I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 711 Return to Kyoto! Train the 8 princes and everyone to be united! 【4200】

Chapter 711 Return to Kyoto! Train the Eighth Prince to unite thousands of people! 【4200】

No one is allowed to pass it on - this object is not only a symbol of strength, but also a proof of honor!

Obtaining the exemption means that you can officially become a teacher and be able to stand on your own.

In the Japanese swordsmanship community, there is no specific model for assessing the level of each disciple, and each school uses different methods. Since ancient times, there have been no certain regulations.

However, generally speaking, "no permission required" is definitely the highest level of proof of permission!

The upgrade that is allowed does not lie in the time spent learning, but in one's mastery of the technique.

In other words, as long as your level is up to the mark and your strength is sufficient, no matter your age or when you started, you can be granted a license without permission!

Souji, Saito Ichi and others are typical examples.

When Saito was 16 years old, he received a no-no-no-no leakage.

The general secretary won this honor at an even younger age.

Strangely enough, Seito has never been able to get the permission of the natural Rishin-ryu before.

The same is true for Hijikata Toshizo.

He started training earlier than Aoto, but Kondo Shusuke has not awarded him any dan certificate.

Qingden has mastered every move and style of Natural Rishin-ryu.

When it comes to personal strength... to put it bluntly, Aoto's current strength is far above that of Kondo Shusuke!

Although Hijikata Toshizo's skills are not as good as Aoto's, he is still one of the strongest fighters in Shiweikan.

Whether it is their mastery of the Natural Rishin-ryu or the development of their own strength, both of them have reached an extraordinary level.

To give a vivid example - their academic level has reached the level of being able to win the Nobel Prize, but as a result, their previous university has not awarded them diplomas.

Many people complained about the "injustice" suffered by the two.

However, Qingnobo and Hijikata Toshizo, who were involved, did not take it seriously.

In Qingdeng's view, the so-called "passing on everything without permission" is nothing more than a false reputation.

It is gratifying to receive this honor.

However, the actual meaning is... to put it harshly, that's all.

Once upon a time, Qingdeng also thought that it was a great thing to be granted exemption from Xu Ji Chuan.

But now, after experiencing many things, he suddenly discovered that starting from the dojo was just... standing at the starting line.

Qingdeng has experienced hundreds of battles and has seen countless opponents.

Swordsmen who have directory permissions, or even permission-free transfers, should have outstanding strength, but turn out to be a mess in actual combat... Qingteng has seen many such guys.

Ultimately, a sword is a murderous weapon, and swordsmanship is a killing technique.

A sword skill that is difficult to kill is just a useless skill.

A swordsman who cannot win is just a weak man.

In a word - as long as you can win!

It doesn't matter whether you have those false names, whether you have been granted this license or that certificate.

In the world of martial arts, the power contained in the body and the sword in the hand are the only reality!

Therefore, Qingdeng completely looked away.

Instead of pursuing these false reputations, it’s better to keep your feet on the ground and move forward! Keep improving your strength!

To be honest, if Kondo Shusuke hadn't suddenly taken out this permit, Aomori would have almost forgotten the fact that he had not yet obtained the exemption.

Qingden turned the scroll over and over to look at it.

"Master, can I open it?"

Kondo Shusuke nodded gently

After getting the other party's consent, Qingdeng grabbed both ends of the scroll and slowly unfolded it.

The scroll, which is nearly 2 meters long, is written with graceful characters of dragons and phoenixes dancing from right to left and from top to bottom.

The first thing that caught Ayoto's eyes were all the sword skills of Tennori Shinryu.

From the most basic Sword of Preface and Sword of Oblique Sword to the profound Sword of Yan Sword, Lion King Sword and Wu Ming, they are all available.

Immediately following the "move list" is Kondo Shusuke's comment.

This apprentice is a disciple accepted by this dojo in January of the 1860th year of Ansei (). This student has completed all the sword skills of Natural Rishin-ryu, meets the awarding standards of the Immortal Rise-Ryu, and is allowed to graduate. This is hereby certified - approximately That's it.

Finally, at the very end of the scroll, there is written the date when this certificate was issued, which was June 1863, Bunkyu 6rd Year (23), and the signature of the person who issued it...that is, Kondo Shusuke.

Of course, the full name of the recipient, Aoden, is also indispensable - Tachibana Aoden Shengqing.

At the end of Hijikata Toisho's scroll, his full name is written: Hijikata Toisho Yoshitoyo.

