I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 700 Qingdeng’s new title [Ship Killer]! 【4100】

Chapter 700 Qingdeng’s new title—[Ship Kill]! 【4100】

At first, when people were discussing what kind of rewards Qingteng would receive this time, it was generally believed that he would become a great name in one fell swoop.

After leading his army to eliminate the bandits in the Ise area, Ayoto's family income increased to 8220 koku.

There is only one step away from the standard line for becoming a daimyo, that is, Wanshi family fortune.

Daimyo... For samurai, this is a noble honor, and it is also the lifelong ideal of countless samurai!

In the distant Warring States period, countless warriors risked their lives and went through life and death, all they wanted was to become the master of a city and a place!

To this day, no one will question whether Qingdeng is worthy of this honor.

In terms of reputation and merit, he has become a famous figure in the feudal state and is expected by everyone.

Most people have concluded that Qingden will soon become a new daimyo, and he will enter this world of great conflict that is rare in a thousand years as a prince.

There are even many people excitedly discussing where Qingdeng will be entrusted.

So far, there are 2 mainstream views.

First, Seitokai was entrusted to Western Japan, just like Aizu Domain was to Ou, as a wedge into the Western Kingdom, tightly restraining the Western Kingdom vassals headed by Satsuma, Choshu, and Tosa.

Secondly, Qingdeng is the governor of Gyeonggi Town, so he should be entrusted to the Gyeonggi area. In this way, fiefdoms and positions can complement each other and complement each other.

The two opinions each have their own reasons and are at loggerheads.

Some people have even begun to guess what kind of name Qingteng's vassal state will be given.

From Himeji Clan to Omi Clan, there are many.

However... when the shogunate officially announced the contents of Qingnobo's reward, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Increase the family fortune by 1500 shi, grant the eighth prince the title of a thousand people - this short sentence shocked the world twice in a row!

First, the first half of the sentence: increase the family fortune by 1500 shi.

On the basis of the original 8220 stones, Qingdeng's family fortune was increased by 1500 stones, for a total of 9720 stones.

There are still 280 koku away from koku... He is still not a daimyo, still a direct candidate, but his family background and status are higher.

If the rewards granted by the shogunate were only of this level, the world would definitely cry out for injustice and avenge Aoden.

Aoto accomplished such a great feat, repulsed the British ships, and protected all the people of Edo. However, the reward he received was only an increase in family salary of 1500 koku.

This is too bullying!

But...if the second half of the sentence is added, the situation will be completely different!

The Eight Princes are united by a thousand people - those who are a little more sensitive to shogunate politics and Japan's geographical environment all know the meaning behind this official position.

Koshu was the western barrier of Edo.

If Koshu is lost, the west gate of Edo will be completely opened.

Excluding Western countries, the main enemies of the Edo shogunate were basically concentrated in Western Japan.

In other words, if the Western vassals wanted to attack Edo and eliminate Tokugawa, they had to capture Koshu first.

The importance of Jiazhou is evident.

In this way, it is self-evident that the Eighth Prince is the key to the status of thousands of people and the special status.

Since the founding of the shogunate, those who were qualified for this position were all the shogun's confidants, and most of them were related to the Tokugawa family.

Tokugawa Iemo actually awarded this position to Aoto...

Many people are deeply puzzled by this - Tokugawa Iemo trusts Aomori too much, right?

Ayoto's surname was neither Tokugawa nor Matsudaira, and he was not married to the general's family.

How could he be the eighth prince and be the heart of thousands of people?

Tokugawa Iemo's behavior was tantamount to handing over the key to his house to an outsider! By the way, he also packed up his remaining bodyguards who were still able to fight and gave them away.

The Eight Princes' Thousands of People United are not an ordinary army of country soldiers.

Hachioji is located in the Kanto Plain, with flat terrain, fertile soil, and a suitable climate, making it an excellent farming area.

For this reason the place has always been rich.

Unless they encounter a natural disaster-level famine like the "Tianmei Great Famine", under normal circumstances, the lives of the people in the Hachioji area are pretty good.

Although I can't eat very good food, I can at least feel full.

And this makes the Eighth Prince and the thousand people all have a relatively healthy body.

Thousands of people worked together to guard Koshu for generations, and the shogunate reciprocated by giving them corresponding benefits and social status.

