I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 82 "Mr. Orange, are you interested in the technique of drawing swords?" [6400]

Chapter 82 "Mr. Orange, are you interested in the technique of drawing swords?" [6400]


A gust of cold night wind, at this moment, penetrated into the room along the gap of the window.

There was a cool breeze, and the candles were flickering.

The flickering light reflected the cheeks of Ii Naosuke, who was now resting his right arm on the elbow and resting his head on his right palm, in mottled light and shadow.

The atmosphere in the room became a bit more dignified following what Ando Shinmasa said just now.

As soon as Ando Nobumasa's voice fell, Jing Yi Naosuke immediately asked Ando Nobumasa in a tone that was neither salty nor light, as if it contained no emotions:
"...Ando, ​​is the information accurate? Have you found out when they plan to assassinate, and who are the assassins?"

"..." Nobumasa Ando nodded solemnly, "Several spies we placed in the Mito Domain all received the same information at almost the same time."

"The information should be very accurate."

"As for the specific time of the assassination and the assassin...haven't found out yet."

In the room, it became silent again, and a needle could be heard...

After a while, Jingyi Naobi let out a long breath, and then sat up slightly:

"Assassinate me...hehehe. This day has finally come."

Shinzo Ando raised his head and cast a surprised look at Naosuke Ii in front of him.

"Boss, listen to your tone... Did you expect that the Mito clan would come to assassinate you?"

"Oh, that's right." Jingyi Naobi sat up a little more straight, "As early as 2 years ago, when I accepted the position of 'Big Boss', I had already imagined that such a day would come."

"My thoughts, and the thoughts of those people in the Mito Domain, have always been incompatible."

The corner of Jing Yi Naobi's mouth curled up, and after a sneer, he continued.

"I advocated the 'founding of the country' and punished the old thief Tokugawa Qi Zhao first. After ignoring the emperor's forced signing of the 'Five Kingdoms Treaty' with the barbarians, I had already given the Mito clan who shouted 'reject barbarians' and 'respect the emperor' every day. Totally offended."

"They didn't take some drastic measures to deal with me, but I would find it strange."

"...the people of the Mito clan... are a bunch of lunatics!" Ando Nobumasa seemed to be recalling some bad memories at this time, his face was livid, "every day clamoring for 'rejecting barbarians', 'removing barbarians'... "

"Don't we want to drive Yidi out?"

"In my dreams, I want to drive out these barbarians as soon as possible!"

After that, Nobuyuki Ando gritted his teeth, clenched his right palm, and punched the tatami under him hard.

"But without becoming stronger, what are we going to use to fight against barbarians?"

"Should we rely on the knives in our waists to fight against Yidi's steam battleship?"

"We must establish a country, we must communicate with these barbarians, and we must learn the advanced technology of barbarians. Only in this way can we truly have the ability to fight barbarians."

"Why do those people in the Mito Domain... just don't understand this?"

"Do they really think they can defeat Yi Di with long knives and spears..."

Looking at Nobumasa Ando who was filled with righteous indignation, Naosuke Ii smiled helplessly.

"Ando, ​​calm down."

"...I'm sorry, Boss, I made you laugh." Ando Shinmasa took several deep breaths, and then slowly loosened his fist.

Jing Yi Naosuke waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mind: "Ando, ​​you can make arrangements later, so that the spies lurking in the Mito Domain will step up their investigation and find out who they are, where and when they want to assassinate me."

Speaking of which, Naobi Ii put on a humorous tone:
"I haven't heard enough of Ajiu's waka, so I can't just let the people of Mito clan kill me like this."

Ando Nobumasa, who was amused by the witty words of Ii Naosuke, had a little smile on his face, and lowered his head:
"Yes, I will go down and arrange it immediately."

"I also ask you to strengthen your guard in the near future and increase the number of guards."

"This country... can't live without you."

"Now, you are the only one who can suppress the imperial court in Kyoto, suppress those powerful feudal clans in Satsuma and Changzhou, and suppress those careerists in the shogunate."

"If one day, you are gone..."

Ando Shinzheng clenched his loose fist again.

"I can't even imagine what the future of this country will be like..."

