I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 73 On the eve of the storm, a great war will begin!

Chapter 73 On the eve of the storm, a great war will begin!

"Miss Angoulême?" Qingdeng turned his head to look at the owner of the immature female voice, and stopped the sword he was waving.

Because the snow on the ground is quite thick, in order to avoid soiling the long skirt on her body, Elodie held the hem of the skirt with both hands, bouncing towards Qingdeng.

Elodie's blond hair, which was braided in three strands and fell from her right shoulder to her chest, also hopped and jumped as Elodie jumped.

Since leaving Fujisawa Juju yesterday, Elodie no longer wore the blue and white kimono, but changed to a white one-piece dress.

Qingdeng didn't have much research on clothing, and he couldn't recognize the official scientific name of the foreign dress that Alodie was wearing. Anyway, the long dress was quite beautiful, and it matched the blonde and blue-eyed Alotti very well.

Her maid: Leroy, did not wear the light yellow kimono anymore, but changed into a dark yellow maid costume, put her hands in front of her body, and followed Ai Luo step by step. the back of the pedicle.

Seeing Ai Luodi approaching, Qingdeng put the shining knife back into its sheath, and smiled at Ai Luodi:

"Good evening, Mademoiselle Angoulême."

"Mr. Orange, good evening!" Elodie greeted Qingdeng with a smile, her sapphire-like pupils fluttering.

If Qingdeng were to describe this little girl who is only 12 years old in one sentence...it would be a bit of a "tomboy".

To put it more simply, Elodie's character is a bit too lively.

Elodie's character and Kinoshita Mai's character are almost completely opposite.

Kinoshita Mai is shy and shy, and when meeting unfamiliar people, she can't even speak a clear and complete sentence.

Elodie, on the other hand, was the exact opposite.

She has a very cheerful personality, and she is not afraid of strangers at all. She is obviously a child of a rich family and a Frenchman who has many privileges in this country, but she has no airs.

It's hard to imagine how Kinoshita Mai and Elodie, two people with completely opposite personalities, became close friends...

Obviously, she and Qingdeng have only just met, but Ai Luodi can get along with Qingdeng as if they have been friends for several years without shrinking back.

Ever since Qingdeng got on their family's "free ride" yesterday, whenever Ai Luodi saw Qingdeng, she would warmly greet Qingdeng.

At first, Qingdeng thought that it was because he had saved her that Elodie was so enthusiastic about him.

But after these two days of careful observation, Qingdeng found that Elodie's hearty and familiar character was not only aimed at him, she was like this with everyone.

Facing anyone in this convoy, be it Boss Kiryu, or the guards headed by Komuro, Elodie is always so generous, without any attitude of condescension or contempt.

Therefore, Xiaoshi and the others liked this cheerful little girl.

This is probably the so-called one side water and soil support one side people.

In the Edo period, which was still in a feudal state and oppressed women a lot, and encouraged women to be quiet and listen to men, women like Elodie were really rare.

Qingdeng quite likes the "tomboy" character of Elodie.

After all, he is not very good at getting along with the opposite sex.

Compared with the kind of women whose expressions and moods are unpredictable, a girl like Elodie with a straightforward personality like a "tomboy" can make Qingdeng feel more comfortable getting along with her.

In addition to her straightforward personality, Qingdeng also found that this girl seemed to have a big heart.

Obviously, the day before yesterday at Fujisawa Suku, such a horrible thing as "being attacked by a ronin" happened. As a result, since yesterday, this girl acted as if nothing had happened, laughing and playing happily...

By the way - Anthony seems to be quite doting on his granddaughter.

The day before yesterday, he sneaked out of the hotel in Fujisawa and almost got into a catastrophe, but Anthony didn't seem to give Elodie any real punishment.

No corporal punishment, no grounding.

In the past two days, whenever the team stopped to rest, Ai Luodi was free to run and play happily without leaving the team 30 meters away.

As for whether Anthony verbally criticized Elodie, Qing Deng didn't know.

But Qingdeng guessed—even if he gave Ai Luodi a verbal criticism, the words to reprimand Ai Luodi must not be too violent.

After all, if the words were quite fierce and Ai Luodi was scolded bloody, then it should be impossible for Ai Luodi to be so happy and lively these two days.

