I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 673 Qingdeng and Tianzhangyuan are in the sedan, and outside the sedan are other female prot

Chapter 673 Qingdeng and Tianzhangyuan are in the sedan, and outside the sedan are other female protagonists [5000]

Tianzhangyuan blinked his beautiful eyes a few times and gave Qingdeng long, soft eyes.

The eyes are very gentle, as if they are caressing you.

At the same time, a shy blush appeared on her cheeks.

If it were anyone else, seeing Tianzhang Yuan's gentle appearance and hearing Tian Zhang Yuan's ambiguous words, he would probably have been overwhelmed and unable to control himself.

This led to a series of classic delusions such as "Oh no, His Highness Tianzhangyuan likes me?", "What name will His Highness Tianzhangyuan and I have for our child?"

Unfortunately, these tricks were ineffective against Qingden.

He and Tianzhangyuan can be regarded as old friends.

After many years of interaction, he already knew Tianzhangyuan's little devil's character, and he also knew that the other person was a person who loved pranks very much.

If you are not careful, you will be led by her.

Qingdeng sighed again, then changed into a serious tone and expression.

"Your Highness, let's talk about business quickly."

"I know very well - you are not the type to abuse your power for such a reason."

Tianzhangyuan raised an eyebrow.

"...Really, can't you cooperate with me more?"

After saying that, she put on a solemn face like Qingdeng.

"Our time is very tight. After arriving in Kyoto, we will start long negotiations with the imperial court on the matter of expelling the foreigners."

"It is impossible for us to resist the foreigners. Resisting the foreigners will only lead to death."

"However... the court simply cannot listen to our words."

"Those ministers from the Zunbo faction are like a bunch of mad dogs, they only know how to bark."

"Aside from repeating 'Fight the barbarians, fight the barbarians, fight the barbarians quickly,' they won't say anything else."

"No one knows how long this negotiation with the imperial court will last."

"So Iemoichi and I decided to ask you about the current situation in Kyoto directly on the way to Luo."

“A sedan that no one can disturb and is private enough is a good place to talk.”

"Iemo is a general after all. It would be inappropriate for the two of you to share the same sedan chair in full view of the public, and it would easily arouse malicious suspicions."

"There is no other way, I can only do it myself."

As she spoke, she focused her gaze and cast a sharp gaze towards Qingden.

"Sheng Qing, you have been stationed in Kyoto for nearly three months. In your opinion, what is the current situation in Kyoto?"

Qingden lowered his eyelids in deep thought.

"...Simply put: war is imminent."

"In the beginning, the various forces in Kyoto became a powerful force, and no one could do anything to anyone."

"And now, with my entry, the energy of Samu's forces has greatly increased, and the original balance has been broken."

"Leave aside the neutral forces represented by the Satsuma Domain for the time being."

"The Zunxu forces led by the Choshu clan must be restless."

"Kyoto right now is like a big powder keg."

"The impatience of the forces of respect and resistance has burst out with fierce sparks."

"It won't be long before these sparks fall into the powder keg sooner or later."

"As late as 7 or 8 months, as early as 3 or 4 months, the situation in Kyoto will undergo earth-shaking changes."

"By then, this great change will determine the ownership of Kyoto."

"Whether it becomes the territory of the 'Zunbang Sect' or returns to the embrace of the 'Samu Sect' all depends on man and nature."

Tianzhang Academy listened attentively.

After Qingden finished speaking, she nodded gently:

"As early as 3 or 4 months... Is that why you plan to expand the Shinsengumi's strength to 3 men and establish preliminary combat effectiveness within 3000 months?"

The governor of Gyeonggi Province does not need to be responsible to anyone or any force. No matter what kind of actions he takes, he does not need to ask for the opinions of others, let alone look at other people's faces - except for Tokugawa Iemo.

Aoto reports directly to Tokugawa Iemo, who is the former's only superior.

If it's a small matter, then that's it.

As for major matters like military recruitment, Aoto still had to report to Tokugawa Iemo and seek his opinion.

