I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 747 Copying the God-level Talent: [Foresight 9]! [6500]

Chapter 747 Copying the God-level Talent: [Foresight +9]! [6500]

  This blow from He Shang Yanzai seemed to chop Qing Deng into pieces!

The blade hadn't reached him yet, but Qing Deng already felt pain on his face.

The wind as sharp as a knife blew towards his face, causing the hair on his cheeks to stand up. He subconsciously squinted his eyes and used his long eyelashes to filter the wind.

  The wind pressure alone is so powerful... It is not difficult to imagine how much damage would be caused if this blow hits the target!

There is no doubt that this is Kawakami Hikosai's world-famous Gensai-ryu sword-drawing technique!

His knife was extremely fast, incredibly fast!

He had already pulled out the knife, but the "clang" sound of the knife being pulled out came only late.

  First you see the blade, then you hear the sound of the blade... The last time Qingdeng met an Iai swordsman of this level was that Rakshasa!

Even with his talent of "Super Speed ​​+6", Qing Deng almost didn't react.

Of course, it was just a “near miss”.

  In addition to his talent, Qing Deng also has a "combat intuition" developed after going through hundreds of battles!

The moment the opponent drew his knife, his body had already taken action before his brain.

  He seemed to want to suppress the swift knife from above, he put strength into his waist, planted his feet firmly, and just chopped down the knife with all his strength!

In a flash, the two swords collided in the air!

clang--! ! !

Along with the shrill sound of sharp metal colliding with each other, fierce orange sparks burst out in the air!

Where the two knives met, sparks kept spurting out like an electric welding gun.

The confrontation started suddenly and ended hastily.

The next moment, the two of them seemed to be blown away by an invisible shock wave. They both retreated quickly, and their feet left deep and long marks on the floor.


Kawakami Hikosai maintained his resolute posture, kneeling on one left knee, breathing heavily, as if he had just finished a long-distance run.

Qingdeng stood upright with his hands and the Vairocana in his palms hanging naturally.

He side-glanced at his right arm - his right arm still felt numb as if it had been hit.

  A sharp blow!

Qing Deng used up 8% of his strength to barely block the knife!

It was hard to imagine that this was the blow from the guy who had been at a disadvantage in the previous power contest.

It seemed incredible at first glance, but when Kawakami Gensai drew his sword, Qing Deng saw through his trick at a glance.

Simply put, Kawakami Hikosai's "Gensai-ryu Sword Drawing Technique" utilizes the power of "running".

His "circling run" just now was not only to confuse Qing Deng and find flaws, but also to accumulate energy for the next sword-drawing technique.

Speed ​​is Kawakami Hikosai's biggest advantage.

When he ran at full speed, he could even leave a very realistic afterimage... It is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the potential energy he carried at such a speed.

For example: a stationary truck is not scary, but a truck speeding up to 200 kilometers per hour is a moving ghost!

When the running speed reaches the maximum, he pushes off the ground, instantly adding weight and speed to the blade when drawing the sword from the sheath, and then kills the enemy in one go!

In addition, he made effective use of his short stature.

He was originally very short, and his sword-drawing technique was to lower his body like a spring, and then draw the sword from the bottom up.

In this way, due to the limited field of vision, it is difficult to predict the correct tool path.

  If this move is a skill created by Kawakami Hikosai, then he is indeed an incredible martial arts genius!

He made full use of his speed advantage and transformed it into a unique skill to defeat the enemy!

It has to be said that the principle of this move of his is similar to the secret of flowing light "moment".

They all use the potential energy of running, the centrifugal force when drawing the sword, and their own weight to greatly enhance the power and speed of the strike.

It’s a pity... To be honest, Qing Deng still hasn’t completely mastered “Moment”.

This is not because he lacks talent.

If even Qing Deng, who has a swordsmanship talent 279 times that of an ordinary person, lacks talent, then there is no such thing as a genius in this world.

The reason is not complicated - it's simply because Qing Deng is too strong!

