I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 731 Our Shinsengumi are the best at dusting! 【4400】

Chapter 731 Our Shinsengumi are the best at dusting! 【4400】

Since entering Nara, Seito's pre-war preparations went beyond just raising baggage.

As early as before arriving in Nara, Aoto began to launch a public opinion offensive.

As a time traveler from the 21st century, Qingdeng is well aware of the importance of public opinion.

A successful public opinion campaign is enough to rival thousands of troops!

Qingdeng's methods are still classic.

Hire tile vendors and order them to write a few moving articles to publicize the "War Preview" that "Qingdeng will dispatch 10 troops".

Flexible use of information gaps - this is a magic weapon for winning on the battlefield.

After Qingdeng announced the dispatch of 10 troops, all kinds of rumors and controversies suddenly sprung up.

Some people say that Qingteng is just bragging and boasting to the sky. His Shinsengumi was only expanded to 3000 a while ago. How could he conjure 10 troops?

Some people say that Qingdeng only slightly exaggerated his military strength and rounded up the numbers for auspicious reasons. Although he did not have 10 troops under his command, he still had 3 to 4 mana.

The above two are both in the minority.

In fact, a considerable number of people have no doubts about Qingdeng's propaganda.

Niou didn't lie! He indeed has an army of 10!

ha? You ask me where he pulled 10 troops from?

Why ask! It's not like Ino is the only one with troops in the vast capital!

The emperor personally went to Chen Han, and it was written in black and white that the group of people to be killed tomorrow were rebels.

In this way, annihilating the Tenchu ​​Group is not only Aonto's duty, but also the obligation of the shogunate and all the feudal clans!

In addition to the Shinsengumi under his own command, Nioh also integrated 55.5 feudal vassals including the Kinki vassals, including Wakayama Domain (35 liths high), Hikone Domain (32.3 liths high), and Tsu Domain (60 liths high). army!

If Qingdeng really launched a general mobilization in Gyeonggi, then the 10 troops he claimed would be a real number!

An army of 10 people... Even in the Warring States Period, when there were many princes and everyone sang and I came on stage, there were only a handful of joint battles involving 10 troops!

The reason why there are such divergent opinions is normal.

After all, even in the modern society of the 21st century, it is difficult for ordinary people with no background to obtain accurate battlefield intelligence, let alone in the feudal era where communication relied on shouting and orders relied on walking.

All kinds of rumors, both true and false, were spread so widely that it was dizzying, and one didn't know which one was true and which one was false.

From a certain perspective, this special environment where everyone is different can arouse people's suspicion and fear the most.

There is a saying that "the oldest and strongest human emotion is fear; and the oldest and strongest fear is the fear of the unknown."

The emperor's political characterization of the Tenchu ​​group (rebels) originally frightened the so-called loyalists.

On this basis, Qingdeng's propaganda campaign can be said to have completely extinguished the desire of these people with lofty ideals to "serve the country", and they no longer dare to defect to the Tenchu ​​Group.

No one dares to bet on whether Qingdeng really has an army of 10.

Who has the ability to defeat an army of 10 people led by King Ni?

In addition to building public opinion, Qingdeng also actively collected intelligence.

He dispatched Kinoshita Mai and the Ninth Division under his command, and ordered them to go to the front line to collect intelligence.

To put it bluntly, the current Ninth Division is still ineffective.

Although Kinoshita Mai has stepped up training for them, special units like "ninja" cannot be trained quickly.

It not only requires years of hard training, but also actual combat experience to accumulate experience.

This battle is a rare opportunity for military training.

Gathering intelligence is one of the core functions of ninjas.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to train the Ninth Division, with this mentality in mind, Qingto boldly issued the order "Ninth Division goes into battle".

As Qingto expected, Division 9 made a lot of jokes as soon as they were dispatched.

Some people are lost.

Some people have exhausted their means and can hardly move.

Some people always send back some strange and contradictory information.

More people were "traveling at public expense" and went all the way to Gojo Town and Takatori Domain, but in the end they didn't get any information.

Although there were many situations, Qingdeng was able to collect useful information one after another.

Facts have proved that Kinoshita Mai is indeed a experienced and proven female ninja.

Only she moves the fastest and delivers the most and most detailed information.

She rushed to the front line as soon as possible and continuously sent information back to Nara.

In addition, she bravely sneaked around Takatori Castle and collected a wave of terrain information around it.

Although he had made corresponding psychological preparations, after learning that Takatori Castle had been captured, Qingto still sighed unconsciously.

——Now it’s time to fight the siege.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: Therefore, the first is to attack the enemy with the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, and the third is to attack the city.

Whether in ancient times or in modern times, siege battles are the most troublesome and brutal battles, almost none of them.

