I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 713: 3000 troops! A new institution in the Zhenfu Mansion! Reorganization of the Shinsengumi

Chapter 713: 3000 troops! A new institution in the Zhenfu Mansion! Reorganization of the Shinsengumi! 【4200】

Koshu-ryu art of war is an art of war that has been practiced by thousands of people for more than two hundred years and has been passed down for many generations.

The depth of his feelings is self-evident.

Suddenly, someone suddenly said to them: "Stop practicing Koshu-ryu art of war. It is outdated. Practice other art of war." Under normal circumstances, this person would definitely win the support of thousands of people. Enthusiastic" response.

However, the same sentence remains - Qingto has great prestige in Kanto for speaking the truth!

Nowadays, it is difficult to say in other places, but in the Kanto region, the title of "Benevolent King" may be more effective than "General Conquering the Barbarians"!

Yuan Shenqi held "Ju Liu Art of War" in his hands, looking at a loss.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked at the other people behind him.

Yet...he was looking at them, and they were looking at him.

They looked at each other with hesitation on their faces.

Give up the Koshu Art of War immediately... Even if you accept it rationally, you won't be able to adapt to it emotionally so quickly.

But in the end, they all made the same move - facing Qingdeng and shouting "yes" in unison.

They neither dared to reject Qingdeng, nor did they dare to deal with Qingdeng!



As dusk approaches, the young men who went to plow the fields have returned to the village one after another.

Taking advantage of this moment, Qingdeng issued a "calling order" to summon all the soldiers of the Thousand People Unity, as well as all the old, weak, women and children in the village.

The simple elevated platform of Qingto Station.

Below the high platform, there was a dark crowd.

Men, women, old and young, all stretched their necks, opened their eyes wide, and cast curious and excited glances at Qingden, as if they were watching rare birds and animals in the zoo.

Although most of the people were wearing simple, patched and shabby clothes, they were not like some poor people who exuded a "gloomy atmosphere" that was no different from the dead.

Seeing this, Qingdeng couldn't help but nodded secretly.

In terms of mental outlook alone, a thousand people working together can indeed be a useful weapon!

"As you can see, I am your new leader - 'Nioh' Tachibana Aoden!"

Originally, this sudden "all-in-one call" was just for the purpose of meeting all the soldiers who were of one thousand people and getting to know each other.

Therefore, Qingdeng did not launch into a long and cumbersome speech.

After he briefly spoke a few words about the scene, he slowly walked off the platform amidst the cheers of the crowd.

That night, as expected, Qingdeng was warmly entertained by Yuan Shenqi and others.

They all brought out the best food and drinks in the village, with a strong momentum of "trying to hold Qingdeng to death".

The meal is ordinary rice, pickles, pickled radish, dry fried tofu, and three-inch saury.

The wine is made from rice and has a very light taste.

With the blessing of the talent "Drunkard +3", Qingdeng felt that he would not get drunk even if he drank all the wine stored in the village.

For Qingdeng, who is now in power, this level of food seems too shabby.

However, Qingdeng enjoyed tonight's meal with gusto.

Looking back on the past, when he had not yet become rich, he often ate such simple meals.

Tasting the familiar taste after a long absence made him feel an inexplicable sense of nostalgia.



Early the next morning, Aoto and Toshizo Hijikata led the new recruits of the Shinsengumi on the road again.

It’s the end of June and summer has already begun.

After getting rid of the annoying rainy season, there were fewer obstacles on the march.

After a long period of hurrying and slowing down, we finally arrived in Kyoto on the scheduled time - July 7nd!

During the time Aoto left Beijing, it was Shannan Keisuke and Kondo Isamu who took charge of the overall situation.

Thanks to their abilities, the Shinsengumi has been operating normally and efficiently.

When Qingto returned, the recruitment process in Kyoto had already been completed, and all 1000 recruits were in place.

Two waves of recruits from Edo and Kyoto - a total of 3000 recruits - successfully joined forces.

At this point, the conscription that lasted for more than 2 months has finally come to a successful end!

For ease of naming and for future record archiving, this conscription operation that spanned two places was collectively referred to as the "Wenjiu Conscription."

This "Wenjiu Recruitment" not only recruits brave warriors, but also special talents such as doctors and blacksmiths.

For this reason, Qingdeng established three new departments based on the original ones, namely -

[Refining Lao] is responsible for making weapons and equipment.

[General Application Department] responsible for construction operations.

[Medical] responsible for saving lives and saving lives.

Based on the functional content, it is not difficult to see that these three new departments are all important departments dedicated to logistics work.