If you want to use the "moment", to put it simply, you must grasp the opportunity of "emergency stop".

He stopped too quickly and failed to get into the best attack range.

He stopped too slowly and ran right past the enemy.

If you hesitate when you stop suddenly, you won't be able to put all your energy into the knife.

In other words, one must stop suddenly at an extremely precise moment to be able to make a strike that can be called the "secret" of the sword!

However... Qing Deng's current physical strength is too strong.

"Nine Oxen and Two Tigers +3", "Leading the Way +4", "Bear's Waist +5", "Elephant's Core +9"... The power unleashed by so many talents combined is difficult to describe in concrete words.

It is no exaggeration to say that Qing Deng's instantaneous acceleration is far beyond the reach of Kawakami Hikosai!

This resulted in a consequence - when Qing Deng ran at full speed, it was difficult for him to stop.

The difficulty of stopping a bicycle suddenly and that of stopping a tank suddenly are naturally incomparable.

Once he entered the full-speed running mode, it was difficult for Qing Deng to control his body accurately. He couldn't grasp the degree of "emergency stop" at all, let alone the timing of drawing the knife.

Before he knew it, he had left the enemy behind him, let alone drawing his sword to kill him.

This problem still troubles him to this day.

Just as Qing Deng was secretly sighing, He Shang Yan Zhai suddenly said quietly:

"…This is the first time I've met someone who can withstand my sword drawing technique."

Qingden shrugged:

"It just shows that your vision is too low and you have never seen the vastness of the world."


Although Qing Deng's ridicule made Kawakami Yansai frown, he did not retort.

"I won't fail again."

As Kawakami Gensai spoke, he once again assumed his Iai stance, with an arrogant attitude and a firm gaze.

"Next time, I will chop your head off!"

The moment he finished speaking, a solemn sword energy emanated from his body!

  He exudes an aura of "stay away" around him, as if he is pulling an invisible rope that makes it impossible for people to step in!

Qing Deng has almost grasped the details of He Shang Yan Zhai.

Simply put, the only thing you need to pay attention to about the opponent is his Iai.

In terms of overall strength alone, Kawakami Gensai is far from being able to make Qing Deng feel like he is facing a formidable enemy.

In the battle just now, Qing Deng had suppressed him tightly.

However, even someone as strong as Qing Deng had to be cautious about his "Xuansai-ryu Sword Drawing Technique".

What the other party had just said, “Next time, I will definitely chop off your head,” was by no means a bluff.

Iai is a powerful move that has great explosive power and aims to win with one strike.

To give a vivid explanation... Kawakami Hikosai's "Gensai-ryu Sword Drawing Technique" is one of those ultimate moves that can "kill enemies above your level"!

Although Qing Deng was much stronger than Kawakami Hikosai, he also felt greatly threatened when facing the opponent's Iai stance.

Kawakami Hikosai's reaction speed and movement speed are enough to ensure that he will not miss any opportunity.

At this moment when the opponent has already adopted the Iai stance, if Qing Deng is careless for a moment, it will lead to irreversible fatal consequences.

  Whether it was Qing Deng and Kawakami Hikosai who were in confrontation, or Yoshimura Toratarou and others who were watching the battle, they all tacitly felt the same fact at this time - the next moment would be the decisive battle!

Although Kawakami Hikosai's reaction speed and movement speed are very fast, and it is difficult to hurt him with ordinary slashes, Qing Deng still has a trump card that has not been revealed yet.

Super fast sword drawing technique... I have it too!

Qing Deng exhaled all the turbid air remaining in his lungs.

Then, he turned his right wrist, made a graceful knife flower, and changed the knife in his hand from a normal grip to an inverted grip.

He planned to have the long-lost "Zhongmen Duiju" and chop off Feihe Shangyanzhai's head with flowing light!

However... just as he was about to put the tip of the knife against the opening of the sheath, he paused as if he remembered something.

