I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 665 Qingdeng is promoted! Increase your salary by 3000 stones! Awarded to the Chief of the M

In the third year of Wenjiu (1863), early morning on February 4th——


I saw a golden edge quietly rising on the distant skyline.

That bright line is like a shy virgin, showing up to welcome people.

First it dimmed the surrounding sky, and then spread little by little to the entire sky and the entire earth.

The morning light is faint and the morning fog is filled.

The light dust-like mist blurred the outline of the building.

Logically speaking, at this point in time, the ancient city of Kyoto has not yet burst out with its due vitality.

However, at this moment, the road east of Kamogawa was crowded with a steady stream of people.

"Go quickly, go quickly! Don't dilly-dally! If you keep dilly-dallying, be careful not to find a good spot!"

"Hello? What's going on? Why are there so many people? What's wrong with you? Where are you going? What's there to see?"

"Don't you know yet? Master Tachibana's class teacher has returned to the court!"

"What?! Lord Tachibana has triumphed?!"

"The troops that were sent out on April 4nd only arrived in less than half a month. How quickly did they eliminate the bandits and quell the rebellion?"

"That's right! The Shinkai Alliance Army won a great victory! Lord Tachibana completely defeated the bandit army in just one day, and beheaded the bandit leader Shibasaki Renjuro with his own hands!"

"One day?! Really or not? As far as I know, the total strength of the Xinhui Allied Forces is less than two hundred, while the bandit army has tens of thousands of troops. It only took one day for two hundred to defeat ten thousand. In just a short amount of time, he defeated the latter?”

"Hey! What a rare thing! Don't you look at the person who leads the troops into battle? He is an invincible benevolent king!"


Scholars and citizens in Kyoto learned through various channels that Aoshito would return to the capital on the morning of April 4.

By then, the Xinhui Allied Forces will first enter Luoyang to the east of Yachuan River, and then return to Luozhong along Shijotong in glory.

[Note: Shijo-dori: an important street in Kyoto, Japan, running east-west through the city center. The east end of Shijo-dori is Yasaka Shrine and the west end is Matsuo Taisha Shrine]

The army's triumphant return - this is an extremely rare sight for the men, women, and children of Kyoto.

When was the last time there was war in Gyeonggi Province?

Even if you ask this question to older men, they may only be able to answer "Oshio Heihachiro's uprising 26 years ago."

How could we not take part in this rare and rare occasion?

The Kyoto Administrative Office has long been familiar with the scene of "everywhere Tachibana Aoden goes, the people wholeheartedly welcome him."

As a result, they sent a large number of manpower early to maintain order on the scene.

The officers of the Kyoto Administrative Office went to Shijo Street early in the morning and made careful arrangements.

First, clean the streets thoroughly.

Although Kyoto is one of the "Three Cities", in terms of prosperity, only Edo and Osaka rank higher.

However, one must not expect a castle town environment from the feudal era.

In fact, everything inside and outside Kyoto is dirty.

Most of the streets are compacted dirt roads, which are dusty on sunny days and muddy on rainy days.

Not to mention rubbish and the like.

Today's Japanese people do not have the habit of "not littering" or "setting up trash cans on the roadside."

Not to mention pieces of paper, wood and other large and small garbage, you can find all kinds of disgusting things on the street.

Dead rats, livestock excrement... just to name a few.

The envoy from Gyeonggi Town returned with a great victory, but the road his troops passed was a mess... How is this unbecoming?

In many cases, certain "face projects" must be done, which involve etiquette.

Then, they lined up neat human walls on both sides of Shijo Street. They all held long sticks in their hands, holding the sticks horizontally and connecting them end to end. They blocked the soldiers and people who had heard the news and came to join in the fun. Activities are restricted to the street.

If you look down from above, you can see that the entire Shijo Street presents two distinct scenes.

The central street was deserted, and Feng'er became the only passerby strolling there.

All rubbish on the road was cleared away.

In addition to the ruts, the potholes were also filled in overnight.

As for the streets on both sides, they were filled with people.

The soldiers and civilians stretched their necks one by one, like swaying garden eels, waiting impatiently, looking eastward and looking at the end of Shijo Street.

This state of vitality and everything happening is truly extremely lively.

Suddenly, someone shouted:

"Look! It's coming, it's coming! Lord Tachibana is coming!"

In an instant, the whole place was silent.

Everyone at the scene—whether it was the citizens who came to join in the fun or the police officers responsible for maintaining order—all subconsciously held their breath.

Click, click, click, click, click...

