I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 70 Encounter with Grandpa KFC

Chapter 70 Encounter with Grandpa KFC

The one who opened the door was a white and fat white grandfather.

When his eyes caught sight of this old man, for a split second, Qingdeng's illusion became the old man of KFC...

The old man in front of him couldn't be said to be very similar to KFC's grandfather, but he was exactly the same.

The short, neatly trimmed beard on the chin and lips.

The short hair combed back obliquely was the same snow white color as the beard.

Big enough to directly put clothes on a tall belly.

On the bridge of the nose is a pair of big glasses.

Coupled with the smiling face he is showing towards Qingdeng now...

Qingdeng felt that if he was born in the 21st century, he might be able to win the lawsuit if he sued KFC's trademark for infringing his portrait rights.

After the "Grandpa KFC" opened the door with his big belly, two beautiful figures followed him into the room.

One of these two beautiful figures is quite familiar to Qingdeng—it is the Western girl he rescued today, that is, Elodie.

Elodie still looked the same in a sky blue kimono and white socks, but her hair was different from this afternoon.

This afternoon, when Qingdeng accidentally knocked off Elodie's hood and mask, it was probably for the convenience of stuffing her hair into the hood. Her hair was scattered randomly.

And now, Elodie's beautiful waist-length blond hair was braided in a neat three-strand, hanging forward from her right shoulder, and her neatly combed forehead hair sat softly on her forehead.

Folding his hands in front of his body, he took small steps and followed behind "Grandpa KFC".

Seeing Ai Luodi walking behind "Grandpa KFC", Qingdeng couldn't help feeling in his heart: Fate is really a strange thing.

A few days ago, he just heard about Ai Luodi's name from Pig Valley, but he didn't expect to meet him directly a few days later...

This afternoon, it was too late to take a closer look at Ai Luodi's face, but after calming down and taking a closer look, Qingdeng found that the rumors about Ai Luodi that Inotani told him before were not groundless.

This Elodie is indeed very cute.

Round and bright eyes, pupils as clear and translucent as delicate gemstones, a tall nose, slender and graceful lips...

With such a look at the age of 12...the future can be expected.

He is obviously a European and American from France, but Elodie's appearance is not too three-dimensional and profound.

If you want to describe it in simple words... Elodie's appearance is a bit like "a combination of east and west".

Although the facial features are those of Westerners at first glance, the lines of the facial features are somewhat softer than those of Easterners.

This kind of appearance, which has both western and eastern advantages, is indeed easy to poke the aesthetics of some people in this era and please some people in this era.

As for the other beautiful figure besides Ai Luodi, Qing Deng felt both familiar and unfamiliar.

He was quite tall, with slightly dry brown hair, emerald green pupils, and a few freckles on his somewhat iconic face.

Qingdeng didn't recognize her at first, but when he saw the light yellow kimono on her, he finally remembered it - isn't this the one who has been following behind Kinoshita Mai and Alodie this afternoon, without saying a word? The "light yellow woman" from

The pale yellow woman kept a certain distance, walking behind "Grandpa KFC" and Ai Luodi.

Qingdeng guessed that this pale yellow woman should be Elortie's waitress: Leroy.

"You must be Juqingdeng."

Walking up to Qingdeng with a big belly, "Grandpa Kentucky Fried Chicken" greeted Qingdeng with a smile in Japanese with a very weird accent.

After a few brief conversations with this "grandfather of KFC", Qingdeng found out that this grandfather was actually Elodie's grandfather: Antoine de Angoulême.

Anthony came to visit Qingdeng this time, not for anything else—just to thank Qingdeng who made a special trip to save his granddaughter.

While thanking Qingdeng, Anthony also mentioned the results of the torture of the "birthmark man" by Ti Xiaoshi and others.

After successfully capturing the only survivor among the attackers this afternoon: the "birthmark man" with an ugly birthmark on his face, Xiaoshi and others tortured him without treating him as a human being.

Under the torture of Xiaoshi and others, the identities of the assailants have been clarified.

It turned out that this group of attackers was not the "radical extermination faction" who came to Qingdeng at all.

They are just a bunch of poor wanderers who have lost their lords to serve and their families.

In order to hide their eyes and avoid causing trouble, Elodie and Leroy used masks and turbans to cover their hair and faces when they went to the Enoshima Shrine with Mai Kinoshita—but even so, they still accidentally went to the Enoshima Shrine. On the way to Jiangdao Shrine, a ronin discovered the color of Alodie's eyes.

The blue eyeballs...he looks like a Westerner.

After discovering that the girl wearing the tengu mask was a Westerner, the ronin changed his mind.

In order to get rid of the current difficult life of being poor, living in no fixed place, and eating every meal without a meal, the ronin decided to take a chance: kill Elodie!Then he took Ai Luodi's head to the "Big Camp of the Barbarian Sect": Mito Fan, to see if he could find an official position in Mito Fan, or get someone to take him in.