After a moment, he silently moved the tip of the knife away from the scabbard, holding the knife with a straight grip again, and assumed an ordinary mid-position stance.

"…Are you sure you want to do this?"

Kawakami Hikosai suddenly spoke.

Qing Deng asked back:

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Weren't you just about to use a powerful move? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Are you planning to counter my 'Genzai-ryu Sword Drawing Technique' with an ordinary 'Middle Section'?"

Qingden smiled slightly.

"Yes, that's exactly what I meant."

"It would be too boring if I used my most proud trick to kill you."

“Always relying on quick and effective tricks will make people lazy.”

"I will take advantage of this precious opportunity to take my martial arts to a higher level!"

He Shang Yanzai frowned:

"…Should I say you are a simple-minded martial arts fanatic, or a pedantic idiot?"

"You have a better trick, but you don't use it."

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"If you accidentally miss, you will die."

  Qing Deng chuckled a few times:

"From the moment I held the sword, the line between life and death became blurred."

"I just want to fight and get stronger!"

"Other than that, don't think about it."

Kawakami Gensai stopped talking.

He narrowed his eyes and stared straight at Qing Deng.

His sharp, deep eyes seemed to be able to see through Qing Deng's soul.

"...I don't like people calling me 'man-killer'."

He suddenly changed the subject to something totally unrelated to the previous conversation.

However, Qing Deng did not interrupt him, but just listened quietly.

"I just killed some hateful shogunate officials, why is it called 'human beheading'?"

"I have always believed that the only person throughout history who is worthy of being called a 'human killer' is the 'eternal swordsman' Ogata Yoshisei."

"But now...I have to change my mind."

At this point, Kawakami Gensai's facial expression suddenly changed and became extremely solemn.

"Tachibana Aoto, you are also an incredible human killer...!"

Qing Deng had no words to say in response to Kawakami Hikosai's words which sounded like both praise and ridicule.

"Stop talking nonsense."

With a click, he used all his strength to steady the Vairocana in his palm.

"Let us continue to fight."

"I can't wait to chop your head off."

Not enough words to speculate.

Seeing that Qing Deng had no desire to talk to him, He Shang Yan Zhai said no more.

He silently clenched the head of the waist, like a beast that was ready to go and was ready to flutter to the prey at any time.

The confrontation between the two made the surroundings fall into a state of complete silence.

Under pressure from the tense atmosphere at the scene, people like Yoshimura Toratarou who were watching the fight held their breath and didn't even dare to breathe.

Qing Deng doesn't like people calling him 'Man-killer Qing Deng'.

In modern terms, "人杀" means a murderer, and it is not a positive word.

Although the number of people who died at his hands was already countless, he simply enjoyed the process of fighting and did not like killing.

But... never mind.

Killer, executioner, murderer... call me whatever you want! No matter what others call me, what I should do remains unchanged - hold the sword in my hand with all my heart! Enjoy the battle with all my heart! Become stronger with all my heart!

Injury, disability, life, death, all these messy thoughts that would hinder me were swept into the corner of my mind.

  Once you enter the battle, the full feeling you feel in your palm when holding the sword is the only reality!

I put everything I have into the sword!


Suddenly, Qing Deng saw an indescribable change in the vision before his eyes.

First, everything around became extremely quiet.

The sound of the wind in the sky, the chirping of insects in the distance, the shouting and screaming below the castle tower...all the sounds disappeared, even my own breathing could no longer be heard.

Then, Qing Deng saw a strange "airflow" coming out of the opponent in front of him.

Qing Deng was all too familiar with this kind of "airflow".

Qing Deng had seen this kind of "airflow" in many previous battles.

However, compared with the past, this time the "airflow" has become more vivid and specific.

This "air flow" seems to have its own life.

  It was rising and falling, undulating in a certain rhythm…like it was breathing!

In addition, Qing Deng felt much more strange than this.

In addition to vision and hearing, his other senses also underwent changes of varying degrees.

The first thing that comes to mind is the sense of time.