When Aoto sent the letter "I want to recruit soldiers, what do you think?" to Edo, he soon received a reply from Tokugawa Iemo.

The reply was so fast that he couldn't help but wonder whether the other party had read his letter carefully.

Tokugawa Iemo's reply contained only one simple and bold word: Yes!

There were no complicated questions, no unfounded doubts, just quick nods.

There is a saying that if Li Mu, Yue Fei and others could usher in a monarch like Tokugawa Iemo, they would laugh out of their dreams.

Qingden shook his head with a half-smile:

"There must be a reason for this."

"Although what I just said is clear and logical, what I said above are all my personal conjectures."

"I'm not a god, I don't have the ability to predict the future."

"Maybe something unexpected will happen tomorrow...or even today, causing Kyoto to turn into a bloody battlefield littered with corpses."

"It is also possible that after three to five years, there will still be peace inside and outside Kyoto, with people dancing and dogs barking, and there will be no large-scale head-on conflicts between the major forces."

"No one can say what will happen in the future, and any situation may happen."

Tianzhangyuan pursed his lips lightly and did not make a statement.

Although she didn't say anything, there was a hint of worry in her cheeks.

Qingdeng saw this and thought for a moment.

Suddenly, he spoke:

"Your Highness, although the future is uncertain, we don't have to rush."

As he spoke, he changed into a relaxed tone.

"'Be invincible first, then wait until the enemy is victorious' - this is the only way to defeat the enemy, and it is also the art of war that I admire most."

"What we should do now is to continuously enhance our strength."

"While strengthening yourself, win over all the people you can win over and make many friends."

"For what happens next, just take it one step at a time."

"No matter what moves the enemy uses, we just have to use them as we see them, and the troops will come to cover up the water and the earth."

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Tianzhangyuan suddenly showed a surprised expression.

Then, she swept her eyes and looked Qingdeng up and down carefully, as if she was observing something.

"...Sheng Qing, you seem to have changed."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

Tianzhangyuan glanced at Qingdeng again and smiled.

"Is it because you are now in charge of the food, drink, and toilet of an entire army? You always give people the feeling of...a leader."

Qingden blinked, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Does it feel like a leader... maybe that's the case."

"Since arriving in Kyoto, I have been thinking about how to make the Shinsengumi stronger every day when I wake up."

"I'm used to giving orders. Over time, I must have accumulated a bit of serious leadership aura."

Tianzhangyuan covered his mouth and chuckled.

"Sheng Qing, 'pretentiously' is a derogatory term."

"I know, so I'm being humble."

After a few mindless chats, Tianzhang Academy raised a new question:

"What about the Fa Zun Party? Have you heard about the latest trends of the Fa Zun Party recently?"

Qingden shook his head gently.

"No. The Fazhu Party is more cunning than the rats in the sewers. They are really good at hiding."

"I strongly suspect that the core base of the PAP is not in Gyeonggi, or it is not just in Gyeonggi, but in a more distant place."

"I have sent as many spies as possible and ordered them to go to various places in Gyeonggi to collect intelligence."

"In the end, we only collected all kinds of messy, junk information that was worthless at first glance."

Speaking of this, Qingdeng seemed to remember something and paused for a moment, then spoke again after 5 seconds:

"Although I haven't been able to find out the specific movements of the Fazu Party...but I suspect that they were involved in the 'Ise Rebellion' a while ago."

Tianzhang Academy: "Oh? Why do you say that? Have you got strong evidence?"

"No, this is just my personal intuition."

"Looking back at the entire 'Ise Rebellion', it exudes a strange atmosphere from the inside out."

"At the beginning of the Iga offensive and defensive battle, I captured a small officer of the rebel army."

"According to this person, the reason why they are able to have such a powerful armed force is because a guy named 'Settsu Yorimitsu' who claims to be a local wealthy family in Ise is fully supporting them."

