I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 707 Copy Talent: Bishop’s Core 9! 【4400】

Chapter 707 Copy Talent: Elephant’s Core +9! 【4400】

The two spears attack at the same time, like two dragons coming out of the cave!

The two long spears, which were more than two meters long, turned into illusory afterimages, resembling black thunder!

In the blink of an eye, the outcome of this unique "stab in the middle" was immediately clear.

In essence, Tojo Shintaro's attack was a false move.

It looked like it was aimed at Qingdeng, but in fact it was a spear aimed at Qingdeng.

The two spears moved together, making a clear and crisp sound that was different from the bamboo sword.

The sound falls and the gun points.

As if they bounced away, the two of them retracted their spears in no particular order, stepped back with a bang, pulled out the sword, and reorganized their posture.

The person who took the lead in launching a new round of offensive was Qingdeng.

This time, he changed his posture.

The classic gun-holding method of "the front hand is like a pipe, the back hand is like a lock, and the handle of the gun is not exposed" is no longer used.

Offensive and defensive aliens - this time Qingden is on the defensive.

One blow, another blow, and another blow!

He quickly fired three shots, and the three blasting sounds of "chi", "chi" and "chi" sounded almost at the same time.

With the help of the power and potential energy of jumping, the spear held vertically in his palm fell down like a fall!

The heavy wooden gun, which was more than two meters long and weighed more than ten kilograms, seemed to be welded into his palm, integrating with it and being flexible and flexible!

Anyone with a little common sense knows that under the influence of leverage, it is extremely difficult to hold the end of the gun barrel steady with half a hand.

Even at the critical moment, he never panics!

The attack characteristics of the spear make its attack and defense rhythm extremely fast!

Even just a few seconds is enough for both sides to launch ten rounds of offense and defense!

Describing the battle between the two sides in such detail makes it seem like a long time has passed.

Soon enough, this "golden chicken" that was independent on the floor jumped towards the opponent with a snap.

Relying on the spatial perception given by the talent "See Through +4", Qingden saw that the opponent's blow could only hit his left foot.

Leverage strength, luck, and spear--all in one go, with smooth flow!

Holding the end of the weapon to increase the range of the attack - Qingden has learned this insidious attack method since his duel with Jinno of the Yi Group, and often uses this move to attract Yin people.

Offense and defense alternate.

Shintaro Tojo calmly responded to the enemy, dodging while firing his gun to fight back.

Immediately afterwards, he turned the gun head, and the long gun body drew an arc in mid-air, and swept the gun tail towards Qingdeng's lower body.

While lifting his feet, he made an action like "putting away the fishing rod", retracted the long spear that was pierced into the air, and held it upright, with the tail of the spear pointing to the ground and the tip of the spear pointing to the sky.

At such a distance, it would be absolutely impossible to stab him according to the ordinary stabbing method.

Qingden took a cursory glance at the spear aimed at his lower body.

At this time, as if they had agreed in advance, after a few more rounds of confrontation, the two retreated and faced each other at a distance.

The rapidly approaching gun shadow covered Tojo Shintaro's figure in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, he, an expert in martial arts, boldly failed to defend or retreat, and defeated the opponent's attack with just one move of "lifting his foot."

You come and I go, without giving in.

Qingdeng stepped out with his left foot, hit the ground hard, stretched out his left shoulder, and stretched his left body to its maximum extent.

The next moment, Tojo Shintaro's gun head swept across the spot where Aoden's left foot had just been standing.

Because the attack speed was too fast, for a moment, three spears seemed to appear out of thin air in his palm!

The fierce sound of the spears clashing can make people's ears ring!

As a result... just because of Qingdeng's words, his entire body was exposed to the tip of his spear!

Then he saw him put the spear back to his chest as fast as lightning, swipe it diagonally, and deflected the dangerous stab.

He neither defended nor retreated, but raised his left foot casually, standing on the dojo like a golden rooster.

Hitting nothing but air.

Qingdeng's five fingers on his left hand were suddenly congested with blood, and veins burst out, and he clenched the end of the gun barrel like a pair of iron pliers.

The length of the spear + the length of the arm + the length of the left body... the attack range of Qingden's attack exceeded 3 meters!

Probably because he didn't expect Qingto to do something like this, Shintaro Tojo's pupils suddenly dilated.

The tip of the gun was only a finger's length away from Qingdeng's raised left foot...a slight difference, but a thousand miles away.

In fact, only more than a minute has passed since Qingden changed into the spear.

Instead, he directly let go of his right hand and only used half of his left hand to grasp the end of the gun barrel!

Originally, the distance between them was 7 or 8 steps.

Qingdeng dodged the first two stabs, and then used brute strength to deflect the last one.

