I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 645: There is no opponent ahead of us! 【4200】

Chapter 645: There is no opponent ahead of us! 【4200】

As soon as Qingdeng caught the commander with his front legs, he suddenly felt that the world in front of him suddenly opened up - it turned out that they were the remaining rebel cavalry, who finally could not withstand the pressure of death and fled for their lives.

Although Qingto and Sanako's offensive was very fierce, they only killed about twenty people in total, accounting for only one-fifth of the opponent's total.

However, such casualties were enough to bring the mob to collapse.

This kind of army was formed temporarily and was unwilling to fight without giving whips or generous rewards. Don't expect them to have any firm will.

The "Hachiman Daimyojin" with perfect arrows and the unrivaled "Giantess" had already brought their morale to the freezing point.

[Note: Hachiman Daimyojin is the patron saint of Genji and the god of bows and arrows]

Seeing that even the commander was captured alive, what little fighting spirit they had left suddenly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, they were running around, scurrying around, using their own actions to show Qingdeng and Sanazi what it means to "run like a wolf and a hog to rush forward" and what it means to "throw away their helmet and armor". After a while, they were all gone.

The bodies around Qingden and Sanako returned to tranquility.

Counting carefully, there are 12 horses in total.

After digging away the dead horses that had been shot by Qingdeng with "air leaking from both ends of their bodies" and the horses that fled due to fright, there were still many horses wandering around blankly.

Complaints are complaints. When it's time to work, Sanako never hesitates.

This posture made it difficult for Qingto to shut up this guy's mouth - because it was difficult for his right hand to touch this guy's head - so he gave this task to Sanako.

"I was already red-eyed at that time. When I saw this guy drawing his sword, I subconsciously opened my bow to destroy his ability to resist."

"Huh? Are you going back now?"

Now that Qingden has spoken, Nasanako can only obey obediently.

The reason is quite simple: Qingden rarely encounters situations where he needs to go all out or even fight desperately.

Qingden didn't talk nonsense. He didn't even look at him and said to Sanako without sadness or joy:

"Sanako, shut this guy up."

She directly picked up the naginata in her hand and hit the man on the forehead with the back of the knife.

Sanako was also happy.

She nodded in agreement, then remounted her horse.

As he spoke, he turned to look at the horses behind him.

Seeing that Sanako had finished bandaging, Qingden turned to look at the bandit camp not far away.

"...Sanako, let's go, we should go back."

However, for Qingdeng, this kind of scene is a common occurrence.

At first glance, Qingdeng looks like he has an Ansai waist drum strapped to his waist... except that this "drum" is a dirty butt.

She turned over and dismounted, tore off a long piece of cloth from the commander's clothes, and tied a tight knot around his right shoulder, which temporarily stopped the bleeding.

The man's posture is quite funny, with his butt facing the carrot's cow's head and his head facing the carrot's cow's butt.

"I almost forgot... take all these horses back. These horses are precious trophies."

"Born for Fighting +9" - The ability of this talent is that the more tense and intense the battle situation, the better the physical and mental condition will be.

Qingdeng nodded lightly.

Although this talent looks abnormal from the introduction, so far, Qingden has never fully unleashed its power.

With such a flow rate, it won't take long for you to lose too much blood.

Sanako curled his lips and said in a feigned displeasure:

"It's really troublesome... Just don't shoot this guy's arm off, then there won't be so many problems."

"I've seen everything I want to see with my own eyes. In addition, there are unexpected gains. It's almost time to return to camp."

Qingdeng continued:

"Let's stop his bleeding by the way. If we ignore his injuries, he will die before we get back to camp."

In such a state, Qingdeng can always perfectly explain what it means to "treat human life as nothing" and "carrying two watermelon knives, slashing from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road, back and forth for three days and three nights, it was a bloody Chenghe, never blinked a glance.”

Gurgling, gurgling... blood flowed straight down from his broken arm like a trickle.

The two walked side by side... However, after taking only two steps, Qingdeng suddenly reined in the reins as if he had remembered something important.

However, if you insist that this talent has become a decoration, that is not the case.

Ever since he copied the talent "Born for Fighting +9" from the "Sword Master" Seiichiro Tanani, it has become easier and easier for Aomori to enter a state of "fighting fanaticism".

Qingdeng smiled helplessly.

