I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 709 The world changes again! Choshu Domain made a surprise attack on Ogura Domain! 【4300】

Chapter 709 The world changes again! Choshu Domain made a surprise attack on Ogura Domain! 【4300】

There is a saying that "a thousand-mile horse always exists, but a bole does not always exist."

Throughout the ages, the regret of leaving pearls and abandoning walls has always been a common occurrence.

How easy is it to discover talents and discover the talents of others?

For ordinary people, it often takes a lot of energy and a long time to see through a person's true talent and learning - and the results may not be accurate!

But Qingdeng has no trouble in this regard.

No matter what kind of person the opponent is, as long as you fight with him for 10 seconds, you will know whether he is an ordinary mediocre person or a person with special talents!

Unfortunately, each person can only copy the talent once.

As long as you fight someone once and copy the talent, no matter how many subsequent battles you fight with the other person, you cannot copy new talents from that person.

For this reason, even Qingdeng, who has such cheats, cannot clearly see a person's full talents.

There is neither mediocrity nor outstanding genius in this world.

The most typical example is Souji and Boss Kiryu.

They are all monsters with several or even dozens of special talents!

Since a long time ago, Aomori has always suspected that in addition to the eternal talent "Hachiman of the Immortal", Boss Kiryu also possesses "Oni's Heart +9".

Otherwise, there is no way to explain how he learned and mastered so many strange skills.

As a member of the Imperial Guard Hall, Aoto naturally hopes from the bottom of his heart that the Imperial Guard Hall can continue to grow bigger and stronger and become the number one in Edo... No! The best kendo gym in Japan!

Therefore, he is happy to serve as Kondo Shusuke's "talent consultant" and provide him with a list of talents worthy of focusing on training in the future.



In the following days, Qingdeng lived a long-lost leisure time.

They are all going back to Kyoto anyway, so why not directly lead the new recruits from Edo to return to Kyoto together.

It will take some time for the new recruits to prepare for departure.

So, Qingdeng, who had nothing important to do at the moment, simply took a short vacation for himself.

In Qingdeng's mind, his last vacation was already extremely far away.

First, there was the world-famous "North Korea-Miluri Negotiation", and then there was the thrilling "Makui-ying Negotiation"... It was hard to catch up with the free time, how could we miss it in vain?

In recent days, he has been visiting relatives and friends everywhere, which is very pleasant, and he has been able to steal half a day of leisure.

Today I went to the Xuanwu Hall and the Little Chiba Sword Hall to meet with the seniors and brothers of the Chiba family.

I'll go to the Fanshu Diao Institute tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow I will go to the martial arts training center to show my face.

What is worth mentioning is that when Aoto met Jutaro Chiba, as expected... this super girly girl immediately asked "Tachibana-kun, how is Sanako? How are you two developing?" ? "When are you planning to get married?"

Sanazi kept saying three words, like a machine gun, pouring firepower at Qingden "click-click-click".

In response to Chiba Jutaro's question, Qingto looked away guiltily and did not respond for a long time...

About 10 seconds later, he replied intermittently:

"Well... I really want to marry Sanako."

"I wish I could marry her today."


Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chiba Jutaro, whose eyes were getting colder:

"But - you still can't let go of Mai Kinoshita and Souji Okita, right?"

"um, yes."

Qingdeng changed his hesitant look just now, showed an extremely serious expression, and answered without thinking.

Only at this level, Qingdeng has extremely bold determination.


Chiba Jutaro stared at Qingto quietly, and then let out a sigh of relief.

"...Although I have mentioned similar words many times."

"But I'd better take the trouble to say it again."

"Tachibana-kun, stop delaying!"

"Sanako is 25 years old this year."

"If she continues like this, she will become an old maid!"

"Ah, don't tell Sanako what I just said."

"If she hears it, she will definitely ignore me for a long time."

"I'll just tell you one thing - take care of yourself!"

"No matter what, I am also an older brother."

"If you keep bullying my sister and delaying my sister's life, I will not let you off lightly."

"Although I can't beat you, I have many brothers!"

"When the day comes that I have to draw my sword against you, I will bring my father, Brother Rong, Brother Dao, and my brothers from many schools to beat you together!"

"Even if we can't defeat you, we can still leave deep scars on you for life!"

