I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 801 Mibu Yoshi and the mini version of Sanako! [Leopard Update 6K2]

Chapter 801 Mibu Yoshi and the mini version of Sanako! [Leopard Update 6K2]

Among these newcomers, five of them attracted the most attention from Qingdeng.

One of them is Yamazaki Jun, the "Innate Ninja Holy Body".

The second one is Xiangma Zhucai.

Soma Shukei - Born in Kasama Domain, Hitachi Province, in 1843, he is 21 years old this year.

  Although he is a young boy, he has demonstrated to everyone through his actions what it means to be "young and powerful"!

Frankly speaking, his skills and literary talent are far from outstanding.

Throwing him into the Shinsengumi, which is full of tough guys, he seems mediocre and insignificant.

However, just as Yamazaki Jun's "extremely low presence" attracted Qing Deng's attention, there was also a special feature about him that made Qing Deng look at him differently.

  That is his general style!

In the military exercises held within the Shinsengumi, his calmness in the face of danger and his calmness even when a deer appeared on his left but did not blink left a deep impression on Qing Deng.

Whenever the war was urgent and a huge amount of news and intelligence came in like a storm, everyone was panicked and didn't know what to do, but he was always able to remain calm, quietly observe the situation and look for opportunities to win.

Qing Deng commented on him: In time, he might become the new vice-captain of the Shinsengumi!

The Shinsengumi now has no shortage of brave and fearless generals who can defeat a thousand enemies with one man.

But there are very few generals who can plan strategies, command with confidence, and win battles thousands of miles away.

According to Qing Deng's own observation, the only people in the Shinsengumi who can be considered as generals are Hijikata Toshizo and Saito Hajime.

Therefore, Qing Deng placed Soma Shukei in the position of "Deputy Captain of the Sixth Division".

The 6th, 8th and 11th squadrons, which are in charge of guns and artillery, are the three troops that Qing Deng values ​​the most now.

It is obvious that Qingdeng values ​​and appreciates him.

The third is Yoshimura Kanichiro.

Yoshimura Kanichiro was born in Morioka Domain, Mutsu Province in 1840 and is 24 years old this year.

Although the Morioka Domain had a land area of ​​10 koku and was by no means a small domain, it was not wealthy due to its remote geographical location in the mountains.

In other words, this is a remote and poor place.

In the eyes of Kyoto people, who are always arrogant and fond of regional slander, people from Mutsu (Tohoku) are all uncivilized savages.

Yoshimura Kanichiro, who was born in the countryside, has a country bumpkin air in both his appearance and temperament.

He has dark skin, thick hands and feet, his eyes narrow into slits when he smiles, his face is full of wrinkles, his cheeks are filled with an honest and simple air, and when he opens his mouth he speaks with a heavy, difficult to understand accent.

However, contrary to his simple appearance, he is actually a well-rounded person who is both talented in literature and martial arts.

He studied Hokushin Ittoryu and Shinto-ryu successively, and obtained the Menkyo Kaiden rank in both.

Because of his superb skills, he was recommended to study abroad in Edo.

While studying in Edo, he entered Genbukan and became a disciple of Chiba Dosaburo, where he further studied Hokushin Ittoryu.

Therefore, he and Yamanami Keisuke were fellow disciples.

Yamanami Keisuke had a deep impression of him.

When Yamanami Keisuke saw the name "Yoshimura Kanichiro" on the "Great Recruitment" list and confirmed that this person was the fellow student he knew, he immediately dropped all the work at hand and went to find Qing Deng as quickly as possible:

"Ju Jun, please be sure to recruit this man! He is a rare talent!"

In this way, with the strong recommendation of Yamanami Keisuke, Qingdeng made a bold move and specially recruited Yoshimura Kanichiro into the army.

As it turned out, Yamanami Keisuke's vision was not wrong.

No matter it was exhausting physical work or draining mental work, Yoshimura Kanichiro would do his best in every task assigned by Qing Deng and never let Qing Deng down.

After numerous tests, Qing Deng finally decided to place him in the position of "Deputy Captain of the Eighth Squad".

Just like Soma Shukei, he also served as the vice-captain of the musketeers.

