I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 654 "Get it!"【4200】

Since they can be sent to participate in the crucial surprise attack, these 35 people will naturally not be idlers.

Twenty-five of them were carefully selected from tens of thousands of thieves. They were as strong as dragons and had learned some martial arts.

The other 10 people are direct disciples of Shibasaki Renjuro.

Due to the limited quality of soldiers and limited communication skills, a major model of the classical army is to "lead the masses with the few, and lead the weak with the strong."

A small number of elites + the vast majority of rabble--most of the peasant armies in ancient and modern times, both east and west, have this model.

The disciples of Shibazaki Renjuro played the role of the former, playing an important role as sea-calming needles and ballast stones in the bandit army.

This type of army is very suitable for fighting public security warfare, that is, bullying the weak. Once it encounters a large-scale corps battle, its performance will be unsatisfactory.

If the elite are still there, then this army will still have combat effectiveness.

If the elites are gone, then even if the army still has many soldiers, it will definitely be vulnerable, and it will be defeated easily.

For the "original farmers" who lack training, if you ask them to burn, kill and loot, they will be very happy and efficient.

But to allow them to fight tough, brutal battles that involve a near-death experience, firstly, they must be promised huge profits, and secondly, warriors must be sent to take the lead - that's what those elites mainly do.

Shibasaki Renjuro's disciples are distributed in all levels of the thief army. It is thanks to their existence that the thief army maintains a certain degree of organization.

In order to ensure the success of the surprise attack, the 10 disciples Shibasaki Renjuro sent to participate in this battle were all his favorite disciples.

In addition, he also asked his most relied-upon and most trusted disciple to serve as the commander-in-chief of the surprise attack force - that is, the dark-skinned strong man at the head, named Suzuki Kenzo.

This person is not only very skilled, but also extremely courageous. At the same time, he is not lacking in meticulous thinking, and he enjoys a very high prestige among Shibasaki Renjuro's disciples.

Shibazaki Renjuro loved him very much.

When selecting the leader of the surprise attack force, he entrusted this important task to the other party without hesitation.

Suzuki Kenzo also readily accepted this important task and promised with a pat on his chest: He is determined to fulfill his mission!
It can be said that without Suzuki Kenzo personally leading the team, the rest of the team would definitely not have the courage to lead and complete the arduous task of "surprise attack on the Shinsengumi".

Although the cliff to the north of the Shinsengumi position is very steep, there are many protrusions on the cliff that can be borrowed and grasped, so the climb is much easier than expected.

As Suzuki Kenzo climbed the mountain, he raised his ears and listened carefully to the movements around him.

It was very quiet everywhere...except for the occasional chirping of birds, there was no other sound.

The success or failure of the surprise attack will determine the outcome of Iga's offensive and defensive battle - thinking of this, Suzuki Kenzo couldn't help but feel his throat go dry.

In this way, he led the comrades behind him and approached the top of the cliff inch by inch...

Finally - Suzuki Kenzo grabbed the edge of the cliff top with both hands and pulled himself up with a strong force.

The next moment he reached the top, Suzuki Kenzo was extremely nervous.

He lowered his body, rested on the ground with his left hand, and pressed the saber on his waist with his right hand. He quickly scanned the surroundings, looking for the enemy.

As soon as they reached the top, they ran into the Shinsengumi troops stationed here - this was the situation Suzuki Kenzo was most afraid of running into.

If they encounter such a situation, then they are really in danger...

Fortunately, when he looked around, he could only find dark yellow land and dust blown by the wind, and not a single soul.

--no one there……

Although he felt a little calmer, he still didn't dare to relax.

He turned back and gestured to his companions who were still hanging on the cliff, telling them to climb up quickly.

Afterwards, while waiting for his companions to arrive, he continued to monitor the surroundings.

My nerves were tense, my heartbeat was as heavy as a drum, and I didn't even dare to blink my eyes...I didn't let any slightest sign of trouble go.

However, until all his companions had reached the top of the cliff, he did not see an enemy.

For a moment, facing this situation that he had never imagined...no, it should be said that he never dared to imagine it, the emotion called "at a loss" instantly dominated Suzuki Kenzo.

He blinked hard, his expression gradually filled with intense disbelief.

Suddenly, a bold idea popped into his mind:

——Could it be that...that Ju Qingden didn't set up defenses in the north? !