After saying that, Chiba Jutaro tightened his facial features and raised his eyebrows - it seemed that he was not joking with Qingto.

Facing Chiba Jutaro's showdown, Aomori couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Since entering Luo, all sorts of messy things have happened one after another, with almost no end in sight.

Just dealing with these chores, government affairs, and military affairs has consumed most of Qingdeng's energy.

Therefore, he has no time to take care of his emotional affairs.

In other words, he and Sanako...no, not just Sanako.

The progress of his relationship with the three women was the same - almost zero!

However, in the final analysis, there was little room for progress in his relationship with the three women.

Take Sanako as an example.

Sanako, who has a conservative personality, is not the kind of person who talks about words such as "love" and "like".

However, her feelings for Qingdeng have long been known to everyone.

From the night Aoden defeated the Shimizu clan...that is, from the night the two of them kissed in the street, everyone basically regarded Sanako as "Nioh's woman".

The Shinsengumi soldiers also regarded her as the "Mistress of the Shinsengumi".

For this reason, Sanako has always had a very unusual status in the Shinsengumi - of course, in addition to the special relationship with Aoto, a considerable part of the reason is because of her high strength.

The Shinsengumi are the military.

In the military, strength is the confidence to stand tall, and strength is everything.

People with good skills are popular.

People with outstanding achievements are those who can speak loudly.

With his superb naginata and kodachi skills alone, no one with a blind eye would dare to disrespect Sanako.

The culprit that stood between Qingdeng and the three women and prevented them from getting married was the damn shackles of "monogamy and multiple concubines"! If "polygamy" were the norm in this world, then Qingdeng would have lived the beautiful life of "big family, big bed" that he dreamed of long ago.

The views on love and marriage in this era are relatively simple, and there will be no nonsense such as "long-term relationships and repeated pulls."

As long as the relationship is confirmed, you can get married quickly.

The three girls like Qingdeng, so they are all willing to marry Qingdeng - it's that simple, there are no other twists and turns.

However, they are very resistant to the so-called "multiple wives"...

In fact, as long as Qingdeng announces to any one of the three women: I have woken up! I no longer daydream about polygamy! From today on, I only want to marry you!

Then, Qingdeng can get married to the other party immediately and officially start a family.

However...this kind of thing is not what Qingdeng wants!

Choosing one of them and giving up the others... Qingdeng really couldn't bear to do such a cruel thing...

However, it is undeniable that what Chiba Jutaro said makes sense.

We really can't delay this any longer.

The oldest, Sanako, is 25 years old this year.

According to the standards of this era, this is completely the age of an older leftover girl!

Qingdeng let out a long breath silently and thought to himself:

——Jutaro scolded him very much.

——It is indeed time for me to seriously think of a solution.

——What should we do to marry Sanako, Amai and Souji at the same time, and also make them accept this fact heartily?



Qingdeng is not just for vacation and fun.

While he was enjoying his vacation, he was still paying attention to the situation in the world...especially the developments in Satsuma in Kyoto and the latest battle situation in Shimonoseki.

Although there are many doubts, the imperial court has now identified the murderer of Anekokoji Kōchi as Tanaka Shinbei of Satsuma.

This case gave Satsuma the reputation of "murdering ministers" and became the target of public criticism.

As of now, Satsuma has been stripped of his duty of guarding the palace gates.

The ministers of the Zunbo faction, headed by Sanjo Sanimi, fiercely criticized the rebellious Satsuma.

Judging from the current situation, Satsuma is "completely out of favor".

The imperial court had a strong attitude of "driving the Satsuma people out of Kyoto".

How Satsuma will move next and how to break the situation - this will profoundly affect the current political situation in Kyoto.

As for the latest battle situation in Xiaguan, let alone that.

This sudden "war against the foreigners" in which Changshu participated alone, regardless of victory or defeat, will profoundly affect the subsequent history of Japan!

On June 6, the American and French ships that arrived at Shimonoseki first attacked Changshu as expected.

Not only did they sink the warships of Choshu, but they also destroyed all the cannons on its shores.

After achieving complete victory, the warships of the United States and France sailed away - they did not just go home.

Destroying the warships and shore batteries at Changshu was just an "appetizer".