Listening to Ando Nobumasa's words, Ii Naosuke smiled slightly, and then nodded:

"Don't worry, I will step up my guard."

"Ando, ​​do you have anything else you want to report to me besides 'The Mito feudal vassal intends to assassinate me'?"

Shinto Ando shook his head.

"In that case, let's go." Jing Yi Naobi supported the elbow beside him and stood up, "It's getting late at night, you should go back to rest early."

Nobumasa Ando: "Yes!"

After sending the servants at home to send Nobumasa Ando away, Naosuke Ii walked slowly to a room on the highest floor of the mansion alone without any entourage.

This is the bedroom of Jingyi Naosuke and his wife: Jing Yijiu.

As soon as he returned to the bedroom, Jing Yi Naobi saw his wife Ajiu kneeling and sitting in front of a table with a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, writing something quickly.

Because it was bed time, Ajiu was only wearing a white bathrobe, and his long hair with a lot of white silk was naturally scattered.

There is a fireplace for heating in the room, so even if you only wear a thin yukata, you will not feel cold.

"Ah, you're back." After noticing Jing Yi Naobi's return, Ajiu quickly put down the pen in his hand, then turned around, and faced Jing Yi Naobi with a smiling face full of warm smiles.

"Well, haven't you slept yet?" Jing Yi Naobi smiled at his wife, then walked slowly towards his wife.

After coming to his wife's side, he fell down—his head was pillowed on Ajiu's legs, and he lay carelessly on his side on the tatami.

"What's the matter?" Ajiu raised the eyebrows that still had a lot of charm at Jing Yi Naobi who was resting on his lap.

"It's nothing..." Jing Yi Naobi adjusted his posture, changed from lying on his side to lying on his back, half-closed his eyes, and looked up at the wrinkled face above him, "It's just... I want to see you after a long time." I just want to see you from this angle."

Ajiu smiled: "So——Looking at me from this angle after a long time, is there any difference between me and before?"

"..." Jing Yizhi put away the smile on his face, and looked at Ajiu's face solemnly without blinking.

He just kept looking at Ajiu and didn't speak for a long time.

When Ajiu couldn't help feeling a little impatient and wanted to "urge" Jing Yi Naobi, he saw Jing Yi Naobi "puchi" and showed a faint smile.

"It's nothing different. You just stare at it for a while, and you can't help but be fascinated by it."

Ajiu couldn't help laughing, showing a joyful smile, and raised his hand to caress Jing Yi Naobi's face.

On the other hand, Jing Yi Naobi seemed to enjoy Ajiu's caress, and slowly closed his eyes.

Neither of the old couple spoke again.

But the strange thing is that no one thinks this kind of atmosphere where each other is silent will be awkward.

"...Ajiu, do you want to hear me tell a story?"


Before Ajiu gave a response, Jing Yi Naobi, who was closing his eyes, went on to say:
"There is an old scalper...it is dragging a grain cart, and it wants to drag the grain in the cart to the market for sale."

Ajiu's hand that was stroking Jing Yi Naosuke's cheek suddenly stopped.

"The cart used to load the grain...is a broken cart, crumbling."

"The old scalper has to pull the grain in the car to the market before the car falls apart."

"It doesn't dare to slack off, and pulls the cart day and night."

"This car is too big, and there is too much food in it. The old scalper has to work hard to drag the car."

"It's already hard work dragging this broken car that may fall apart at any time."

"As a result... this old scalper has to spend his energy to deal with some ants that keep coming to his feet to harass him."

"Those ants pointed to an extremely conspicuous cliff, and said to the old scalper: You are pulling in the wrong direction, and it is impossible to reach the market in that direction. According to me, the direction I pointed is the correct direction. !"

"The old scalper ignored these abnormal-headed ants and continued to work hard, pulling the cart diligently."

"Seeing that the old scalper didn't follow their wise advice, the ants were furious, chasing and biting the old scalper's leg, and insisted on asking the old scalper to pull the grain truck to the cliff."

"Some people saw the hard work of the old scalper and praised the diligence of the old scalper."

"But after hearing the praise from these people... the old scalper doesn't feel very happy."

"Because the old scalper has always been confused."

"In fact, it has never been sure whether the road it is currently taking is the road to the market..."