Although Qingteng felt regretful about the loss of Gaotori Castle, he did not feel annoyed or depressed.

No matter how strong a fortress is, it still needs strong soldiers to defend it - this is an eternal truth.

According to the currently known intelligence, on the day after capturing Takatori Castle, Yoshimura Tomataro retained some troops, and then personally led a large force northward to attack Kyoto.

Their intention is obvious - attack Kyoto! Steal the Emperor! Wash away the stigma of being denounced as a rebel!

Qing Deng has learned the detailed information about the current situation in Kyoto from a letter jointly written by Matsudaira Yoshiyasu and Saigo Yoshinosuke.

After the Choshu Army withdrew from Kyoto, they did not leave. Instead, they deployed their troops in the southern suburbs of Kyoto and set up camp, as if they were "defending to the death".

The Huisa Allied Forces did not launch an attack, but formed a formation opposite the Changzhou Army and closely monitored its movements.

Aonto knew clearly the intentions of Matsudaira Yongho and Saigo Kinosuke.

Today, the Changzhou Army is holding back its energy.

They pinned their hopes on the Tenchu ​​Group to go north to support them - this small hope gave them strength and energy.

Attacking them now will lead to unnecessary casualties.

It would be better to wait for the Shinsengumi to defeat the Tenchu ​​team, completely giving them up and losing their fighting spirit, and then beat them up!

On the contrary, if the Tenchu ​​Group is allowed to approach Kyoto, the Choshu Army will inevitably join them.

By then, the pressure on the Huisa coalition forces will be great.

Funny as it may seem, the article about the Kyoto battlefield begins with the Yamato battlefield.

The Changzhou Army is waiting for the Tenchu ​​Group to come for reinforcements.

The Huisa coalition forces are waiting for the good news from the Shinsengumi.

Both sides are waiting for the outcome of the Yamato battlefield.

The follow-up to the "August 18th Coup"... The final result of this coup depends entirely on the victory or defeat of the Shinsengumi and Tenchu-gumi!

Qingdeng never expected that what was supposed to be a very simple "door-blocking battle" would turn into a situation in which he alone took the lead due to a series of sudden accidents!

Thinking of this, Qingdeng couldn't help but laugh.

All in all, it was impossible for Qingto to let the Tenchu ​​team go to Kyoto, both emotionally and rationally.

Today (August 8), Qingdeng officially issued the order to "march southward".

Two armies, one heading south and one heading north.

Although the Shinsengumi set out later than the Tenchu ​​group, the former's marching speed was much faster than the latter.

According to Aoto's estimation...if nothing unexpected happens, the two armies will collide head-on in the castle town between Nara and Takatori Domain!

After the army departed, in order to survey the battlefield in advance, Qingteng personally led several confidants led by Shannan Keisuke to temporarily leave the army and go straight to Chengshang County.


......Gyeonggi, Yamato area, Seongshang County——

"Moo moo~~moo moo~~"

Carrot swung the oxtail and carried Qingden, walking leisurely on the flat field.

Qingdeng, who was sitting on the back of the cow, turned his eyes and scanned all directions.

No matter which direction you look, the scenery you see is a distant and monotonous horizon.

It was noon, but there was no smoke anywhere... which meant there were no villages around.

The terrain is flat, there are no residents, and it is located where the Tenchu ​​Group must pass... It is really a good place to start a battle!

Even Shannan Keisuke, who was closely following Aoto, couldn't help but murmur after seeing the scene here with his own eyes:

“It’s nice here.”

Qingdeng nodded slightly to show his agreement.

Afterwards, he lightly knocked on the belly of the cow, accelerated his speed slightly, and continued to observe the battlefield.

Activate the talents "Photographic Memory" and "Fire Eyes +5"!

With the blessing of these two talents, Qingdeng directly transformed into a humanoid telescope + humanoid camera.

He remembered every scene and every scene in this place one by one.

Abruptly, he suddenly fixed his gaze and stared directly at the east.

Looking up, there are woods at the end of the east side

The woods stretched to the distant ridge.

Looking at this dense forest, a thoughtful expression slowly appeared on Qingden's face.

Before he could reach it, he quickly tightened the reins in his hands, stopped the carrot, then raised his whip and pointed at the mound not far away.

"Right there, set up camp!"



The day after Aomori arrived at the scheduled battlefield, Shinsengumi soldiers continued to station here.

According to the information sent back by the Ninth Division, the Tenchu ​​Group was still on its way, and its leading troops had just crossed the border of Chengshang County.

Arrive at the battlefield one step ahead of the enemy... This is a huge first-mover advantage!

In this case, it goes without saying that the first thing the Shinsengumi must do is to continue to implement the combat philosophy of "Being invincible first, waiting for the enemy to be victorious"!

