I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 766: Cooperation between Qinjin Fan and Huluwu [4700]

Chapter 766: Cooperation between Qinjin Fan and Huluwu [4700]

At this moment, the atmosphere on the scene changed drastically!

The air around seemed to freeze.

Also solidified is time.

Be it Aoto or Boss Kiryu, after posing the Liuguang posture, they remained motionless, like stone statues.

The left hand was like glue, tightly sticking to the mouth of the sheath.

His right hand was like a claw, gripping the knife handle neither lightly nor heavily.

His legs became pillars, firmly planted on the ground.

His eyes are like an eagle's, and he will never let the other person leave his sight.

Because the two of them were motionless, at first glance, it seemed as if time had really been stopped.

However... people who know the ins and outs of this will be able to see at a glance: the two are not pretending to be stone statues, but are accumulating strength!
The power in their bodies is rising rapidly!
In a flash, two kicking sounds were heard at the same time - the two people maintained their flowing postures and rushed towards each other like arrows!

The distance of about 10 meters passed in a flash!
Same timing.

The same dazzling blade light!
Accompanied by shouts like the roars of wild beasts from both sides, the two men simultaneously swung the blades in their hands and chopped at each other's heads!
Such momentum, such power, it seemed as if it could cut the opponent's soul in half.

If there were other people here, they would definitely not believe that these two were master and disciple, and would only think that they were enemies.

Moreover, he was an enemy with a deep hatred for "patricide", "son killing" and "wife rape".

Otherwise, how could he be so cruel?
The time it takes to swing the knife is just a moment.

A moment later, the two knives collided in the air, and bluish-white sparks were aroused!
The sharp sound of metal colliding with each other spread throughout the dojo.

A group of air currents surged up!
Under the impact of such strong wind pressure, the clothes of both sides in the battle rustled, as if they were in the center of the storm.

A moment later, as if they were bounced away by the shock wave, with a loud "clang" sound, both of them retreated quickly, leaving four long marks on the ground.

This fierce "Central Gate Confrontation" that seemed like two thunders competing for supremacy ended in a draw.

No one has the upper hand, and no one is at a disadvantage.

Qing Deng assumed a Zanshin stance to guard against the opponent's attack, while secretly moving the ten fingers of both hands to relax his muscles.

Liuguang is an extremely powerful killing move, and is a typical example of "one force defeating a thousand tricks".

To put it in simple terms...it is a unique trick that can "kill enemies above your level"!

When this move is performed by Boss Kiryu who has entered the "state of no self"... you can imagine how powerful it is!

The tremendous force transmitted along the blade was like a heavy truck crashing into you at high speed.

Qing Deng felt as if there was an electric current running through the blood in his hands, making him feel numb and tingling... Although it was not a problem, it was not pleasant.

However, the force is mutual.

Qing Deng has to bear such a huge force, so there is no reason for the boss Kiryu on the opposite side to stay out of it.

However... the old man still looked neither sad nor happy, and it was really impossible to guess what he was thinking at the moment.

Ever since entering the "selfless state", Boss Kiryu has always had this indifferent look on his face, as if saying "What does the survival of the world have to do with me?", giving people an inexplicable sense of intimidation.

Qing Deng finally understood that the name "state of no self" was indeed worthy of its name.

After entering this state, a person's emotions will become extremely calm, and will no longer fluctuate violently - just like Boss Kiryu at this moment.

In the battle just now, all of Boss Kiryu's actions did not show the slightest sign of anxiety.

Every move and every style was so calm, so calm that it was frightening.

"Keep calm in battle" - this is the golden rule of battle.

But...it's easier said than done.

Not to mention anger, fear and other psychological factors, sometimes when you are having fun and excited, your brain becomes filled with blood and you are prone to making stupid moves.

Even experienced experts can easily fail in "controlling emotions".

After all, no matter how powerful a master is, he is still a human being.

As long as one is human, he or she cannot escape the control of the seven emotions and six desires.

From this perspective, the "state of no self" is really domineering!
It allows people to remain calm and make cool judgments at all times, directly compensating for one of the greatest weaknesses of human beings.

According to Qing Deng's own observation, the most terrifying thing about the "state of no self" is that it can enhance the various functions of the human body - especially movement speed and reaction ability.

Compared with the substantial increase in movement speed and reaction ability, the slight changes in arm and wrist strength are barely worth mentioning.

Through the previous rounds of confrontation, Qing Deng has keenly seen through Boss Kiryu's "pattern of action".

Be it attacking or defending, no matter what kind of action is carried out, Boss Kiryu always has an empty head, thinking about nothing, let alone thinking - this is not a derogatory term, but a compliment.

This is different from the previous fighting style that relies on the five senses and intuition.

After entering the "selfless state", one relies on various parts of the body to perform conditioned reflex movements without any thinking from the brain, thereby maximizing movement speed and reaction ability.

