I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 778: Alliance! Huluwu provides unlimited support to Qinjin Clan! [5100]

Chapter 778: Alliance! Huluwu provides unlimited support to Qinjin Clan! [5100]

Kinoshita Lin finished speaking.

The inside and outside of the dojo were once again surrounded by silence - or more accurately, it turned into a dead silence frozen by extreme shock.

Qing Deng found that he had underestimated the old woman in front of him.

This old woman is not only a relative of the "Hidden Sword Saint" Kinoshita Genichi, but also has a close connection with the "Eternal Sword Saint" Ogata Issey.

What a terrible network of contacts!
Of course, compared to "Kinoshita Lin and Ogata Issei knew each other", what surprised Qing Deng more was what she said just now, "Ogata Issei summarized and defined 'momentum'" and "Ogata Issei was able to control 'momentum' freely."

Ogata Issei summarized and defined "momentum" - although Qing Deng was surprised by this, he could understand it.

Who was the first person to propose and promote the concept of "momentum"?

There have always been different opinions in the martial arts community regarding this question.

Among them, one of the most mainstream hypotheses is Ogata Noriyoshi.

Since we want to study and define "momentum", the most important condition is to first become a top-notch person who can release and sense "momentum".

In terms of strength and power, who can compare to the "Eternal Sword Saint"?
Kinoshita Rin's words just now confirmed that "Ogata Isei is the developer of 'shi'" was not a hypothesis, but a proven fact.

Just releasing the "force" would make most people faint due to the unbearable pressure - Qing Deng could understand this.

After all, he himself had had similar personal experiences.

Nowadays, whenever he releases his "power", he can make ordinary people feel uncomfortable all over, their heartbeats speed up, and cold sweats break out.

People with weaker willpower may not even be able to stand steadily.

Even the strong and determined will inevitably be affected.

The battle just now is the best proof.

If it were under normal circumstances, the heroes of Gourd House, led by Katakura Takanobu, would not be people who lack physical strength.

However, because Qing Deng released his "momentum", which intensified their physical consumption, they revealed their flaws so quickly, allowing Qing Deng to defeat them one by one.

As long as Qing Deng continues to improve himself, in time, his "momentum" will be able to reach the level of "stunning others"!

However, to control the "momentum" at will, to concentrate the "momentum", and then to explode it in an instant... Honestly speaking, Qing Deng couldn't even imagine this kind of ability!

What exactly should we do to be able to control the "momentum" with ease?
Not to mention understanding, he didn't even have the slightest clue!

This is like asking him to control the hair on his cheeks with his own thoughts - how is that possible!
Kinoshita Rin was a remarkable woman who started from scratch and built up the huge business group of Huluya.

A hero like her is not the kind of frivolous person who likes to brag and talk nonsense.

So Qing Deng didn't think the other party was bluffing him.

Thanks to Kinoshita Rin's explanation, Qing Deng has a new understanding of Ogata Issei and Kinoshita Genichi - these two great figures who are hard to find.

In terms of personal contributions alone, Ogata Issei and Kinoshita Genichi are indeed worthy of the title of "Sword Saint".

One developed a whole new breathing technique.

The other is to clarify the concept of "momentum".

Before Genichi Kinoshita, breathing techniques only remained at the stage of "calming the mind".

As for Ogata Issey, there is no need to mention him. He brought the level of human martial arts research to a higher level.

Qing Deng couldn't help but think:

——Could these two also be time travelers with cheats...?
Just as he was still immersed in his thoughts, unable to extricate himself, Kinoshita Lin suddenly broke the silence:

"Oops, no, we seem to have strayed off topic."

"Let's get back to the point."

"An Yi, I have seen your strength with my own eyes."

"Then let's get down to business."

Upon hearing this, Qing Deng immediately perked up and straightened his back subconsciously.

The highlight of this "Osaka trip" is finally here!
"'The alliance between the Qinjin clan and the Huluya clan'... is a good idea."

"To be honest, I am quite interested in your plan - of course, it's just 'interested'."

“Otsu is a blessed land rich in resources.

"If you can get financial support from my Hulu House, your Qinjin Clan will be reborn."

