properly, a huge battlefield can be divided into countless small pieces, greatly weakening the enemy's strength advantage and slowing down the enemy's attack speed.

That night--

Scenes such as "the only way to attack the city is a long ladder" and "the city is surrounded by a flat road without a trench" in modern movies and TV shows about cold weapon warfare are completely made up by screenwriters to speed up the pace of the story.

During this period, the defenders can leisurely shoot arrows, throw stones, and use long-range weapons to attack the enemy troops bit by bit, reducing their numbers and sapping their fighting spirit.

Whether it is the skill of wielding a hoe or the method of chopping trees, he is very familiar with it, so it is appropriate to give him this task.

Looking up, the entire Ueno Basin is bathed in the bright silvery moonlight.

Not to mention field battles.

There is no other reason - the cost of attacking the city is too high.

The road conditions in the cold weapon era were very bad, and the transportation capacity was very limited.

Fortunately, there are good-growing trees everywhere around here, so there is no shortage of materials!


The cold night that suddenly arrives after the sun sets is both cold and biting, silently reminding people of the undoubted fact that late winter is not far away yet.

Cutting down the trees around the city can greatly slow down the enemy's ability to build siege engines.

In this way, even though it was already midnight, the Shinsengumi soldiers still did not put down their civil engineering tools.

Before being adopted as the adopted son of the Kondo family, Isamu Kondo was a native farmer.

Therefore, as the sun was setting, Qingdeng issued a strict order: "No one is allowed to rest until progress that satisfies him is achieved!".

The mist that sometimes gathers and sometimes disperses constantly changes into shadows of different shades. Against the backdrop of the dark night, it seems that there are indescribable terrifying monsters hidden in the misty clouds and mist, swallowing half of the sky and the earth, and fainting the mountains. contour.

Commander-in-Chief Shannan Keisuke is responsible for commanding the supply team and arranging the orderly storage of grain, grass, medicine and other materials.

After determining the camp site, Qingdeng personally determined the locations of the two most important places in the military camp - the supply depot and the toilet.


All in all, under the "time crunch" situation Qingdeng is currently facing, adopting the strategy of "building only fences and trenches" is undoubtedly the most correct.

To sum up, when the enemy attacks, the first thing the defenders have to do is cut down the nearby trees.

Large equipment such as well-mounted carts are too bulky and it is basically impossible to send them from far away, so they must be manufactured on site.

Then, it was time to dig as many trenches as possible.

I saw that the inside and outside of the Shinsengumi's camp were illuminated orange by bunches of torches.

The fence in the cold weapon era is similar to the modern barbed wire. It may seem inconspicuous, but it can make the attacker very uncomfortable. It is not difficult to destroy it, but it will cost a lot of time. During this period, there will be a large number of companions. He was knocked down by an oncoming long-range weapon.

The crescent moon, half covered by thin smoke-like clouds, rose quietly at some point and climbed over the top of the mountain.

In a few days, there will be a huge army of thieves surrounding this place.

Therefore, in order for large-scale equipment to be effective, the siege team must spend a lot of time slowly filling in the trenches.

All civil engineering work is supervised by Director Isamu Kondo.

Without the assistance of these gadgets, unless some clever strategies are used, such as "Trojan horse", "cutting off the water source", etc., the siege team will have to pay an extremely heavy price to capture a city.

This is why ancient Eastern and Western military strategists did not recommend siege warfare.

If you still have extra manpower and time, lay as many fences as possible.

Smooth roads, fast trains and trucks... none of these things.

Every second counts and time does not wait... We must build a usable defense system as soon as possible.

It was not until artillery was born and deployed on a large scale that those cities became vulnerable.

Supply depots were located on dry highlands, while latrines were built in downwind areas away from water sources.

No one knows how long this battle will last.

In order to be safe, Seito spent a lot of money and ordered Iwasaki Yataro to raise a large amount of supplies and livestock to transport supplies.

In addition, Yagi Gennosei (a large landowner and local snake in Mibu Township) once again gave Aonto a great gift.

He lent Qingdeng a large number of horses for free.

With his simple "money ability" and abundant transportation capacity, Qingteng pulled in enough supplies for the whole army of the Shinsengumi to last for a whole year.

Arranging personnel to move a large amount of materials into the warehouse and checking them one by one to confirm which items are in place and which items are missing... This is quite a tedious task.

It would be a good idea to leave it to Shannan Keisuke, who is calm-minded and good at paperwork.

The Shinsengumi's chain of command is "one orange, two earthwork, three near and four mountain south".

The war is approaching, and Qingdeng has many important things to do and has no time to stay in the formation.

There are no convenient communication tools nowadays. If something major happens when Qingdeng leaves the camp, it will be difficult to contact Qingdeng immediately.

Therefore, the task Aomori entrusted to Deputy Chief Hijikata Toshizo was to stay in charge and be ready to respond to any emergencies at any time.

As for the captains of the Bato team headed by the general director and Hachiro Qinghe, they were all sent by Qingto to participate in the civil engineering work.

The Shinsengumi currently has a small number of people. Even if it is only 10 people, it is still an indispensable labor force. The "Shiweiguan Faction" always obeyed Qingdeng's orders.

As soon as Qingdeng's order to "dig the soil" was given, they rolled up their sleeves and joined the "construction site" without saying a word.

On the other hand, Qinghe Hachiro, Serizawa Kamo and Niimi Nishiki...these three people were quite resistant to Qingnobo's order.

Their thoughts were the same - as dignified warriors, how could we wield such an unrefined instrument like a peasant?