Time seemed to have stopped wherever the eye could see.

The touch of the palm of my hand also became strange.

He felt like he was holding a knife, but also like he was holding nothing.

  No...that's not right!

It should be said that he felt that he had become one with the Vairocana in his palm!

Qing Deng was immersed in his own strange changes and couldn't extricate himself.

Little did he know that Kawakami Hikosai, who was sitting opposite him, was staring with his eyes wide open in shock.

  The moment Qing Deng saw the "airflow", he clearly felt that Qing Deng's temperament had changed again!

If Qingdeng just changed from "soft white clouds" to "deep dark clouds".

So now he has become... nothing.

That's right.

  There is nothing at all!

I can't feel anything.

  It's like becoming one with the air!

Although he could not feel anything, Kawakami Hikosai instinctively sensed that Qing Deng was very dangerous at the moment!

Although Yoshimura Toratarou and others who were not far away could not feel the drastic changes in Qingdeng as directly as Kawakami Hikosai, they saw a scene that shocked them.

They saw Qingdeng, who was full of vigor and vitality just now, seemed like a different person now.

He became dazed, his eyes lost focus, like a sleepwalker.

A drop of saliva dripped down the corner of his mouth.

But he seemed to have lost consciousness and did not wipe his mouth, allowing the saliva to drip onto the ground.

His eyes were always fixed on Kawakami Hikosai standing opposite him.

The middle stance of the hands also remained motionless.

——What should we do? Should we take the initiative to attack?

The sudden strange changes in Qing Deng made Kawakami Yansai hesitate.

He probably never expected that - at the same moment he hesitated, Qing Deng's vision changed again.

He saw the "airflow" on the other person's body shake unnaturally a few times.

Although he didn't even know the true nature of this "airflow", Qing Deng suddenly had a strong idea in his mind: Go forward and swing the knife!

Driven by this thought, his body was like a puppet, with every limb moving uncontrollably!

Take big steps forward.

  At the same time, his will was transmitted to the blade in his palm!

Qing Deng's movement speed can no longer be described simply as "fast" or "slow".

In the blink of an eye...really in the blink of an eye, Qing Deng appeared in front of Kawakami Yansai!

Looking at Qing Deng who "teleported" in front of him, Kawakami Gensai's mind fell into a state of extreme chaos.

At this moment, he only felt that an indescribable terrifying monster was approaching him with an overwhelming force!

The moment he came to his senses, a bewitching purple light that filled his field of vision had already swept past him diagonally—


With a sound like cutting cloth, a huge head flew up into the sky - Kawakami Hikosai maintained the Iai posture and didn't even have time to draw his knife.

After reaching the highest point in the air, his head drew a beautiful arc and fell at Qing Deng's feet.

Until the moment his head moved, his eyes were still wide open with disbelief.

There was nothing surprising about Qing Deng's attack.

Just shorten the distance, get close to the enemy, and then slash horizontally to kill the enemy.

It's just a very ordinary knife, nothing fancy.

That's it!

At the same time that Qing Deng beheaded He Shang Yan Zhai, a mechanical and cold female voice came as expected:

【Ding! Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Foresight +9"]

[Talent Introduction: You have a strong ability to sense the danger that is about to happen around you. The degree of perception will increase with the severity of the danger. However, this ability will not be triggered for people and objects that you personally judge to be non-threatening.]

Another "+9" full-level talent.

However, considering Kawakami Hikosai's personal strength, it is not surprising that he has full-level talent.

He has a strong sense of the impending danger around him... Qing Deng now understands why Kawakami Hikosai's reaction speed is so fast.

Qing Deng should be extremely excited to have acquired a very practical talent.

However, he couldn't take care of these things now.

The next moment after Fei He Shang Yan Zhai’s head was chopped off, the strange "airflow" and the indescribable weird state disappeared like the ebbing tide.

Qing Deng's five senses gradually returned to normal.

The "air flow" cannot be seen by the eyes.

The ears can also hear the sounds around them again.