"Within two years, we will be able to become a powerful vassal state with astonishing national strength."

“This is indeed a huge benefit to you.”

"But what benefits can we in Calabash House gain from this?"

"I don't like the kind of business where there's no money to be made or there's a loss that doesn't go my way."

After hearing this, Qing Deng was startled.

How could he not know the implication of Kinoshita Lin's words?

On the one hand, she reminded Qing Deng: Don’t think of getting it for free from us!
But on the other hand, she also bluntly hinted to Qingdeng that she was "interested" in the cooperation between the two parties.

Whether you will succeed in the end or not depends entirely on your subsequent performance.

Although Qing Deng is Jiulang's closed disciple, he also has a special "quasi-husband and wife" relationship with Kinoshita Mai. In this way, Qing Deng can be considered half of Kinoshita Lin's family.

However, in the face of naked interests, all emotions and all ties are nothing but clouds.

What's more, Kinoshita Lin is also a businessman.

It is said that "merchants value profit".

If you don't show sincerity and substantial benefits, don't even think about impressing her!

Qing Deng had made the corresponding mental preparations early on, so he was not panicked at all.

He thought about his words for a moment, and then said seriously, word by word:
"Ms. Kinoshita, I have always despised 'harming others to benefit myself' and only care about 'win-win'."

"Since I dare to propose this plan, I have the confidence to make both you and me benefit from it!"

Kinoshita Lin smiled slightly:
"Oh? Then tell me about it. Let me hear your idea of ​​a 'win-win' situation."

Qing Deng took a deep breath and then told the story.

Regarding how to persuade Kinoshita Lin, Qing Deng held numerous meetings with Hijikata Toshizo, Yamanami Keisuke and others in advance to discuss countermeasures.

Qingdeng always believes that there is nothing that cannot be negotiated. If there is, then increase the stakes!

After repeated discussions, Qing Deng and others finally finalized the "final bargaining chip".

To put it simply, it is to adopt a "dividend system" and allow Huluwu to have certain privileges when conducting business activities within the Qinjin domain!

The former is easy to understand - as long as Huluwu is willing to invest, it will directly collect a certain percentage of returns in Qin Jinfan's subsequent series of revenue activities according to the amount of the investment.

As for the latter, it is also easy to understand.

There are simply too many commodities and lands that can be developed within the Qinjin Domain.

If Huluwu wants to carry out business activities in Qinjin Domain, it will enjoy various privileges such as tax reduction or even tax exemption.

According to the calculations of Qing Deng and others, if Kinoshita Lin could agree to their conditions, then the income she would be able to obtain every year would be at least in the tens of thousands!

It won’t take long to recoup your costs.

Qing Deng, Hijikata Toshizo, Yamanami Keisuke and others were all convinced: no businessman could resist such temptation!
Qing Deng was confident that Kinoshita Lin would appreciate his offer and successfully facilitate an alliance between the two parties.

However... when he began to explain his cooperation conditions, Kinoshita Lin's reaction made him feel uneasy...

No matter what he said, no matter how excitedly he spoke, the other person's facial expression remained unchanged - a smile on his lips, and his eyes, as if trying to see through his inner thoughts, stared straight into his eyes.

After a while, Qing Deng finished speaking.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kinoshita Lin said quietly:

"Hmm... not bad."

"You really care about today's meeting."

"You and your staff must have put a lot of effort into convincing me."

"I have to say, the conditions you proposed are quite tempting."

"It's really surprising that you are willing to make such a big concession."

“After listening to it, I couldn’t help but feel a little moved.”


Hearing this, Qingdeng's heart skipped a beat.

Anyone with a little common sense knows that the words after “but” or “however” are the most important.

"For me, these conditions are still a little bit off."

As she spoke, she stretched out her right thumb and index finger and made a "a little bit" gesture.

“Although I don’t dare to boast that I have more money than I can spend, I am definitely not short of money.”

"So, please forgive me for being blunt - if the conditions are just this level, then we at Huluwu will not form an alliance with your Qinjin clan."

