I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 734 Qing Deng kills the general! Level up 2000! The Shinsengumi wins! 【4800】

Chapter 734 Qing Deng kills the general! Level up 2000! The Shinsengumi wins! 【4800】

"Moo moo moo moo -!"

Carrot roared.

The war horse (ox) takes small steps at first, and then gradually accelerates.

The "dong-dong-dong" sound of horse (ox) hooves hitting the earth is both like the sound of drums and thunder.

On the infantry resistance front, the cavalry roamed outside the battlefield. When the enemy's position wavered significantly, the cavalry came back to reap the rewards and expand the results. This was a tried-and-true tactic in the feudal era.

Qingdeng used this move to deal with the Tenchu ​​Group.

He personally commanded the 7th and 10th divisions and was on standby in the woods on the east side of the battlefield.

The reason why he deployed the general camp here is because there is a forest nearby that is suitable for hiding cavalry.

While other troops were fighting life and death on the front line, the soldiers of the 7th and 10th divisions were waiting collectively in the woods, silently waiting for Qingto's next order.

Qingdeng climbed up the tallest tree and used a telescope to observe the movements on the distant battlefield - from such a long distance, it was difficult to obtain accurate information about the battle situation just by relying on his talent "Fire Eyes + 5".

The people squatting on the tree trunk and looking at the battlefield with Aoden were the captains of the 7th and 10th divisions, namely Sanako and Harada Sanosuke.

Harada Sanosuke was born as a low-level samurai and has been running around the countryside since he was a child.

It can be said that he is very familiar with the operations of climbing trees, swimming, fishing, and digging out bird eggs.

On the other hand, Sanako...she has no experience in this area.

As the eldest daughter of the Wu family who grew up in a city, had she ever done such a rude thing?

She used her hands and feet and tried back and forth many times, but the end result was the same - after climbing a few steps, she slid back to the ground with a hiss.

Such an embarrassing scene made her face turn red with embarrassment.

As a last resort, Qingdeng could only carry her on his back, like a koala carrying a cub, into the tree.

After seeing the Tenchu ​​team's left wing begin to collapse, Sanako suggested to Ayoto:

"Tachibana-kun, do you want to go out into battle?"

Qingdeng shook his head:

"No, it's not the time yet."

After a while, the right wing of the Tenchu ​​group also began to collapse, and Sanako suggested to Qingto again:

"Tachibana-kun, is it time to go into battle?"

Qingdeng shook his head again:

"No, wait a minute."

Qingden shook his head repeatedly, causing Sanako to ask in reply:

"Tachibana-kun, when exactly do we have to wait until we attack?"

Qingdeng replied calmly:

"The rebels on the left and right wings are just a group of insignificant pawns."

"Even if we kill them all, it will be of no use."

"If you want to kill, kill some more valuable targets."

"My goal has already been decided."

As he spoke, Qingdeng raised his gaze and stared straight at the large flag with the "Ling Shi Seal" painted on the Chinese battlefield.

Sanako immediately understood Qingden's intention and stopped making any sound.

As soon as the Tenchu ​​team arrived here, Qingdeng immediately issued an attack order.

Since it was an encounter, Qingdeng certainly didn't know the formation of the Tenchu ​​team.

However, just when the battle was about to begin, Qingdeng suddenly discovered that the central army of the Tianzhu Group was flying the "Ling Shi Seal" flag.

The Ryoshi Seal... This is the flag seal of Totsukawa Goshi Corps!

After seeing this flag, Seito immediately understood: The Totsukawa Goshi Corps is in the middle army!

In an instant, he determined his goal.

As Qingteng said just now, those so-called "respecting people with lofty ideals" are simply insignificant.

Qingden felt that it didn't matter from the bottom of his heart whether they were dead or alive.

However, this is not the case for Totsugawa's country soldiers.

Qingdeng had long been unhappy with this semi-independent militia.

Due to complex historical reasons, Totsugawa has always been a semi-independent administrative region, and the villagers within its territory are a group of unruly guys.