Hundreds of cavalrymen, under the attack of just two people, were easily torn apart and defeated like butter on a hot knife... Unless they saw it with their own eyes, ordinary people would never believe this kind of joke. The plot of the.

The force, neither light nor heavy... was just enough to make him faint.

Because the adrenaline had not faded away, the commander who was clamped under his left armpit by Qingden was still very energetic and energetic.

"Ah, wait a minute!"

Nowadays, whenever Qing Deng is in war, he is more likely to enter an excited and fierce state than before.

He struggled desperately, trying to escape from Qingdeng's iron-like arms.

When Qingden said the words "unexpected gain", Qingden shook the commander under his arm.


If it's a worthless thing like an unmarked knife, a bamboo gun, etc., then that's it.

But important strategic resources like horses should be cherished more.

Sanako also came to his senses belatedly.

The two dismounted their horses (oxen) together and brought back all the ownerless horses.

While holding the horse, Qingdeng murmured half distressed and half regretful:

"I was careless... I should have killed as few horses as possible just now..."



Qingden and Sanazi led the horses (oxen) that had been recovered and galloped on the way back to the camp.

Just when the rebel camp had become a blurry shadow behind them, Qingdeng vaguely heard a noisy sound coming from the distance... It must have been that the rebel army was sending out troops to pursue them again.

Although the reaction of the bandit army was quick, because they acted quickly enough, Qingto and Sanako had already gone far.

Even if the bandit army wanted to pursue them, they could not catch up with them.


Sanako, who was half a body behind Qingteng, was secretly peeking at Qingteng again.

For a moment, as if she couldn't hold it any longer, she took a deep breath and whispered:

"Tachibana-kun, although I know that there are no strange powers and chaotic gods in this world, I am becoming more and more doubtful... are you really the incarnation of Niou in the human world?"

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows:

"Huh? Why do you say that suddenly?"

Sanako took another deep breath.

"There seems to be no martial arts in this world that you can't master."

"You can always show me new and superb martial arts skills from time to time."

"First came the swordsmanship, then the archery, and then today's Yabusame."

"This is the first time I know... It turns out that you are also involved in 'Yu Dysprosium Horse'." "I know you are very proficient in archery, but I didn't expect that you are also good at 'Yu Dysprosium Horse'."

Dysprosium horse - simply put, it is mounted shooting.

From the Heian to the Kamakura period (794-1333), Japan was, to put it mildly, still in the "Aristocratic Age". The Yabusame horse, which not only showed the aristocratic status but was also convenient for showing off, was very popular, and it was also very popular for military commanders to fight against each other. .

Japan during this period was just like ancient China during the Zhou Dynasty. It paid attention to etiquette. Even in war, it had to abide by a lot of complicated etiquette.

When two armies confront each other, each side often sends a general to the front of the battle line to report each other's home addresses. This is very important. It is extremely rude to interrupt someone else's pretense. After both sides have finished their pretense, they will The one-on-one duel called "Yi Qi Bei" officially begins.

Because Yabusame was very popular at that time, the form of duel was mostly shooting at each other on horseback.

This form of war that pretended to each other lasted for a long time - it was not until the Yuan Dynasty launched the Eastern Expedition, and the Yuan army that rolled out across the Eurasian continent taught the Japanese samurai a vivid lesson that the Japanese samurai gradually corrected themselves. He got rid of the bad habit of showing off on the battlefield.

Gradually, "Yi Qi Bei" and "Liu Dy Horse" are no longer popular.

Today, Yabusame has become an extremely rare skill.

Even if I want to learn from a teacher, I don’t know who to go to.

Therefore, it is no wonder that Sanako, who loves martial arts, would be so surprised.

On the back of an ox that is jolted by running at full speed, he can still move a hundred steps and kill two lives with one arrow... Such a magical skill, even the famous generals of the Heian and Kamakura periods would be ashamed to see it. !

Sanako's words did not stop:

"Not only that, you also cursed the gods at the Spring Palace Shrine in Nara."

"I was thinking... the gods in Shintoism and the Buddhas in Buddhism can be regarded as rivals competing for incense, right?"

"So...you can't really be the real Buddha who descended to earth..."

Before Sanako finished speaking, Qingden burst out laughing uncontrollably.

