I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 658 The enemy’s main formation breaks through! 【4100】

The talent "Skilled Hands +5" makes his fingers far more flexible and powerful than ordinary people.

The talent "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers + 3" gives him extraordinary strength.

The talent "Strong Muscle +5" allows him to wield the heavy long spear for a long time without feeling tired.

The talents "Majestic Muscles +1" and "Physical Flexibility +1" make his muscles and skin less likely to be torn apart by the reaction force.

All in all, with his own efforts and the help of hundreds of millions of dollars from the system, Qingdeng is fully capable of performing miracles and using him as a weapon!

No matter stabbing or smashing, he could always hold the stick in his palm tightly.

Of course, the reason why Qingdeng favors Li is partly due to his feelings.

In Qingdeng's understanding, the 槊 is the standard weapon of an unparalleled warrior.

Those who can wield power on horses are all "Humanoid Gundams" who can ride a thousand people at a time.

Ever since, Qingdeng immediately decided: I also want to be a man who makes love!

Long before the bandits invaded, Qingto had already ordered Iwasaki Yataro to try to buy the money.

Buying a gun in Japan in the 19th century... This act of performance art is like buying a matchlock gun in the 21st century - others will give you strange looks.

Qingdeng naturally understood this.

Therefore, he does not have expectations for Yataro Iwasaki's "buying trip."

He has a completely casual mentality of "if you can buy it, it's the best. If you can't buy it, forget it. I'll find a long gun to make use of it."

However...unexpectedly, Yataro Iwasaki actually got him a shot!

Yataro Iwasaki found a blacksmith who claimed he had a penis.

According to this person, this spear was made by his grandfather.

His grandfather was very obsessed with ancient weapons, so he painstakingly forged a spear based on records in ancient books.

The turmoil in Kyoto in recent years has made the blacksmith's life increasingly difficult.

As his family's financial situation became increasingly tight, he immediately decided to sell the spear made by his grandfather.

Qingdeng has never seen the real thing with his own eyes, so he doesn't know whether this thing is actually a kind of thing.

However, according to the theory of "a very long spear is a spear", this should be a spear!

Even if it isn't, just pretend it is!

This spear is more than 3 meters long and weighs about 40 kilograms. The stem is brown and the length of the tip is about 70 centimeters. It is in the shape of a sword and is edged on both sides. It looks like a double-edged sword embedded in the On a wooden pole.

Compared with those in the Sui and Tang Dynasties that were often 5 or 6 meters long, this pole is undoubtedly a "miniature version".

But for Qingdeng, this length is just right!

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, there was no need to consider continuous combat. They could just release the weapon after one blow, so it was naturally as long as possible.

Qingdeng's goal is to "turn the gun into a gun", attack, defend, and complete a series of complex actions on the back of the carrot, and use the gun to perform moves that can only be done with a gun.

Therefore, this branch must not be too long, otherwise it will get in the way.

The total length is about 3 meters, which makes it easy to play!

Facts have proved that Qingdeng made the right choice by choosing Hu Lai as his cavalry weapon.

With the blessing of the talent "Excellent Spearman", Qingdeng possesses 62 times the spearmanship ability of ordinary people.

However, he never practiced spearmanship systematically.

He only observed Harada Sanosuke's spear training a few times, and then secretly learned a few moves with the bonuses of "Excellent Spearmanship" and "Oni's Heart +5".

However, in the final analysis, there is no need for any skills or moves to use the sword in a mounted battle.

Cavalry combat requires less fancy gadgets than infantry combat.

As long as you have a tall body, strong muscles, agile speed, and well-developed reflex nerves, and then you can swing the ball into a round shape, you can swing it blindly! Strike when you encounter an enemy! That's it!

Qingdeng is like this at this moment.

There are no moves at all, it’s just waving and flailing randomly!

The long spear thrusts forward, pulls back, stabs straight, sweeps across, smashes downwards, picks up, and slashes diagonally.

As fast as the wind and as powerful as thunder.

Those who are attacked will be broken, and those who are worthy will be subdued!

Everywhere, blood splattered and limbs danced wildly, and the thieves met various tragic ends.

Either the head was moved, or the arms and legs were severed, or the upper and lower body were separated, or simply torn into pieces.

The wind blew under the radish's feet, and the ox's hooves scraped the soil on the ground. In an instant, they had broken through layers of enemy formations.

Qingdeng is fighting bravely, and Carrot is not idle either.

While it was running wildly, it would occasionally push away the unlucky people blocking its path.

There were quite a few people who were killed by this big black bull.