The first thing that reached everyone's ears was the gentle sound of hoofbeats.

In an instant, a bunch of eyes followed the sound of hoofbeats.

First they saw the rounded top of the pole.

The top of the pole is like the mast of a sailing ship gradually approaching, gradually "rising".

Soon, a thick flagpole and a bright flag came into everyone's sight.

The flag has white characters on a red background, and in the center of the flag is a big word "sincerity" - it is the "sincerity flag" of the Shinsengumi.

Owari Masajiro held high the "honesty flag" with a solemn expression, steady steps, and strode forward in an orderly manner.

Under the fluttering "sincerity flag", there are touches of light onion.

The Shinsengumi soldiers lined up in two columns and walked through the neat streets, basking in the respectful gaze of the civilians on the streets.

Looking around, everyone has their chests held high, their cheeks are full of pride, their expressions are full of high spirits, and their demeanor is full of heroic demeanor!

It looked like they had won the battles of Danoura, Tennoyama and Sekigahara!

[Note: Battle of Danoura: The battle of the Kamakura shogunate to determine the world. Battle of Tennoyama: Toyotomi Taikaku’s battle to determine the world. The Battle of Sekigahara: The Battle of the Edo Shogunate to Determine the World]

The Aizu soldiers who came as guest troops to assist in the battle also looked like this. They all held their chests high and wanted to raise their chins to the sky.

It is true that at the beginning of the battle, Sagawa Kanbei's light troops rushed in, causing the Aizu cavalry to be beaten to a pulp by the rebel iron gunners.

This humiliating defeat not only made the Aizu soldiers ashamed, but also made them feel extremely angry!

While waiting for the official start of the war between the two armies, the soldiers of Aizu were really looking forward to seeing what happened.

They are eagerly looking forward to...looking forward to the moment when the war begins! They are so avenged!

Ever since, in the first stage of the battle, the 20 Aizu archers and the 20 Aizu iron gunners were really at full strength.

The high-intensity continuous drawing of the bow made it impossible for the archers to even lift their right arms for several days.

The iron gunners were not much better, their fingers were worn out by the tedious reloading action.

It is precisely thanks to their outstanding performance that they can greatly reduce the defensive pressure on all fronts, thereby stopping the rebel army's offensive.

As for the 20 Aizu cavalry, let alone them.

In the second stage of the battle, that is, when they made a surprise attack on the enemy camp, they followed Qingdeng closely, jumped off the cliff bravely, and attacked the enemy's main position. They fought until the last moment and paid a huge price.

After the battle, only 9 people returned safely, and the rest all died on the battlefield.

All in all, the Aizu soldiers played their due "Aizu soul" in the Iga offensive and defensive battle, and successfully saved their face with their superior battlefield performance. The triumphal procession marched forward in an orderly manner.

Because the number of the Xinhui coalition forces was not large, they reached the middle part in just a moment.

In the middle of the queue, there were no longer majestic soldiers, but a large number of unkempt and dejected soldiers.

These people were the prisoners captured by the soldiers of the Xinhui Allied Forces.

In this battle, the soldiers of the Xinhui Allied Forces captured thousands of people in total.

The prisoners were arranged in four neat lines, their necks tied with thick and long hemp ropes, and 30 people were tied to each long rope, forming long lines.

The soldiers drove the prisoners forward like sheep.

Obviously their number was several times that of the Xinhui coalition forces, but in the end they all seemed to have lost their souls, burying their heads low and letting them be driven around.

At the front of the group of prisoners, there was a soldier holding a spear high, with a head stuck on the tip of the spear, which was particularly eye-catching.

To be able to receive such "high-standard treatment", it is naturally self-evident whose head it is.

As the chief culprit of this turmoil, Shibazaki Renjuro, Aoden must deliver his head to the shogunate.

In this way, the quelling of the chaos this time can be considered a complete success.

Therefore, in order to prevent corruption, his head was specially "pickled" in salt before being picked up on the tip of the gun.

In this grand "victory march", cadres at all levels of the Shinsengumi showed a wide variety of appearances.

Shannan Keisuke and Saito Kazuo, who are indifferent to fame and fortune, remained calm throughout the whole process and were not moved by the cheers and warm gazes around them.

Mai Kinoshita, who is introverted, hunched her shoulders as usual and avoided looking at her.

The Chief Secretary, Harada Sanosuke, who loved the excitement, looked around excitedly and waved to the soldiers and people around him with great interest.

Although the soldiers in the queue were all dazzling, the person who most attracted the attention of the people of Kyoto... was still that person after all.