"It's better to say... the old scalper is not even sure whether there is a market that can be used to sell grain..."

"It's really hard work... this old scalper..."

After Jingyi Naobi began to tell the story of the old scalper, Ajiu stopped talking.

She listened quietly to Jingyi Naosuke telling this short story.

After the story was finished, she remained quiet.

After a while, her palm moved again, and continued to caress Ii Naosuke's cheek.

The room...was so quiet again that only the sound of the fire burning remained.

After the time flowed peacefully for a while, Jing Yi Naobi took a deep breath and slowly sat up.

"Sorry, Ajiu, I seem to have told a not-so-interesting story."

"It's getting late, let's go to bed."

"Yeah." Ajiu smiled and nodded slightly.

At this moment, out of the corner of Jing Yi Naosuke's eyes, he caught a glimpse of the desk that Ajiu had been leaning over to write just now, and there was a piece of paper halfway covered with words as small as tadpoles.

"By the way, when I entered the room just now, I saw what you were writing. What are you writing?"

"It's a new waka." Aku Mukai Inaosuke showed a gentle smile with both eyes completed with crescent moons, "I recently got the inspiration for a new waka."

"Oh." A joy flashed across Jing Yi Naosuke's brows and eyes, "The new waka, have you finished writing it?"

"Not yet."

"That's it...then I'll take a good look at it after you finish writing it."

Jing Yi Naobi paused as if he had thought of something.

"Speaking of waka... I recently had a new inspiration for waka."

"Really? What's it about?"

"It's related to the snow." Jingyi Naobi turned his head to look at the fire not far away, "Isn't it always snowing in Edo recently? When I was admiring the snow two days ago, something related to the snow popped up in my mind." new inspiration."

"I plan to write this new and song when I have time in the near future."

"Is it snow..." Ajiu raised his hand gracefully, covered his mouth and smiled, "Then I am looking forward to it, you have never written a waka related to snow before, after you write this new waka, you must write Let me see it right away."

"Okay." Jing Yizhi raised the corner of his mouth, "I will."

Suddenly, a deep voice came from outside the room:

"Master Ii, the Hokubansho town is enforcing: Susukei Chujiro asks to see you."

"... Susui?" Jing Yi was taken aback, her brows suddenly furrowed, "Is he coming to see me at this time?"

Ii Naobi pursed his lips tightly.

Then he silently lowered his head and looked at Ajiu who was kneeling in front of him.

"go quickly."

As soon as Ii Naosuke's gaze fell on Ajiu, Ajiu smiled gently at him.

"After discussing business matters early, you can come back to sleep early."

"...Sorry." Jing Yi Naobi smiled apologetically at Ajiu, then sternly walked out of the bedroom.



Jingyi Naosuke returned to the spacious room where he had just met Ando Nobumasa.

The room has not changed, but the people have.

Susuki, who was dressed neatly, knelt down respectfully at the place where Nobumasa Ando had been sitting just now.

It was very late now, and Naosuke Ii was also a little sleepy, so he didn't say any pleasantries to Susuita who came to visit suddenly late at night.

After entering the room and sitting on the main seat, he immediately asked Susui:
"Susui, what's the reason for visiting late at night?"

Susui bowed his head, and after a respectful reply, he said in a calm voice:
"My lord, I just received an urgent letter from my subordinates: a French businessman, he and his family were on the way to Edo when they were attacked by a large-scale mob."

"What?" Jingyi Naosuke's expression changed, "The businessman from France was attacked?"

Jing Yi Naosuke clenched his fists and asked urgently:

"What happened to the French businessman who was attacked?"

"He...he and his family members are fine." Susui's expression became weird at this moment, "A subordinate of the lower official...that is, the person who sent me this urgent letter, he led the More than ten guards repelled the nearly [-] 'anti-barbarian' thugs who attacked, and protected the safety of the Frankish businessman and his family."

"...What?" Ii Naosuke, who suspected that he had heard wrong, leaned his ear slightly forward in the direction of Susui, "Shoui, say it again."



Tokaido, Kanagawa Juku——

Kiryu, who was kneeling in front of Qingdeng with his upper body bare, looked at the wounds on Qingdeng's body, and said softly in a complimenting tone:
"Hey... Mr. Ju, your recovery speed is very fast."

