I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 769 We are going to marry Ju Qingdeng together! [1]

Chapter 769 We are going to marry Tachibana Aoto together! [4500]

Kinoshita Mai: "Ms. Chiba?!"

Souji: "Ms. Chiba, where are you taking us?"

The two girls who were grabbed by Sanako by the back of their collars looked like kittens being restrained by their mother cat by the back of their necks.

Sanako's "ruthless iron claws" and her sudden dragging naturally left the two girls puzzled.

Faced with the two girls' repeated questioning, Sanako had only one attitude - ignore it.

There was no expression on her face except for that resolute look, and she exuded an amazing aura.

She just dragged the two girls like this, stomping on the floor with a rumbling sound, and no one knew where they were going.

With their interesting height difference, it was like an eagle catching chicks.

To be honest, leaving aside Mai Kinoshita for now, just based on Souji's outstanding skills as the "first general of the Shinsengumi", she is fully capable of breaking free from Sanako's control.

But... I don't know why, facing Sanako who is full of special "deterrence" at the moment, Souji has a feeling similar to "blood suppression", and he can't bring up any thoughts of resisting the other party...

Just then, a leisurely figure appeared in front of them - Harada Sano's assistant was holding a bag of fragrant grilled squid, eating with his mouth full of oil.

After discovering Harada Sanosuke, Sanako rushed to the other party without saying a word.


Harada Sanosuke shuddered several times.

Sanako's "flash" and her strange appearance of "pulling a woman in each hand" at this moment are hard not to be frightened.

Harada Sanosuke, who was nearly choked, patted his chest hard, and swallowed the grilled squid stuck in his esophagus with difficulty. He then looked up and down at Sanako and the others with a look of surprise.

"Ms. Qianye? What's wrong with you?"

Sanako did not respond, but simply asked:

"Harada-kun, you're just in time. Do you know where Tachibana-kun is now?"

"Mr. Tachibana? He is currently at the No. 1 Training Ground, watching the Sixth and Eighth Divisions' training."

"Number A training ground? Great, this way, I can save myself a lot of trouble!"

After saying that, Sanako took another step, continuing to drag the two girls, and left like the wind.

Harada Sanosuke stood there in a daze, not even bothering to eat the grilled squid. He stared blankly at the backs of Sanako and others which were getting farther and farther away.

"So...what is going on here...?"



Shinsengumi Garrison, Training Ground No. A—

On the stage for selecting generals, Qing Deng stood with his hands behind his back.

The captains of the 6th and 8th squads... Inoue Genzaburo and Fujido Heisuke, were waiting on his left and right sides respectively.

Below the reviewing platform, the soldiers from the sixth and eighth squads were arranged into two neat square formations.

Looking around, the soldiers in the formation were all sweating and panting.

It was not difficult to see that they had just gone through an extremely intense training session.

Today, Qingdeng has its own territory and a more stable and extensive source of income.

Money gives people courage - he officially put on the agenda the plan of "forming an artillery unit" which had previously been shelved.

Although there are a lot of places to spend money right now, this does not prevent him from preparing for a rainy day.

Next, he plans to expand the size of the sixth and eighth squads.

The two teams will be expanded from the current 450 people to 750 people, with a total of 1500 people.

While expanding the army, they were transformed into musketeers.

The first, second and third squads are elite troops that specialize in charging and street fighting, and they are full of tough men.

Asking the soldiers of these three squads to stop wielding swords and use guns and cannons instead would be a waste of talent.

Led by the tough guy Serizawa Kamo, the Fourth Division has a strong combat capability that is no less than that of the First, Second, and Third Divisions, and is also not suitable for transformation into a musket unit.

The captain of the 5th Division is Niimi Nishiki. After all, he is not from Qing Deng's direct lineage (Shiweikan faction), and Qing Deng does not intend to entrust the important musketeers to outsiders.

The 7th and 10th squads are cavalry squads.

The 9th Division is a ninja unit.

Therefore, to sum up, the most suitable units for transformation are the 6th and 8th squads led by Inoue Genzaburo and Fujido Heisuke.

In today's era, "line tactics" are very popular.

The so-called "line tactics" is commonly known as "shooting in line."

Due to the backward performance, the hit rate of current mainstream muskets is very poor.

If it's a target right next to your face, that's not a big deal.

But for a target 10 meters away, whether you can hit it depends entirely on luck.

As long as the distance between them is far enough, even if two gunmen stand still and shoot at each other, they may run out of bullets and both sides will still be safe.

Therefore, in order to ensure the hit rate of the guns, the gunners could only line up in tight and neat rows, and march slowly towards the enemy camp in neat steps accompanied by the high-spirited sound of military drums.