Most of the attention at the scene was focused on the "Black Bull Knight".

Click, click, click, click, click, click...

Carrot held his head high, walking at the front of the queue like a leisurely stroll.

Qingdeng held the reins in his hand, straightened his back, and looked ahead without squinting.

In Qingdeng's view, today's triumph was an excellent "publicity event."

In this situation where "a large number of civilians will definitely come to join in the fun", wouldn't it be a pity not to take this opportunity to further shape the positive image of the Shinsengumi and deepen the favorability of the Shinsengumi among the citizens of Kyoto?

Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, he specifically asked the soldiers to bathe and change clothes on the eve of returning to Beijing, wash their bodies and put on the neatest clothes.

As for himself, he is even more thoughtful.

In order to present his best appearance to others, he tidied himself up for the first time in a long time and dressed up from head to toe.

Put on the latest clothes.

Make your hair look shiny and attractive.

As for his mount, he also carefully maintained its appearance, combing its hair and covering it with a purple blouse.

Judging from the results, Qingdeng's efforts were quite effective.

His tall figure and regular facial features are already very popular with women.

But now, the carefully crafted elegant appearance, coupled with the filter bonus of "the victorious general returning", makes it even more charming.

In a word - Qingden is like a walking succubus! The whole body exudes the coveted male hormones!

Countless young girls on both sides of the street... no, not just girls, but even older wives and mature women, all looked at Qingdeng with admiring eyes, their eyes full of stars.

The breeze blows, lifting Qingdeng's sleeves and hem, making his clothes flutter, looking so chic.

Suddenly, I don’t know which woman had such a loud voice, and suddenly shouted:

"Lord Niou!"

Even Qingdeng couldn't help but be attracted by the loud voice.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw a young woman around 15 years old, with her hands clasped to her lips, her expression excited, and she repeatedly shouted "Nioh-sama".

Seeing Qingdeng looking towards her, she turned to stone on the spot, and her whole body froze due to excessive excitement.

On a whim, Qingden smiled and waved to her.

In an instant, the girl and the other women around her all let out sharp explosions.

Such a scene is just like the scene described in the ancient poem: "horseback riding leaning on the leaning bridge, the whole building full of red sleeves."

As for other soldiers, they also won the admiration and admiration of the soldiers and the people because of their mighty and handsome appearance.

At this time, the general manager who was walking behind Qingdeng suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and said to Qingdeng in a teasing tone:

"Mr. Ju, I don't know how generous the reward you will get this time."

Qingden Wan'er:

"You'll know in a few days."



Facts have proved that it is true that within a few days, the world will know what kind of reward Qingdeng has received.

Perhaps it was to boost the morale of the military and the people, but this time the reward came extremely quickly.

The bounties and treasures given by the shogunate will not be mentioned for now.

For the current Qingdeng, the so-called money is just a series of numbers.

Compared with the yellow and white things, these two items are the bulk of this reward——

A gift of 3000 stones! Granted the title of Da Cheng of the Ministry of War under the sixth rank!

The former is easy to understand, it is to increase family income.

As for the latter - Qingdeng's position remains unchanged and he is still the envoy of Gyeonggi Town.

This rank-6 military minister is not an official position in the shogunate, but an official position in the imperial court.

In the Nara period, Japan established a relatively complete Japanese legal order system based on the Tang law and combined with its national conditions.

The central government system under Japan's legal system consists of "two officials and eight provinces."

Under the Emperor, there are the Divine Officials who are responsible for the imperial sacrifices and the Taishengguan (second official) who oversees national affairs. The actual administration under the Taishengguan is shared by eight provinces, including: the Ministry of Central Affairs, the Imperial Household Ministry, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Governance. Province, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of War.

The official office is divided into four levels of officials (chief officer, deputy officer, judge, chief officer) and lower-level officials.

The Ministry of War, as its name suggests, is similar to the modern Ministry of National Defense. It is the department responsible for managing the personnel of military attachés, the troops and cities of various countries, and all military affairs. It is responsible for recruiting officers and soldiers from Beijing and the local area and making a roster.

The chief officer is the Minister of War (the fourth below).

The sub-officers are the Daifu of the Ministry of War (the fifth rank below) and the Shaofu of the Ministry of War (the fifth rank below).

The judges are Dacheng of the Ministry of War (from the sixth position) and Shaocheng of the Ministry of War (from the sixth position).

The main canons are the Dadian of the Ministry of War (from the seventh position) and the Shaodian of the Ministry of War (from the seventh position).

The main responsibility of the judge is to supervise and review various documents of the department.



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