I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 825: Tell Ju Qingdeng to come out! I want to challenge him! [4800]

Chapter 825: Tell Ju Qingdeng to come out! I want to challenge him! [4800]

About 1 minute ago——

Ikeda House, front door——

"Go ahead! They're tired!"

"Don't give them a chance to breathe!"

"Go together!"

Many more people screamed and rushed towards the front door.

Yoshimura Kanichiro and Soma Shokei, who were in charge of guarding the front gate, were not monsters like Souji after all.

After a series of fierce battles, they were sweating profusely and their breathing was disordered.

Yoshimura Kanichiro wiped the sweat from his face and said to Soma Shōkei in his difficult-to-understand Nanbu-han accent:

"Sōma, there's another one coming."

The chief accountant Soma, who was not known for his martial arts, did not even have the strength to open his eyes. His eyes were half-closed and his face was as pale as paper.

"Yeah, I saw it... Yoshimura, can you still fight?"

Yoshimura Kanichiro smiled bitterly and said:

"To be honest, I only have 20% of my strength left..."

"Then you are better than me. I only have half my strength left. Alas... I really don't want to fight anymore."

Although he was complaining, his movements were not slow at all, and he held the knife in place tiredly but firmly.

Yoshimura Kanichiro also stepped firmly on his feet, got into position, and stared closely at the enemies who had appeared again and were rushing towards him.

The two of them are worthy of being the newcomers that Qingdeng has been promising. Up to now, no one of them has escaped successfully, and the front gate has always been as stable as a rock.

They stood proudly, majestically, and guarded the gate tightly, just like door gods.

However, there are still many patriots who are fighting desperately.

Although the Shinsengumi was composed entirely of elite soldiers, they were only eight people after all.

There were only four people who broke into Ikeda House.

Kondo Isami was busy dealing with Miyabe Teizo.

Souji, Nagakura Shinhachisho and Prajna are fighting.

Only Inoue Genzaburo was left to deal with the other heroes.

Although Inoue Genzaburo is an experienced and reliable backbone, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot stop all enemies with just his two hands and a sword.

Therefore, many patriots managed to avoid Inoue Genzaburo's sword and escape from the second floor of Ikeda-ya, which had turned into a Shura battlefield, and jumped to the front or back door.

Although most of these guys who fled in all directions were just a group of insignificant and incompetent minnows, their numbers were a big problem.

Seeing that Yoshimura Kanichiro and Soma Shokei were already showing signs of fatigue, those lurking guys, who were thinking of "the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind", all rushed out like cats smelling blood, just like cockroaches.

Perhaps they know that such a great opportunity is hard to come by, so they are all putting their best efforts into it, and their momentum should not be underestimated.

This time, there were a total of 6 patriots who rushed out to fight.

Yoshimura Kanichiro held his breath.

Chief accountant Soma clenched his teeth.

The two men squeezed out the remaining strength in their bodies, dragged their exhausted bodies, and tried desperately to stop them.

The spirit is commendable, but the power of the spirit is ultimately limited...

At this critical moment when they were about to collapse, a shadow like a gust of wind suddenly broke into everyone's sight.

Immediately following the afterimage were six shining sword lights!
When the sword light faded, the six patriots who had been so vicious just now all opened their eyes wide with fear on their faces.

They first stood still as if frozen in place, then blood spurted out of their bodies, their legs trembled, and then they became like wilted rice, unable to stand up again.

Under the blood rain flying all over the sky, a young samurai wearing a light green feather robe maintained a posture of drawing his sword.

The sudden arrival of reinforcements caused Yoshimura Kanichiro and Soma Shukei to fall into a brief state of shock.

The former was the first to react, with a look of surprise on his face:

"Captain Saito!"

Saito stood up, wiped the blood off the blade, and asked directly:

"Where are Mr. Kondo and the others?"

Soma Chief Accountant immediately replied:

"They are all on the second floor of Ikeda House! Captain Saito, please go and provide support!"

Upon hearing this, Saito did not linger any longer and instantly rushed into Ikeda's house.

In order to save time, he did not go through the main door, but jumped up directly, grabbed the eaves on the first floor of Ikeda House, flipped up, stood on the eaves, and then broke the window and jumped into the second floor of Ikeda House.

As soon as Saito left, Yoshimura Kan'ichiro and Soma Shukei heard a lot of footsteps coming from far away behind them.

Turning around, he saw the "Eastern Army" led by Hijikata Toshizo!
"Vice-Chief Hijikata!"

Soma, the chief accountant, looked relieved and walked towards him in two steps.

Seeing that it was Soma's chief accountant, Hijikata Toshizo got straight to the point:
"Soma, what's going on?"

At this critical moment that will decide the outcome of the night, Soma Shōkei will certainly not waste time talking nonsense.

Fujido Heisuke and Nakazawa Koto guarded the back door; Kondo Isami led Souji and others to attack, and the current situation was unknown... He concisely explained Kondo Isami's combat deployment and his current situations one by one.

At this time, Yoshimura Kanichiro looked around Hijikata Toshizo and found that Qing Deng was not there, so he couldn't help but ask:

"Vice-Captain Hijikata, where is the lord?"

Hijikata Toshizo said calmly:
"Ju has gone to do something else. He will be here soon."

After learning the general situation of the battle from Soma Shukei, Hijikata Toshizo immediately issued precise orders without hesitation:

"Yoshimura, Soma, you've worked hard. Please step back and rest for now."

