I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 810: Mobilization Begins! Prepare for Battle! [5600]

Chapter 810: Mobilization Begins! Prepare for Battle! [5600]

  July 7th is the day when the Yamaboko Parade is held...it's today!

Burn down Kyoto which is celebrating the Gion Festival, kill Matsudaira Yoshiyasu and Saigo Yoshinosuke, and then take advantage of the chaos to kidnap the emperor to Choshu... Whether it was Hijikata Toshizo or Serizawa Kamo, they all stood there in a daze after hearing this extremely crazy plan.

In an instant, their faces were filled with expressions of horror that could not be more intense.

At this time, Hijikata Toshizo showed the strong character and great determination that a vice-chairman of the Shinsengumi should have.

About 5 seconds later, he recovered from his shock and said with a dark face and a deep voice:

"When exactly do you plan to start? How many people will you have? Where is the meeting place? Where is the fire place?"

He fired a barrage of questions like a machine gun.

Perhaps he was out of despair. Now that the most core secret had been revealed, Furutaka Shuntaro had completely given up and no longer hesitated or struggled.

As soon as Hijikata Toshizo finished his question, he answered truthfully:

"We... just... tentatively plan to take action... tonight..."

"Mr. Gui... is very opposed to our... plan..."

"In order to... convince... Mr. Gui... we plan to... have a good talk with him... tonight..."

"Whether this plan will actually be implemented is still under discussion..."

"It may be carried out... as scheduled... tonight..."

"It's also possible... to cancel it directly..."

"Everything... depends... on the outcome of the negotiations... with Mr. Gui tonight..."

"So... the specific... time of action... where to set the fire... where to assemble... the number of people... I don't know anything..."

Mr. Katsura is one of the "Three Heroes of Choshu", Katsura Kogoro.

The three heroes of Choshu include a madman, a half-madman and a normal person.

That madman was Kusaka Genzui, who had gone all the way down the radical anti-foreignism path.

The half-crazy man also advocated expelling the foreigners, but he was not as extreme as Takasugi Shinsaku.

The only normal person is Katsura Kogoro.

Katsura Kogoro was a staunch supporter of the Sonnō sect, but he opposed the extreme practices of the radicals.

What a pity... As the saying goes, "When turbidity becomes the norm, innocence becomes a sin."

Since the "August 18th Coup", the entire Choshu has been like a runaway train with the accelerator pressed to the limit, crossing the track called "radical" and heading towards the goal called "extreme", rushing all the way with no intention of stopping.

Even though Katsura Kogoro tried his best to obstruct them, he was unable to calm the radicals down or make them return to normal. Instead, his situation became even more difficult.

Just as Katsura Kogoro could not agree with the radical faction's ideas, the radical faction led by Hisaka Genzui also could not agree with Katsura Kogoro's philosophy. They believed that Katsura Kogoro was too weak. How could such weak behavior achieve the great cause of respecting foreign countries?

As such, naturally, many people regard Katsura Kogoro as a thorn in their eyes.

However, Katsura Kogoro was a man of both literary and martial arts. In terms of literature, he was a disciple of Yoshida Shoin; in terms of martial arts, he was a direct disciple of Saito Yakuro, the "Saito of Power", and had served as a teacher at the training hall.

In the Choshu domain, "disciple of Yoshida Shoin" was like a golden business card. As long as you had this title, you could enjoy a higher status among the Sonjo patriots.

In short, Katsura Kogoro, who is of noble status, seniority and high ability, enjoys unparalleled prestige in the Choshu domain.

Even though the radicals viewed Katsura Kogoro as a thorn in their side, they had to maintain harmony and friendship on the surface.

Therefore, judging from logic, what Shuntaro Furutaka just said is very reasonable.

If Katsura Kogoro was really determined to oppose this crazy plan of "burning Kyoto and kidnapping the emperor", then with the power he possessed, he might really be able to ruin the plan.

Hijikata Toshizo frowned and looked like he was in deep thought.

  After a while, he spoke again:

"Who will be attending this meeting tonight?"

"Miyabe Daizo... Yoshida Minoru... Otaka Matajiro..."

Furutaka Shuntaro said the names one after another as if he was naming dishes.

All of them are well-known names among the patriots.

Among them, the most famous and noteworthy figures are Miyabe Teizo and Yoshida Toshima.

Miyabe Teizo was a veteran Sonjō patriot and one of the leaders of the Sonjō movement. His existence was of vital importance to the current Sonjō movement.

As for Yoshida Minoru, he was also a disciple of Yoshida Shoin.

Judging from his ranking when studying at Yoshida Juku, his status was even higher than Katsura Kogoro.