In addition, it was very close to Edo and was deeply influenced by the shogunate.

After going back and forth, thousands of people all had a very high opinion of the shogunate and were proud of their status as residents of Tianling.

[Zhutianling: the territory directly under the shogunate]

To this day, thousands of people work together to maintain the lifestyle of half soldiers and half farmers.

Farming when farming is busy, practicing martial arts when farming is slack.

Dojos can be found everywhere, and sword masters are often invited to teach them sword skills.

Because they work in agriculture, their bodies are very strong and they retain the simple habits unique to farmers.

Because they practice martial arts, they have a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

A healthy body + very loyal to the shogunate + generally learned martial arts + simple ideological style... This is simply a good family among good families! It is the best source of troops!

In the feudal era, the best soldiers were often farmers.

The famous Ming Dynasty general Qi Jiguang summed up his own recruitment criteria based on his own personal experience: farmers first! Miners first! We will never recruit city residents!

He believes that most city people are cunning and cunning people, far inferior to simple, hard-working rural youth.

Although Qi Jiaguang's concept is quite biased, it is not completely unreasonable.

Not to mention anything else, there is a big gap between farmers and town people in terms of the most basic physical fitness.

Although we cannot expect a thousand people working together to have great fighting power, their fighting ability and fighting will will definitely defeat the direct disciples who have been confused mentally and corrupted physically and mentally by the colorful world of the city!

Given the above, it is easy to understand why so many people feel worried.

An outsider not only controlled the west gate of Edo, but also obtained the only fighting force left by the shogunate. This, this...

If Seito could remain loyal to the shogunate, that would be all.

But if he has different intentions in the future and wants to be the "Japanese version of An Lushan", what should he do?

The Eighth Prince has thousands of people united in his hands. If he wants, he can march to Edo in one day!

Although many people criticized it, funny enough - no one stood up to oppose it.

Those who opposed Qing Teng's appointment as the eighth prince could only whisper in private.

After experiencing this "Bakuei Negotiation", any normal-minded human being can already see that Tachibana Aoden is the most important talent that the shogunate relies on now!

To describe him as "the pillar of the country" and "the pillar of the country" is really accurate.

In fact, in recent days, many people who admire Qingdeng have begun to call him "the pillar of the country."

Once the shogunate loses Tachibana Aoden, this samurai regime that is rotten to the core will probably collapse quickly. The powerful people in Edo have now seen it clearly - Aomori is their eldest father!

They are all counting on Qingdeng's protection!

Only by preserving Qingden can the shogunate be preserved, and thus their glory and wealth be preserved!

As a result, Qingden is now like a privileged person.

No one dares to accuse Qingdeng!

Everyone flatters Qingdeng!

In this way, after the envoy of Gyeonggi Town and the chief minister of the Ministry of War, Qingteng obtained another position, becoming an extremely rare minister who held two powerful military positions at the same time since the founding of Tokugawa.

As the news of "Aoden's inauguration as the eighth prince" gradually spread, both the Samu camp and the Zunzheng camp were all shocked by the powerful military power Aoto now possessed!

Qingdeng now has two armies!

The numbers are okay, but the key is that the garrison positions of these two armies are too dangerous and critical.

One branch is based in Kyoto, and the other is based in Koshu.

Kyoto is located in the very center of Japan. To the west, you can invade the Western Kingdom, and to the east, you can attack the Eastern Kingdom.

There is no need to elaborate on the importance of Jiazhou.

Qingdeng has a military presence that cannot be ignored in these two battlegrounds!

To be honest, in front of today's Qingdeng, An Lushan is considered a child - An Lushan does not have troops stationed in Tongguan and Chang'an!

Qingdeng himself was also surprised by the huge harvest he received this time.

He also thought that he would become a famous person, but he never expected that he would be given such an important position.

Speaking of which, he and the Eighth Prince Qian Renyi share a lot of fate.

Two of his buddies—Isamu Kondo and Toshizo Hijikata—are farmers in Tama.

Tama is adjacent to Hachioji, so the former is heavily influenced by the latter.

Not only do the two places have similar dialects and customs, they even have extremely similar mental states.

They all have a strong martial ethos, they all respect the Tokugawa family very much, and they all live a life of half soldiers and half farmers.

It can be said that although a thousand people in Tama are not of one mind, it is better than a thousand people of one mind.