Looking at Qingden who was smiling happily, Sanako was stunned for a moment at a loss, then suppressed his embarrassment and said quickly to make amends:

"I-I'm not kidding you! I'm serious! No, don't laugh anymore!"

Aomori ignored Sanako's request and continued to laugh while silently thinking to himself:

——Sanako, who is usually serious and almost rigid, occasionally says innocent things...

When she encounters people or things that she conflicts with, she will not shy away from showing her dislike; when she encounters people or things that she admires, she will not hide her admiration... This is also the advantage and cuteness of Sanako. .

After laughing to his heart's content, Qingden said quietly:

"If I were really the incarnation of a benevolent king in the human world, I would directly use my divine power to destroy all the evil in the world so that the oppressed people all over the world could be happy. In this way, I wouldn't have to work as hard as I do now. "

Qingdeng originally wanted to tease Sanako a few more words, but the Shinsengumi camp was already in front of him.

Even though they hadn't entered the camp yet, the hustle and bustle as hot as a flaming wave was already approaching him and Sanako.



Ueno Basin, Shinsengumi camp——

Qingden and Sanako passed through the camp gate one after the other.

I saw many soldiers standing on both sides of the road behind the camp gate.

They all raised their gazes one after another, focusing on Qingdeng with their astonished, fascinated, and fanatical gazes.

"Look! Nioh-sama really didn't bring any bodyguards with him. He only took Captain Chiba to scout out the enemy's situation!"

"I heard that they marched directly around the rebel camp to see the structure of the rebel camp up close."

"It's too random... Is this the so-called 'artistic people are bold'?"

"Look, they're covered in blood!"

"They must have just experienced a bloody battle!"


Because they had just fought a battle, both Qingto and Sanako had a lot of blood splattered on their bodies.

Light green haori is not resistant to stains.

Not to mention blood, even a little stain will look particularly eye-catching.

In full view of everyone, returning to camp covered in blood... This scene is indeed full of visual impact!

With an army of hundreds of people, no matter how big the camp is, it can't be much bigger.

For this reason, no matter what kind of news it is, it can always spread very quickly in the Shinsengumi military camp.

Therefore, as soon as the Aizu cavalry was defeated, the news that "the bandit army had an iron artillery unit and defeated the arrogant Aizu cavalry" spread like wildfire and spread throughout the entire battalion.

Generally speaking, the Shinsengumi soldiers generally disliked the self-respecting Aizu soldiers.

However, the tragic defeat of Sagawa Kanbei and others finally cast a tense atmosphere inside and outside the military camp.

In fact, both the Aizu Army and the Shinsengumi had a strong contempt for those "former farmers".

However...the thieves, who in their eyes should be vulnerable, showed a powerful combat capability that far exceeded their expectations! Even the Aizu cavalry, known for their bravery, suffered heavy losses.

At this moment when people's hearts were in a state of uncertainty, Qingdeng's brave behavior of "going to the front line and returning covered in blood" was naturally a shot in the arm for the soldiers!

Those fanatical gazes focused on Qingdeng are the best proof.

Qingdeng saw through the thoughts of the soldiers.

So, after thinking for a while, he quickly tightened the reins in his hands, stopped the carrots under his crotch, raised his head and said loudly:

"Everyone! As you can see, Sanako and I walked around the bandit camp without any damage!"

"We encountered many enemies and broke through layers of siege!"

"Although the thieves have a large army and have a lot of iron cannons, in my opinion, they are nothing more than this!"

Speaking of this, Qing Deng extended his right arm straight to the right in a medal-like gesture, so that everyone present could see the thick blood stains on his body more clearly.

"Sanako and I not only defeated the thieves who came to pursue us, but also captured one of their generals alive."

"Although you can't underestimate your enemies, you don't need to look down on them either."

"You all go back to your respective posts and act as usual."

"Stop being anxious and impetuous, and obey my command,"

"No matter what happens, as long as you are with me, we will be invincible..."




A large splash of cold water was poured on Tong Wulang's face.

"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!"

Tōgoro, who had water in his mouth and nose, coughed hard and slowly opened his eyes - the first thing that caught his eye was the man who had shot his right arm off and captured him alive, and was now sitting on the horse. Qingdeng.

"My time is very tight, so I won't talk nonsense to you."

Qingdeng said calmly without any greeting.

"I'll give you two choices now."



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(End of this chapter)

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