Together with Kusaka Genzui and Takasugi Shinsaku, he is known as the "Three Great Scholars of Shoin", and together with Irie Kyuichi they are known as the "Four Heavenly Kings of Shoin".

Yoshida Minoru is in the same group as Kusaka Genzui and is also a radical with extreme ideas in his mind.

Miyabe Teizo is also a radical who favors extreme actions.

  Miyabe Teizo, Yoshida Toshima, and Katsura Kogoro, the leaders of the Sonnō Jō movement, gathered together... A summit meeting of this level is truly rare!

As Hijikata Toshizo digested this massive amount of information, he let out a long sigh and asked one last question:

"Since you plan to negotiate with Katsura Kogoro tonight, when will your negotiation take place? Where will it take place?"

  Furutaka Shuntaro shook his head:

"I have no idea……"

When Serizawa Duck heard this, he immediately became angry.

"Damn it, it's already this late and you're still playing tricks on us?! Believe it or not, I'll hang you back on the beam!"

As he spoke, he raised his right fist as if to strike.

  Furutaka Shuntaro said with a look of fear on his face. Perhaps he was too scared, and even his speech became clearer:

"I, I really don't know!

"I'm not a big shot, so how can I know the specific time and location of such a high-level meeting?"

Serizawa ignored his words.

  He stretched out his big hands like iron pliers and was about to grab the other person's collar when Hijikata Toshizo spoke up to dissuade him:

"Serizawa, wait a minute. He's not lying. He really doesn't know."

Serizawa was stunned, frowned and glared at Hijikata Toshizo.

"Hichikata, how do you know he's not lying?"

Hijikata Toshizo replied calmly:

"When I was barely taller than a katana, I started hanging out outside and interacting with all kinds of people."

"Over time, I have accumulated a wealth of experience in 'reading people'."

"I can't say anything about my other abilities, but when it comes to judging people by appearance, I'm second to none in the Shinsengumi."

"I can tell at a glance if a person is lying."

After saying this, he turned around and shouted to the outside of the cell:

"Somebody come!"

Soon, the executioners who had just left the prison returned to the prison.

"Take him to get treated. If he can be cured, then we'll treat him. If not, then forget it."

After leaving this concise order, Hijikata Toshizo strode out of the prison without looking back.

  Before leaving, he added:

"Serizawa, come with me."

Although he was very unhappy about the other party's behavior of ordering him to do things, Serizawa Kabuto still suppressed his anger and followed Hijikata Toshizo's footsteps.

"Serizawa, from now on, you cannot leave the garrison until you receive new orders from me or Tachibana."

"The Zunyangzhi warriors will attack at any time!"

"I'm sure there are a lot of spies outside the garrison who are keeping a close eye on what's going on here."

"If you leave, there is a high possibility that a group of talented and capable people will appear immediately."

"They will force their way into the garrison and forcibly take back Furutaka Shuntaro."

"I'm leaving now to go back to Otsu."

"After I leave, Kyoto will be in the hands of you and Manxin."

  After hearing this, Serizawa Duck was startled at first, then asked back:

"You're going back to Otsu?"

Hijikata Toshizo lowered his eyelids, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

“This is an extraordinary situation right now.”

"I will report this to Tachibana immediately."

"It's neither safe nor clear to just write a letter...!"



Qinjin Fan, Dajin, Zhenfu Mansion, Military Council Room——

"Quick! Hang up the map of Gion!"

"There are also maps of three avenues! Hurry!"

"What's up with these messy scrolls? Put them away quickly!"

Previously, due to limited power and financial resources, Qing Deng, who was the governor of the capital, did not have a dedicated office.

"Zhenfu Mansion" is just a name, but has no actual office location.

However, because the functions of the original Shinsengumi were very simple and everyone was a rough man wielding swords, there was no need to establish a special office for centralized management.

However, as the size of the Shinsengumi expanded rapidly, it gradually acquired technical arms such as the cavalry, ninja, and musketeers, and completely broke with the Sonjo faction, and the burden on its shoulders became heavier. Therefore, it would definitely not be possible to continue to manage in the same extensive manner as before.

Therefore, as early as the end of last year, Qing Deng planned to establish a pacification office in the center of Ozu Town to command the Shinsengumi and take charge of the entire Gyeonggi battlefield.

Construction started in January this year and was completed perfectly in just three months.

From the outside, there is nothing special about Qingdeng’s Zhenfu Mansion.

The black tiles and diamond-patterned walls create a simple black and white tone; compared with Qingdeng’s political status, the area seems too cramped.

