I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 717 The four adults in Kyoto were killed! The person who killed Yingye beheaded Yizang! 【4】

Chapter 717 The four major figures in Kyoto were killed! The person who killed Yingye beheaded Yizang! 【4600】

A sonorous and powerful report to the door.

Lower your body's center of gravity.

The tip of the knife that rises in the middle twitches gently like a wagtail's tail, making its attack intention unclear.

Toudo Heisuke was already in a fighting stance.



The black shadow remained silent and motionless.

He neither changed his posture nor drew his sword.

Just standing there alone.

At first glance, this person seems to be full of flaws.

But in fact, Toudo Heisuke, who was facing him, clearly felt that this man exuded an awe-inspiring aura! It seems that an inviolable area has spread out around him!

——Anyway, let’s test it out first!

With this thought, Toudo Heisuke concentrated his strength on his toes, kicked the ground fiercely, and jumped towards the black shadow like a projectile!

He made a sharp slash.

In the blink of an eye, Toudo Heisuke's sword - Kamisuke Kanejue - cut through the atmosphere, and the silver-white sword light illuminated the figure of the black shadow.

At the moment when the shining blade was only a few inches away from his face, the black figure, which had been as motionless as a stone statue since just now, finally started to move.

I saw him change his steps and spin away like a top.

With a crash, Toudou Heisuke's missed sword powerfully slashed through the black wooden wall behind the shadow.

In the next breath, Todo quickly pulled out the knife, but in the blink of an eye he had the knife back.

It is true that its response is so fast that it deserves the evaluation of "a flash of lightning".

But... "fast" is a relative concept.

When your opponent's speed is higher than yours, no matter how fast you are, it will still be slow!


Accompanied by a powerful shout, Toudo Heisuke's ears heard the chilling "choking" sound of drawing a sword!

Toudo Heisuke's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body moved subconsciously.

He leaned back and drew back his neck - a silver snake passed by his eyes and brushed his forehead, causing strands of hair to fall down immediately.

The black shadow finally pulled out the saber from his waist, stepped forward, bent and stretched his upper body, and lifted the blade in one movement.

The temporary defeat did not stop him.

He changed the structure to the upper right section, slashed down with all his strength, and shouted again:


Toudo Heisuke didn't even have time to adjust his breathing before a fierce steel blade struck his head.

It was too late to defend... Toudo Heisuke gritted his teeth and dodged sideways.

The slashing blade landed only half an inch away from the right side of Toudou Heisuke, and cut a large gap with an extremely neat cross-section in the solid wooden wall.

In order to temporarily avoid the sharp edge, Toudo Heisuke had to move along the black wooden wall.

The shadow's sword followed closely the moving Toudo Heisuke.


The wall was flattened by the light of the knife.


The sharp blade cut off the tree trunk.


Toudo Heisuke's sleeve was cut.

Every time the black shadow shouted "Tenchu", a sharp slash would hit Toudou Heisuke from a tricky angle.

Todo Heisuke held the sword firmly in front of his chest, ready to use it as he saw it.

The youngest among the Shinsengumi generals is Toudo Heisuke, who is only 19 years old this year.

Although he is young, he cannot be taken lightly.

Generally speaking, he can be generally understood as a "weakened version of Shannan Keisuke".

Able in literature and martial arts, knowledgeable and knowledgeable.

He has a deep knowledge of various sects in the swordsmanship world.

After more than ten rounds of confrontation, Toudo Heisuke has seen through the swordsmanship used by the black shadow.

——Ono Itto-ryu, Kashin Akechi-ryu and Zhizhi-ryu!

Black Shadow's sword skills are mixed with shadows from multiple schools.

Just the swordsmanship schools that Toudo Heisuke recognized were Ono Itto-ryu, Kagshin Akechi-ryu and Jichi-ryu.

What is worth noting is that the opponent does not mechanically apply the moves of each school, but flexibly changes the style of play according to the actual situation.

Every move is fatal! A moment's distraction can lead to irreversible consequences!

Toudo Heisuke had to hold his breath and concentrate, widening his eyes, not even daring to blink, for fear of missing the opponent's move.

Although Toudo Heisuke didn't want to admit it...he was indeed no match for Sombra.

Until now, the black shadow has been suppressing him!

Whether it was stabbing or chopping, no matter what moves or skills Toudo Heisuke used, Black Shadow could easily handle it, calm and calm, and not moving at all.

However, despite being at a disadvantage, Toudo Heisuke never lost his fighting spirit.

The strength of his opponent did not make him timid!

He grasped the hilt of the knife and launched a fierce attack and defense unyieldingly!

Suddenly hearing a "Heavenly Punishment!", the two swordsmen were fighting together again.

The black shadow wielded the sharp blade and stabbed out, one move after another.

Todo Heisuke cleverly defended himself and resolved them one by one, sometimes dodging quickly and sometimes taking advantage of the opportunity to fight back.

The ambition is commendable, but unfortunately... spiritual power cannot make up for the material gap after all.

