I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 641 The Aizu Cavalry goes into battle! Crash into the Musketeers! Returned defeated! 【4700】

Chapter 641 The Aizu Cavalry goes into battle! Crash into the Musketeers! Returned defeated! 【4700】

As soon as these words came out, Sagawa Kanbei's expression suddenly changed.

He raised his eyebrows first, then lowered his face.

"'Weird'? Lord Tachibana, what does this mean?"

Qingdeng said calmly:

"This is my personal intuition. This bandit army always gives me an ominous premonition. In short, no one, whether the Shinsengumi or the Aizu army, is allowed to attack without my order!"


Sagawa Kanbei remained silent.

He turned his head and looked at the large-scale movement of the bandits in the distance, an elusive color flashing in his eyes.

After a moment, he lowered his head, the expression on his face was hidden in the shadows, and he responded softly without sadness or joy:

"...Yes, I'm resigning."

Harada Sanosuke joked half-jokingly:

Everyone present had put on armor and light green haori and was ready to go.

"My lord took huge risks, put his life, death and reputation at risk, and raised his troops to Luo without hesitation."

Nagakura Shinpachi shrugged and sang along with Harada Sanosuke:

"If that's the case, it's over. The pit is filled with thick sediment. Once he falls in, even if he doesn't drown, he won't be able to see anyone for the rest of his life."

The general manager turned his head frequently, stretched his neck, and looked outside the tent.

Shannan Keisuke added:

"To be precise, his malice is not directed at Mr. Ju, but at the 'Gyeonggi Governor'."

The Shinsengumi generals have arrived, but the only one missing is Sagawa Kanbei, who came to help as a guest general.

About half an hour after the bandit troops arrived at the city, Qingdeng issued a "convocation order" and ordered the generals at squad captain and above to come to the formation immediately to discuss matters.

At this time, Shannan Keisuke lowered his eyelids, as if thinking about something.

"Under such an unfavorable situation, if the Aizu clan, who is in the Samaku camp, plunges headlong into the shithole of Kyoto, it will surely stink all over."

"'Reject the foreigners' has become a banner that no one is allowed to question."


His two sabers - Vairochana and Dingguishen - lie quietly on the sword rest behind him.


"I can quite understand their thinking."

"Why hasn't Sagawa-kun arrived yet...it's so slow..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately received a question from Sanosuke Harada:

There is a long table in front of him, and on the table is his recent work: the topographic map of the Ueno Basin.

Todo Heisuke joined the conversation:

"Speaking of which...does Mr. Sagawa dislike us? I always feel that he always has a straight face when we are with you."

Gradually, fences, watchtowers, tents... buildings were pulled up one after another at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seen from a distance, the hordes of thieves pouring into the Ueno Basin really look like ant colonies that have continuously poured out due to the destruction of their nests.

He folded his arms in front of his chest and said:

"There are quite a few people in the Aizu Domain, like Sagawa Kanbei, who are very hostile to the envoy of Gyeonggi Town."

"As a result, the shogunate still has to be wary of us at all times, and set up a useless 'Gyeonggi Town Governor' to take away the power of the lord."

The general secretary and others sat on the left and right sides of the long table in order according to their status.

"Could it be that you fell into the poop while having a bowel movement?"

"Changzhou feudal lord held the emperor hostage to order the princes, and called on all the heroes of the world to raise troops to fight against the barbarians."

"The birth of this new position has directly greatly reduced the power of the Guardian of Kyoto. The only tasks at hand are to protect the imperial court and monitor Sa and the Chief."

Next to the knife rest, there is the big purple bow gifted to him by Tianzhang Academy: Yise Zhafu Riluo.

After a while, they were seen moving wood blocks, hay and other objects from the forest and starting to "build a nest."

Serizawa Kamo, who usually doesn't deal with Ayoto and the "Seibeikan faction", now rarely stands on a united front with everyone.

"Are you dissatisfied with Mr. Tachibana? Why?"

The Shinsengumi camp, this formation——

"We Aizu people have devoted so much effort to the shogunate and the Tokugawa family for the ancestral motto of 'loyalty to Aoimon to the death' more than 200 years ago."

Qingdeng's right hand rested naturally on his thigh, and his left hand rested on the side of his waist. He straightened his waist and sat upright, overlooking the entire camp because he was in the main seat.

In fact, it is the best explanation for the term "bee colony and ant gathering".

"The shogunate, which opened the country and signed a series of treaties with the barbarians, became the target of public criticism."

The delay in seeing Sagawa Kanbei made an impatient look appear on her pretty face.

After a while, he slowly said:

"I heard...Mr. Sagawa is very dissatisfied with Mr. Tachibana..."

Hijikata Toshizo snorted coldly and started spraying:

"Hmph! I don't care if he likes us or not, but I've always disliked him. This guy always has the abominable look of 'I am a noble Aizu native, how can you country folk fight alongside us'! It’s so annoying!”

"I traveled thousands of miles from Northeast China to Kyoto, only to get this result... If it were me, I would feel very angry."