They only respected the imperial court and did not listen to the orders of the shogunate, so naturally they did not take Qingteng seriously.

How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch?

If he just lay dormant and didn't jump out to cause trouble, then Qingdeng would just endure it.

This time, these guys actually openly fought against him!

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

If we bypass them this time, who can guarantee that they won't cause trouble next time?

No matter what, this is an armed force with nearly a thousand troops that cannot be ignored.

This hidden danger that occurs from time to time must be eliminated as soon as possible!

There can only be one top military commander in the Gyeonggi region! That’s me, Orange Green Den Shengqing!

Ever since, Qingteng made up his mind - the primary goal of this battle is to completely annihilate Totsugawa's Roshi Corps!

Take advantage of this opportunity to completely eliminate this unstable factor!

If all the 960 villagers gathered here die, Totsugawa will not be able to recover for at least the next 10 years!

Compared with this, all other targets - including Yoshimura Torataro's head - have to take a back seat.

Anyway, Yoshimura Tontaro and others are just a bunch of clowns, and killing them is easy.

Therefore, Qingteng was completely unmoved by the collapse of the left and right wings of the Tenchu ​​Group.

His eyes were always fixed on the Chinese battlefield.

It wasn't until the Shinsengumi's left, center, and right armies completed the encirclement of the rural soldiers and the latter finally began to collapse that Aomori finally jumped down from the tree and shouted loudly:

"Everyone, draw your swords and mount your horses!"

As soon as this order came out, the soldiers of the 7th and 10th divisions in the woods scrambled to get on their horses.

At the same time, the sound of "噌", "噌", "噌" drawing the sword startled countless birds.

As times change, the functions of cavalry are constantly changing.

For example, in China's Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, because the stirrup had not yet been invented, the main function of the cavalry was to conduct reconnaissance and deliver orders.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with the advent of stirrups and the rapid development of metallurgical technology, heavy cavalry began to dominate the battlefield.

Nowadays, firearms have become the absolute king on the battlefield.

In the age of firearms, the cavalry no longer needs to bear the heavy responsibility of breaking up the enemy's situation. Its main responsibility becomes to detect the enemy's situation and harvest the remnants of the enemy.

Therefore, its main battle weapon is no longer a cumbersome spear, but a more flexible sword.

According to Seito's plan, when a stable channel for purchasing firearms is found in the future, the Shinsengumi will be transformed into a firearms unit.

In this case, the cavalry unit should be built according to the standards of the firearms unit.

There are two main types of weapons used by cavalry units in Western countries today.

One is a riding sword and the other is a saber.

In horse fighting, whether it is better to use a sword or a saber - this issue has aroused widespread discussion in the Western world.

In this regard, Qingdeng's personal opinion is the saber.

Compared with a straight sword, the curved blade is easier to chop.

Using the inertia of the horse's running and gently waving the saber, life can be harvested like mowing grass.

Coincidentally, in Japanese history there was a knife specially designed for horse fighting.

That's Tachi!

Tachi was popular during the Heian period and the Kamakura shogunate period.

To this day, although the tachi still exists in the world, it has basically become a ritual weapon.

When those big shots attend some grand ceremonies, they often hang their swords on their waists to show off.

Compared with the katana, the tachi is longer and has a larger arc, making it an excellent weapon for immediate combat.

As a result, Seito finally made the decision - to use the tachi as the main battle weapon of the Shinsengumi Cavalry!

As a sword was unsheathed, the forest was illuminated by shining silver light.

Qingdeng stood in front of him with a long spear in hand.

Sanako and Harada Sanosuke were on his left and right sides respectively.

Long sword, naginata, short spear - looking at these three weapons arrayed in front of the formation, the knights of the 7th and 10th divisions all felt reassured and encouraged.

"Follow me!"

Qingdeng kicked the cow's belly, and with a series of loud "moo moo" sounds, a strong headwind suddenly hit him!

Three commanders, two divisions, and more than 500 cavalrymen rushed out of the woods, and their vision suddenly became clear.