If there wasn't a plaque with the words "Zhenfu Mansion" hanging next to the gate, people would really misunderstand it and think it was the villa of some small rich man. Of course, don't underestimate it. This simple mansion is the most powerful building in the capital, no doubt about it!

Since the Zhenfu Mansion was built, Qingdeng moved his office here.

Judging from its functions, the Zhenfufu is undoubtedly the Shinsengumi's headquarters and general staff!

If a war breaks out in the capital, the Zhenfu Mansion will become the headquarters with full authority to command the war!

  Every day, orders that affect the capital, or even the whole of Japan, are issued from this simple mansion!

Qingdeng’s Zhenfu Mansion possesses such power.

At this moment, the military meeting in the Zhenfu Mansion was filled with noise.

In addition to handling administrative work, the Shinsengumi's General Affairs Department also serves as a think tank for providing advice and suggestions.

All the soldiers who are able to enter the General Affairs Department and serve as "commanders" are smart people with sharp minds and quick thinking.

Analyzing the various intelligence sent back by the 9th Division is one of the main tasks of the General Affairs Division.

Right now, the commanders of the General Affairs Department can be seen everywhere in the military meeting room.

They were all busy analyzing the complex information that had been continuously transmitted back from Kyoto since just now.

As soon as Qing Deng learned the news of "something unusual in Kyoto" from Yamanami Keisuke, he immediately changed into a light green feather robe, left the Tachibana residence, and rushed to the Zhenfu Mansion as quickly as possible, sitting in the military meeting room and directing the entire situation.

When Nagakura Shinpachi discovered and sealed off the arsenal, it was like disturbing a beehive. Letters of intelligence came in like snowflakes from Kyoto and were summarized in the Zhenfu Mansion.

Suspicious ronin appeared on the street; unidentified ronin went to the hotel to book a banquet; an unknown samurai with a Choshu accent appeared in Gion...

There are too many to mention.

Gathering intelligence is not difficult.

The difficulty lies in finding the correct option from this messy and dazzling information.

  History has proven this countless times: Once intelligence is misjudged, the dire consequences it causes are beyond description in words!

This tremendous pressure is enough to make people feel frightened and sweat on their backs when analyzing intelligence.

  At this time, a gentle voice sounded from behind Qing Deng:

"Mr. Tachibana, there is important information."

Qing Deng turned his head and looked—the chief assistant Takeda Kanryusai was striding towards him.

Takeda Kanryusai - a native of Momosato Domain in Izumo Province, was well-educated. He worked as a doctor in his early years and had considerable attainments in Koshu-ryu military tactics.

His original surname was Fukuda, but he changed his name to Takeda Kanryusai based on the famous Takeda family of Kai.

His skills... to put it mildly, are just average.

However, he was quite knowledgeable and well versed in Koshu-ryu military tactics.

Qing Deng had some knowledge of Koshu-ryu military tactics.

In order to verify Takeda Kanryusai's true talent and knowledge, Qing Deng once gave him a test.

Finally, it was proved that he really understood the Koshu-ryu military tactics, had a deep attainment in it, and also had quite unique insights.

If it were during the Warring States Period, he would most likely have become someone's military advisor.

What a pity... At a time when firearms are in vogue, even if one can make the most of Koshu-ryu or any other military method, it is still behind the times.

However, although the Koshu-ryu military tactics that Takeda Kanryusai was proficient in were no longer useful, his erudite brain and quick thinking were still worthy of praise.

Based on the simple idea of ​​"making the best use of talents", Qing Deng promoted him to the position of assistant chief and made him deputy to Shannan Jingsuke.

Qing Deng looked straight at Takeda Kanryusai and signaled with his eyes, "Speak quickly."

  Takeda Kanryusai cleared his throat and began to speak:

"In small inns such as the Tsuma-ya and Tamae-ya between Gion and Sanjo-dori, there are traces of the activities of the Sonnōjō activists everywhere."

"A soldier spotted a ronin on the street wearing a garment embroidered with a round three-patterned tortoise shell pattern."

"The round three-flowered tortoise shell family crest is the family crest of the Ako righteous man, Otaka Gengo."

  After hearing this, Qing Deng asked:

"Are there any noble men who are descendants of Daiko?"

Takeda Kanryusai immediately replied:

"Yes! Matajiro Otaka of the Hayashida Domain of Boshu."

Qing Deng nodded slightly when he heard this.

"It's another name I've heard many times..."

Ōtaka Matajiro——A well-known sonjo patriot. He has been involved in many terrorist attacks so far.

  Takeda Kanryusai continued:

"Although we cannot confirm whether this person is Ōtaka Matajiro, the soldier who spotted him tried to follow him."