According to reliable intelligence, the reason why the warships of the United States and France retreated is to prepare to rope in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands to form a "Four-Nation Alliance" to mobilize more troops from the mainland and raise sufficient supplies - which probably takes One year - wait until next year, fight against Xiaguan again, and teach Changzhou a profound lesson!

Xiyi only sent a few warships and beat them to a pulp, leaving them unable to fight back... However, in the face of such an overwhelming and tragic defeat, the patriots in Changzhou did not become depressed.

On the contrary - they became even crazier!

I don’t know whether it was the huge pressure that made them gradually become abnormal, or what happened. All in all, the behavior of the lofty ideals of Changzhou became increasingly puzzling.

Today's Changshu... To put it bluntly, the entire vassal has gone crazy!

With their current state, it would not be surprising no matter what kind of big news they make.

Sure enough, just recently, they made trouble again!

On June 6, the Choshu Domain suddenly sent troops to attack the Ogura Domain on the other side of Shimonoseki! Occupy Tanoura!

Tanoura - a beach adjacent to the Shimonoseki Strait, is the territory of the Kokura clan.

You haven't even succeeded in conquering Xiyi yet! Why allocate precious combat power to sneak attacks on innocent neighboring vassals? What about the promised "war against the foreigners"? Is the Ogura clan also a barbarian?

Changzhou's miraculous operation shocked the world's jaws.

After seizing Tanoura, Choshu announced their reasons for sending troops.

Its content is really explosive——

While Choshu fought hard against the barbarians, the Ogura clan on the other side of Shimonoseki stood aside and did not send troops to assist Choshu. To resist the foreigners without working hard is to work hard without resisting the foreigners! So I have to teach Ogura Domain a lesson!

Naturally, this so-called reason for sending troops, which is completely unreasonable, cannot convince the public.

For a long time, the vassals have maintained a high degree of political tacit understanding: play for fun, make trouble for trouble, don't touch each other's territory, and don't hurt each other's "cake."

However, Changshu violated this tacit agreement.

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly a shameless invasion by one vassal state against another!

For a time, the shogunate and various vassals denounced Choshu and angrily criticized it for its unkindness and injustice.

Although the denunciation of the shogunate and the feudal lords was very fierce,... the various forces had no substantive action, and they just talked in the distance.

It has to be said that there is a reason why the Tokugawa family has been able to maintain its dominance in Japan for more than 250 years.

Relying on a series of systems such as pilgrimage and handover, the strength of the vassals was reduced again and again.

As a result, today, all the vassals in the world are getting weaker and weaker one after another.

Even though the obligation to pay tribute has been abolished, the vassals will not be able to recover in less than 10 years.

There were only a few powerful vassals such as Satsuma and Aizu that had the ability to conquer Choshu.

These powerful feudal lords were not bordering Choshu, making it difficult to send troops, and secondly, they were unwilling to stand up for the worthless Ogura clan.

Therefore, in response to the tragic experience of the Ogura clan, all the shogunate and the clans could do was to provide all support except help.

However, it would not be correct to say that Choshu was not harmed.

Even if the people keep silent about Changzhou's shameless behavior, they still remember it deeply in their hearts.

Don't underestimate the influence of "image", and don't underestimate the power of "people's hearts".

There is no doubt that the actions of the lofty ideals of Changzhou have put them in an increasingly disadvantaged position.



On June 6, after many days of trekking, Tokugawa Iemo and Tenjoin finally returned to Edo.

As soon as he returned to Edo, Tokugawa Iemo immediately announced: A meeting to discuss merit and reward was held!

The protagonist of this reward meeting was naturally Qing Deng, who successfully drove away the British warships.

In this conference, Tokugawa Iemo could be said to have given Aoshi no face.

The ceremony was so grand that all the ministers of Edo had to come to participate.

At the conference, Tokugawa Iemo also formally awarded Aoshito the official position of the eighth prince with the hearts of thousands of people in the form of "face-to-face speech".

With the complete decline and decline of the "Ichitsubashi Sect", Tokugawa Iemo was finally able to concentrate the resources of the shogunate.

He directly announced in public at this conference: From today on, the newly elected members will receive a military salary of 2 taels of gold every year!



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

Leopard hasn’t rested for a long time recently. Leopard wants to take a day off tomorrow~ Go to the aquarium to visit the female leopards~ (Leopard Hi.jpg)

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