Very standard certificate content that is not required to be passed on.

Hijikata Toshizo flattened the scroll on the floor, looked at it roughly, and suddenly asked:

"Master, why is it so sudden? I thought I would never have the chance to receive the certificate of exemption in this life."

Qingto then raised his eyes and cast a confused look at Shusuke Kondo in front of him.

Kondo Shusuke crossed his arms on his chest and sighed silently.

"To be honest... I do have the idea of ​​'I will never grant you immunity in this life'."

"Ji Jun, Sui San, do you know why?"

They both shook their heads.

Kondo Shusuke continued:

"It's not that I'm deliberately suppressing you."

"You are my favorite students."

"I'm proud of you."

"But... 'Only those who are proficient in Natural Rishin-ryu can be awarded Natural Rishin-ryu' - this is the rule of this sect."

"But what about you two?"

Speaking of this, Kondo Shusuke narrowed his already slender eyes and stared directly at Hijikata Toshizo.

"Suisan, you...tell yourself, can your swordsmanship still be considered natural and rational?"

"You added a mess of wild tricks to the moves of this genre."

"Poke in the eyes, kick in the crotch, choke... in your hands, my things have changed!"

After Hijikata Suisan heard this, he immediately lowered his head with a guilty conscience and looked at his eyes, nose and heart.

Immediately afterwards, Kondo Shusuke turned his gaze and his eyes fell on Aingto.

"Ju-kun, you too. You and Suisan are evenly matched."

"Suisan is a wild man who got involved in street fighting."

"And you are adding moves from other schools."

"Beichen's one-sword style's starting and chopping gestures, the ape-like cry of the Shinto-style, the heavy slashing of the Shinto Wu-Nian style...your swordsmanship is totally different!"

Aoto also looked away silently, just like Hijikata Toshizo.

Randomly changing the sect's moves - in the eyes of old-school martial arts masters, this is a very taboo thing.

Speaking of this, Kondo Shusuke sighed silently again.

"The swordsmanship between the two of you can no longer be regarded as natural Rishin-ryu."

"Therefore, there is naturally no reason to grant you the full exemption from the Natural Rishin-ryu."


His conversation changed.

"Recently, my mind has changed."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at the distant eastern sky.

His eyes seemed to be trying to penetrate through layers of obstacles and reach another distant world.

"The 'British Ship Attack' not long ago made me understand one thing deeply - when the Western Yi drove the black ship to attack, the only thing we and other swordsmen could do was to look at the ocean and sigh." "Probably use Soon, the sword... and our swordsmen will completely lose their shelter..."

A bitter look gradually spread across his cheeks.

Although he tried his best to speak in a plain tone, both Aomori and Toshizo Hijikata could clearly feel that there was a strong sense of loneliness between his words...

The two of them couldn't help but pursed their lips, with heavy expressions.

Qingdeng wanted to say something to comfort his master.

But...even though I have searched my guts, I still can't think of a single word to comfort me.

You can't persuade a patient with terminal pancreatic cancer to stay optimistic.

Suddenly, Shusuke Kondo spoke again:

"Now that martial arts has reached its end, there is no point in clinging to those old red tapes anymore."

"You are my pride, the pride of the Imperial Academy, and the pride of Natural Rishin-ryu. You deserve to receive the highest honor of our sect!"

"From now on, you are officially a disciple."

"I hope you can be upright people and upright men in the future, and never do anything that is disgraceful to the sect or contrary to human ethics."

"Okay, that's it."

"You have to go back to Kyoto tomorrow, so rest early."

Speaking of this, Kondo Shusuke seemed to have remembered something, and paused for a moment, then raised his finger and pointed at the few-colored hair on his head, and said with a wry smile:

"It's a pity...I'm old."

"If I were 30 years younger, I would probably close down the Shiweikan, sling my sword, and go to Kyoto with you guys to cause a scene!"

"An old man like me, who feels pain in his back and legs after walking a few steps too fast, should just stay in his one-third of an acre of land and drink tea."

"Be safe and take care of yourself."

"Don't be greedy for women, be sure to exercise moderation!"

As he spoke, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and glared at the two of them fiercely.

Aintō and Hijikata Toshizo once again turned their gazes tacitly to the side, pretending to watch the scenery.

"Don't be sick."

"Don't even die."

"If you feel tired and want to rest, go back to Edo...go back to the Imperial Guard Hall and sit down."