"The current situation in Kyoto is a complete mess."

"You want us to be like cows and horses, working hard for you to drive without complaint, but you are also afraid that we will become big... what the hell! No one else can swallow this breath."

Serizawa Kamo's words caused a subtle change in the atmosphere in the tent.

Todo Heisuke lowered his head and murmured:

"But... wasn't the original intention of establishing the position of 'Gyeonggi Town Governor' to share the pressure of the Kyoto guardianship? It was not to divide Higo-sama's power and prevent Aizu from getting bigger..."

Serizawa Duck sneered:

"Boy, since you are still young, let me teach you a cruel truth - there are many things in this world that can be said both 'positively' and 'contrary'."

At this time, Genzaburo Inoue, who was sitting next to Serizawa Kama - the division captains' seating order is that the "even-numbered teams" sit in one row, and the "odd-numbered teams" sit in another row - suddenly stretched out his left elbow and poked him. flank.

"Okay, Serizawa-kun, stop talking."

Serizawa ducked his eyes, glanced at Genzaburo Inoue expressionlessly, and then said nothing.

For a moment, only silence dominated the entire camp.

As for the reason for establishing the post of governor of Gyeonggi Province, the official explanation given by the shogunate was that it was worried that Matsudaira Yongho would not be able to sustain such a big situation, so it sent more people to help him.

But what's going on behind the scenes... no one can tell.

Except for Toudou Heisuke, who is not very involved in the world, and Harada Sanosuke, who never pays attention to such complicated matters, everyone here knows that their allies... many people in the Aizu Domain are hostile to the Shinsengumi. They are no less hostile to them than the King-Zun faction.

On weekdays, everyone pretends to be confused and does not reveal the cold facts.

Serizawa Kamo's words just now revealed everyone's long-hidden thoughts.

"...Okay, enough of the gossip."

Qingden spoke abruptly.

He gave a brief conclusion to the above discussions:

"At this stage, the Aizu Domain is our unquestionable ally."

"We don't care about our deeds."

"As long as they don't cause any obstacles for us, we don't care what their thoughts are."

"It's not like we want to get married together and spend the rest of our lives together."

"We only pay attention to what they do, not what they think."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Toudo Heisuke blinked and said to himself with a confused expression:

"What kind of thing is this... We are obviously allies, but in the end we have to be wary of each other... If this continues, the shogunate can still be saved..."

Having said this, he closed his mouth.

Nagakura Shinpachi narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Heisuke, don't talk nonsense."

Toudo Heisuke lowered his head apologetically.


The future of the shogunate is worrying... From a standpoint, this is something they cannot say openly.

However... anyone will feel that the word "shaky" is a very suitable word to describe the current situation of the shogunate.

The finances are tight, the direct descendants are corrupt, the army is useless, and even the allies have their own agendas...

At this moment, hurried footsteps suddenly sounded outside the tent:

Before anyone arrives, the sound has already arrived:

"Lord Niou! The situation is different!"

A messenger stood outside the tent.

Qingdeng immediately shouted:

"Come in!"

The orderly soldier ducked into the tent, and then loudly said word by word in a clear and anxious tone:

"Lord Nioh, Lord Sagawa led all the Aizu cavalry out of battle! Go straight to the bandit camp!" "What?!"

Qinghe Hachilang was the first to scream.

At the same moment, astonishment gripped the entire audience.

Qingdeng's expression remained unchanged, and he was still sitting calmly on the main seat - only the lines on his face had become much colder and harder.

"This guy...is he here to trip me up so soon..."



At this moment——

The Shinsengumi camp, somewhere outside the camp——


The carefully selected war horses roared and paved the dirt with their hooves.

Sagawa Kanbei carried a 3-meter-long katana gun and rode on horseback to inspect the soldiers' equipment and energy.

[Note: Katakama Gun: A branch of the Jumonji Gun, with a branched blade on one side of the gun blade]

The 20 Aizu cavalrymen lent by Matsudaira Yoshiho to Aoto were all in front of Sagawa Kanbei.

Looking at his heroic soldiers, Sagawa Kanbei raised a confident and heroic smile on his lips.

"Hmph! That bullshit governor of Gyeonggi Province...that young kid who is just over 20 years old knows nothing about fighting!"

"They're just a bunch of rabble-rousers, why do they need to be so cautious?"

"The thieves who have come from afar have not yet established a foothold, so it is the best time to attack them."

"As long as we launch a furious attack at this moment, we will definitely inflict heavy damage on them!"

"If you're lucky enough, you might be able to make them flee in all directions and end this war!"

Having said this, Sagawa Kanbei turned his head and looked coldly at the Shinsengumi camp in the distance.

The look of ridicule on his face was extremely intense.

"Not fighting when it's time to fight, and using specious words like 'intuition' and 'foreboding premonition'... Such a method of using troops cannot be called cautious! It's just cowardice!"

"Guandong people are really unreliable!"

"As expected, the important task of pacifying the capital lies with our Aizu men!"