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!
The sudden heavy breathing... the rapid flow of blood... Suzuki Kenzo felt that his already thundering heart suddenly beat more intensely, almost wanting to jump out of his throat!

He never expected that the famous "Nioh" Tachibana Aoden would make such a stupid mistake.

——This kind of precious fighter opportunity is like pie in the sky. If you don't seize it, you will have no shame in meeting the master!

Suzuki Kenzo took several deep breaths in succession, trying desperately to suppress his excitement.

Then, he pulled out the saber from his waist, turned to his companions behind him and shouted:
"Follow me...!"

In the blink of an eye, the surprise attack team quickly unfolded and formed a long snake formation with Suzuki Kenzo as the core. They moved like flying and launched an assault on the Shinsengumi's main formation!

Their hands were clutching kerosene, matches, firecrackers and other tools used to create chaos.

No matter how elite the troops are, they will definitely fall into a certain degree of chaos after being attacked in the back.

At that time, the large force responsible for launching a feint attack on the front can immediately switch to the main attack! Launch an overwhelming general attack on the Shinsengumi positions!
As a result, the Shinsengumi, who are facing enemies from both sides, are bound to suffer a huge defeat!
Kenzo Suzuki imagined a bright future in his mind.

Gradually, he felt like he was dying.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a strange noise coming from ahead.

Click... click... click... click... click...

Roughly speaking, it sounded like the sound of chewing something hard.

Suzuki Kenzo's pupils shrank suddenly and he subconsciously slowed down.

It's not difficult to guess: This should be which member of the Shinsengumi is eating.

——We finally met an enemy...!
His companions behind him also heard the chewing sound.

As a result, the entire surprise attack team shifted to "combat status", moving from a dragon's pace to a snail's pace, and cautiously advanced forward.

After a moment, after bypassing a rock wall, they found the Shinsengumi member who was eating——

A beautiful young man with bright eyes and white teeth, beautiful facial features, wearing a light green feathered fabric, a purple undershirt underneath, and a neat high ponytail on the back of his head, was sitting cross-legged on a big stone, mouthing "Ah ah ah ah" There are Jinping candies thrown in it.

His mouth was stuffed with colorful candies, and his red cheeks were filled to the brim and formed two small hills, like a hamster gathering food.

The weird sound of "click... click..." was the sound of her chewing Jinping Candy.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the uninvited guests, the Souji was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, she opened her eyes wide, opened her red lips slightly, and froze in the air with her right hand holding a large handful of Jinpingtang.

At the same time, her cheeks that were twitching slightly from chewing the candy also stopped.

People who were also stunned were Suzuki Kenzo and others.

They expected to run into the Shinsengumi's large force.

As a result... when I looked up, wherever I looked, there was no one else waiting except this beautiful young man.


Both parties were so shocked by the scene in front of them that they forgot to speak or act.

For a moment, silence enveloped the surroundings.

About 3 seconds later, Souji put down the candy in his hand and slowly showed a charming expression...



The Shinsengumi's position, this formation——

After stabilizing the battle situation in the east, the formation returned to orderly and harmonious order. Qingdeng and others were sitting in their respective positions, strategizing.

The members of the Ninth Division frequently go in and out, updating the battle situation in real time.

So far, all fronts are gradually stabilizing.

The situation in the west has become one-sided, and the soldiers of the fifth and tenth divisions have repeatedly repelled the rebel attacks.

The rebel army in the south has been unable to advance even an inch, and the rebel army in this area has begun to show obvious signs of weakness.

The fighting situation in the east is still fierce, but it is far from being "unsustainable".

Everyone's expressions became relaxed again.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Shannan Keisuke suddenly discovered that Qinghe Hachiro opposite him was frowning, as if he was worried about something, and there was a strong look of thinking between his eyebrows.

"Qinghe-Jun, what's wrong? Why do you look so worried?"

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Qinghe Hachiro.

Qinghe Balang blinked, hesitated, opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

After a while, he took a deep breath and turned to look at Qingdeng not far away:
"...Mr. Orange, I have a question. I don't know whether I should answer it or not."

Qingden raised his chin and said, "It doesn't matter."

Qinghe Hachiro took another deep breath.

"Mr. Tachibana, we are adjacent to a cliff to the north, and the bandit army cannot deploy troops there."

"With the advantage of the terrain, our north side is safe for the time being."

"Having said that, according to my observation, the steepness of the northern cliff is far from being 'impossible to climb'!"