If the opponent also uses the "line tactics", then they will also form a formation, follow the beat, and walk slowly.

When the distance was shortened, they raised their guns and fired at each other.

Whichever side's gun formation collapses first will lose.

This tactic may look silly, but it is the most advanced and terrifying tactic at the moment.

Why have the Western powers been so successful in their military operations over the past century?

Not only are they invincible on the ocean, they are also invincible on land.

What lies behind “line tactics” is a level of discipline that was extremely difficult for classical armies to achieve.

Even if they were about to run into the enemy's guns, even if their comrades around them fell, they would not retreat rashly.

This strict discipline alone is enough to make them invincible on the battlefield.

Whether it was the Mamluk cavalry or the "invincible archers and horses" of the Eight Banners, they were all defeated in the face of the "line tactics" of the Western powers. It can be said that they were truly invincible in the world.

If you want to master the "line tactics", you don't need a very strong physique, but you need the iron discipline of "if you are told to climb a mountain of swords, you must climb a mountain of swords; if you are told to go into a sea of ​​fire, you must go into a sea of ​​fire"!

Qing Deng was just testing the discipline of the 6th and 8th squads.

The test content includes but is not limited to: formation, marching in step...

Overall, the performance of the soldiers from the 6th and 8th squads was satisfactory.

Thanks to the long-term military posture training, each of the soldiers is good at standing and forming a formation.

——Next...it's time to find a way to purchase guns and cannons...

There are only two channels that Qingdeng can think of to buy guns.

One is to go directly to the shogunate and ask it to help contact France.

In order to expand its influence in the Far East, France extended an olive branch to the shogunate.

It just so happened that the shogunate was also eager to introduce advanced Western weapons and military systems.

In this way, the two sides "met in agreement" and became closer and closer.

However... Qing Deng did not want to contact France unless it was absolutely necessary.

The reason is that France basically treats them as suckers!

They knew exactly what Japan's weakness was, namely, lack of military industry, so they raised the price of guns and cannons to an extremely high level with a huge premium.

It is outrageous that an ordinary flintlock rifle can be sold at a high price of several taels of gold.

As for the second one, it is to find the gourd house.

No matter what, Huluwu is a business group with profound heritage.

Qing Deng would never believe it if they said they had no connection with overseas.

The Western arms dealers in the 19th century were extremely powerful!

Not to mention ordinary guns and cannons, as long as you can afford the money, they can even sell you sailing warships!

All in all, this route is worth a try!
——When I meet Wu's grandmother later, besides discussing the investment plan, I will also talk to her in detail about the purchase of guns and cannons...

Just as Qing Deng was thinking to himself——

"Huh? Miss Chiba?" Inoue Genzaburo beside him suddenly exclaimed.

Hearing this, Qing Deng subconsciously turned his head to look - the next moment, his expression was dominated by intense surprise.

"Sanako, Mai, Souji, y-you guys...what are you doing?"

Sanako took two steps at a time and climbed up to the platform.

Everyone on and off the stage saw her graceful figure and her strange posture of "a woman who is forced to do something difficult".

As soon as she appeared on the stage, this unique look of "dragging Kinoshita Mai with her left hand and Souji with her right hand" shocked the audience.

At this moment, both Mai Kinoshita and Souji had numb and helpless expressions on their faces.

"Sanako, what are you doing?"

Qing Deng asked again.

Anyone with eyes can see that Sanako is different now.

Although it was just a personal intuition, Qing Deng always felt that... something extraordinary was about to happen...

Sanako ignored Qing Deng's questioning.

She put down Mai Kinoshita and Souji in her hands, let them sit down on the ground, then walked straight towards Qing Deng and stood in front of him.

The two sides were so close that Qing Deng could not only count each other's eyelashes one by one, but could even clearly feel the other's warm breath.

Their eyes met, with completely different emotions dancing in them... Qing Deng's was "bewildered and confused", while Sanako's was "indescribable complexity".

Then he heard her talking to herself, her tone half shy and half resolute:
"Alas... at this point, there is no turning back...!"

After she finished speaking, she gritted her teeth, slowly turned around, and faced the bottom of the reviewing platform, facing the nearly one thousand soldiers of the 6th and 8th squads.

"I am Chiba Sanako, captain of the Shinsengumi Battōtai 7th Division."

"As well as the captain of the Shinsengumi Battōtai 9th Division, Mai Kinoshita, and the captain of the Shinsengumi Battōtai 1st Division, Souji Okita."

Having said this, Sanako paused.

She took a deep breath, as if gathering emotion and strength.