On the quiet streets where no one was passing by, from time to time, there could be heard the sharp shouts and the sound of steel knives hitting each other.

Todo Heisuke was already on the defensive.

The black shadow relied on its overwhelming physical superiority, its steel sword hung in the fierce wind, and launched a fierce attack like a shower without interruption.

Toudo Heisuke fought desperately, but gradually exhausted his strength and could only parry, without the power to fight back.

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow took a step back and rushed forward like an arrow. With the sound of "Heaven's Punishment" that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks, a powerful strike as powerful as thunder was immediately launched from the tip of the sword!

Todo Heisuke wanted to dodge, but... his footsteps could no longer keep up with the opponent's attack speed!

The black shadow put the knife on his left waist, and when he was about to pass by Toudoheisuke, he exerted force on his waist, used his waist to help his arms, and his arms to wield the knife, swinging the knife like a spin.

The blade cut through the air, hit Toudou Heisuke's waist and abdomen without any bias, and pulled it from the blade to the tip!

The light green haori and black bottom shirt were cut open like tissue paper.

It's just that... the blade didn't spill blood, it only dragged out a string of sparks.

The black shadow took advantage of the forward momentum and passed under Toudo Heisuke's left armpit. After running for a few steps, he slowly turned around.

Almost at the same time, Toudou Heisuke quickly turned around, faced the black shadow again, and assumed a fighting stance again.

If you look carefully, you can see that under his chopped clothes, there is not bloody flesh and blood, but a black chainmail with a white scratch.

The black shadow made a loud "smack" sound:

"Tsk! Chainmail...it's really troublesome..."

In order to improve the survival rate and combat effectiveness of his generals, Qingdeng specially approved a large sum of money to purchase armor, making the entire Shinsengumi "fully armored."

Chain mail, arm and leg armor, all available.

A large part of the reason why the Shinsengumi was able to kill thugs all over the city, screaming and scurrying about with their heads in their hands, was because of the dimensionality-reducing impact of "full armor" on "no armor".

In the age of cold weapons, armor was an absolute killer.

Even a person who doesn't understand martial arts at all, as long as he wears armor, can easily fight one against ten, or even one against a hundred!

Without the protection of the chainmail, Toudo Heisuke's stomach would have been ripped open with just that blow, and his intestines would have flowed all over the floor.

The black shadow swung the knife as hard as blood, and turned his neck several times, making a tooth-piercing sound of "click, click, click".

"Forget it, chain mail is chain mail...Boy, let's continue."

As he spoke, he spread his legs leisurely, holding a knife in one hand, and his left hand hanging down naturally.

Not only did he assume an extremely casual posture, but he also bluntly called him "boy"... His contempt for Toudou Heisuke was beyond words.

Todo Heisuke grimaced.

Although his cheeks were full of resentment, his hands holding the knife were still steady and strong.

Without thinking too much, the two men holding the swords at the same time shouted loudly, rushed towards each other, exchanged positions, crossed their shoulders, put back their feet and turned around, and then approached to fight again.

Toudo Heisuke slashed at the black shadow's chest.

The black shadow swung the blade and struck Toudou Heisuke's neck.

The two sides fought fiercely.

Both used defensive techniques skillfully and avoided risks with precision.

It was obvious that Sombra had changed his style of play.

The focus of his attack became the parts of Toudo Heisuke's body that were not protected by armor, namely his head and neck.

If these places are hit...then the game is really over!

Because he had already been "killed" once just now, he had to be more careful this time.

He mustered up all his energy and carefully avoided and defended against the opponent's attacks.

But...it's still the same sentence-spiritual power cannot make up for the material gap after all. Soon enough, the black shadow's body suddenly stood upright! He lunged forward like a carnivorous beast, stabbed straight with the knife, and the tip of the knife hit Toudou Heisuke's chest!

Chain armor has a good defensive effect against chopping...that is, against "line" attacks.

But for "point" attacks represented by straight thrusts, the effect is lackluster.

After the black shadow struck, a conspicuous gap suddenly appeared on the chain armor on Toudou Heisuke's chest.

Looking carefully, a line of blood seeped out along the gap.

Toudo Heisuke couldn't resist the huge force transmitted from his chest. He took a few steps back with a "thump, thump, thump," and then slammed into the wooden wall behind him.

Although he didn't fall to the ground, his center of gravity was messed up, and his whole body looked like a shaky house - just one hard kick and the whole building would collapse!

The black shadow saw the right opportunity, stepped closer, raised the blade of the sword, and pointed the tip of the sword directly at the sky.

The long shadow cast along the blade separated Toudo Heisuke's body!


Just when he was about to swing his sword——

"team leader!"

"Damn it! Don't worry about any orders or no orders! Go and save the captain!"

"Captain! We are coming!"

"Array up! Trap him to death!"

Todo Heisuke, who received orthodox Confucian education, was originally a "Confucian general" type of officer.

He never mistreats his men.

Even if his subordinates make mistakes, he will guide them carefully and then issue punishments based on the actual situation.