Sometimes it stabs forward, sometimes it sweeps, sometimes it picks up, sometimes it cuts downward...

However, relatively speaking, this way of holding the gun will expand the attack range of the long gun to the maximum!

As we all know, for Qingdeng, stabilizing the spear has never been a problem.

However, he is indeed a hidden master of marksmanship.

The talents "Skillful Hands +5", "Nine Bulls and Two Tigers +3", and "Tiger Arms +4" are all activated at the same time!

I saw two slender black shadows flickering in the dojo.

"Whirring whirring……"


Tojo Shintaro's breathing was slightly rapid.

Qingdeng was doing everything as usual, with no obvious changes in his complexion or breathing rhythm.

After he regained his breath, Shintaro Tojo asked with a surprised expression on his face:

"The skills are good... Mr. Ju, you actually know how to shoot?"

Qingdeng smiled slightly and replied calmly:

"I once secretly learned some marksmanship."

Overall, Harada Sanosuke can be considered a very hard-working person.

Whenever he has free time, he always picks up the spear and either practices alone, or invites companions such as Isamu Kondo and Shinpachi Nagakura to have a fierce martial arts competition.

On weekdays, you can always see him practicing hard with his gun.

Ever since, with the blessing of the talents "Ghost Heart +5" and "Spear Talent" (the talent of spear skills is 62 times that of ordinary people), Qingdeng secretly learned a lot of spear skills from him.

However, Qingdeng still has a lot of room for improvement in his spear skills because he has not received any systematic training.

In the previous "Iga Attack and Defense Battle", his dance technique... was basically relying on brute force, making a few random moves!

Although the enemy-killing effect is impressive, it is always a fly in the ointment.

How to swing a long spear (gun) with less effort?

How to combine one's own strength with the long spear (gun) more effectively?

Qingdeng is completely ignorant of these aspects of knowledge.

As the saying goes, "There is no need to overwhelm the body if you have too many skills."

There is no harm in mastering a few more martial arts to diversify your attack methods.

Therefore, Qingdeng had planned to seriously learn spearmanship to make up for his shortcomings in this area.

However, Qingdeng had trouble with who to take as his teacher.

The only person he knew who was proficient in spear skills was Harada Sanosuke.

The spear technique practiced by Harada Sanosuke is the famous Hohoin style spear technique, and its main feature is its variety of techniques.

Harada Sanosuke is not very tall, only 1 meters. Although in 6th century Japan, he was so tall that he was fully worthy of the nickname "Tall Man".

But in the world of the strong, such height is far from enough

The path to martial arts is full of "survivor bias."

The higher one is on the "pyramid" of martial arts, the taller and stronger one is - because those who are short have no chance of becoming strong at all.

Therefore, if nothing else, among the powerful Shinsengumi, Harada Sanosuke, who is only 1 meters tall, is really mediocre.

His body shape is far from strong.

He is a very typical "skilled shooter" who relies purely on skill to win.

Compared with ordinary people, Qingdeng's biggest advantage is his abnormal physical ability that can be called a human transformation!

If you give up your physical advantage and instead learn a skill-focused spear technique like Hohoin-ryu, it would be a waste of resources.

In a nutshell: Qingdeng favors spearmanship that combines both strength and skill!

However, Qingdeng has never met a strong person who is proficient in such spear skills - until today!

Shintaro Tojo's superb and exquisite skills made his eyes light up!

The "strength and skill" spear technique that I have longed for is right in front of me!

Not to be missed.

Let’s take advantage of today’s precious opportunity to steal my lesson... Ah, no, correction! Come and learn the spear skills of Shintaro Tojo!

Just like that, on a sudden impulse, Qingdeng gave up his bamboo sword and replaced it with a wooden spear, determined to compete with his opponent with spear skills!

After listening to Qingto's brief answer, Shintaro Tojo grinned:

"Did you learn secretly... You have reached this level just by learning secretly? Your martial arts talent is really unfathomable..."

After a short break, both sides have regrouped.

Tojo Shintaro exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then assumed a strange posture - raising his back hand, holding the tail of the gun over his head, and pointing the head of the gun diagonally at the ground - if we use the terminology of Chinese marksmanship to describe it, this is the standard "drip posture".

The advantage of this kind of stance is that you can sit back and wait for work, and at the same time, you can quickly switch between moves. You can also quickly switch between moves.

It is a tricky stance of waiting for the opponent to make a move first, and then defending and counterattacking.

Since he has put on such a posture, it means that he is "inviting" Qingteng to take action!

When Qingdeng saw this, he was unambiguous.

He immediately stepped on his feet and raised the tip of the spear - still the king of spears: "Zhongpingqiang".

In the next moment when his posture was formed, he suddenly took a big step forward, raised the tip of his spear, and thrust it towards the opponent.