It is worth mentioning that Yoshimura Kanichiro had a very bad reputation in the Shinsengumi and was not well-liked by his comrades. Only a few of his fellow disciples, such as Yamanami Keisuke, were willing to get close to him.

  This is not because everyone despises him for being a country bumpkin. How many people in the Shinsengumi are not from the countryside?

The reason was not complicated - everyone thought he was too greedy and had an unusual desire for money, like a mercenary businessman. He lacked the spirit of a warrior, so they were unwilling to associate with him.

In this regard, Qing Deng did some investigation and finally learned the truth from Shannan Jingsuke.

The reason why Yoshimura Kanichiro signed up to join the Shinsengumi was not for any lofty ideals, but just to make money to make a living.

He came from a poor family, being just a low-ranking samurai, with an annual salary in the pitiful single digits.

Because he got married early, despite his young age, he already has a son and a daughter.

Even if one spends all his spare time doing side jobs like making umbrellas or shoes, it is still difficult to support a family.

In order to support his wife and children and fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father, he made up his mind to "never return home again in this life". He resolutely took the risk of leaving his fiefdom and went to Qingdeng without any hesitation.

Since joining the Shinsengumi, he has sent almost all of his military pay and bonuses back to his hometown for his wife and children, and was reluctant to spend a penny on himself.

Needless to say, the clothes on his body were full of patches and looked like a piece of rag.

Even his sword was in tatters.

The blade has become as thin as a sheet of iron due to long-term use and excessive grinding.

The rope on the handle had rotted away long ago, so one could only hold the bare handle.

Qing Deng has always been full of respect for such a good husband and father who is dedicated to his duties.

Qing Deng has now become someone else's husband, and it won't be long before he is further upgraded to a father.

In this way, he understood even more how difficult it is to be a good husband and a good father.

Qing Deng knew that even if he gave him money, he would most likely secretly send the money back to his hometown.

So, he took advantage of a certain exercise and gave a good sword to Yoshimura Kanichiro on the grounds that "you performed well and deserve a reward" - in fact, Yoshimura Kanichiro's performance in the exercise was indeed very outstanding and worthy of reward.

How could a smart man like Yoshimura Kanichiro not know that Qingdeng was being considerate of him and taking care of his dignity by allowing him to own a new sword in a legitimate way?

When he was handed the new knife, he was so moved that he knelt on the ground, banged his head on the ground, and loudly stated that he would give everything he had to repay Qingdeng's kindness.

From then on, Yoshimura Kanichiro worked even harder to serve the public, with a heroic spirit of "a gentleman will die for his friend".

The fourth is Qin Nakazawa.

Qin Nakazawa - just by looking at the name, you can tell at a glance that this person is a woman.

After Sanako, Mai and Souji, the Shinsengumi welcomed its fourth female member.

She and Nakazawa Sadaki, who is currently the vice-captain of the 3rd Division, are siblings with a very close relationship.

To talk about the origins of these two siblings, we must first start with the organization called “Shinshingumi”.

Under tremendous political pressure, the shogunate abolished the sankankotai, and the flow of people in and out of Edo dropped sharply, resulting in a setback in business and a deteriorating economy.

As we all know, once the economy goes downhill, all kinds of trouble will emerge.

Robbery, extortion, theft...the public security in Edo deteriorated sharply and thieves were rampant.

At that time, the shogunate successfully formed the Shinsengumi with the idea of ​​"killing two birds with one stone by both solving the military problem and reducing social instability."

Perhaps it was due to path dependence. In the middle of last year, in the summer of 1863, the shogunate gathered a group of idle ronin to form a new force specifically responsible for maintaining public order in Edo, and named it the "Shinseigumi."

Since the Shonai clan was responsible for part of the security work in Edo, the Shinrei Group was under the command of the Shonai clan.

[Note: Shonai Domain: The lord of the domain was the Sakai family, a hereditary daimyo who was highly respected by the shogunate]

The Shinseigumi did not have a uniform uniform (light green haori) like the Shinsengumi, but they all wore conspicuous vermilion bamboo hats and paraded through Edo city at night carrying lanterns with butterfly patterns, the crest of the Sakai family of the Shonai domain. They were divided into two groups of fifty people, alternating between day and night.