"But unfortunately...it failed."

"This man was quite alert and soon shook off the soldiers who were following him."

Qing Deng nodded, indicating "I understand."

Takeda Kanryusai looked hesitant.

Then, he took a deep breath:

"My Lord, I personally think that... the situation this time may be different from the past..."

Qing Deng curled up the corners of his mouth, as if smiling.

"What? Are you scared?"

Upon hearing this, Takeda Kanryusai hurriedly said loudly:

"Afraid? How is that possible! I wish all those brave warriors would attack us so we can wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

  At this time, Shannan Jingsuke's voice came from afar:

"Tachibana-kun! Hijikata-kun is back!"

Hearing this, Qing Deng suddenly became energetic.

He looked in the direction of the sound—Yamanan Keisuke and Hijikata Toshizo were running towards him, one after the other.

Hijikata Toshizo was seen covered in dust and sweat - in order to get back to Otsu as quickly as possible, he really tried his best, and even the horse under him almost ran out of breath.

  After seeing Qing Deng, Hijikata Toshizo didn't bother to greet him and hurriedly said:

"Ju, find a secret room quickly."

As soon as these words were spoken, Qing Deng's eyes suddenly focused and his face became serious.

  Of course, he knew what Hijikata Toshizo was saying - find a secret room! I have a top-secret piece of information to tell you that cannot be known to outsiders!

So Qing Deng said without hesitation:

"follow me."



Aoto called over Kondo Isami, who was also one of the Shinsengumi's senior military commanders.

Aoto, Hijikata Toshizo, Kondo Isami and Yamanami Keisuke came to a tea room where they would never be disturbed by irrelevant people.

As soon as the three of them sat down, Qing Deng went straight to the point:

"Sui San, tell me, what do you want to report?"

  Hijikata Toshizo's face turned pale:

"Ju, this is serious."

He poured out all the secrets that Furutaka Shuntaro had told him without reservation.

After he finished speaking, not only Kondo Isami and Yamanami Keisuke, but even Qing Deng was surprised.

Because everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak, there was silence inside and outside the tea room.

  About 5 seconds later, Shannan Keisuke murmured:

"Mr. Dongcheng is right... those lunatics actually plan to burn down Kyoto...!"

As for the final result, Tojo Shintaro's previous guess was both right and wrong.

He correctly guessed that the Sonjo patriots were planning to burn down Kyoto.

But he did not guess that while the Sonjo patriots were burning Kyoto, they were also planning to take advantage of the chaos to eliminate Matsudaira Yoshiyasu and Saigo Yoshinosuke, and abduct the emperor to Choshu!

Fortunately, Qing Deng doesn’t live in Kyoto all the time now.

Otherwise, this group of lunatics would have added another item to their plan: "kill Ju Qingdeng".

  No matter from which perspective, the plan drawn up by the patriots is extremely crazy!

Even at this time, they were still thinking about the emperor and did not forget to kidnap him to Choshu in order to realize their ambition of "using the emperor to command the princes."

Today is the day of the Yamaboko Parade.

Yes, thousands of people will flood the streets to watch the annual "Yamaboko Parade".

  If we set fire to the city at this critical moment when the streets are deserted... the number of casualties would probably be less than a thousand!

In order to realize his ambition, he is willing to put the lives and property of all the people in Kyoto in danger. This, this...!

It is not enough to just use words like "crazy", "brutal", "insane" to describe it!

"...Jujun, what should we do now?"

Kondo Isami asked, casting a questioning look at Qing Deng.

Shannan Keisuke interrupted:

"Mr. Tachibana, for the sake of safety, I think we should order a halt tonight's 'Yamaboko Parade' to prevent further damage, and then send out the largest possible force to blockade Kyoto and conduct a search throughout the town to arrest Miyabe Teizo, Katsura Kogoro, and others."

Qing Deng, who had been silent since a while ago, raised his eyes and looked at Kondo Isami who was asking him for advice, and then looked at Yamanami Keisuke who was expressing his own ideas.

"… Jingsuke, don't panic."

He spoke suddenly, his tone very calm.

"This is both a crisis of 'destruction of Kyoto' and a good opportunity to 'destroy the Sonnō Faction'!"

  At this point, he suddenly raised his voice:

"There is no need to mobilize a large force."

"Kei-suke, go and call all the captains and vice-captains currently stationed in Otsu over here!"

"Gather our most elite forces to quell this unrest!"



Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: The previous chapter was blocked for a while this morning, and Leopard Leopard had to delete and modify some content before it was released... (豹死.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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