Under Qingdeng's clear instructions, the entire army started vigorous civil engineering operations!

A hoe was inserted into the hard earth to loosen the soil.

Shovels came and went, digging large and small holes.

Baskets of mud and stone were piled up to form watchtowers, trenches and other fortifications.

Scattered dust enveloped the Shinsengumi's position.

The Shinsengumi soldiers all took off their upper body clothes, revealing their strong bodies tempered by rich meals and arduous training. They faced the loess with their backs to the sky, and worked diligently to shovel, dump, and pile soil.

At first glance, I thought this was a construction site, and some kind of building was going to be built.

It's August now, one of the hottest times of the year.

The blazing orange-red sun scorches the earth mercilessly.

Under the strong sun and doing heavy physical work, the soldiers of the Shinsengumi were naturally miserable.

However, the discipline they have been cultivating in their daily lives prevents them from uttering a single complaint no matter how hard and tired they are.

Fortunately, there is a clear river next to the camp.

One of the main reasons why Qingdeng chose to camp here was because it was adjacent to the river.

Although it was very difficult to do civil engineering, thanks to this river, the Shinsengumi soldiers did not have to worry about running out of water to drink, let alone water to wash themselves down and cool down.

Compared with the previous Iga attack and defense, the Shinsengumi this time underwent extremely significant changes.

One is the emergence of a group of professional and experienced civil engineering brothers.

With the guidance of experts, the effect will naturally be twice the result with half the effort.

Secondly, the military strength increased greatly, and there were a large number of strong men who could do hard work.

Adding the two together, both the construction speed and construction quality are far better than usual.

Trenches, fences, watchtowers, hospitals...the most basic field fortifications were built one after another.

On the other hand, Aomori continued to ride Carrot, sometimes picking up Hijikata Toshizo, Shannan Keisuke and others, and sometimes acting alone, wandering around to further inspect the battlefield.

time flies.

Finally... August 8th came quietly.

As the first ray of sunshine in the morning penetrated the clouds and illuminated the earth, the long-silent wilderness finally changed.

A banner with the two characters "Tianchu" painted on it slowly appeared in the eyes of Qingdeng and others...



"In my opinion, a head-on confrontation with the Shinsengumi is a bad idea! We should go around it! Bypass the Shinsengumi! Our goal is to save the emperor, not to defeat Tachibana Aomori, but we can't put the cart before the horse!"

"Ah? What nonsense are you talking about! Are you a fool? This is a fully equipped army! Can you bypass it? If you bypass the Shinsengumi, they will definitely follow. Behind our butts, give us a fatal blow when we are not prepared!"

"What did you just say? You called me a 'fool'? If you have the guts, just say it again!"

"I didn't expect that you are not only stupid, but you are also deaf. I said you are a fool! A fool! Do you hear me now?"

"Damn it! How dare you humiliate me like this! Draw your sword!"

"Since it's difficult to win the Shinsengumi on the battlefield, then... it's better to send a lobbyist! Show Akatsuki Tachibana his love and reason, and convince him to become our companion and go north together to aid His Majesty!"

"Hmph! The battle hasn't even started yet, and you're here to spread pessimism! What kind of words are you being cowardly before fighting! The Shinsengumi are nothing! As long as we show bravery and bravery without fear of death, we can definitely win the battle. !”


Along the way, the generals of the Tenchu ​​Group have been discussing ways to defeat the Shinsengumi.

The Tenchu ​​team is a patchwork team.

Its main components are the following three categories - the uprising veterans with Yoshimura Torataro as the core, the Totsugawa warrior army, and the ronin who came to defect after hearing the news.

After sparing no effort in publicity and the still-powerful slogan of "respecting the enemy", they pieced together a huge army of 3000 people.

Totsugawa's countrymen directly accounted for one-third of the total military force and were the most powerful group, so most of the positions in the army were filled by them.

Even though he is as confident as Yoshimura Tontaro, he has to admit one fact: the Shinsengumi is very powerful!

It was so powerful that they discussed it for several days, but they still couldn't come up with a solution on the issue of "how to defeat the Shinsengumi"!

Originally, according to the script drawn up by Yoshimura Torataro in advance, when they raised the banner of "support the imperial court and defeat the shogunate", they were bound to have a lot of followers and gain widespread support from the imperial court! The shogunate armed forces headed by the Shinsengumi will become the target of public criticism. Under the accusations of the court and the world's righteous people, they will escape from the capital in embarrassment.

However... However... Looking at it from another perspective, his script did come true.

However, the characters in it have lost their place.



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

If nothing else goes wrong, tomorrow the new Shinsengumi will be able to show off their combat prowess (Baohan.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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