After greeting Qingdeng warmly, Elodie glanced at Qingdeng's right leg.

"Mr. Orange, your leg injury is still not healed, so you are practicing sword here, is it okay?" Alodi asked in a concerned tone.

"It's okay." Qingdeng tipped his right leg, "My right leg just suffered a little skin trauma."

"Don't exercise too much, just don't let the wound open."

The medicine Kiryu applied to his wound was really effective.

Although I still feel a little pain when I step on the ground with my right foot because the muscles around the wound are stretched, the pain has been greatly reduced compared to the day before and yesterday.

"Huh? That's right...Miss Angouleme, why didn't you see Miss Kinoshita?" Qingdeng raised his head and looked around, but couldn't help asking Elodie.

After dismissing the topic of leg injury casually, Qingdeng realized that Kinoshita Mai was not in his field of vision.

This made Qingdeng feel surprised...

Because in the past two days, the two little girls Kinoshita Mai and Ai Luodi are really like a pair of "siamese twins", inseparable... Where there is Kinoshita Wu, there must be Ai Luodi, and you can see Ai Luodi Wherever you go, you will definitely see Mai Kinoshita...

At this time, Kinoshita Mai was not seen by Ai Luodi's side... This made Qingdeng couldn't help asking Ai Luodi about Kinoshita Wu's whereabouts...

"Miss Wu? Miss Wu is looking for a suitable place to build a snowman at the other end of the camp!" Alodie said excitedly.

"... Snowman?" Qing Deng tilted his head.

"The snow that fell today is very suitable for making snowmen!" Elodie bent down, grabbed a handful of snow on the ground, and then threw it on top of her head vigorously, and a "celestial girl scattered flowers" came, " Wet and sticky, perfect for making snowmen!"

"Miss Wu and I have made an appointment, tonight we will compete to build a snowman together!"

"We are now splitting up to find a suitable site for a snowman."

"Miss Wu went to the other side of the camp to look for it, and I'm looking for it in this direction!"

After all, Elodie added:
"Tonight, I'm going to make a huge grandpa!"

Elodie opened her arms and swung them vigorously, drawing a huge circle in front of her - she probably wanted to draw out Anthony's big belly.

Alodie's sapphire pupils were shining with a beautiful light at this moment.

This is the radiance that only those children with a pure mind can have.

Seeing the light in Ai Luodi's eyes, Qing Deng subconsciously showed a faint smile.

"Miss Angoulême, if you want to find a suitable place to build a snowman..." Qingdeng raised his head and looked around, "Then there seems to be no suitable place for making a snowman near here. Either too little, or too dirty...huh?"

Qingdeng, who was looking around at first, suddenly stopped.

Looking straight into the distance...to the east of the camp.

"Huh? Mr. Orange, what's the matter?" Elodie followed Qingdeng's line of sight, and followed Qingdeng to look towards the east of the camp.

"...It's nothing." Qingdeng's eyelids sank slightly, and his eyes narrowed slightly, "It's just that I just now...seem to have seen a figure swaying in the east of the camp..."

"Shadow?" Elodie was taken aback for a moment, then stood up on tiptoes and looked towards the east of the camp, then blinked a few times in doubt, "...There is nothing."

Suddenly, Qing Deng felt a chill on the back of his neck.

He raised his hand and touched the back of his neck——the fingertips touched a small piece of melted snow.

"It's snowing...?" Qing Deng raised his head and looked at the sky.

Pieces of fine snow fell and danced from the thick clouds.

Dotted with dark clouds.

The snowflakes flying like catkins brought bursts of coolness.



At this moment-

North of the camp—

A cold wind suddenly blew up.

Rolled up the snowflakes that fell from the clouds.

Rolled up... Suehiro's haori hem.

Suehiro stood upright on a certain high slope, with an extremely serious expression, looking at...the camp of Qingdeng and others in the distance, which was lit up like daylight by the dots of torches...

With his right hand, he leaned heavily on the ground with his favorite gun: Wind Cut.

In his left hand, he held an arquebus that had already been lit...

The cold wind... is blowing with increasing momentum...

New book set sail!

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(End of this chapter)

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