It is worth mentioning that these three new departments are not part of the Shinsengumi, but directly subordinate to the Zhenfu Mansion.

The Shinsengumi is the Shinsengumi, and the Chinfufu is the Chinfufu, and the two have a very clear hierarchical relationship.

The former is a military organization under the name of the latter and must not be confused with each other.

Up to now, there are 5 organizations under the name of Zhenfufu - Shinsengumi, Shinsen Chamber of Commerce, Seirenryo, Pupinchu, and Medical Office.

These five organizations complement and support each other.

The grass-roots staff of the Refining Chat, General Requesting Department and Medical Department are blacksmiths, hand translators and doctors respectively. Their numbers are as follows——

Jinglianliao blacksmith, 60 people.

General request for handwriting, 50 people.

Medical doctors, 40 people.

Qingdeng has always been a person who is very willing to make friends and is also very good at making friends.

After more than 3 years of accumulation, he has built up an extremely luxurious network of contacts!

From the shogunate to the vassal state, from the temple to the market, from the top to the bottom, Qingto has friends from all walks of life.

When Qingdeng was looking for special talents, his top-level network immediately came into play.

Through introductions and recommendations from relatives and friends, Qingdeng has successfully conquered many outstanding talents with unique skills!

The highest officer of Jinglian Lao is named "Jingliantou".

Harutaro Kitahara will serve as the first refiner of the refinery.

Kitahara Harutaro - 61 years old, an Echizen native, once studied under the "Nangbune School", which is the school that forged the world-famous Bizen Nagabune Kaneko.

The introducer of this person was Sanako's father...that is, Chiba Nobuyoshi.

When he learned that Qingdeng was looking for an excellent blacksmith, he recommended this person to Qingdeng without hesitation.

A swordsman always has to deal with a blacksmith.

As a top swordsman in the world, it is not surprising that Chiba Nobuyoshi knows several outstanding blacksmiths.

Facts have proved that Chiba Nobuyoshi's recommendation is credible.

Although this man is old, his craftsmanship cannot be underestimated.

He wielded the big hammer, which was taller than a five-year-old child, like the wind.

As small as a hoe and sickle, as large as a machete, naginata, and spear, they are all included.

The other craftsmen in Jinglianliao admired his craftsmanship. From all aspects, this person is really the best candidate for refining the head!

The highest official of the general petition office is called "Pu Qingtou".

Natsujiro Toun came to serve as the first head of the general affairs department.

Toyun Natsujiro - 54 years old, from Musashi.

This person was recommended to Qingnobo by Katsurin Taro.

According to Katsurin Taro, this man can not only build ordinary houses, but he even knows how to build forts!

A few years ago, when Katsurintaro was ordered to build a coastal defense battery in Edo Bay, Shinonome Natsujiro was one of his capable subordinates.

Since he is a talent highly recommended by Rintaro Katsu, there is no reason not to reuse him.

The highest officer of the medical side is called "Medical Head".

Akizaburo Nanjo served as the first medical head of the medical department.

Nanjo Akizaburo - 42 years old, from Edo.

This old man is also an incredible talent.

Qingdeng is particularly concerned about recruiting doctors.

Things involving life and death are no joke.

When talking about "high-level doctors", the first candidates that come to Ayoto's mind are the famous Ogata Koan and his old friend, Jin Beitai of Jin Medical Center.

Speaking of Ogata Hongan, its background is quite big.

This person is the world-famous doctor Lan Fang. As early as the second year of Jiayong (1849) before the "Black Ship Incident" broke out, he introduced the "cowpox vaccination method" and made a great contribution to the prevention of smallpox.

In the second year of Bunkyu (1862), he was repeatedly invited by the shogunate to come to Edo to serve as an official, and was appointed as an Austrian physician and the head of the Institute of Western Medicine.

If we can get the help of this outstanding doctor, it will be like having the power of a thousand people... no, ten thousand people!

How much does Aonto look forward to Ogata Koan?

Let's put it this way - as long as Ogata Hong'an is willing to serve him, he is willing to offer him a high salary of "three thousand gold per year"!

However...it is a pity that 10 months after Ogata Hongan became an official, just not long ago (June 6), Ogata Hongan suddenly died of coughing up blood and suffocation at the age of 10.

Judging from his symptoms, it was probably tuberculosis.

In this era before antibiotics have been invented, tuberculosis is a terminal disease for which there is no cure.

Once you contract tuberculosis, you can only wait to die.

Ogata Koan passed away... The only medical talent Aomori knew was Beitajin.

Jin Medical Clinic is one of the most famous medical clinics in Edo - the reason is because Jin Kitakura, a famous doctor with great rejuvenation skills, is here.