At this time, Mai Kinoshita and Souji were still slumped on the ground, having not yet stood up.

The former was still confused.

However, the latter seemed to realize what the other party was planning to do, his face turned pale and his cheeks were filled with shock.

"Ms. Chiba, you are not going to..."

Before Souji could finish, Sanako released all the emotions and strength she had stored up in one breath.

"The three of us are going to marry Tachibana Aono!"

"We are not divided into wives and concubines. We are all Tachibana Aoto's principal wives!"

"Did you all hear that clearly?"

"If you heard it clearly, spread it quickly!"

"Tell this news to everyone in the world!"

Sanako finished.

At the moment she finished speaking, the audience below the stage, which had originally been filled with whispers, suddenly fell silent.

The soldiers of the 6th and 8th squads all had their eyes wide open, speechless.

Of course, the silence was only temporary.

In just a moment, the noisy discussions and exclamations turned into waves of sound, erupting like magma.

"Hey! Did you hear that?"

"I have ears, of course I heard it!"

"Captain Chiba, Captain Kinoshita, and Captain Okita are going to marry Lord Niou together? Is this true?"

"That's not right! Captain Okita is a man!"

"If you mean taking Captain Okita as a bed-warmer, then I can understand that. But what about marriage?"

"Generally speaking, can't there only be one legal wife? Three legal wives...what's going on here?"

"Who knows? I don't have much knowledge, and I don't understand the twists and turns of the upper class. Maybe a big shot like Mr. Ju can marry more than one wife."


There was a lot of discussion below the stage.

Although it was very quiet on the stage, there was also a strange atmosphere.

Inoue Genzaburo and Fujido Heisuke looked at each other.

They both saw the same question in each other's eyes - shouldn't we be standing here?

As for Mai Kinoshita and Souji, there is no need to mention them.

Both of them were completely stunned, their expressions were dull, their eyes were staring, and their whole bodies were stiff, as if they had lost control of their bodies, like clay sculptures or wooden carvings.

Qing Deng wasn't much better.

--what's the situation?
--What happened?
——What should I do now?
He asked himself three questions in his mind.

A series of sudden changes made him experience for the first time in a long time what it means to be "at a loss" and "at a loss".

On the other hand, Sanako, who created the current situation, had a relaxed expression on her face.

She lay on her back and let out a long breath.

"I feel comfortable..."

Although she spoke beautifully and acted in a carefree manner, judging from her portrayal, she was a far cry from being "easy" and "at ease".

Her whole face turned pink, and her pretty face was filled with visible shame.

In terms of how thick-skinned they are, Sanako and Mai Kinoshita are exactly the same. Both of them are people with a strong sense of shame and are easily embarrassed.

Announcing the marriage in front of nearly a thousand people... this undoubtedly brought her tremendous pressure and shame.

However, even though her face was heavily pinkened, she still held on, pretending to be a nonchalant "expert", and turned to look at Mai Kinoshita and Souji who were still not recovered.

"No, no, it's just getting married!"

"It's just a one-line sentence, but it caused so much trouble!"

"I hate mother-in-law the most."

"In this way, everyone won't have to waste time and energy on such boring things!"



Shinsengumi Station, Hijikata Toshizo's office——

The "three elders" are still here writing their letter "suggesting Qingdeng to get married as soon as possible".

It was written by Shannan Jingzhu, who was proficient in literature and calligraphy.

Hijikata Toshizo and Kondo Isami sat on his left and right, giving him "literary advice" from time to time.

After seeing this scene, people who don’t know the situation might think that the three of them were writing love letters to the girls they liked.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps were heard outside the room.

Along with the footsteps came Fujido Heisuke's anxious cry:
"Mr. Hijikata! Mr. Hijikata! Something big has happened! Something big has happened!"

Hijikata Toshizo frowned slightly and said immediately:

"Come in!"

Fujido Heisuke impatiently opened the door and slipped in.

Before Hijikata Toshizo could ask any questions, he could not wait to speak:
"Eh? Mr. Kondo, Mr. Yamanami, you're all here? That saves a lot of trouble!"

"Just now, Ms. Chiba announced in public at the No. 1 training ground: Ms. Kinoshita, Mr. Okita, and herself will all marry Mr. Tachibana as wives! All three of them will be the principal wives, regardless of whether they are wives or concubines!"

Hijikata Toshizo, Kondo Isami, and Yamanami Keisuke: "...Huh?!"

When you read this, the old moon has passed and the new moon has arrived. So... if you have monthly tickets, please vote for this book! (tearful leopard head.jpg)

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: Thanks to Sanako, Aoto can finally get married. Say "Thank you Sanako!"

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