I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 660: 1 battles in 8 day! grown ups! Times have changed! 【4200】

Shibasaki Renjuro fled eastward.

So Qingdeng immediately chased eastward.

As soon as they left the enemy camp, they bumped into a group of bandits.

This group of thieves numbered about two hundred people, and they were a standard rout.

There is no organization, no discipline, no order, and no specific escape direction.

They were just running away in a direction away from the camp and Qingdeng, like a herd of sheep being driven away.

Qingdeng had nothing to say to this group of defeated soldiers blocking the road, so Qingdeng directly swung the long spear in his hand.

With a wave to the left and a wave to the right, the bull's head collided again, plowing a bloody path through the group of defeated soldiers.

Subsequently, Sanako and others further broadened this bloody path.

There was no need to waste time here. After breaking through the obstruction of this group of stragglers, Aomori and his team continued forward to pursue Shibazaki Renjuro.

Not long after, they encountered another rout.

It's still the same process - charge, swing, break through, and continue to pursue forward.

Trees, rocks, mud and sand...the scenery on the left and right continues to recede.

Gradually, the scenery in Qingdeng's eyes became more and more unfamiliar.

Qingdeng thought to himself:

——It seems that we have left the Iga Basin.

Thanks to his previous inspection of the battlefield, Qingzhen was familiar with the surrounding terrain of the Iga Basin.

He could write it silently even with his eyes closed.

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly saw dense enemy figures appearing in front of him.

However, the enemy that appeared this time was no longer a defeated and bereaved dog, but a neat military formation.

If I count carefully, there are about 50 people.

Although they all showed fear on their faces, they still planted their feet firmly and did not take a step back. They formed two long lines and directly cut off the road.

I saw a thin young man with sharp eyes standing behind the array. He drew his sword in his hand and shouted:

"Everyone! Think back! What kind of life did you live before!"

Just this sentence made many thieves in the array look angry.

"How did those dog officials bully us? How unfair was the shogunate?"

"Bullshit 'Four Publics and Six Citizens'! Every tax imposed by the government is nothing but extreme exploitation! I wish I could tear down all our thatched houses and sell them!"

"We all took action without hesitation in order not to live a miserable life like a pig or a dog!"

"This army! This rebel army! It is our last hope!"

"If we lose, we will have to go back to the miserable days of the past! We will have to be exploited by treacherous officials again!"

"Tell me! Do you still want to live like this again? Do you still want to suffer the cramps and bone removal of those beasts?"

"If you don't want to, then hold on to your weapons!"

"Kill the dog officers and soldiers in front of you! Win a chance of survival!"

"Listen to my order! Form a spear formation!"

As the young man finished speaking, an atmosphere of common hatred and hatred surrounded the thieves.

Immediately afterwards, the thieves were seen performing the same action - the bottom end of the bamboo spear was pierced into the ground, and the other sharpened end was tilted toward the sky. The bamboo spear of the second row of thieves passed through the gap between the first row of thieves. Two rows of bamboo spears were staggered and pointed at Qingdeng and others who were approaching.

In an instant, a solid "hedgehog formation" took shape.

Sanako immediately turned his head to the side and cast a solemn look at Qingden.


Even if Sanako didn't say anything, Qingto could guess what she wanted to say.

Throughout the ages, no matter which country it is in, there has never been a precedent of "cavalry charging head-on into the spear formation".

Cavalry crushing infantry - this kind of scene must be based on the fact that the infantry is not in formation, or the infantry formation is scattered.

The infantry's spear formation is the natural nemesis of the cavalry.

Even if people are not afraid of those spear points, horses will be.

Once they encounter the "hedgehog formation" of the infantry, no matter how powerful the cavalry team is, they can only "look at the formation and sigh". The only means of attack is to carry out long-range strikes with mounted archery.

The bamboo spears used by the bandits in front of them were all long and thick, with a total length of more than 5 meters.

This was beyond Qingdeng's effective attack range. Even if he held the bottom of the spear and rounded it, he would still be unable to attack the bandit hiding behind the bamboo spear.

The bamboo gun is a very primitive weapon.

Whether it is toughness or lethality, it can only be described as "lackluster".

However, it is more than enough to pierce people's bones and muscles.