The Nakazawa siblings are veteran members of the Shinsei Group.

When the new recruitment group was first established, the two siblings both signed up to join the army.

In the subsequent security operations, they gradually emerged and gained a great reputation.

The brother and sister come from a family of martial arts. Their family runs a dojo that teaches Fashen-ryu martial arts.

The two siblings each inherited a part of the Fashen School.

His elder brother, Nakazawa Sadaki, inherited the swordsmanship of the Hoshin-ryu school.

Her younger sister, Koto Nakazawa, inherited the Naginata technique and the Sakama technique from the Hoshin-ryu school.

No matter from which angle you look at it, these two siblings deserve the comment of "excellent".

Let’s start with appearance – they’re all good looking.

The elder brother has delicate features and the younger sister has a pretty face. One is a handsome man and the other is a beauty.

Let’s start from the inner side - because of their strict family education and profound family knowledge, both the brother and sister have noble character and hate evil.

Finally, let’s talk about their abilities - perhaps because of their excellent genes, their martial arts talents are outstanding and their skills are extraordinary.

After joining the Shinseigumi, the two siblings quickly demonstrated their strength far superior to that of their peers. They beat the criminals to the point of crying for their parents, greatly improving the public security in Edo.

Many bandits would consciously tuck their tails between their legs and quickly flee far away just by hearing the name of "Nakazawa Brothers and Sisters". They dared not act arrogantly. They were truly terrified by the news.

Even Qingdeng, who was far away in the capital, had heard of the names of these two siblings.

Because they all admired Aoto and were full of admiration for the Shinsengumi, when they learned that the Shinsengumi was holding a new round of "large-scale conscription", they gave up their current titles and status without hesitation and rushed to Kyoto to sign up for enlistment.

They also "kidnapped" a group of elite men from the Shinreigumi who also admired the Shinsengumi.

  Because of this, Qing Deng received a complaint from the lord of Shonai Domain - the Shinsengumi in Gyeonggi was recruiting soldiers, but in the end he lost a group of capable subordinates... It was so unfair!

The reason why Qing Deng values ​​Zhongze Qin is very simple.

  In a nutshell, she is a rare female hero!

First of all, its height alone is astonishing.

  She was over 1.7 meters tall! Almost as tall as Qing Deng!

It is rare for a woman to have such a height even in modern Japan, let alone in the Edo period when per capita nutrition was malnourished.

Whenever she walked among the ranks of the Shinsengumi, she stood out like a crane among chickens.

Therefore, not long after joining the Shinsengumi, she received her first title: "Female Titan".

Soon after, she was given her second and currently most popular title: "Xiao Zuo Na".

Both are skilled in using the naginata, both are heroic women who are as brave as men, both are beautiful women, and both are warriors with amazing strength...

  Strength, appearance, family background... No matter from which angle you look at it, Koto Nakazawa is like a mini version of Sanako!

For this reason, the generals and soldiers of the Shinsengumi half-jokingly called her "Osana".

Coincidentally, Koto Nakazawa admires Sanako very much.

同属“江户武道圈”、同为女武士,中泽琴岂会不知道佐那子?    早从十几年前起,当佐那子还是十来岁的花季少女的时候,她就格外仰慕对方,视其为自己终生学习的偶像。

In her daily life, she always imitates Sanako consciously or unconsciously.

For example: She always kept her back straight, shoulders flat, sat like a bell and stood like a pine tree, making herself behave as elegantly as Sanako.

For example: Whenever she was in a battle, she would imitate Sanako and tie her hair into a neat high ponytail.

As a super fan of Sanako, she not only does not feel disgusted by the title "Little Sana", but feels extremely honored and likes this title very much.

Qing Deng put her in the position of "Deputy Captain of the Seventh Division", making her Sanako's adjutant, which was considered to be what she wanted.

Just like Yamazaki Sho, after Sanako retired due to her pregnancy, Koto Nakazawa took charge of the overall situation of the 7th Division.

Thanks to the command experience she had gained from serving in the new recruits group, although she was a little flustered at the beginning, she gradually adapted to the heavy military duties and is now quite good at it.