"Although I am old, I still have the energy to drink a few cups of tea with you and listen to your complaints."

"Even in your free time when there is nothing important, you can come back more often."

"To be honest, although there are more apprentices in the trial defense hall today, I still find it strangely deserted and lonely."

As Kondo Shusuke finished speaking, Aoto and Hijikata Toizan looked at each other in tacit understanding.

They all saw half-amused, half-touched glances in each other's eyes.

Although there was no prior arrangement, they seemed to have made an agreement in advance. They sat upright in no particular order, held the certificates that were passed down in both hands, raised them high above their heads, and respectfully presented a gift to the master.



The next day—

Wenjiu three years (1863), March 6——

Edo, Nihonbashi, the starting point of Tokai Street——

The 2000 recruits of the Shinsengumi formed a neat row in two rows, from the far left end of the field of view to the far right end. What a spectacular scene!

Tokugawa Iemo led Tenjoin, Katsurin Taro and other high-level shogunate officials to personally see Aoto off.

The surrounding area was crowded with people either simply coming to join in the fun or wanting to say goodbye to Niou.

Tokugawa Iemo and Tenzouin came forward and patted Aonto's shoulders enthusiastically.

Katsurin Taro and others also followed suit and sent their blessings to Aoden.

"Ju Jun, have a good journey.", "Ju Qingden, I wish you good luck in martial arts"... are some commonplace words.

Under the glare of everyone's gaze, Qingden jumped onto the cow neatly and was ready to go!

However... at this moment, he unconsciously turned his gaze and looked at Tianzhang Courtyard not far away.

In order to avoid suspicion, Tianzhangyuan wore a blue silk veil, revealing only two beautiful eyes.

When Qingdeng looked over, she immediately sensed his gaze.

The expression on her face changed immediately.

Even through the veil, Qingdeng could clearly feel that Tianzhangyuan was smiling at him.

Both beautiful eyes are curved into a pair of crescent moons.

Qingdeng also raised the corners of his mouth and gave the other party a faint smile.

For no reason, he thought to himself unconsciously:

——It’s time to say goodbye to Tianzhang Academy again...

Strangely enough, when he thinks of this, Qingdeng feels lonely for no reason...



From Edo to Kyoto, Koshuguchi is a must-pass.

Anyway, it’s on the way, so let’s go and inspect the newly acquired army—the Eight Princes’ Thousands of People with One Heart!

So, under Aomori's urging, the recruits accelerated their march at a rapid march and rushed straight to the Hachioji area.

They are indeed 2000 warriors carefully selected from tens of thousands of people.

Not to mention anything else, his physical fitness alone is really worth it!

Probably influenced by Qingdeng's high prestige, the recruits maintained a very high degree of organization without receiving any training.

It only took them two days to reach the Hachioji area.

Qingdeng’s first impression of this place was that of tranquility and peace.

Green water, green mountains, flat cultivated fields, sweet chirping of birds, chasing and playing children... it looks like a paradise.

After visiting this place in person and carrying out detailed observation, Qingnobo finally understood why thousands of people came together to support the shogunate.

Having such a fertile land in a "mountainous country" and being able to inherit it from generation to generation... This is enough for thousands of people to unite and remember the shogunate's kindness at all times.

In the Edo period, Shikyo Shiroku was deeply implemented in all aspects - Hachioji's "Thousands of People with One Heart" is no exception.

Its officer positions are mainly held by the children of 10 local wealthy families, and they are hereditary.

These 10 families are collectively referred to as the "Ten Families of a Thousand People". They are -

The Hara family, the Kamikata family, the Kamikubuda family, the Shimokubada family, the Ishizaka family, the Shimura family, the Ogihara family, the Nakamura family, the Kono family, and the Yamamoto family.

The heads of these 10 families knew early on that their new leader would be coming here today, so they set up a grand welcome array at the Eight Princes early.

On a certain flat field ridge, Qingdeng walked slowly with his bridle in his hands, driving his cattle towards the welcoming array in front.

When they were about 10 steps away, Qingden got off the cow and walked instead.

Upon seeing this, the leader of the welcoming array immediately tidied up his clothes, and then took three steps at a time to greet Qingdeng.

"Nio-sama, it's our first time meeting you! I'm Shimohara Sanqi!"

Qingdeng nodded lightly, and before the other party could start the next conversation, he said first:

"Let's talk as we walk. Take me to see your training ground."



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