Qingden accurately adjusted the speed of the carrot according to changes in the battle situation and terrain.

Sometimes he would tap the cow's belly with his foot to make it gallop.

Sometimes he uses his mouth to hold the reins and lets him run slowly.

By accurately adjusting the speed, you can better chase and annihilate the bandits, so that the carrot who starts to sweat can take a break.

Even if there was only one person and one cow, they were still defeated and defeated! The enemy formations retreated like waves!

Those bandits who barely had the courage to step forward fell to the ground like weeds swept by a scythe. In the blink of an eye, they were trampled into bloody mess by Sanako and the others who were following Qingden.

Groups of thieves and bandits came one after another, but no one could stop Qingdeng.

Looking along their attack route, everything that comes into view is blood and death!

However, Qingdeng did not even look at these vulnerable food and wine bags, and continued to rush forward, cutting through the wind and waves in the vast sea of ​​people composed of thieves and bandits.

Go forward indomitably, criticizing the strong and attacking the weak, and the momentum is like breaking the bamboo!

Sanako and the Aizu cavalry further tore open the gap in the enemy formation opened by Aoto.

How could a mere bandit who had never received any formal military training be able to withstand this group of brave soldiers who were like wolves and tigers?

As a result, the whole army was in chaos and order gradually collapsed.

Qingdeng and others, who rushed straight to the center of the enemy camp, saw that they were only a few hundred meters away from the rebel army's main formation!

The fierce sound of horses (cows) hooves, the breaking sound of waving weapons, the frightened screams of bandits... Even Rentaro Shibasaki in the main formation can hear it from a distance!



The thief army’s camp, our formation—


"Hey! Don't run away! Don't run away!"

"Ahhh! He's coming! He's coming!"

"Go away! Whoever wants to die will die! Don't block my way!"


The extremely noisy movement directly woke up Renjuro Shibasaki who was taking a nap.

"what happened?!"

He lifted off the thin quilt on his body, grabbed Yuori beside the bed, put it on casually, and rushed out of the handsome tent in one stride.


The oncoming cold wind brought with it needle-pricking sand and dust.

Shibazaki Renjuro had to raise his hands to protect his face and squint his eyes, using eyelashes to protect his eyes before he could barely see.

Of course, squinting is only temporary.

For just a moment, he was stunned and his expression was dominated by strong shock.

"What's this……?"

The cold wind in early spring blows strongly, bringing with it tragic wails, the pungent smell of blood, and the smell of death!

Screaming face. Face contorted with fear.

Fleeing people.

Knives and guns fell all over the floor.

Broken flag.

Blood foam flying in the air.

In the open space in the distance, as of now, there were still orderly military camps.

But now, it has changed beyond recognition.

The originally very flat ground was turned into a swamp-like mess by massive amounts of blood and trampled by feet.

Broken bamboo spears, torn tents, broken swords, and all kinds of junk were falling and scattered everywhere, with the remains of many people mixed in among them.

A number of crows have been attracted. They are hovering over the battlefield, waiting for the best time to hunt, and they repeatedly make a harsh "quacking" noise, adding a different kind of desolation to the battlefield.

These horrifying scenes that made people feel like they were in hell were intertwined and passed through Shibasaki Renjuro's field of vision.

The line of defense in his mind called "reason", which was responsible for blocking negative emotions such as impulse and irritability, collapsed instantly.

He looked around, his lips trembling slightly.

At this critical moment, he subconsciously relied on the person he trusted most.

"Mr. Settsu! Mr. Settsu!"

He held his head high, raised his voice, and called Settsu Yorimitsu over and over again, stretching his neck and looking for him everywhere, like a child looking for milk.

However... no matter how many times he called, he still could not find the tall figure that would immediately appear in front of him as long as he called a little bit.

When he was at a loss, he threw away the commander's tent in three steps at a time, ran towards the deserter nearest him, grabbed his shoulders, and asked hysterically:

"Hey! You! Have you seen Settsu-san?"

The man shuddered violently, and then replied tremblingly:

"S-Mr. Settsu? I, I, I, I, I didn't see it!"

"Tsk! Get out!"

Shibazaki Renjuro pushed this person away roughly, then went to another person and asked the same question - this person also didn't see Settsu Yorimitsu.

Find someone, ask "Where is Settsu Yorimitsu?", receive the answer "I don't know", then find the next person, ask the same question again, and then receive the answer "I don't know" again...it goes around and over again.

Settsu Yorimitsu seemed to have disappeared from the world, and his shadow was nowhere to be seen.