The galloping horses (cows) collided directly with each other... and they would definitely end up becoming a bunch of horses.

If it were an ordinary person, encountering such a situation, they would have no choice but to rein in the reins and find another way.

Either try to get around it, or try to launch a long-range attack to disrupt the enemy's position.

Fortunately... Qingden happens to be an all-rounder who can "do both near and far"!

What stands out among the weapons and skills Qingdeng possesses is their diversity!

In order not to hinder his own swing, Qingdeng did not carry the bulky Yisezhafu Riluo - and the total length of the bow was more than 2 meters. Whether it was carried on his back or hung on the saddle, the protruding one was an obstruction. .

Instead, he carries another ranged weapon.

"no need to worry!"

Qingden responded loudly to Sanako without looking back.

"Follow me! Keep moving forward! I have my own way to defeat the enemy!"

After saying that, he held his breath and concentrated, and the light called "confidence" burst out from his eyes.

As if sensing his master's thoughts, Carrot charged forward without losing speed.

This reckless and reckless energy... Even if there is a cliff in front of it, it will probably run over without hesitation.

After listening to Qingteng's remarks, Sanako was startled for a moment, then said nothing, just nodded slightly, and followed Qingteng silently.

The Aizu cavalry all looked frightened.

But in the end, they decided to trust Qingdeng, followed Qingdeng's instructions, and followed the dark cow's butt.

The group of people rushed straight into the gun formation without losing any momentum.

In just the blink of an eye, the distance of tens of meters between the two sides suddenly shortened.

All the mounts except Carrot made uneasy sounds.

A few horses - such as the war horse under Sanako's lap - went against their master's will and slowed down little by little.

At this moment when the distance between the two sides was only about ten meters and the tip of the bamboo spear was already close at hand... It was too late and then Qingdeng freed up his left hand, reached into his arms and took out a... ...a shiny black pistol!

It was the gift given to him by his boss Kiryu - the revolver "Mandala"!

In an instant, Qingdeng quickly completed his shooting preparations with flowing movements.

Set the gun, aim, and then... pull the trigger continuously!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Qingdeng fired 6 shots in a row, emptying the bullets in the barrel - his talent "see through +4", activated - all 6 shots hit!

Although Qingden does not yet have firearm-related talents, he does have the talent "See Through +4" that enhances his sense of space.

With the blessing of this talent, he can keenly sense the distance between the enemy and ourselves, making it easier to aim. His previous career in the police academy gave him solid shooting experience.

Although I haven't practiced shooting for a long time, hitting the target at such a distance is still a piece of cake.

After Yisezhafu Riluo and Changshu, Qingden put Mandala into actual combat for the first time.

When presenting the gun as a gift, Boss Kiryu almost praised the gun to the sky. He almost said that this pistol was one of the most advanced guns nowadays.

It turns out - this pistol deserves this accolade!

Long range, high power and high accuracy.

The six scorching bullets fired cut through the air and hit the bodies of six thieves respectively.

With blood flying and screams deafening, the six thieves who had been shot fell to the ground at the same time, and a huge gap suddenly appeared in the dense forest of gun formations.

What happens next...no need to say more!

Qingdeng put away the mandala in his palm, stared at the gap in front of him, and killed it in one go!

At the moment when he missed the gap... there was a flash of light.

Qingdeng swung his long and round sword like a circle, directly sweeping away all the bandits around him and further widening the gap.

At the same time, the carrot raised the cow's head - the young man who had just given the order was picked up on the head - and in an instant, the man flew out like a cannonball, and fell into the weeds in the distance. No more getting up.

Sanako and others who followed passed through the gap opened by Qingdeng and successfully broke through the gun formation.

I have to say that the fighting will of these thieves is truly remarkable.

Faced with a powerful enemy, the commander was killed, and a large number of companions fell to the ground... Faced with such a desperate situation, these thieves have not completely lost their will to fight, and there is no tragic scene of "abandoning their helmets and armor".

However, Qingdeng no longer paid attention to them and didn't even bother to look at them.

He always keeps his current mission in mind - to catch up with Renjuro Shibasaki! Take off his head!

Just like that, Qingdeng and his party walked away, leaving behind a trail of elegant smoke and dust.



Aomori and others pursued Shibazaki Renjuro non-stop, completely forgetting the time, from morning to noon, from noon to afternoon, from afternoon to evening...