During the gallop, the knights switched positions in an orderly manner.

Some people speed up and lean forward. Some people slow down and fall behind.

After a while, a huge "wedge" suddenly took shape.

Aoden, Sanako and Harada Sanosuke are naturally at the tip of the wedge.

Five hundred cavalry charged at the same time... Looking back at Japanese history, this country has not seen such a magnificent scene for a long time!

The sound of horse (cow) hooves like a shower was driven directly towards the defeated country soldier army with overwhelming force!

Looking at the cavalry team that suddenly arrived, the villagers were all shocked.

The appearance of Qingdeng and others was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

At this point, the already demoralized countrymen completely lost their will to resist.

They fled in a hurry, fearing to be left behind, and a few even lost their weapons.

However... I wonder how a man with two legs could outrun a horse (cow) with four hooves?

Because the front and left and right sides were blocked by other troops of the Shinsengumi, the only escape direction the villagers could choose was behind them.

The escape direction was single and the speed was slow, so Qingdeng and others easily caught up with them.

In an instant, both sides met the enemy!

As soon as the cavalry rushed into the dense enemy group, it immediately cut out a dark red arc!

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the cries continued.

Qingdeng opened the long spear in his palm, and saw the long and sharp tip of the spear drawing an arc in mid-air, sweeping over five people in one breath.

When he waved again, there was another pile of broken pieces of meat on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng secretly used his strength, exerting force on his waist and abdomen - his talent "Elephant's Core +9", activated - using his waist strength to drive the long body.

In the blink of an eye, Chang Yan showed incredible curves.

Wherever the curve passes, no one is immune.

Qingteng's heroic posture of waving his long spear with ease made Sanako beside him couldn't help but look shocked, and couldn't help but ask:

"Tangerine-kun, have you practiced spear skills recently?"

Qingdeng smiled slightly and responded without looking back:

"Well, it is."

When he was sparring with Tojo Shintaro a while ago, with the blessing of his talents "Spear Talent" and "Oni's Heart +5", Aomori secretly learned a lot of spear skills from him.

For this reason, his skill with guns greatly improved.

Whether it is the skill of handling the long spear or the strength of wielding the long spear, it is more impressive than before.

It is no longer like usual, just throwing it around with brute force.

In this way, not only the attack efficiency is improved, but also more physical energy is saved.

Although they cannot be compared with Aoto, the toughness and bravery of Sanako and Harada Sanosuke also make their enemies fearful.

A large piece fell down with one sweep of the naginata.

A stab from a short spear will result in death or injury.

The two weapons, dancing up and down, defended Qingdeng's left and right sides and protected his blind spots.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of Ayoto, Sanako and Harada Sanosuke alone is enough to cause heavy casualties to the country soldiers!

Some of them had their heads cut off with naginata; some had their bellies pierced by short spears; and some were even more miserable because they were forced to pick up Aoshinobu's Nagasaki, so they ended up with "their bodies torn apart".

With these three men "leading by example", the cavalry team's offense is even more powerful!

The villagers screamed in terror, pushing and squeezing each other.

Not to mention fighting against it, it was too late to dodge!

Chasing the defeated enemy army... there is probably no easier battle in the world than this.

Countless people were knocked into the air by war horses (oxen), and when they landed, they were trampled into pulp by horse hooves (oxen hooves) or the soles of their comrades who were eager to escape.

And more people died under the sword.

Because the Shinsengumi's cavalry team had just been established and had not been trained for a long time, the knights of the seventh and tenth divisions made a lot of fools of themselves.

For example: after cutting the sword into the enemy's body, because there was no time to close the sword, under the effect of inertia, he fell off the horse with the sword.

Another example: the angle of the sword is not good, and the sword in the hand becomes a disposable weapon. After the sword is struck out, it is too late to take it back, and the blade remains directly in the enemy's body.

The cavalry was the most technologically powerful branch of the ancient society.

How to accurately shoot out and retract the weapon while the horse is galloping at high speed... This is an extremely difficult technical task.