This feeling... is like suddenly floating to the surface from the deep sea. The water pressure surrounding you disappears, your eyes can see again, and your ears can clearly hear the sounds from the outside world.

Qing Deng lowered his head and looked at his palms in surprise.

  --What's wrong with me?

How did I kill Kawakami Hikosai in an instant?

To be honest, he himself doesn't quite know...

He felt like he had just woken up.

I seemed to have had a wonderful dream just now.

But he couldn't remember any details of this beautiful dream.

Qingdeng is still immersed in "memories".

Suddenly, the sound of conversation not far away interrupted his thoughts.

"Mr. Yoshimura, what should we do now?"

  Someone timidly asked Yoshimura Toratarou:

"What should I do? Is there any need to say it?"

Yoshimura Toratarou said in a deep voice:

"Of course we will fight to the end! We are all standing here determined to die, aren't we?"

Yoshimura Toratarou's words immediately stabilized the morale of the troops.

The people around him swallowed their saliva and showed a resolute expression of being ready to die.

Then, they gripped their knives tightly, faced Qing Deng, and assumed a fighting stance.

"Tachibana Aoto, come on!"

Yoshimura Toratarou frowned and raised his knife:

"Don't think we are afraid of you! We are ready to die!"

Even at this point, they still didn't raise their hands to surrender and still wanted to give it a try.

Although their courage is commendable, they actually know in their hearts that their resistance is just like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

Even Kawakami Hikosai, who was highly expected, ended up with a tragic end of having his head and body separated. With their limited skills, even if they exerted the power of "spiritual theory" to the limit, it was impossible for them to leave even a scar on Qing Deng.

Qing Deng raised his eyes, glanced at Yoshimura Toratarou and others without any sadness or joy, then looked away.

He was not in the mood to fight with these people at the moment.

He wanted to hold on to the wonderful feeling he had just experienced when he killed Kawakami Hikosai while the memory was still fresh in his mind!

  Fortunately, at this moment, the voices of Souji and Kinoshita Mai sounded behind Qing Deng:

"Ju-kun! Sorry for the wait!"

"Qing Deng, are you okay?"

The two girls came to Qingdeng's left and right sides, one in front and one behind.

The two of them were moving so fast that the soldiers of the first squad were still below the castle tower and had not yet caught up with them.

Qing Deng glanced at the two girls and immediately ordered:

"Soji, Ama, the man in the middle is Yoshimura Toratarou. Try to keep him alive. The rest are up to you."

Souji and Mai Kinoshita both nodded, then attacked without hesitation.

Yoshimura Toratarou and others fought back without showing any weakness.

Although they tried their best, in the face of the absolute material gap, "spiritual theory" was simply useless.

Kimita dance kicking Yintaro Yinji Village, captured him.

The rest were all executed.

Souji carried Kaga Kiyomitsu, who was still bleeding, and slowly walked back to Qingdeng's side.

"Jujun, it's all over..."

After saying that, she let out a long sigh, with a look of relief on her face.

Qing Deng nodded slightly, with a complex look on his face.

"Well... we're finally done with this battle..."

After San-no-maru and Ninomaru, even the castle tower was lost.

Gaoqu Castle has been completely recaptured!

At this point, the "Tianzhu Group Rebellion" that lasted for more than half a month has been completely settled!

The bandit leader Yoshimura Toratarou was captured, his accomplices were all killed, and the Tenju Group and the Totsukawa Sagi Corps were completely destroyed.

Big win!

  A resounding victory!

Another great achievement by Aoto and the Shinsengumi!

On the night when Kawakami Hikosai was beheaded and Takatori Castle was recaptured, the shouts of “Eh, eh, oh” spread throughout the entire Takatori Castle and resounded through the sky.

For a long time.

Having won a great victory, Qing Deng, as the general of the Shinsengumi, was of course happy.

But while he was happy, he was still worried about the strange state he entered when playing against Kawakami Hikosai.

  What exactly is that "air flow"?



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