Mito Fan——Together with Owari Fan and Kizhou Fan, it is collectively referred to as the "Three Royal Family", one of the most important pro-fan names of the Edo Shogunate.

In the Edo period, when the enfeoffment system of the Western Zhou Dynasty was still practiced, these great vassal states, which were no different from "China", all had extremely high political influence and military strength that could even challenge the Edo shogunate. .

Seven years ago, after American Commodore Perry led his fleet to knock on the gate of Japan, all the major feudal states stood in line one after another.

Some vassal states advocated for peace.

Some feudal states paddled there without expressing any opinions.

Only a group of feudal states headed by the Mito clan pursued extremely tough diplomatic propositions.

Mito Fan's proposition is very simple: expel all the barbarians without a single one left!Let Japan return to the previous closed state!
In the past seven years, the Mito clan has been putting pressure on the Edo shogunate, demanding that the Edo shogunate implement a thorough anti-barbarian policy.

Faced with such a tough proposition by the barbarians, the Mito clan naturally won the favor and respect of the "anti-barbarian faction".

As a result, a large number of "people with lofty ideals against barbarians" met Mito Fan as a "spiritual leader", and Mito Fan naturally became the headquarters of "people with lofty ideals against barbarians". More and more "people with lofty ideals against barbarians" gathered in Mito Fan, Discuss the "Great Cause of Rescuing Barbarians" with other like-minded partners.

Because the Mito clan is clinging to the foreign policy of "radical anti-barbarians", the relationship between the Mito clan and the Edo shogunate is quite tense now-the current boss of the Edo shogunate: Jingyi Naosuke advocates "founding the country", and The group of people in the Mito clan who are full of thinking about "removing the barbarians" are naturally incompatible.

To sum up, the idea of ​​that ronin is not an unrealistic fantasy - if they can take the head of the Meiyi to the Mito Domain, it may be very easy to find an official position. It is difficult, but it is very possible to win the favor of a certain "spirited man" who is determined to "repel the barbarians" and keep them.

If you don’t try to do something, you may really be a ronin for the rest of your life. Instead of continuing to be a useless ronin, it’s better to fight hard. Several of his friends are going to "change lives" with these friends by relying on Alodi's head.

Their idea is beautiful.

But they didn't count such a variable as Qingdeng...

After listening to Anthony's narration, Qingdeng couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

After a long time, it turned out that today's attack was just a misunderstanding...? !

"Today, I really appreciate you two." Anthony once again bowed 90 degrees to Qingdeng and Saito, "If you didn't save them in time, I really don't know what to do. "

Elodie and Leroy, who were standing behind Anthony, also bowed to Qingdeng to thank him at the same time.

"Ah... there's no need to do such a great gift." Qing Deng had a helpless smile on his face, "To tell you the truth—I didn't draw my sword today to save Ling'ai."

If Anthony, Kiryu and the others misunderstood that he started a bloody battle with those ronin in order to save Mai Kinoshita and Alodie, he would feel like he was taking advantage of them.

Qingdeng likes to clearly mark the price when doing things.

Whether he owes favors to others or others owes him favors, Qingdeng doesn't want to be confused.

Therefore, Qingdeng patiently explained to Anthony and Kiryu why he rose up against those ronin today.

Kiryu and Kinoshita Mai didn't know that Qingdeng was still being targeted by the "radical anti-barbarians", so after listening to Qingdeng's explanation, they all looked at it in surprise like Anthony, Alodi and others. Qingdeng.

After listening to Qingdeng's explanation, Anthony let out a hearty laugh after being stunned for a moment.

"It's ok!"

He waved his hands.

"No matter what purpose you came to save the clumsy girl, it is an iron fact that you saved the clumsy girl."

"It will not prevent me from expressing my deepest gratitude for your life-saving grace!"

After all, Anthony laughed out loud again.

Second more!
2 more in 1 minutes!
 [Japanese history class starts~]

  Mito Domain is very close to Edo.

  It is located in the north of Edo, and it is close to Edo. The people of Mido clan set off for Edo in the morning, and they should be able to arrive in Edo in the afternoon.

  As one of the "Three Imperial Households", the Mito Domain is one of the famous male domains, with a total of 35 stones in the entire domain.

  This 35 shi means that the Mito clan can produce at least 35 shi of rice in one year.

  In the Edo period, a "rice standard" economic system was followed, and the amount of rice produced was directly related to the strength of the feudal state. The higher the rice production, the stronger the economic strength of the feudal state.

  Because the Mito Clan has an economic strength of 35 shi, and holds strong military power, economic strength, and political status, it has a lot of voice in the Edo Shogunate.

(End of this chapter)

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