By the way, her brother Nakazawa Sadaki is also a talented person who deserves special training.

However, what’s interesting is that compared to his personal abilities, his anecdotes are more impressive.

Nakazawa Sadaki was not a talkative person and was very frugal with words. If something could be explained in two words, he would never use three words.

Although Qing Deng appointed him as the deputy captain of the third squad, it was entirely out of official considerations and not intentionally to cause trouble.

But in terms of results, his personnel changes did have a very dramatic effect.

The reason for this is because of the captain of the third squad, Saito Hajime - he is also a man of few words.

  Both the captain and deputy captain were silent. Whenever the Third Division was dispatched, the following situation would always occur at the front of the troops:

Saito Ichi: “…”

Nakazawa Sadagi: “…”

Saito Ichi: “…”

Nakazawa Sadagi: “…”

No one spoke, letting the atmosphere become awkward and solemn.

Affected by this, the other team members behind them were all silent, not even daring to breathe, the silence was terrifying.

As a result, the 3rd Division was nicknamed "the quietest unit".

The last person who attracted Qing Deng's attention was his old acquaintance, Ito Koshitaro, who was the master of Fujido Heisuke and the leader of the Ito Dojo, Ito Daizo.

Thanks to the relationship with Fujido Heisuke, Qing Deng had some interactions with this person before.

The gifted "Core of the Elephant" is copied from him.

According to Ito Koshitaro himself, he had been closely following the development and activities of the Shinsengumi since it came to Kyoto.

As time went by, he gradually became fascinated and wanted to fight side by side with Qing Deng.

As soon as the news of "Shinsengumi launching a new round of conscription" reached Edo, he closed the dojo without hesitation, and took his younger brother Suzuki Sanju Saburo, as well as a group of disciples, to Kyoto to join Qingdeng.

After moving to Kyoto, he abandoned his original name "Ito Daizo" and changed it to "Ito Koshitaro".

As the master of Fujido Heisuke, there is no need to say much about his skills.

In addition to his extraordinary ability, he is also a great talent.

When Qing Deng was still a passerby, he had already become famous in Edo for his profound knowledge and first-class education.

  Qing Deng couldn't help but sigh: Is it a Feng Shui problem? Why does Beichen Ittoryu always produce such talented people who are both civil and military?

From Yamanami Keisuke, Fujido Heisuke, to the current Yoshimura Kanichiro and Ito Koshitaro, they are all ruthless people who can fight wild Hu on horseback and write military books on foot.

  A great talent like Ito Koshitaro is like a universal brick that fits in anywhere. How can it let a precious pearl fall into dust?

After careful and in-depth consideration, Qing Deng finally decided to appoint him as the assistant director of the Censorate.

Although Kondo Isami was a man of extraordinary bearing and masculinity, the only drawback was that he lacked knowledge and was unable to do work that required thinking.

With Ito Koshitaro as his adjutant, he will surely be even more powerful.

What a pity... Ito Koshitaro is good in every way, except for one thing that Qing Deng really dislikes - he highly respects Mito Gakuen.

Mito studies is the source of the Sonnō ideology.

Mito-gaku is to the patriots what the Bible is to the Christians.

Although Ito Koshitaro did not show any obvious political inclinations, and did not do anything extraordinary such as "spreading the idea of ​​sonnō ryō" or "splitting the Shinsengumi", Aoto still remained cautious.

While Qing Deng valued him and made use of his talents, he had always been secretly wary of him.



On the stage for selecting generals, Qingdeng sat on the main seat with his horse and golden sword.

The generals, led by Hijikata Toshizo and Yamanami Keisuke, quickly dispersed and took their positions.

“Eh? Who are you?!”

Suddenly, there was a scream from Souji.

The next moment, the atmosphere on the scene became extremely tense.

Everyone turned their heads, raised their eyes, and stared solemnly at the uninvited guest who suddenly appeared.

Some people even raised their hands to press their knives, assuming a fighting stance.

"It's me, the vice-captain of the 9th Division, Yamazaki Sho."

Si: "Yamazaki...Zheng...? Oh, yes, I remember now, you are indeed Yamazaki Zhi. Ahahaha... Sorry... I forgot who you are again..."