"Yeah." Qingdeng nodded, and said casually, "I've been like this since I was a child, and the injury healed very quickly."

After perfunctory Tongyu casually, Qingdeng lowered his head, glanced at the wounds on his body, and thought to himself:

——The newly copied talent is much stronger than expected...

After successfully defeating Toyoto Suehiromori, Qingdeng successfully copied a new talent from him: the recovery speed of wounds far exceeds the "fitness" of ordinary people.

It has to be said that this new talent came too timely, and it was just right for Qingdeng, who had suffered numerous injuries after a great battle.

That "snowy night chaos"...was 6 days ago.

A small number of more than 30 people met more than 200 "anti-barbarians" thugs, beheaded more than 60 people, and beat the incoming enemies to flee. Judging from the ratio of the number of people on both sides and the results of the battle, this is undoubtedly a hearty victory.

But the price paid is also quite high.

After the war, the number of casualties was counted, Xiaoshi and his group of guards, only 18 people were still alive, and almost all of these living people were injured.

Although they have won a big victory, it is not surprising that the gang of "dispossessing barbarians" thugs will fight back again.

God knows how many of them there are, will they immediately gather a large group of people and attack again?
Therefore, no matter what, I can't stay in the wild for a long time, and I can't go to Edo anymore.

So, after a brief discussion, Qingdeng and the others made up their minds: go to the nearest dormitory to take refuge, and then send a letter to Edo, requesting that Edo send troops to meet them.

Antony and his horses were either dead or run away, none of them remained.

Without the horses that could pull the cart, Anthony, Elodie and the others could only walk with Qingdeng to the nearest lodging at that time: Kanagawa Juku on two legs overnight.

After arriving at Kanagawa Juku safely all the way, Qingdeng immediately asked Kanagawa Juku's Wenyaba to send Edo a letter jointly written by him, Anthony, and Komuro, informing them of the situation on their side to the enforcement office, and Ask the enforcement office to send someone over for reinforcements.

At the same time, we also entrusted Wenyaba of Kanagawa Juku to help transport back the remains of the dead guards who had to be temporarily left on the battlefield due to lack of transportation capacity.

It is impossible not to send someone from Edo.

After all, Anthony is a Westerner, and he is also French.

In recent years, the cooperation between France and the Edo Shogunate has been relatively close, so the Edo Shogunate will pay more attention to matters related to the French during this period of time.

As long as Anthony's identity as a Westerner is revealed, Edo will definitely pay attention to it, and will definitely send a large team to pick them back to Edo immediately.

After sending this letter, Qingdeng and the others silently healed their wounds while waiting for the reinforcements from Edo to arrive.

In the past few days, Boss Kiryu has mainly come to heal them.

Earlier, the boss of Kiryu told him modestly: He only knows a little medical skills.

But after these few days of observation, Qingdeng found that Boss Kiryu's medical skills seem to be completely different from what he said "only a little bit"...

Skin injuries, bone injuries, internal injuries... He seems to be able to heal any injuries, and he heals them very well.

In that "Snowy Night Chaos Battle", Qingdeng was wounded in 5 places, all of which were skin traumas. The more serious ones were the knife on his right shoulder after he broke into the enemy group, and the wound on his chest that was cut by Suehiro's wind. The stroke of the spear point.

By the way, the knife in the leg of Fujisawa Juku to save Kinoshita Mai and others was ruptured by Qingdeng's violent activities during "Snow Night Chaos".

But thanks to the newly copied "Fitness" talent, all these injuries on Qingdeng's body recovered at a rapid speed.

Normally speaking, these injuries on Qingdeng's body would not recover within ten days and half a month.

But because of his "fitness" talent, Qingdeng estimated that these wounds on his body should only need to rest for a few days to heal.

"Hahaha..." Kiryu chuckled a few times at this moment, then picked up a box of ointment by his leg, and began to apply new medicine to Qingdeng's wound, "Your body with amazing resilience...reminds me of my An old friend of mine."

At this moment, Kiryu's eyes flashed a little bit of reminiscence.