Kinoshita Lin’s meaning is very clear: the conditions are not enough!
After hearing this, Qing Deng's face changed slightly, but he quickly adjusted his facial expression under the influence of his innate "Emperor's Art".

From the very beginning, he didn't think that today's meeting could end quickly, and he never thought that he and Kinoshita Lin would reach a satisfactory consensus so quickly.

——It looks like... this is going to turn into a protracted war.

The conditions he just put forward were far from his "negotiation bottom line" and there was still ample room for negotiation.

So he gathered his thoughts and spoke again:
"In that case, how about this—" Qing Deng put forward a new condition.

After listening to this, Kinoshita Lin quickly responded - a firm refusal.

Qing Deng put forward new conditions.

And then there was rejection...



time flies.

In the blink of an eye, the minute hand on the clock has gone through a full circle.

Although a long time has passed, the talks between the two have not yet broken the deadlock.

Qingdeng kept offering new and increasingly generous conditions.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he has shown his sincerity, and it can be said that he is very sincere.

However, Kinoshita Lin never changed her attitude and response: reject, reject, and reject again...

After the new conditions were rejected again, even with the help of the "Emperor's Art", Qing Deng couldn't help but look confused, and his expression gradually became ugly.

The conditions he has currently proposed are almost reaching his "negotiation bottom line"!

If they make further concessions, then the Qinjin clan will have no money to earn!

Since there is no profit, why cooperate?
——Such good conditions, but you still don’t agree... Aren’t you too greedy!
Thinking of this, Qing Deng couldn't help but feel resentful.

He thought that the series of conditions he offered now were good enough, and he was about to make Huluwu the royal merchant and privileged merchant of their Qinjin clan.

If it were any other businessman, faced with such favorable conditions, he would have agreed long ago.

So, he couldn't help but speculate:

——Could it be that... she had no intention of cooperating with me from the beginning, so she has been teasing and playing tricks on me?
——No, it's impossible... She can't be that boring.

—Abandon those idle thoughts...Think carefully...Think carefully...

——What kind of conditions should I offer to satisfy her?
——The most touching conditions are those that just happen to meet the needs of others... So, what does she need?

Qing Deng was no longer in a hurry to speak.

Instead, he remained silent and thought.

Kinoshita Lin did not urge him. She still looked calm with a smile on her face, allowing Qing Deng to think slowly.

Boss Kiryu seemed to have anticipated the current situation.

He half-closed his eyes, looked calm and composed, said nothing, and had no intention of helping Qing Deng.

Mai Kinoshita was very nervous.

On one side is her "husband's family", and on the other side is her parents' family... She was caught in the middle, at a loss, and didn't know which side to support.

——What should I do? Should I continue to raise the conditions? Or...

Qing Deng frowned slightly and racked his brains.

At this moment, it was as if a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and he suddenly remembered what Kinoshita Lin had just said:
(I don’t like the kind of business where there is no money to be made or the business is unsatisfactory and at a loss)

——“Not going as I wish”…

Then, he recalled what Kiryu's boss had said to him in a serious tone:

(My Lord, although she is a businessman, she is not an ordinary businessman. If she were the kind of selfish person who only cares about making money and doesn't care about other things, she would not have become mortal enemies with the Fazhu Party. Therefore, if you only regard her as a pure businessman who will not get up early without profit and is only interested in profit, then you will suffer a great loss.)
Qing Deng felt like he had grasped something.

Soon, a "fresh breeze" dispelled the fog in his mind, and his brain suddenly became clear.

"...Ms. Kinoshita, how about this - as long as Huluwu is willing to support us, then Qinjin Domain will become a bridgehead against the Fazhu Party! Spare no effort to strike at the Fazhu Party!"

At this moment, Kinoshita Lin's facial expression finally changed.

She raised her eyebrows, her eyes lit up, and she said with interest:

Boss Kiryu's expression also changed.

He lifted his half-closed eyelids, looked up, and cast an admiring look at Qingdeng, as if to say, "This child is teachable."

Qing Deng said calmly and seriously:

"From what I understand, you are very hostile to the Fazhu Party, and there is an irreconcilable blood feud between you two."