Shintaro Tojo swayed slightly, and with a flick of the gun barrel, he easily blocked it.

In the next breath, he suddenly changed his posture, from "water drop posture" to "Tai Gong fishing posture" - from the perspective of form, the latter is the opposite of the former.

The back hand is lowered, the front hand is raised, the tail of the gun is pointed diagonally at the ground, and the tip of the gun is pointed diagonally at the sky.

The advantages of this kind of stance are stable body shape, both offensive and defensive capabilities, and flexible advancement and retreat.

Looking at the figure carved by the other party, Qingdeng couldn't help but secretly praise him.

At a glance, Tojo Shintaro seemed to have completely disappeared into the shadow of the wooden gun.

Even through his clothes, Qingden could clearly feel that the muscles in his lower body were tightening.

Obviously, Shintaro Tojo has accumulated amazing elasticity and explosive power in his body!

In an instant, a low roar was heard first, and the next moment, Shintaro Tojo suddenly stood upright and rushed towards Qingto!

Also rushing towards Qingdeng was the round gun head!

This was a terrifying blow that made people's hair stand on end. While Qingdeng raised his gun to block it, he opened his eyes wide and looked at the opponent's whole body carefully without blinking.

The two of them staggered, and the floor made a thumping sound.

——I see...the left foot needs to be pulled back a little bit...the muscles on the right side of the leg should not be too tight...

From just now, Qingdeng has been observing every move and move of the other party, not letting go of any detail.

The talents "Ghost Heart +5" and "Excellent Spearmanship" are activated together!

Just a "Ghost Heart +5" gives Qingden a genius-like understanding ability.

Not to mention that on top of this, there is another "talented in spear skills"?

In order to steal... and learn more content, Qingdeng did not hesitate to sell flaws and lure the opponent into taking action.

Abruptly, Qingdeng concentrated his strength on his toes, then pushed forward suddenly.

As he ran, he raised his gun and assumed a "flat shot" posture.

His gun was not aimed at the opponent's chest, but toward the opponent's lower body, stabbing it with thunderous momentum.

At this moment, the opponent took half a step back, and the wooden gun in his palm bounced up from the lower position, like a flexible leather whip.

Snap - Qingdeng's gun and the opponent's gun were entangled in mid-air, splattering bits of sawdust.

The opponent's wooden gun has an amazing power,

When it suddenly rose from the bottom up, it was like a whirlwind, as if it was going to sweep away the wooden gun in Qingden's hand.

——Oh... No wonder his movements are so flexible... It turns out to be a "hand"... The left hand needs to be looser...

Next, the two fought against each other for several more rounds.

——The center of gravity of the body should be further lowered...

Aoto's spear grazed Tojo Shintaro's temple

——The muscles on the side of the legs need to use a little more strength...

Tojo Shintaro narrowly escaped Qingto's surprise attack, and his posture was very embarrassing.

——Well... I'm finally getting used to the distance of the "spear"...


The onlookers present - except for a few people such as Hijikata Toshizo and Kondo Shusuke - all looked at Aoto with shock.

Although they knew that Qingdeng was a monster that could not be measured by common sense, they still couldn't suppress the shock in their hearts!

Although most of them are rookies, they are still martial arts practitioners after all.

Since he is a martial arts practitioner, it is not difficult to see that Qingdeng is making rapid progress!

The speed of progress is simply unbelievable!

As for Qingteng's gun-wielding action at the beginning, if you give a vivid example... it's like a "basketball player playing football."

Very powerful and very fast.

However, most of his movements are that of a "swordsman".

However... as time goes by, his movements become more and more like a "gunslinger"!

The rate at which his marksmanship level increases is based on "rounds".

With each round, Qingden's spear skills will improve by one point!

People with deeper skills may even be keenly aware that Qingdeng's spear-piercing power is getting sharper and sharper!

At the beginning of the battle, Aoden's spear skills were obviously immature and far inferior to Tojo Shintaro.

But now, the former seems to be catching up with the latter!

Gradually, the battle between the two became more intense!

A new round of fierce fighting lasted for a long time.

The two sides were flashing around, imaginary and real.

Aoto's figure and footwork were dazzling, and he kept attacking Shintaro Tojo.

But Tojo Shintaro will always return the favor when he sees a move being thrown at him, without showing any signs of weakness! The fat body nimbly dodged left and right, deflected Qingdeng's offensive with ease, and launched a tit-for-tat counterattack.

However, after a moment, Shintaro Tojo narrowed his eyes and stared at Qingto.

Before he could reach it, he shouted:

"Stop! I give up!"

With that said, he took the initiative to put away his spear.

As he admitted defeat, the system sounded——

【Ding! Scan for talent! 】

[Copy talent: Elephant’s core +9! 】



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