To put it simply, it directly skips the "thinking" step, so the reaction speed is naturally extremely fast!

Even if your blood vessels are filled with stimulants, it would be difficult to achieve such an effect.

After a short rest, Qing Denglian took several deep breaths.

Then, he grasped the Vairocana in his palm, raised the tip of the knife, and started to move forward.

The long-awaited evenly matched fierce battle made the fighting spirit in his eyes even more boiling.

From the previous "no ability to fight back" to the current "fighting on equal terms"... it is indeed a huge progress!

This visible change greatly excited Qing Deng.

His brain was working rapidly, and he was coming up with one battle strategy after another. He wished he could fight Boss Kiryu for another three hundred rounds.

However... the other party did not do as he wished.

The rhythm of his chest's rise and fall gradually returned to normal, and the strange light in his eyes disappeared.

It’s obvious—Boss Kiryu has exited the “state of no self”.

“Hoo…! Hoo…! Hoo…! Hoo…! Hoo…! Hoo…! Hoo…! Hoo…!”

The next moment after exiting the "state of no self", Boss Kiryu was like a diver whose oxygen tank had run out and had just surfaced from the deep sea, greedily swallowing oxygen in big gulps.

In just a few minutes, Boss Kiryu no longer looked as cool as before.

He was sweating profusely, his face was pale, and his waist was bent greatly due to fatigue. He had to lean his knife on the ground to make himself feel better.

Looking at Qing Deng who was still standing there, Kiryu Boss said half-jokingly:
"Jujun, why are you standing there? Come and help me."

After hearing this, Qing Deng immediately sheathed his sword, walked forward, supported Boss Kiryu's back steadily, and helped him to the side of the dojo so that he could sit down and rest.

"Boss Kiryu, would you like some water?"

Boss Kiryu waved his hand.

"No need, just let me take it easy."

As he spoke, he reached his hand backwards and massaged his lower back rhythmically, sometimes lightly and sometimes heavily.

"Boss Kiryu, are you...giving me a massage?"

"Yes, I learned a little massage in Nara before. I was so busy just now that my waist is aching."

"Do you need my help?"

"Do you know how to massage?"

"If it's just a simple push..."

"Then you can't help. Don't worry, it's not a big problem and you'll recover soon."

Qing Deng stared at Boss Kiryu who was "healing himself" with a complicated expression.

Looking back, no matter what time it was, no matter what kind of matter he was dealing with, or what kind of trouble he was facing, Boss Kiryu always looked like he was in control of everything.

So much so that in many cases, Qing Deng subconsciously forgot his actual age.

On the other hand, Mr. Kiryu at the moment was sweating profusely, massaging his aching waist...

At first glance, he is just an ordinary old man.

It was only at this time that Qing Deng intuitively felt that no matter how powerful Boss Tong Sheng was, he was still an old man...

Boss Kiryu has been watching Qing Deng's eyes and emotional changes.

"Jujun, why do you have such an expression of disbelief?"

He smiled slightly and continued:
"Look at my wrinkles and my gray hair."

"I'm already this old, you can't expect an old man like me to abuse my body like a young man." "Alas... although 'birth, aging, sickness and death' are the fate of human beings, my body has really aged thoroughly..."

"After just two moves, I'm already out of breath."

"This... can't work..."

When he said, "That's not possible...", an indescribable complex emotion flashed in Mr. Kiryu's eyes.

This glance was fleeting.

Soon, he smiled again:
"Ju-kun, your growth rate always amazes me."

"I didn't expect that even though I have entered the 'selfless state', I still can't take you down."

"Even if I used 'Flowing Light', it would only result in a draw."

"It won't be long before you surpass me in all aspects."

As soon as Boss Kiryu finished speaking, Qing Deng immediately said:
"Boss Kiryu, you can't say that."

"You haven't used your Secret Technique yet, have you?"

"In this case, it is still unknown who will win."

"To be honest, I can't guarantee that I can definitely take on the 'secret' you display in the 'selfless state'."

The "secret" that Qingdeng mentioned is Liuguang's ultimate killer move - Moment!
In response to Qing Deng's statement, Boss Kiryu smiled but said nothing, neither agreeing nor rejecting it.

"Speaking of 'secret'...Tachibana-kun, how is it? Have you mastered 'setsuna' now?"

As soon as this question was asked, Qing Deng's facial expression was immediately dominated by intense embarrassment and awkwardness.

"Unfortunately... not yet. After accelerating to top speed, it's extremely difficult for my body to stop steadily at the precise moment."

"Is that so... That's really a pity. If I can't master 'Moment', then I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat some powerful enemies in the future..."

Qing Deng raised his eyebrows and thought to himself:
——Hmm? Is it my illusion?
He always felt that Boss Kiryu seemed to have hidden meaning in what he said just now.