"Whether it's weapons and equipment such as iron cannons and war horses, or the strategic route to Kyoto, it's all provided by Settsu Yorimitsu."

"After the battle, I specially organized a large number of people to clean the battlefield and look for him everywhere."

"In the end, this man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. He could not be found." "I asked all the generals and soldiers in the rebel army, but no one knew his whereabouts."

"After returning to Kyoto, I asked Yamada to go to Ise to conduct an investigation, and it turned out that there is no local wealthy family named Settsu in Ise."

[Note: Yamada Chief: Yamada Chief: Responsible for guarding Ise Shrine, the justice of Ise and Shima countries, and the security of Toba Port, with a capacity of 1 person. 】

"I suspect that this 'Settsu Norimitsu' is a member of the Hoshino Party."

"He used a false name, provided money and people, and secretly cultivated the power to overturn the situation."

As if ink had been splashed on him, the facial expression carved by Tianzhang Yuan was like the word "dignified" written on his face.

"...Sheng Qing, thank you for your hard work."

Speaking of this, she changed into a faint tone.

"There are Sa and Chang in front, and there are Dharma in the back to punish the party... It's like a pack of wolves..."

"I finally understand. One thing is certain at the moment - the Party's evil intentions will never die! They have been looking for the most suitable time and are ready to give us a head-on attack at any time!"

Qingdeng nodded slightly to show his agreement.



Next, Tianzhang Academy asked many questions in succession.

From his views on the Aizu Domain, he has been asked about the current situation of the Shinsengumi and the latest progress in the recruitment work.

Qingdeng answered them one by one without any concealment or reservation.

After asking and answering questions like this for a while, she let out a long sigh of relief and turned her exhaustion into a voice.

"Okay, I have finally asked all the things that need to be asked."

As she spoke, she raised her arms, stretched hard, and stretched her upper body forward naturally.

Suddenly, her delicate body showed amazing flexibility! The forward leaning upper body and the seated lower body form a huge arch with each other.

The place where Qingdeng and Tianzhangyuan are now is a sedan with a small space.

In other words, the distance between them is already very close, it can be said that they are very close.

Under such circumstances, her upper body was exposed again... and she saw that incredible hemispherical object with a strong sense of presence, as if it was about to jump out of her clothes and bounce into Qingdeng's face!

At this moment, the two voices in Qingdeng's mind - human reason and animal instinct - started an extremely fierce confrontation!

The former strives to stick to the ideological position of "I, Ju Qingden, am by no means a womanizer."

The latter always regards the physical law that "the greater the mass, the greater the gravity, so it is common sense that the sight is attracted by the giant RU" as a guiding principle.

The winner of this "confrontation" was quickly determined - after all, rationality prevailed.

Although there was a lot of reluctance in his heart, Qingdeng still looked away silently.

However, in such a narrow space, any of his movements or expressions could not escape the opponent's eyes.

The look on Qingdeng's face when he looked away - a hint of regret - was clearly reflected in Tianzhangyuan's eyes.

Tianzhangyuan blinked his beautiful eyes a few times and then curled up his mouth.

That malicious and sly smile appeared on her face again.

She was talking eloquently while retracting her raised arms and leaning forward upper body.

"Speaking of which, I just discovered something very interesting~~"

Although he couldn't tell why, at this moment, Qingdeng felt a hairy feeling rising from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and an unknown premonition emerged in his heart.

Then, his bad premonition came true.

"I have been hiding in this sedan chair just now. I am very bored."

"To pass the time, I would peek at the scenery outside the sedan from time to time."

"As a result, what do you think I found?"

"I saw that before Jia Mao showed up, there was a man who had been stretching his neck and looking around. His expression was anxious and expectant. He seemed to be looking for someone, looking eagerly."

“It’s so strange~~”

"Who is that person?"

"Who is he looking for?"

"Who is the other person to him?"

"Could it be the female boss he has missed for a long time?"

After finishing speaking, Tianzhangyuan tilted his head, showing a distressed expression of "thinking hard".