Not to mention it was time, they couldn't even see where they were now.

Along the way, we encountered many defeated rebel troops, and the vast majority of them had become frightened birds and lambs to be slaughtered.

Before Qingdeng and others could attack, just hearing the rapid sound of hoofbeats like a sudden rain, they consciously scattered and ran away.

Judging from their "reverse pig rush" posture...even if there is a disgusting mud and an extremely smelly pig pen in front of them, they will probably jump in without hesitation in order to survive and avoid Qingdeng. .

Facing these guys blocking the road, Qingdeng had two attitudes -

It would be best if they could consciously retreat. Qingdeng saved time and they saved a life, a win-win situation.

If they don't have eyes... then just give them a shot! Fight your way out!

Counting from the moment they chased Shibazaki Renjuro, Aomori and others fought 8 battles in just one day!

Apart from letting their exhausted mounts rest for a while, there was little rest and no time to eat - even if they wanted to eat, they could not do anything because they did not carry any food.

With the excellent vision given by his talent "Fire Eyes + 5", Ayoto has seen Shibasaki Renjuro's back from a distance several times. However, he was blocked by defeated troops, encountered complex terrain, and other various problems. reasons, which further widened the distance.

At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly felt the light at his hand dim.

He looked up - the sun was sinking into the horizon, and the night veil was quietly falling.

"Is it dark...?"

Qingdeng narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.

Then, while tightening the reins and stopping the carrot, he turned his head and glanced around.

For a moment, his eyes locked on an open space not far away.

"Let's go to that place and camp! Take a break!"

After saying that, Qingden lightly kicked the belly of the cow, and the carrot that had just stopped started to move again.

Luobo had not taken two steps when suddenly, Qingden suddenly felt his left sleeve tightening - Sanako reached out his hand and pulled his left sleeve.

The beautiful face that usually captivates the whole country is now hard to distinguish because of the blood stains.

Even so, her beautiful eyes were still bright and lively - there was a hint of worry in the depths of her eyes.

"Mr. Ju, the bandit army has been defeated and the situation has been decided."

"We pursued all the way and arrived here in lightning speed."

"Although it is a pity that Shibasaki Renjuro's head was not taken down, even if he is still alive, he will not be able to cause any trouble."

"It's time to go back!"

"We are already deep alone. If we continue to pursue, there may be an accident!"

"What's more, the soldiers are hungry and exhausted and no longer able to continue fighting."

"We should stop and camp here and return to camp after daybreak!"

After listening to Sanako's words, Aoto turned his head, raised his gaze, and looked at the Aizu cavalry behind him.

Of the 15 Aizu cavalry, only 4 are left.

The rest of them were either unfortunately killed in battle, or accidentally left alone while chasing Shibazaki Renjuro.

Faced with Sanako's kind advice, Qingto listened carefully.

But when Sanako finished speaking, he immediately refuted sonorously and forcefully:

"It is true that the bandit army has been defeated and the situation has been decided."

"Even if we are now on duty, we can still deliver missions to the soldiers and people throughout Gyeonggi."

"But! As long as we fail to take down the head of the thief leader Shibasaki Renjuro, this battle is far from being considered a victory!"

"Since Renjuro Shibasaki was able to raise a rebel army of tens of thousands in such a short period of time, it means that this person is indeed quite capable!"

"If we let him live, he may raise a stronger and more troublesome rebel army someday or somewhere in the future!"

"Success is difficult, failure is easy."

“Opportunities are rare but easy to lose.”

"We must take this opportunity to completely eliminate Shibasaki Renjuro!"

"If we stay and let him escape, we will really regret it!"

“When you defend, you should be rock solid.”

"When you attack, you should move like thunder!"

"In this situation where every second counts, you should sacrifice yourself."

"Continue the attack!"

"If you are tired, go back!"

"Even if I am alone, I will continue to pursue him! Until I kill Shibazaki Renjuro with my own hands!"



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg) It’s the end of the month again! Today is the last day of this month! Book friends who have a monthly ticket must vote for this book! (Crying leopard head.jpg)

PS: At first glance, Qingden seems very reckless. But that’s the art of war—case-by-case analysis. Chase when you should chase, and scare when you should be scared.

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