I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 649 The results of the special training of the whole army are revealed! Beat up the thieves!

"Follow me!"

"Kill ah ah ah ah!"

"Don't be afraid! Come on! The glory and wealth are right in front of you!"


As far as the horizon, as close as the eyelids, the mountains and plains are scattered with thieves and soldiers who are unwilling to be left behind. They are as dense and overwhelming as a swarm of locusts. Just one glance can make people's scalp numb.

The intertwined bamboo spears, shining swords, waving flags, and ferocious faces... seemed to have unfolded a dense, cold forest.

In terms of the momentum of the charge alone, this bandit army seemed to have an overwhelming force.

It's just... it didn't take long for many of them to gradually open their eyes, open their mouths, and look nervous. Before the confrontation began, half of their aura was released.

There is no other reason - the Shinsengumi's position is not located on the ground, but is located on the top of a green mountain.

Although it is just an unknown hill, the height is only about 20 meters. Except for the north side adjacent to the cliff, the slopes in other directions are very gentle and it is not difficult to climb.

But... no matter what, this is still a mountain.

Just looking up at the mountain peaks makes people feel discouraged.

For this group of "original farmers" who have been deprived of good food for many years and are extremely thin, just climbing mountains and reaching the frontline battlefield can remove at least half of their physical strength.

Of course, the real suffering is yet to come.

When they climbed up with great difficulty and reached the top of the mountain with difficulty, and saw the true appearance of the Shinsengumi's position with their own eyes, they all gasped.

The deep and dark forests on both sides became an excellent cover for the Shinsengumi's position.

The mist lingering in the forest and the continuous clouds accumulating above it add a bit of mystery and majesty to the Shinsengumi position.

After Qingdeng and others worked hard these days, they finally completely changed the landscape and environment of this mountain.

Inside and outside the Shinsengumi position, there was no natural scenery, only one piece of civil engineering work after another!

Except for the north, there are more than 4 trenches dug in all three directions!

Each trench is deep and wide, more like an abyss than a ditch.

If you don't have good leg strength, you will never be able to jump over it.

Even if you fall into a ditch, you will need strong leg strength to get out.

The gaps between the trenches were filled with fences.

These fences are not the kind of wooden stakes used to corral livestock, but wooden spears stuck diagonally in the ground with sharpened heads, pointing directly at the rebels!

It can be understood as "rejecting horses for human use".

If you accidentally bump into it, you will definitely get a "heartbreaking" tragic ending!

Besides, they're not some junk that you can just stretch your legs and step over.

The total height of each row of fences is around 1 meters - an insurmountable barrier for Japanese people who are generally short due to genetic defects.

To eliminate the threat of these civil engineering works, the best way is to send out engineers to pull out wooden fences and fill in trenches.

It's just that... all the soil shoveled up by digging trenches was transported and built into a watchtower (shooting platform).

If the rebels wanted to fill these trenches, they would have to transport soil from afar.

If "local materials" are used, it will cause the embarrassing situation of "filling in the old ditch and creating a new ditch".

As for the fences, they were buried deep in the ground and had to be pulled out using shovels, hoes and other professional tools.

Whether it is filling trenches or pulling up fences, a certain degree of organization is required - at least to the extent of "being in a chaotic battlefield, but still carrying out operations calmly."

Obviously - the bandit army does not have such an organization.

The only thing they can do is to fight on their own and climb ditches and hurdles according to their own abilities.

In this way, it played into the hands of Qingdeng, who advocated building the city.



Shinsengumi position, southern front (area responsible for the 7th and 8th divisions)——

Sanako held a huge Japanese bow and stared straight ahead.

The enemy groups getting closer and closer gradually filled her field of vision.

Her broad sleeves have been tied tightly with a belt, and the moon in the naginata pond is slanted on the ground beside her.

Todo Heisuke, who was standing behind her, swallowed hard and suggested:

"Miss Chiba, are you ready to shoot the arrow?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Sanako asserted without hesitation:

"No, wait a minute."

The "black tide" continues to surge.

In the blink of an eye, that ferocious figure and that strong murderous aura were already in front of Sanako and the others!

People with better eyesight can even see the enemy's facial features and expressions clearly!

Seeing this, Toudo Heisuke hurriedly suggested again:

"Miss Chiba, it will be too late if you don't release the arrow!"