However, when they saw that even daughters Sanako and Kinoshita Mai were working hard to dig soil and move rocks, they were speechless and silently picked up the hoes and shovels that they had originally despised.

While the Shinsengumi soldiers were transforming into civil servants, Aomori was not idle either.

As the general of the entire army, the things he has to consider are more complicated and heavier than anyone else.

After issuing a series of orders to the entire army and entrusting the three important tasks of "temporary command authority", "supervising projects" and "arranging supply teams" to Hijikata Tozozo, Kondo Isamu and Yamanan Keisuke respectively, he rode Radish, without any followers, walked around the Ueno Basin.

At this moment, a man and an ox were standing on the hillside of a certain mountain.


Qingdeng half-opened his mouth and breathed out translucent hot breath.

He squinted his eyes, with thoughtful eyes bursting out from under his long eyelashes, and scanned the surroundings back and forth. From time to time, he picked up the monocular telescope in his hand and looked into the distance, as if he wanted to see what was happening around him. It was as if the scene was deeply engraved in his mind - and in fact it was.

"Night Vision", "Fiery Eyes +5", "Photographic Memory", "Focused Mind", "Sacred Brain +9" - these five talents are activated at the same time!

"Night vision" makes him not afraid of the veil of night.

"Fire Eyes + 5" allows his sight to span countless spaces.

"Photographic memory", "Concentration" and "Shen Brain + 9" made his brain spin rapidly, memorizing everything he saw with his eyes like rubbings.

Even people who don’t understand military science at all know the importance of terrain to military affairs.

Any military strategist who is somewhat reliable will not pay attention to terrain.

What Qingdeng is doing now is to keep in mind the surrounding terrain! In order to achieve the state of "no matter when and where, as long as your mind moves slightly, you can clearly recall every detail of the Ueno Basin"!

Qingden blinked and looked down at the land below.

——If the bandits attack, the gentle slope here will be an excellent starting point for attack.

As soon as one thought fell, another thought arose again.

——There is an excellent camping spot nearby... If it were me, I would definitely camp here.

Thinking of this, Qingden subconsciously turned his head and looked at the Shinsengumi camp in the distance behind him.

After a moment, he took out a charcoal pencil and a piece of sturdy cooked rice paper from the leather bag hanging on the side of the radish.

The so-called cooked rice paper is rice paper made by brushing a layer of alum water on raw rice paper or undergoing other processes (such as sprinkling gold, printing). It has good water resistance and is not easily damaged by water, so it is suitable for painting fine brushwork. Painting, because it can withstand layers of rendering, and the colors and ink will not spread due to water penetration.

Qingdeng spread the cooked rice paper on the head of the radish, and then skillfully drew with a pen.

The talent "Drawing Master" is activated!

Qingdeng's painting talent is 11 times the average level of ordinary people.

Qingdeng had no intention of becoming a painter, nor was he interested in painting, so since he discovered this talent, he had never activated it, nor had he systematically learned painting techniques.

Despite this, after being strengthened by "11 times that of ordinary people", the picture drawn by Qingdeng is still far better than that of ordinary people.

Just because Qingdeng can "have a plan in mind" doesn't mean that other people can also have this ability.

Therefore, in order to familiarize Hijikata and others with the terrain of the battlefield, and to show everyone his position command and troop dispatch later, Aomori decided to draw a military map of the Ueno Basin.

In just 10 minutes, the originally blank cooked rice paper had many grand yet clear lines.

Qingdeng picked up the completed map, glanced up and down a few times, and then stuffed it back into his saddle bag with a satisfied look on his face.

"That's almost it... I've memorized the terrain here..."

As he spoke, he turned the cow's head and lightly knocked on its belly.

"Carrot, let's go! Let's go to the next place!"




About an hour later——

Ueno Basin, the camp of the Shinsengumi——

"It's Nioh-sama! Nioh-sama is back!"

The four soldiers on guard took three steps and two steps at a time to welcome the returning Qingdeng.

Qingden got off the cow, handed the reins to them, and strode into the camp.

He didn't even have time to take a breath or drink a glass of water, so he went straight to the construction site where the trench was being dug.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Qingto saw Isamu Kondo, who was gray-headed and covered in mud.

Aoto glanced at Isamu Kondo, then turned his gaze sideways to inspect the progress of trench excavation.

Suddenly, his brows frowned.

At this time, Kondo Isamu spotted Aoto who was walking towards him.

The two of them didn't even have time to exchange greetings before Qingdeng asked directly:

"Kondo-kun, what's going on? It's been such a long time, why did we dig so many shallow ditches? Such results don't satisfy me!"

After listening to this, Isamu Kondo suddenly showed a helpless smile.

“Junior Tachibana, many of the soldiers in our army do not know the skills of digging and digging.

"Many people have never touched a hoe or shovel for the first time until today."

“Some people even don’t know what a hoe is used for.”

"It took a lot of effort and time to teach them how to use a hoe and a shovel."

Having said this, Isamu Kondo stretched out his hands and showed Ayoto the dirt on his body.

"If you let Kabuki do the work of a cook, it won't be as fast."

After listening to Kondo Isamu's explanation, Qingden's cheeks suddenly became solemn.

Suddenly, a hurried shout sounded from behind Qingdeng:

"Oops! The enemy is attacking! The enemy is attacking!"



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

The Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai I went to yesterday was good everywhere, except for one thing that was bad - there were too few seals!

There is only one pool of harbor seals in this huge garden! No separate venues! Even a mere manatee has a "manatee pavilion"! Why don't seals have their own museum? The poor harbor seal can only be kept in a park with turtles and seabirds (Leopard's head in tears.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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