"It doesn't matter. It's my own problem. I'm just not good-looking."

In the blink of an eye, the tense atmosphere dissipated.

Everyone remembered again that this person was indeed Yamazaki Sho, and then continued to do what they were doing.

According to their status, everyone sat on the left and right sides below Qing Deng, facing each other.

The captains sit in the front row, and the vice-captains sit behind the captains.

  Looking up, the scene is so majestic!

Today's martial arts performance is an internal self-examination of the Shinsengumi, not a show in front of others.

So, there is no need to engage in any pretentious style.

As soon as Qing Deng sat down, he waved his hand.

  Hijikata Toshizo saw this and shouted loudly:


  In an instant, large flags were unfurled!

The flag bearers below the platform waved the flags in their hands and passed the orders down one level at a time.

The next moment, the loud sound of drums, "Boom, boom, boom", spread in all directions, resounding like the clouds!

The first to go into battle were the infantry.

Souji, Nagakura Shinpachi and others stepped down from the reviewing platform and went to command their troops.

The first, second, third, fourth and fifth squads, with a total of 1800 soldiers, were divided into five military formations. They marched in unison into the martial arts arena and arrived under the reviewing platform.

Compared to the past, today's Shinsengumi has undergone tremendous changes not only in size but also in its spirit.

  Under the strict military discipline, the soldiers no longer had the sloppy habits of vagrants, but transformed into a real, disciplined regular army!

After the infantry, the next group to appear was the cavalry.

The sound of horses neighing, "Huai Huai Huai", floated from afar.

After a while, a huge wedge formation composed of 800 cavalrymen came into everyone's sight.

Harada Saeyoshi's assistant held a spear and rode his horse in front of the formation.

A man and a woman followed closely on his left and right - they were the vice-captain of the 7th Division, Koto Nakazawa, and the vice-captain of the 10th Division, Tadashi Matsubara.

  As expected of a "female giant" who is over 1.7 meters tall, when she holds a naginata in her hand and sits astride a tall horse, she is as tall as an iron tower! Full of oppression!

Looking from a distance, her majestic and heroic figure has a hint of Sanako's style!

As for Matsubara Tadashi who worked alongside Nakazawa Koto, he was also an expert in using the naginata.

However, his naginata was specially made, and its blade was not the common slender willow-like shape.

With this shape, it looks more like a Guandao than a naginata!

Because of his fierce appearance and the fact that he wielded a large naginata, he was called "Ima Benkei".

Because of his proficiency in using the naginata, Qing Deng put him in the cavalry team to take advantage of his long weapon.

The exercises of the infantry and cavalry units were quite successful.

The chain of command is smooth and the actions are efficient.

When attacking, the force is like thunder!

When defending, be as steady as a rock!

Such performance deserves praise.

Qing Deng smiled and nodded slightly, expressing his satisfaction with his expression and actions.

Of course, Qing Deng was most concerned about the next two troops——

"go ahead!"

Inoue Genzaburo swung his raised sword down with all his might.

Almost at the same time, Fujido Heisuke, who was not far away, also issued the same order to his subordinates.

The next moment after the command was given, a shocking scene appeared on the training ground.

2000 musketeers, armed with rifles equipped with bayonets, were arranged in neat rows and approached their target at a steady pace.

At the same time, behind them, the pitch-black gun muzzles pointing obliquely at the sky exuded a terrifying aura.

The soldiers of the 11th Squadron... that is, the artillery team, pushed the cannons in an orderly manner and rushed to the firing position.

"Don't dawdle! Speed ​​means firepower! The performance of our artillery determines the outcome of the battle!"

The captain of the 11th Division, Abe Juro, frowned and urged the soldiers who were a little slow in their pace in a hostile tone.



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PS: There is a Japanese drama with Nakazawa Koto as the main character, the title is "Hanagarashi no Kenshin". The prototypes of Kanazawa Tadashi, the captain of the second squad of the Fire Thief Kai, and his sister Kanazawa Koto, who appeared earlier, are the Nakazawa siblings.

As for Yoshimura Kanichiro, there is a novel with him as the protagonist, the book is called "Mibu Gishiden", and there is also a movie adapted with the same name.

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