Whenever he suffered a serious injury, such as after severely damaging the anti-barbarian group and wiping out the Qingshui clan, Qingteng would go to the Ren Medical Center to "report" to increase his performance.

After going back and forth, Qingto also got to know Beita Jin and the beautiful nurse Tachibana Saki who was inseparable from him.

Qingden has always admired Bei Ren.

In order to attract the other party, Qingdeng personally visited the house and showed the humble attitude of "visiting the thatched cottage three times".

However... the other party's ambition is not here.

Although Qingdeng had shown sincerity, he was still declined by the other party.

However, in order to compensate Aoto, Beitaren made an introduction to Aoto and personally introduced another outstanding doctor - this old man, Nanjo Akizaburo.

Nanjo Akizaburo, like Beita Jin, is also an extremely rare top doctor with "both Chinese and Chinese medicine".

He can decoct Chinese medicine and perform surgical operations on people... exactly the kind of medical talent Qingdeng wants most!

Today's Western medicine has basically got rid of its ignorance and no longer engages in witchcraft-like and weird techniques such as "bloodletting therapy" and "inducing vomiting".

Being able to introduce advanced Western medical techniques to the Shinsengumi is always a good thing.

Although he missed Ogata Hongan and Beitaren, whom he longed for, he was satisfied with being able to successfully recruit such excellent doctors.

The above is the general situation of the refining dormitory, general admission office and medical clinic.

Although these three departments are all important, and they will carry the future of Zhenfufu, what Qingto is most concerned about is still the Shinsengumi itself!

After the recruits from Edo and Kyoto completed their rendezvous, Aomori immediately began to make a large-scale adjustment to the number of various agencies and troops of the Shinsengumi!

The announced number of recruits is 3000.

However, you should also know that the "3000" here is not a real number, but a general abbreviation.

The actual numbers are certainly not so patchy.

Its real number is far more than 3000.

Reorganizing the army - this is a very detailed and tedious task.

How many new people should be added to this organization, how many troops should be expanded in that unit; which unit this new recruit should go to, where that new recruit should be transferred to... There are all kinds of things, it makes people feel overwhelmed just thinking about them.

All in all, the job was grueling.

Rao possesses a number of "King of Volume Talents" such as "Shen Brain + 9", "Yuan Yang + 4", and "Gathering God", and is also assisted by Hijikata Toshizo, Kondo Isamu, Yamanan Keisuke and other outstanding figures. It still took Seito a full seven days to finally complete the reorganization of the Shinsengumi.

3000 recruits were assigned to positions suitable for them based on their abilities.

Because the functions are different, the number of people in various agencies and units is not consistent.

According to statistics, the current strength distribution of the Shinsengumi is as follows -

The Metropolitan Police Bureau has 150 people.

Under the control of the General Affairs Department, 50 people.

The finance office is designated with 50 people.

First Division (Elite Infantry Team), 200 men.

Second Division (elite infantry team), 200 people.

Third Division (elite infantry team), 200 people.

Fourth Division (Infantry), 500 men.

Fifth Division (Infantry), 400 people.

Sixth Division (Infantry), 450 people.

Seventh Division, (Cavalry), 250 men.

Eighth Division, (Infantry), 450 men.

Division 100, (Team Ninja), people.

The 250th Division, (Cavalry), men.

There are 3000 combatants, including 600 elite infantry, 500 cavalry, 100 ninjas, 1800 ordinary infantry, and 250 non-combatants (visual pay, control, and assessment).

A total of 3250 people!

An army of this size might not have been a big deal in the Warring States Period 200 years ago - by the end of the Warring States Period, with the expansion of territory and the increase in money and food, great names such as Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops can be mobilized.

However, everything depends on comparison.

In today's Japan, a force of 3000 is already an army that cannot be underestimated!

The Aizu Clan only stationed a 1000-man force in Kyoto and was able to intimidate Satsuma and Choshu - one can imagine how weak Japan's military ethics has become nowadays.

3000 troops... When he thought of this number, Qingdeng let out a sigh of relief involuntarily, and hundreds of emotions surged in his heart.

Looking back more than two months ago, the Shinsengumi was just a small team of about 2 people. It didn't even have cavalry and had to borrow troops from Aizu.

But now, he has become a truly important force that can influence the general trend of the world!



It’s the end of the month! Book friends who have monthly tickets on hand, please be sure to vote for this book! (Crying leopard head.jpg)

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: Kitahara Harutaro, Togumo Natsujiro, Nanbu Akizaburo - how about it? Is the name easy to remember?

(End of this chapter)

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