For this reason, the members of the 8th Division all love Toudo Heisuke.

Although Toudou Heisuke had just banned them from participating in the war, how could they remain indifferent when seeing their beloved captain in danger?

They picked up their weapons and rushed toward the shadows with great force.

Almost at the same time, dense footsteps were heard from the other side of the street - following the sound, a light green color came into view.

"Hey! What happened? Why is it so noisy?"

"Look! It's the captain!"

"The captain is in danger! Quick! Go and save the captain!"


Apparently, the fierce commotion caused by Toudo Heisuke's battle with the black shadow attracted the team members from the nearby area.

Bright colors of light onion fill both ends of the street.

There are about 60 soldiers gathered here.

Looking at the number of people and the various weapons such as spears and shields in their hands, the black shadow spat.

"Tsk... you can save your life."

The black shadow sheathed the sword, then spread its legs and rushed towards Tsujiko not far away like a whirlwind. In just a moment, his figure was swallowed up by the boundless darkness... 4



Kyoto, Mibu Township, Shinsengumi camp——

Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch!

Qingden strode across the corridor, the floor creaking under his feet.

After a while, he arrived at the recently built logistics facility, the Medical Department.

When he opened the door, the pungent smell of medicine and alcohol rushed towards his face.

Under Qingden's strong advocacy, the Shinsengumi's medical office introduced alcohol, iodophor and other Western medicines.

Qingto looked up and immediately found Toudo Heisuke lying on the hospital bed not far away.

Hijikata Toshizo, Nagakura Shinpachi and Harada Sanosuke, who arrived first, were standing beside his bed.

Seeing Aoden coming, Hijikata and others immediately made way.

Toudou Heisuke wanted to stand up, but Aomori waved his hand first.

"No need to get up, just lie down."

With that said, Aoto strode to Toudo Heisuke's bedside.

Heisuke Toudo was seen naked from the waist up, with a piece of linen as big as a fist attached to his chest.

Qingdeng asked:

"How's it going?"

Toudo Heisuke forced out a wry smile:

"It's just a slight injury to the chest. Apply ointment and then rest for a while and it will be back to normal."

"Slightly injured...that's fine."

Qingdeng said as he sat down cross-legged casually.

"Heisuke, what happened? Please tell me in detail."

Once the order was given, Toudo Heisuke did not dare to neglect it.

He thought for a while, organized his words, and then relayed the details of his attack to Qingdeng and others.

After Qingdeng listened, he thought for a moment, and then asked a new question:

"Heisuke, have you seen what that man looks like?"

Todo Heisuke shook his head.

"No...it was very dark at that time, and the man was wearing a low skirt, so you couldn't see his face at all."

Speaking of this, Toudou Heisuke paused for a moment.

After a while, he continued.

"However, although I didn't see his appearance clearly, I recognized his accent."

Toudo Heisuke put on a firm tone.

"There is no mistake. The accent that that person speaks is Tosa's accent!"

In an instant, Qingden's eyelids suddenly sank.

The one who also lowered his eyelids was Hijikata Toshizo.

Qingdeng asked:

"Are you sure?"

Todo Heisuke nodded vigorously:

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"I know Tosa's accent very well."

"Because Tosa's accent is very similar to Harada-kun's, I can't get it right!"

Tosa Domain is located on the Oshima Island of Shikoku, and Harada Sanosuke happened to be from the Iyo Matsuyama Domain of Shikoku, so the accents of the two places are very similar.


Qingdeng pursed his lips lightly, his cheeks full of thoughts.

About 10 seconds later, he said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work. I'll grant you 3 days... no, 5 days of leave. You can rest peacefully." Then he stood up and left.

Before leaving, he said to Hijikata Toshizo:

"Susan, come with me."

Without saying a word, Hijikata Toisho followed Ayoto's footsteps closely, and the two of them left the medical office one after the other.



Aoto and Toshizo Hijikata walked side by side.

Suddenly, Qingdeng asked:

"Susan, what do you think?"

Hijikata Toshizo sneered.

"The swordsman who can completely suppress Toudou... There are not many masters of this level."

"As far as I know, the only guys who have such strength and are very keen on killing people are the 'Four Great Killers'."

Speaking of this, Toshizo Hijikata raised four fingers.

"Kawagami Hikosai is proficient in the art of drawing swords. It is said that he is currently serving Choshu."

"Tanaka Shinbei is proficient in Kegen-ryu."

"Nakamura Hanjiro, who is also proficient in the gengen style and is now Saigo Kinosuke's confidant."

"Izo Okada is proficient in many swordsmanships and is said to have killed countless people."

"Tanaka Shinbei has committed suicide due to his involvement in the 'Saionji Assassination Case' not long ago."

"Among the remaining three people, the guy with the biggest suspicion is of course from Tosa..."

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly interrupted.

He and Toshizo Hijikata said in unison:

"Okada Izo!"



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

Leopard is working hard to recover! Give Leopard a little more time, Leopard will definitely get rid of the "salty leopard" state! (Crying leopard head.jpg)

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