A look of hesitation appeared on Sanako's cheeks.

After hesitating for a while, she bit her teeth:

"Wait a minute! The bandit army has not yet reached the 'attackable' area indicated by Mr. Ju!"

Finally... after an extremely long, essentially but very short wait, the enemy's front lines had already penetrated into the defense zone densely packed with trenches and fences!

In an instant, there were a lot of screams and wails over the mountain tops where there were originally only war cries hovering there.

"Hey! These ditches are very deep! Be careful not to fall in!"


"Humph! Humph! Humph! My leg! My leg is broken!"

"Quick! Pull me out!"

"Don't crowd! Don't crowd! You can't touch these fences!"


In order to avoid the dangers posed by trenches and fences, the soldiers of the rebel army showed their special abilities.

Some people rely on their height and long legs to directly cross obstacles.

Some people simply took a detour and made a big circle, bypassing ditches and fences.

No matter what method they used, when crossing the trenches and fences, as Qingdeng expected, the originally tight formation gradually lengthened and became loose. This scene was clearly reflected in Sanako's eyes - the depths of her beautiful eyes immediately shone with light!


At the same moment when she shouted loudly, she drew the sharp arrow from the quiver at her waist with smooth movements, opened her bow and nocked the arrow——

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

She and the Aizu archers behind her released their bow strings in no particular order.

The shrill and whistling arrows bring the wind of death!

Although it cannot be compared with Aomori, Sanako's archery level still deserves the evaluation of "outstanding"!

The arrow from his hand hit someone in the chest.

Steaming red blood spurted into the sky from the wound.

The Art of War says: "Hit it half way across and get twice the result with half the effort."

When passing through the vast defense area intertwined with trenches and fences, the bandit army's marching speed will inevitably slow down uncontrollably, just like crossing a fast river - and this is what gives them a head-on blow. The best time!

Qingden divided the 20 archers borrowed by Matsudaira Yongho equally.

The southern front is assigned 6 people, the western front is assigned 6 people, and the eastern front, which is under the greatest pressure, is assigned 8 people.

As for the iron gunner, Qingdeng regarded it as an important trump card and was "detained" in the formation.

Including Sanako, there are seven archers on the southern front.

Crossbows are to ancient battlefields what heavy machine guns are to modern battlefields.

Its goal is not to kill the enemy, but to suppress the enemy, while covering the teammates, it will bring great psychological pressure to the enemy!

Even just shooting randomly can scare the enemy.

Just hearing the roar of the wind and seeing the comrades beside him being shot to the ground would be enough to drive a normal person crazy.

As a result, even though there were only 7 people, the firepower net poured out was far from being dense, and it couldn't be called a "swarm" at all. It could only be regarded as an occasional "fleas" flying out, but it was still there. Causing chaos among the enemy.

In order to avoid the arrows, the thieves stopped one after another, swayed left and right, and dodged hastily. Their movements were panicked, like a cat accidentally jumping on the stove.

The ditches and fences all around them became obstacles under their feet.

Many people only focused on dodging arrows and completely forgot about the threats at their feet. If one accidentally fell into the ditch, the lighter ones would break their hands and feet, and the worse ones would break their necks, and they would die immediately.

Before the two armies met, there were many "abnormal deaths" on the rebel army's side.

At this time, several arrows suddenly shot out from the bandit army and flew towards the Shinsengumi position - the bandit army launched a counterattack!

The bows they used were hunting bows commonly used by hunters.

Although this kind of bow that can snipe wild boars is also very powerful, no matter how powerful the weapon is, if it is put into the hands of weak people, it will only lead to "using sharpened chips as spears". "Spearhead" comical effect.

The threshold for using a bow is not generally high!

To shoot an arrow far enough and with enough force...it cannot be done unless you have sufficient strength.

An ordinary person who has never been exposed to archery and has average physical strength may not be able to pull the bow after just a few arrows.

Needless to say, Sanako is a talented female warrior with extraordinary talents.

The Aizu archers who came as guest troops to assist in the battle were all carefully selected and capable warriors.

Whether it is the shooting accuracy or the physical strength to shoot continuously, it is beyond the reach of thieves who have not received military training.

As expected, in just a moment, the arrows from the rebel army became more and more sparse and weak...just like a patient's fist, weak and weak.