"Coincidentally, I also have a deep conflict with the Fazhu Party."

"Therefore, in terms of 'fighting the Fazhuo Party', you and I have the same interests."

"To be honest, I am far from understanding this evil party."

"However, based on the intelligence I have so far and the various behaviors of the Fazhu Party, I dare to conclude that they are definitely not bandits of a roving nature!"

"They definitely have a stable base!"

"Maybe there is a very powerful military force!"

"The opponent is both powerful and cunning... Since we want to eliminate a powerful enemy, then 'making many allies' is a good choice. The more allies the better."

"Ms. Kinoshita, my next words may be a little harsh - if Huluwu had the ability to eliminate the Fazhu Party alone, the latter would not have been at large for so long."

"After all, you are just a merchant group. You can't develop military power in an upright manner. But I can!"

Qing Deng suddenly raised his voice, full of momentum, and his words were filled with strong confidence.

"I am the Lord of Qinjin Domain, the Governor of the Capital Region, and the head of the Hachioji Thousand People's Heart. I command the Shinsengumi and Hachioji Thousand People's Heart, and I have 5000 direct troops alone!"

"I have soldiers, but no money."

“You have money, but no soldiers.”

“We are highly complementary!”

"Ms. Kinoshita, in order to destroy the Fazhu Party, please become my ally - not a business partner who wants to make money together, but a comrade-in-arms who wants to fight the Fazhu Party together!"

After he finished speaking, Qing Deng stared straight at the old woman in front of him, anxiously waiting for her reply.

If even such conditions are not met, then he is really helpless!

Qingdeng: "..."

Kinoshita Lin: “…”

The old man and the young just stared at each other; no one moved and no one spoke.

Fortunately, this strange situation did not last long.

After a while, Kinoshita Lin slowly raised her head and shouted to the outside:

"Here comes someone!"

In the blink of an eye, footsteps were heard from far away:

"My lord, please give me your orders."

"Call Jiaqing, quickly."


Boss Kiryu explained to Qing Deng:

"Jiaqing is the lord's think tank and right-hand man. His full name is Zuishang Jiaqing."

"His position in the Gourd House is similar to that of a prime minister of a country, and he is decisive in killing people, so he is called the 'Prime Minister of Killing'."

Not long after, a thin middle-aged man with half-white hair and beard pushed the door open and appeared in front of Qing Deng and others.

"My lord, what are your orders?"

The middle-aged man…that is, Zuishang Jiaqing, asked a straightforward question.

Kinoshita Lin said calmly without any sadness or joy:
"From today on, Huluwu will sign a treaty with Qinjin Clan, and the two sides will form a military alliance."

Best Choice raised his eyebrows:
"'Military alliance'? Please forgive me for asking, how long will this alliance last? During the period of the alliance, what kind of help will we provide to the Qinjin clan?"

As expected of the "Prime Minister" of Hulu House, he didn't say a word of nonsense and all the questions he raised went straight to the point.



Mogami Kazuki opened his eyes wide and asked in disbelief.

At the same time, Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai also changed their expressions, both of them looked shocked, as if they suspected they had heard it wrong.

Only Boss Kiryu shrugged his shoulders with an expression that said "as expected".

Under the gaze of everyone, Kinoshita Lin remained calm and said slowly:
"There is no limit. There is no limit to our assistance to the Qinjin Clan. We will give them whatever they want! The alliance between the two sides will continue until the Fazhu Party is completely eliminated!"

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

Today is the first time in a long time that the number of views has reached 5000+! In view of Leopard's hard work, please vote for this book! (crying leopard head.jpg)

Generally speaking, the basic rule of negotiation is "ask for a high price and pay low."

However, if Baobaozi wrote in detail the process of "paying the debt on the spot", a group of book lovers would give him some praises.

So Leopard directly skipped the process of "paying the money on the spot".

Qing Deng quickly put forward his negotiation bottom line, which was then rejected by Kinoshita Lin. Then Qing Deng "woke up" and quickly finalized the cooperation - all in one go. It was easy for me to write, and it was easy for book friends to read. It's a win-win situation!

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