"To be honest... I'm very worried that the bandit army will take advantage of our attention being focused on the east, west and south to send a small elite unit to the north of us, climb over the cliff, and come from the north. Launch a surprise attack on our army!"

"Mr. Tachibana, please send an additional unit to the north!"

"Otherwise, my mood will never be stable!"

Qinghe Hachiro's words were so impassioned.

It can be seen that he is really worried about the northern front of the position.

However... Qingdeng had no big reaction after listening to his advice.

Just a faint smile:
"Qinghe Jun, you don't have to worry about this."

"I have already considered the defense of the north."

"Of course I'm aware of the possibility of 'the thieves sneaking around and attacking us'."

"So haven't I already sent a very reliable person to guard the north?"

What a coincidence - just at the moment Qingto finished speaking, a member of the Ninth Division rushed into the formation with hurried steps and an anxious look:

"Lord Nioh! Enemy troops appeared in the north! A small group of enemy troops climbed over the cliff and invaded the north!"

As soon as the person finished speaking, Hachiro Qinghe said urgently with a look of horror on his face:
"Mr. Tachibana, send reinforcements to the north quickly... Huh?"

At this moment, Qinghe Hachilang's panic was beyond words.

However, I saw Qingden... no, everyone in the formation except Qinghe Hachiro, all looked calm and said, "Oh, that's it, I understand."

Just when Qinghe Hachiro was confused by this inexplicable situation, another member of the ninth division entered the formation:

The team members who appeared this time no longer looked anxious, but... had complex expressions and strange expressions.

"Nioh-sama! Captain Okita, Captain Okita, has wiped out all the invading enemies from the north! Not a single enemy has been let go!"


Qinghe Hachiro opened his mouth wide, as if he had been subjected to petrification magic, and his whole body froze in his seat.

Aoto, Hijikata Toizan and others seemed to have expected this result a long time ago, and seemed to have become accustomed to it. None of them even moved their eyebrows.

"Qinghe-kun, look."

Qingdeng curled up the corners of his mouth and gave Qinghe Hachiro a teasing look.

"Am I right? Is the person I sent to guard the north very reliable?"

Qinghe Hachiro was still sitting there, wrapped in a thick fog of silence.

It wasn't until a while later that he spoke incoherently and simply vibrated his vocal cords:


Kondo Isamu, who was not far away, put on a proud expression like his own child who got a perfect score in an exam, and interrupted at the right time:
"Qinghe-Jun, don't underestimate the pride of our trial defense hall!"

Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump…!
Suddenly, there were rapid footsteps coming from outside the formation, from far to near.

As soon as Qingdeng heard the footsteps, he immediately recognized who was coming.

After a while, the beautiful red figure broke into everyone's sight again.

Kinoshita Mai ran to Qingto's side in three steps and two steps at a time:
"Qingdeng, the bandit army has increased its troops to the east again. According to my visual inspection, the total strength of the new reinforcements they sent to the east is at least 2000 people."

As Kinoshita Mai's words fell, the atmosphere of the formation suddenly changed.

In just the blink of an eye, everyone who had been complacent until just now—including Qingdeng—now became excited and excited.

Nagakura Shinpachi is gearing up.

Saito touched the sword on his waist.

Kondo slapped his thigh bravely:
"Great! They were fooled!"

Shannan Jingzhu let out a sigh of relief:

"Great, we finally succeeded in drawing out the large army of thieves."

Hijikata Toshizo immediately said to Ayoto:
"Tachibana, the time has come."

Qingdeng half-closed his eyes, his eyes slightly condensed, and said nothing.

Silence is only temporary.

About 5 seconds later, a sonorous and powerful voice sounded:
"A Wu, go to the south in person and recall Sanako."

Immediately afterwards, Qingto's eyes moved to Hijikata Toshizo next to him.

"Hijikata, I leave this formation to you."

"It's up to you to decide when to launch a general attack."

"Don't miss it."

Hijikata Toisho folded his arms in front of his chest and laughed dumbly:

"Ha, it's such a heavy task."

Although he said this, there was a glimmer of eagerness in the depths of his eyes.

Qingdeng responded with a calm smile, then stood up:

"Bring me a cup!"

It’s updated on time again at 10 o’clock today! Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

If nothing unexpected happens, Qingdeng will launch a violent counterattack against the rebel army. It’s finally time to reach one of my favorite plots to write, and I feel a little excited! (Leopard Hi.jpg)

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