After mocking Aoden from a distance, Sagawa Kanbei looked away and looked at the group of cavalry in front of him, raising their sickle spears in their hands high, with the tip of the spear pointed directly at the sky.

"Brave men of Aizu! Follow me!"

"Let's see this bunch of thieves who don't know what to do after death! Let's also see the bunch of cowards behind us! Let's see how capable we Aizu people are!"

After saying that, Sagawa Kanbei tightened the reins and pointed his horse's head straight at the rebel position in the distance.

"Come at me!"

He swung down the scythe gun he held high.

In an instant, the war horse neighed and its hooves turned.

The billowing smoke spread in all directions.



Shinsengumi camp——

Ayoto and the Shinsengumi generals stood on the observation tower built with earth, looking at the advancing cavalry that had begun to attack.

Qinghe Balang came forward and suggested:

"Tachibana-sama, do you want to try to stop them?"

Qingdeng shook his head:

"We can't catch up. Even if we ride on horseback to chase them now, it's too late."

The Souji smacked his lips vigorously:

"Tsk...! Lord Orange has obviously said that no one is allowed to attack without his orders, but he still turned a deaf ear to Lord Orange's orders!"

Hijikata Toisho spread his hands.

"Who calls him a guest general? He is already disgusted with the official position held by Lord Tachibana. How can he accept Tachibana's command calmly?"

"...Forget it, let him be."

A bunch of eyes fell on Qingden who suddenly spoke.

Qingden put his left hand casually on the saber at his waist and continued with a sneer:

"Since Sagawa Kanbei insists on attacking, let's stand here and watch them quietly to see if they can produce considerable results."

"I will also take this opportunity to take a closer look at the combat effectiveness of the rebel army."



The cavalry did not charge with all their strength in one go. Instead, they jogged slowly and then accelerated little by little.

Horses are animals with very little endurance.

In a long-distance race, 10 horses cannot compete with one person.

This is why when the post system was established, a post station was built at regular intervals, and horses were changed instead of people when the message was sent, because the endurance of the horses was too poor and they could not run for a long time.

If you start running wildly, the horse will be exhausted in a short time.

Therefore, the orthodox "cavalry charge" is to first march at a neither fast nor slow speed, and then suddenly increase the speed after the distance to the frontline battlefield is shortened, and attack the enemy's position with thunderous momentum.

Sagawa Kanbei took the lead and personally took charge of the attack arrow.

Other cavalrymen followed closely behind him, forming a small "wedge".

In this way, this small wedge-shaped formation pressed forward towards the enemy's formation.

When the distance between the two sides was only a few hundred meters, Sagawa Kanbei winked at the subordinate on his left.

The man immediately raised the conch horn in his hand with understanding and blew it hard.

Woo——! Woo——! Woo——! Woo——! Woo——!

Amidst the exciting horn sound, the war horse began to take small steps and gradually accelerated, and the horse's hooves raised dust all over the sky! What followed was an awe-inspiring murderous aura!

As the distance continued to get closer, Sagawa Kanbei gradually saw the current situation of the enemy's formation - the front line had not yet arrived, but the filthy bandits were already running away.

——It’s really just a mob!

This situation made Sagawa Kanbei's self-confidence even more intense.

The scene of "the thieves were so frightened by the sudden appearance of the cavalry that they fled" not only caught Sagawa Kanbei's eyes, but also caught the eyes of other cavalrymen.

Each one of them was full of confidence, waiting to break into the enemy's formation that was in chaos and kill them all!

Sagawa Kanbei waved his scythe gun vigorously and shouted in high spirits:

"The enemy army has been defeated! Kill them all..."

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A series of sudden loud noises interrupted Sagawa Kanbei's words.

In addition to his "mobilization speech", what also stopped was the trumpet sound beside him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The cavalryman in charge of blowing the trumpet screamed and fell off his horse. Naturally, the conch horn in his hand also fell to the ground, and the sound of the horn suddenly stopped.


Sagawa Kanbei's eyes widened, his mouth slightly opened, and he turned to stare blankly at the cavalryman who had fallen to the ground and was no longer alive, as if he had lost his soul.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The series of loud noises called his soul back.

After realizing it, Sagawa Kanbei screamed in a hoarse voice:

"Iron cannon! It's iron cannon! Spread out! Spread out quickly! Everyone spread out!"

However... it was too late.

Two more cavalrymen were shot to the ground.


The war horse made an uneasy sound.

The originally extremely tight wedge formation suddenly became loose and chaotic.



It’s New Year’s Eve! The Year of the Dragon is here! (Leopard Hi.jpg)

I wish all book friends to become a dragon among men like Qingdeng in the New Year! Flying like a dragon in the boundless sky!

Leopard and Leopard are not greedy, please send some monthly tickets to this book! Just think of it as lucky money for Leopard Leopard (Leopard Leopard Head in tears.jpg) Please vote for me! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: Why do the thieves have muskets? I don’t know if any book friends can guess it~~

(End of this chapter)

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