However, no matter what, using cavalry to defeat infantry, and using strong troops with high morale to defeat weak soldiers who are running away, even if there is a slight situation, it will not cause any harm.

Under the command of Qingdeng, the cavalry was invincible, sometimes moving to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes fighting out of the enemy group, and sometimes fighting back in.

Just like driving a flock of sheep, beat the defeated soldiers as you like.

Kill wherever there are many people.

Wherever there is resistance, kill!

At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly heard noisy noises not far away.

Looking up - there is a small group of villagers still resisting.

The commander of this group of survivors and resisters is none other than Susumu Hori, the leader of the Roshi Corps.

"Don't be afraid! Follow me! Come with me!"

He integrated the country soldiers who were still capable of fighting and desperately broke out.

Even though he was as confident as he was, he would not dare to say anything about "defeating the Shinsengumi" in the face of the current tragic situation.

At this time, he no longer had the same heroic spirit as when he shouted "Kill!" and led the army of country soldiers directly into the Shinsengumi army formation.

At this time, he had a look of panic on his face, and there was only one thought left in his mind: escape! Live!

Qingteng stared directly at Yoshinori Hori - with just one glance, he was sure that this man was the leader of the rural warriors.

In an instant, he suddenly tightened the reins in his hands, turned the bull's head, and rushed straight towards Yuhori!

Ta-ta-ta, tap-ta, tap-ta, tap-ta... Listening to the sound of hooves getting closer and closer, Horijishin followed the sounds with an expression of panic - he met Aomori's eyes.

In addition to Qingdeng's cold eyes, what caught his eyes was the long tree raised high...


Yohori no Susumu let out a frightened and emboldened scream, and subconsciously raised his sword to block.

As a result, he had just raised the knife halfway when a straight silver line of light passed over his neck.

The sound was very much like the sound of cutting a cloth bag, and a good man's head flew into the sky.

Qingdeng flexibly flipped his right wrist to control the lever.

Before Hori Noshin's head could fall, Aoto picked it up on the top of a tree.

"The enemy general has been captured by me!!"

While roaring like this, he stretched his arms as much as possible so that more people could see the bloody and still warm head.

When some of the villagers heard Seito's roar, they turned around to look - looking at the heads of Susumu Hori, their expressions were dominated by intense horror, and they almost fell to the ground.

In fact, there is no big difference whether Qingdeng is the leader of the Zhanxiangshi Army.

After all, this legion has already completely collapsed, its morale has dropped to freezing point, and there is no lower limit.



This one-sided pursuit and annihilation battle lasted for nearly two hours.

After fighting until the men are tired and the horses are exhausted, the Shinsengumi will stop the pursuit.

Just like the Iga offensive and defensive battle last time, this battle took only half a day to decide the outcome.

The Tianzhu Group was defeated miserably! They left behind corpses all over the ground and their minions running around!

Because today's battle took place in Chengshang County, Qingdeng named it "Chengshang Joint Battle".

That night, Qingdeng sent Shannan Keisuke to tally the results of the battle.

Due to the extremely fruitful results, it took Shannan Keisuke less than half an hour to finally figure out the reason.

According to reports, a total of 2000 coins were leveled in this battle! Captured the "Hisoshi Seal" flag of the Totsukawa Goshi Regiment and a large amount of baggage!

The Totsukawa Goshi Army was completely destroyed! There is not one survivor in a hundred!

The strategic objectives were successfully achieved.

After this battle, it can be said that every household in Totsukawa wore mourning and every household was covered with sackcloth!



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

There is really no point in unilaterally abusing food. The next offensive and defensive battle of Gaochei City is the focus~ As expected, Qingden still has to be chopped and chopped to be exciting!

PS: I haven’t rested for a long time. Leopard and Leopard need to rest tomorrow~ Hope everyone knows! (leopard paralysis.jpg)

Today is 520.

So I played galgame ("noble works" by Yuzu Club) for a while.

I fell in love so hard~ (Leopard Hi.jpg)

Kanemoto Toori is so cute! (Leopard shame.jpg)

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