The military camp was in chaos. At this critical time when strong men were needed to maintain order, he, the general, wasted precious time doing things that had nothing to do with reality.

There is no doubt that this is a sign of mental breakdown.

At this moment, Shibazaki Renjuro suddenly heard the noisy sound suddenly amplified and approaching, like dark clouds suddenly expanding on a rainy day.

He subconsciously turned around and looked around - among the smoke and blood foam, there were hoarse roars, painful roars, desperate screams, and sad wailings everywhere.

The turbulent crowds of people were running away, really facing mountains and seas, it was extremely scary.

Just at the very back of the crowd, there was a giant shadow galloping.

Countless thieves couldn't escape, and they all smashed on the edge of this giant shadow.

In an instant, accompanied by a scream that did not sound like a human voice, streams of blood arrows splashed several feet high. A bright red plum blossom bloomed in the air, and then fell in profusion, becoming part of the red swamp on the ground.

Suddenly, the scurrying bandits suddenly fled to the left and right - a giant shadow full of murderous intent jumped in front of Shibazaki Renjuro.

Soaring like clouds!

Rising like a dragon!

Just seeing this giant shadow, half of the rebel army changed their expressions and couldn't help but retreat; as for the remaining half, they stood with their mouths wide open, as if they had lost their souls.

Shibazaki Renjuro falls into the latter category.

His eyes were straight, his head was huddled between his arched shoulders, and even his breath was cowardly hidden deep in his throat, making him almost out of breath. He completely forgot about time and space, as if he had encountered a tiger. rabbit.

"Are you Shibasaki Renjuro?"

As the giant shadow spoke, he raised his right arm - the bloody tip, pointing directly at Shibazaki Renjuro's chest.



The Shinsengumi's position, this formation——

Hijikata Toisho stood on the observation tower made of mud, holding a telescope in his hand and looking intently at the rebel camp in the distance.

According to the command sequence of "one orange, two Hijikata, three near and four Shannan", when Ainoto came out of the battle, the command of the Shinsengumi fell on the shoulders of Toshizo Hijikata.

After Aoto left with Sanako and the Aizu cavalry, Toshizo Hijikata had been standing on this observation deck, motionless like a statue, always monitoring the movements of the enemy camp.

Although they were far apart, the scene of the enemy's camp...the billowing dust and smoke, and the fleeing bandits were clearly reflected in the lens tube, and then shone into Hijikata Toshizo's eyes.

Hijikata Toshizo narrowed his eyes, immediately turned around and jumped off the observation tower, ducking back to the main formation.

In this formation, Isamu Kondo, Keisuke Yamanan, Hachiro Kiyokawa, Mai Kinoshita, Shinpachi Nagakura, Ichi Saito, and the members of the first, second, and third divisions are all ready.

The chief general also returned from the northern front and stood beside Mai Kinoshita, also waiting for Hijikata Toshizo's military order.

Even though she had just cut down about thirty people, for Souji, this amount of exercise could not even make her breath short.

As soon as Hijikata Toshizo returned to the main formation with his front foot, he announced loudly with his back foot:

"Tachibana and Miss Chiba have successfully invaded the enemy camp! The enemy camp is in chaos!"

"Now is the moment for our decisive battle!"

"The next battle will determine the outcome of this Iga offensive and defensive battle!"

"I hope you will spare no effort! Fight to the death!"

"Soldiers of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions! Listen to me!"

"You are the three strongest units of the Shinsengumi!"

"The most skilled and powerful team members are all concentrated here with you."

"Because I believe in your strength, Tachibana has set you up as the 'general reserve team' and put you in this formation."

"The purpose is to be able to release the tiger that is ready to attack when launching a general attack and tear the enemy apart in one breath!"

"Don't betray Tachibana...no, don't betray our trust in you!"

"The command sequence of the troops will be arranged as planned in advance!"

"If I die, Asheng will continue to command the troops!"

"If Asheng dies, Shannan will take over the command."

After saying that, Hijikata Toshizo pulled out the Izumi Mamoru Kanesada from his waist - a frightening cold light shot into everyone's eyes.

At the same time, Souji, Isamu Kondo and others drew their swords in their hands.

Kaga Kiyomitsu, Nagasone Kotetsu, Izumi Mamoru Kanesada...these high-quality swords are unsheathed together, and the light of the swords complement each other, making it look spectacular.

"Master Oguan, raise the battle flag!"

Ozeki Masajiro nodded vigorously, and then raised a big flag in his hand.

There is the glory of death, but no shame of life——

"The Shinsengumi, go out into battle!"



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