"Boss Kiryu, is that old friend of yours also amazingly resilient?" At this moment, there are only Qingdeng and Kiryu in the room where Qingdeng lives.

Saito just went to the bathroom, and he won't be back for a while.

Qingdeng has always had a good impression of this gentle and elegant old man who helped him enter the health examination hall, so he is also willing to chat with Kiryu to pass the boring time of changing dressings.

"That's right. That old friend of mine...is not so resilient." Kiryu smiled slightly, "If you think about it carefully, I haven't seen my old friend for a long time."

"At this point in time...he must be lazily basking in the sun on the street with his wife."

Tongsheng rubbed the medicine very quickly, and after a while, he evenly applied the ointment to all the wounds on Qingdeng's body.

When he took out the sackcloth and was about to wrap up Qingdeng's wounds, Kiryu suddenly changed the subject to a weird topic that had nothing to do with what he was talking about just now:

"...Mr. Ju, looking at these injuries on your body, I can't help feeling: You are really brave enough."

"Huh? What's the matter? Why do you ask so suddenly?"

"I saw the battle six days ago clearly." Kiryu said unhurriedly, "You step on the tip of the spear stabbed by that man, jump onto the barrel of the gun, and then jump along the barrel to the ground. In front of that person, a blow severely injured the person's left shoulder."

"This style of play...you can't do it if you don't have the guts."

"If you fail to spot the spear stabbed by your opponent and fail to step on the tip of the spear smoothly, your foot may be stabbed."

"After jumping on the opponent's gun, if you fail to stand and run steadily, or if the opponent reacts a little faster and throws you off the gun, then you will definitely die."

"Fall from the gun shaft to the ground, get up from the ground and stand firm... Such a long time is completely enough for the opponent to stab you to death several times."

"Mr. Ju, when you decided to use this kind of tactics that could lead to tragic death if you are not careful...don't you feel scared?"

After finishing speaking, Kiryu looked curiously at Qingdeng in front of him.

"Ah... this..." Qingdeng smiled with a weird expression, "To be honest——I didn't think about it that much at the time."

"... didn't think so much?"

Qing Deng nodded.

"At that time... I only thought about defeating that Suehiro Moritoyo." Qingdeng said softly, "At that time, I only thought of this method to get close to Suehiro's body."

"Because I only thought of this method, and I felt that I had a certain degree of success, so I didn't think too much, so I directly put this method into practice."

After finishing speaking, the scene of the fierce battle with Suehiro 6 days ago quickly passed through Qingdeng's mind.

Heartbeat... at this moment increased a little.

Even though several days have passed, all the things he experienced in the fierce battle with Suehiro are still clearly engraved in Qingdeng's mind——

The blood in the whole body seemed to be burning, and there was a different kind of pleasure in my heart.

Think of any tactics that feel effective, and use them boldly, without feeling afraid at all, and never worry about failure, injury, death and other messy things.

In my mind, there is only one thought: fight and win!
Listening to Qingdeng's answer, Kiryu lowered his head slightly, with a deep and inexplicable light shining in his eyes.

"... Mr. Ju, are you interested in the sword drawing technique?"

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!

 I found that many book friends seem to have misunderstood Qingdeng's name.

  Although Qingdeng's surname is "Ju", his "Ju" has nothing to do with the "Ju" in the "Original, Hira, Teng, Tachibana" of the four major clans in ancient Japan that everyone remembers.

  The orange in Qingdeng is [Miaozi], while the orange in the latter is [Shi], the concepts of the two are completely different.

  Afterwards, the author will publish a free science chapter to introduce the "name culture" of ancient Japanese warriors.

  By the way - Juqingdeng is not Qingdeng's full name.

  The samurai in ancient Japan all had a very long full name.

  Take Japanese historical figures: Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobunaga as examples.

  Tokugawa Ieyasu's full name is: 【Original Court Minister Tokugawa Jiro Saburo Ieyasu】

  Oda Nobunaga's full name is: [Ping courtier Oda Saburo Nobunaga]

  Although Qingdeng's full name is not as exaggerated as Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobunaga, it is not very short.

  【Qingdeng's full name has 6 characters】

  Later, as the plot progresses, Qingdeng's full name will be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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