Although he was confused, Qing Deng did not take it to heart.

"Oh, yes, yes. Mr. Kiryu, why did you suddenly come all the way to Kyoto? Are you here to visit Wu?"

It would have been better if Qing Deng hadn't asked. Once he asked, the atmosphere suddenly changed...

He saw with his own eyes that Boss Kiryu's body suddenly stiffened.

Then, he vaguely saw streams of translucent things called "resentment" floating out from the other person.

“…We’ve been discovered.”

"Hmm? What was discovered?"

"The lord has discovered your 'grand ideal'."


"Your grand ideal of 'marrying three wives' has been discovered by the lord."

Boss Kiryu went into more detail.





The silence between the two was deafening.

About 10 seconds later, Mr. Kiryu said again:

"Because I concealed it for you, I was scolded by the lord...I was really miserable that day."

Qing Deng lowered his head consciously.

He looked like a child who had done something wrong and was waiting to be punished, with cold sweat on his face, and his eyes wandering and scratching his hair from time to time.

His mind was racing, racking his brains for the right words.

In the end, the only words he could think of were -

"Um...how should I put it...I'm so sorry!"

Folding your body like a folding chair to achieve the effect of a "reinforced apology" - this is a traditional Japanese art.

Qing Deng never thought that there would be a day when he would use this trick...

Boss Kiryu put down his hands that were massaging his waist and sat up straight with an expressionless face.

"Honestly speaking...if I wasn't too tired to lift the knife, I would...never mind. I won't say any more."

The cold sweat is pouring more and more...

The hot sweat I shed when fighting with Kiryu-sama just now was not as much as the cold sweat I am sweating now...

He finally understood why he had sensed a faint murderous aura when he saw Boss Kiryu at the gate of the village just now.

"My lord asked me to tell you something - come to Osaka to see her within a month."

"Although it's nonsense, I still want to warn you: the reason why the lord asked to see you is definitely to discuss your 'grand ideal' with you in depth."

"So...be prepared."

"The only thing I can do to help you now is to tell you that the Lord doesn't mind your future husband having many concubines."

"It's just that... these actions of 'having a lot of wives' and 'falling in love with three girls including the young master at the same time' made her feel... confused."

After hesitating for a long time, Kiryu finally stammered out "confused".

He probably didn't want to use overly intense words so as not to scare Qing Deng.

After hearing this, Qing Deng stroked his forehead with his hand.

Shock, astonishment, fear...all kinds of emotions were beautifully mixed on his face.

"Go to Osaka to meet her... That's fine, that's just what I want! I want to meet her too!"

Qing Deng's words made Mr. Kiryu look surprised.

"Oh? Tachibana-kun, you want to see the lord? Why?"

Qing Deng smiled bitterly:
"Boss Kiryu, to be honest, my Qinjin clan is short of money right now, very short of money..."

He briefly explained the difficulties Qin Jinfan was currently facing.

Building new cities, reclaiming new fields, repairing water conservancy projects, building factories... none of these projects could be carried out.

Ultimately, there is only one reason: no money!

As long as you have money, everything is easy.

The Shinsen Chamber of Commerce simply could not allocate large sums of funds to support the construction of the Qinjin Domain while supplying the Shinsengumi.

If we only rely on "saving money" to raise funds, I really don't know how long it will take.

Apart from money, what Qing Deng lacks most now is time!
Under the order of Tokugawa Iemochi, the shogunate is currently actively preparing for war, preparing to take advantage of this rare window of "Choshu falling into rebellion" to launch a large-scale westward expedition and eliminate this restless hidden danger in one fell swoop.

Choshu, knowing that disaster was imminent, was also working hard to prepare for war.

The war in Gyeonggi Province is over...but a larger-scale war is brewing!
Two hundred and fifty years have passed since the Battle of Sekigahara, and a decisive battle of astonishing scale will break out again between East and West Japan!

At this time of rapid change, there is no time for Qing Deng to develop slowly.

Qinjin Clan must rise quickly and become an important force that can play a decisive role in the world of great strife!

“If you want to raise funds in a short period of time, you can only seek investment.”

"This is not some small sum of money that can be given away in the form of a few thousand or ten thousand taels. This is a large sum of money that is measured in the amount of 'hundreds of thousands'."

"Only the wealthy businessmen in Osaka can afford such a huge amount of money."

"And the only Osaka tycoon I know of is Wu's grandmother."

Mr. Kiryu listened quietly and then understood something.

"I see... I understand."

As he murmured, he had a strange expression on his face, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"Ju Jun, you are quite ambitious. You actually want to cooperate with Huluwu."

Qingden smiled:
"If both sides can successfully reach a cooperation agreement, it will be mutually beneficial. We will get the money and you will get a solid political ally. It is a perfect strategy."

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