In addition to Kondo Isamu and Hijikata Toshizo, there is another person under Aoto who has a deep connection with Qianren Tongxin.

That is Gensaburo Inoue, captain of the Sixth Division and a diligent old scalper from the Trial Guard Hall.

Kondo Isamu and Hijikata Toshizo can only be regarded as distant relatives, while Genzaburo Inoue is directly a descendant of the Eight Princes!

Therefore, Qingdeng not only did not feel hesitant about this brand-new army that would be under his command from now on, but instead felt a strange sense of familiarity and intimacy.

If conditions permit, he would like to immediately get on Carrot's broad back and rush to the Eighth Prince at high speed, see with his own eyes the current situation of thousands of people working together, and train him according to the actual situation... Ah, no, train him. This army of country soldiers.

It's a pity that after settling the British ships in Edo Bay, Aomori turned around and devoted himself to the next important matter - the Shinsengumi's Edo recruitment - and was temporarily unable to deal with other matters.



The British ships evacuated, the formal reward for Aoto was issued, and Edo was full of vitality again.

Those townspeople who had escaped from Edo returned to Edo one after another.

Vendors who were hiding at home for fear of being bombed once again opened their shop doors, picked up their poles, and appeared in the streets of Edo.

Yoshiwara, Ryogoku Hirokoji, Nihonbashi... various places in Edo are restored to their former prosperity.

Although it is still not comparable to before the pilgrimage order was abolished, it is no longer the lifeless look that Qingdeng saw when he first returned.

As the hero who saved all of Edo, Ayoto's reputation has naturally increased a lot.

Aoshito's three major achievements previously - severely damaging the barbarian subjugation group, annihilating the Shimizu clan, and defeating the Ise rebel army - could not arouse widespread resonance among the people of Edo.

Needless to say the latter, the battlefield was far away from Edo, and it was difficult for the scholars and people of Edo to have a deep understanding of this.

As for the first two, they indeed eliminated two major harms to the scholars and people of Edo, making countless people grateful. However, not everyone has experienced the feeling of being threatened by the barbarian group and the Shimizu clan in their daily life and personal safety. .

But this time, the situation is very different when it comes to "retreating British ships".

This time, everyone in Edo truly tasted the fear of "imminent war."

Therefore, this time, everyone in Edo experienced firsthand the feeling of being saved!

Nowadays, it is difficult to use words to describe the feelings of the people of Edo towards Ayoto.

It can be said with certainty...Aoto's prestige in Edo has surpassed the Tokugawa Shogunate itself!

Everyone is rushing to praise Qingdeng, and the only thing left is to build a shrine for Qingdeng.

Gradually, his legendary feat of "breaking the dragon's bones with one sword" spread like wildfire.

At that time, most of the crew members on the Xianlin Maru saw with their own eyes the keel of the Uriaus that was cut in half diagonally.

With so many witnesses, there was no way of hiding the matter.

Who cut off the keel of the Eulius?

Qingdeng did not announce to the outside world with great fanfare, "That's right! It's me."

However, anyone would conclude: "That must be Nioh! Who else could it be besides Nioh?"

It is true that Edo is so big, there must be many kendo masters besides Ayoto.

But at present, and for a long time in the future, the scholars and people of Edo will fall into serious "Aoto Fever."

They will no longer consider other answers besides Qingden.

As for the true identity of the "ship-killer", Qingdeng did not actively stand up and admit it - because whether he stood up and admitted it made no difference.

Just like this, it was passed down from ten to ten... Thanks to word of mouth, Qingdeng got a new nickname - [Jianzhan]!

To be honest, Qingden quite likes this new nickname.

In Qingdeng's eyes, compared to the bloody "people kill Qingdeng", of course "ships kill Qingdeng" is more beautiful and at the same time more majestic!

In addition to a new nickname, Qingdeng also has a lot of messy anecdotes.

As we all know, people always like to add fuel to the fire when spreading news - Qingdeng has already experienced this many times.

As for how Qingden cut off the keel of the Uriaus, many versions have been sung by the public.

Although he had been mentally prepared,... after hearing the various "story versions" available, Qingdeng was still shocked by the imagination of the common people.

Splitting out a sword energy and cutting off the dragon bone - this is already the most normal and closest to the reality.



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