The archers on both sides fired arrows at each other, and while this was happening, the rebel soldiers continued to advance.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Sanako threw away the bow in his hand, took off the quiver from his waist, and pulled out the naginata stuck on the ground next to him.

"Team 7! Team 8! Follow me!"

As soon as this order came out, there was a "snap" sound, and Toudo Heisuke, who had long been looking forward to seeing through it, immediately pulled out Kamisuke Kaneshige from his waist.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of the Seventh and Eighth Divisions rushed out of the shallow ditch for hiding, and then launched a counterattack against the bandit army with the momentum of a pig's sudden advance, like a pack of tigers descending the mountain!

Under Qingteng's instructions, Sanazi deliberately brought the rebel army closer before fighting.

For this reason, as soon as they came out of the formation, they ran into the bandit army head-on!

Sanako took the lead, and with the momentum of his forward charge, he rounded the naginata in his palm, pointed it at the bandit in front of him, and struck the head with the sword - how the watermelon was split open, how the man's head was shattered of.

Although the naginata wielded by Sanako is a "women's naginata" with a blade as thin as a willow leaf, it is still considered a heavy weapon compared to a sword.

The leverage effect brought by that length alone can easily tear the human body apart!

Therefore, few people who fight against Sanako (in naginata form) retain their entire bodies!

Soon enough, the blue-handled naginata once again drew a shining arc in the air.

Wherever the arc passed, blood splattered and stumps fell.

In the blink of an eye, the slender and sharp blade had already chopped off five heads - these five heads were chopped off in one go!

When he waved again, the stumps of four more people flew out laterally.

With the blessing of the talent of "taking the lead", Toudou Heisuke entered the battlefield only half a step behind Sanako.

The treasured sword presented by Qingteng - Kamisuke Kaneko - drew flashes of light one after another in mid-air, injuring those who came close and killing those who touched them!

Although Toudo Heisuke is young, his combat experience is not rich, and his talent is not top-notch, once he enters the battlefield, he will transform into a warrior who is braver than anyone else!

Sanako and Todohei used their help to tear a bloody hole in the enemy group.

The soldiers from the 7th and 8th divisions dived into the opening and further tore open the enemy's gap opened by the two men.

Qingdeng's hard work without spending a lot of money... The results of the special training that has been implemented within the Shinsengumi since Shangluo are now revealed!

Three meals a day, including rice and pork every day... This sumptuous meal far exceeded the average level of the same era, making the bodies of the Shinsengumi soldiers stronger due to abundant nourishment!

Therefore, when the soldiers of the 7th and 8th divisions appeared, the thieves and bandits were shocked - it seemed that what was attacking them was not people, but walls of people and mountains of meat. !

On the battlefield...especially on the battlefield where hand-to-hand combat is the main focus, strong people are stronger than skinny people.

Therefore, such a situation was born unsurprisingly - as soon as the two armies came into contact, they immediately showed a trend of collapse!

The soldiers of the Shinsengumi raised their swords and dropped them, raised their swords and dropped them, raised their swords and dropped them, raised their swords and dropped them...

The harsh shouts of killing hung over the battlefield for a long time.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and excrement, mixed with billowing smoke and dust, making it difficult to breathe.

First they climbed the mountain, and then they encountered many obstacles from trenches and fences... The formation of the rebel army was already in a mess.

Through the precise cutting of trenches and fences, the huge battlefield was divided into countless small pieces, artificially creating a large number of narrow terrains where "one man can block the barrier and ten thousand people can't open it".

The original "number advantage" of the thieves was greatly suppressed, while the "quality advantage" of the Shinsengumi was infinitely amplified.

In this way, relying on the geographical location and superior field fortifications, Sanako and Toudo Heisuke, who only had about twenty people under their command, blocked the fierce attack of thousands of bandits! And there are signs of pushing back!

The situation on the opposite western front was similar. Sanosuke Harada and Nishiki Shinami, who commanded the 10th and 5th divisions, successfully blocked the rebel attack.

At the moment...only the eastern front's war situation is the least optimistic...



The New Year holiday is over! (Crying Leopard Head.jpg) According to custom, today is the day to vote for this book! Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: When writing the "war drama", Bao Baozi felt that he was several years younger, dreaming back to the days when he wrote his debut novel in the university dormitory! Bao Baozi's debut novel is "Military Genius Brings Zizhi Tongjian to Another World" (a bad name), not a swordsman~~

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