I have to say that Tianzhangyuan is indeed very talented in acting.

The tone is sincere and the expression is vivid... If this were put into modern times, he would definitely take home an Oscar.

Qingden twitched the corners of his mouth several times.

Helplessness, embarrassment, and embarrassment—three emotions spread evenly across his cheeks in perfect proportions.

After a while, he seemed to have given up struggling, and said in a tone of neither sadness nor joy:

"...That person is me, and the person I'm looking for is you."

Tianzhangyuan frowned slightly and curled his red lips.

"What, why did you admit it so quickly? I was still thinking of teasing you a few more times when you denied it."

Qingdeng ignored Tianzhangyuan's complaints and continued on his own:

"Although it seems to be a cover-up, I still want to clarify that I definitely did not show an expression of anxiety or expectation at that time."

Perhaps in order to "retaliate", he changed his tone of voice to ridicule.

"Your Highness, you are so confident in yourself. How could you be sure that the person I was looking for at that time was you?"

"of course."

Tianzhangyuan solemnly said with joy:

"In the whole shogunate, apart from me and Iemo, who else can attract your attention?"

"Jia Mao is either sitting on a horse or in the most conspicuous sedan chair, so you don't need to look for him specifically."

"Excluding Iemo, the only one left is me."

Tianzhangyuan smiled triumphantly and looked at Qingdeng very happily.

"To be honest, I'm very happy!"

"You should be one of the few people left in this world who still pays attention to me and cares about me."

After saying that, Tianzhangyuan smiled even more happily, and his beautiful eyes almost narrowed into a thin slit.

"Ah, that's right."

"When I just said, 'Could it be the female boss he has been thinking about for a long time?', you didn't immediately refute me."

"Could it be that...you have really been thinking about me?"

As she spoke, she covered her lips with her hands, showing a surprised expression of "Huh? No way?"


Qingden was speechless.

The expression carved on it seems to be the embodiment of the word "helpless".

However, after just a moment, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a faint smile emerged.

This feeling of being fucked by Tianzhang Yuan was a long time coming.

This woman's open mind and bold behavior are not like those of this era.

She could make provocative movements or ambiguous words by raising her hand or opening her mouth.

The appearance is that of a charming, enchanting succubus.

Inside he is a little devil who likes to play pranks and enjoys teasing others.

Combining two "monsters" into one, he exudes charm that is very different from ordinary people from the inside out.

Qingden is really not good at dealing with a "witch" of this level...

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly felt the light at his hand brighten - the sun penetrated the gap in the curtain and hit his side.

He turned his head silently, stretched out his hand to lift the curtain a little, and looked out of the sedan along the gap in the curtain.

This kind of high-end sedan chair uses hanging curtains instead of double windows.

[Note: Unparalleled windows: The traditional construction method of ancient Japanese buildings. There is a wooden board composed of multiple vertical wooden bars on each side of the inside and outside (similar to the windows of a prison). The outer board is fixed and the inner board can be pulled. The two can be staggered. Easily control lighting and ventilation. 】

Tokugawa Iemo's special sedan - Souzunadai Ryutsu - walked in front of him and Tenzōin.

Matsudaira Yongho's sedan chair was walking opposite them.

The three sedan chairs exactly form the shape of the Chinese character "品".

The sun was almost reaching its peak, and the sky was getting clearer.

Silk-like sunlight drifted down from the distant sky.

Against the backdrop of the spring light, the flowers on the roadside and the green leaves above our heads became as dazzling and vivid as if they had been washed in clear water.

Abruptly, Qingden suddenly noticed that the three orders were engraved on him and he couldn't help but shudder.

He saw Souji, Mai Kinoshita, and Sanako holding a radish walking not far from him... Correction. Walking not far from him and Tianzhang Courtyard...



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

The horse-holding suit mentioned in the previous chapter, which made Luobo very envious, please see the comments in this paragraph. I have to say that this equipment is indeed very stylish, no wonder Luobo is envious.

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