"Zanosuke, you lead Matsubara to support the back door of Ikedaya."

Matsubara - that is, the vice-captain of the 10th Division, Matsubara Tadashi.

Harada Sanosuke let out a strange cry and raised his gun over his head.

"Hozoin-ryu, captain of the 10th division of the Shinsengumi, Harada Sanosuke, march out!"

He announced his home address like a kabuki actor, yelled "Go!" and ran toward the back door. Matsubara Tadashi followed closely behind him.

"Gu brothers, you stay at the front door!"

The Tani brothers—Tani Sanjuro and Tani Mantaro.

"Serizawa, Niimi, Nakazawa, follow me!"

Nakazawa Sadanagi nodded vigorously.

Serizawa Kame and Niimi Nishiki drew their swords silently.

Swoosh—Hichikata Toshizo pulled out Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada from his waist, with great momentum.


He held Izumi-no-kami Kanesada against his chest, assumed a Kasumigadan stance, strode through the front door, and broke into Ikeda-ya.

Kame Serizawa, Niimi Nishiki and Nakazawa Sadaki entered one after another.

As soon as you enter Ikeda-ya, the strong smell of blood hits you in the face, making you feel sick.

Since the establishment of the Shinsengumi, all the battles, big and small - from the "Battle of Iga" to quell the civil unrest to the "Battle of Yamato" to destroy the Tenjugumi - Hijikata Toshizo, Serizawa Kamo and others did not miss any of them.

So, they are no longer surprised by such bloody scenes.

On the other hand, Nakazawa Sadaki was not able to adapt well.

The new recruit team that he and his sister Koto Nakazawa had joined before was only at the level of a "security brigade" and had never fought any big, hard, or bloody battles.

For this reason, he couldn't help but frown, hold his breath, and his face turned slightly pale.

The group passed through the entrance hall and reached the stairs without any trouble - it was only then that they finally met a few living people.

There were two young women - they were Ikedaya's retainers - sitting beside the stairs, huddled together, trembling. They were all terrified, with staring eyes and stiff expressions, just like clay sculptures or wooden carvings.

Hijikata Toshizo glanced at them, then looked away, ignored them, and continued walking.

When I went up the stairs and reached the second floor, the scene in front of me suddenly changed.

The so-called "a mess" and "blood flowing" are nothing more than this!

The first thing that caught my eye was the corpses all over the floor! There was almost no place to stand!

Rushing forward; turning around and running away; making a sad face; twisting the facial features...all kinds of postures and strange expressions.

Just by looking at this picture of "mountains of corpses and seas of blood", it is not difficult to imagine how tragic the battle was.

At this moment, Hijikata Toshizo and others suddenly heard heavy breathing: "Hoo...! Huh...! Huh...! Huh...!"

A warrior was leaning against a nearby wall with his head hung.

If it weren't for his chest and shoulders still rising and falling, this man would really look like dead.

Because the light was dim and the man was covered in blood, Hijikata Toshizo and others looked at him carefully for a while before recognizing that he was wearing a light green haori.

Soon, they saw each other's faces clearly.

"Uncle Yuan!"

Hijikata Toshizo, who has always been known as a "cold-faced evil ghost", rarely showed an expression of fear and worry after seeing the miserable condition of Inoue Gensaburo.

He didn't care about the corpses and blood on the ground. He took a step forward, ran to Inoue Gensaburo and steady his body.

"Uncle Yuan! Uncle Yuan!"

"Stop shaking... I feel very uncomfortable now... If you shake a few more times, I will vomit all over you."

Inoue Genzaburo slowly raised his head - his face was covered with blood, with almost no clean spot.

"Hijikata, you are finally here..."

"Uncle Yuan, are you okay? Are you injured?"

"I'm fine... Thanks to this chain mail, I didn't suffer any serious injuries. I'm just... exhausted... so tired that I feel like vomiting... Alas... It's a pity for my knife..."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the knife beside his leg - the knife that Qing Deng had given him, Oshu Shirakawa Zumi Kanesune, was already broken into pieces.

The blade is covered with notches of varying sizes, giving it a saw-like shape.

Fortunately, the blade has not been twisted or deformed and has not yet reached the point of being scrapped.

As long as the blade is sharpened, it can still be used.

However, the life of this knife has been greatly shortened. If it suffers such serious damage again, it cannot be repaired.

Anyone who has used a sword knows that when swinging a sword to kill someone, the front half of the blade is mainly used to kill the enemy.

The front half of his sword was stained dark red with blood and grease, as if it had been splashed with red ink.

Those layers of grease...if you scrape them off, you can probably make a dish with them!

It's hard to imagine how many people Inoue Genzaburo killed in this battle tonight...

"Hijikata, I don't have the strength to move...

"Go and check on the little master's condition..."

"It will definitely not be easy for him to fight against Miyabe Teizo and his bodyguards alone..."

Hijikata Toshizo nodded vigorously.

"Okay, I understand. Uncle Yuan, you should have a good rest first. Leave the rest to us!"

After sending Niimi Nishiki to carry Inoue Genzaburo out of Ikeda-ya, he led Kamo Serizawa and Sadaki Nakazawa and continued to walk deeper into the second floor.

In a short while, they successfully reached the deepest room, which was the room where Miyabe Teizo, Katsura Kogoro and others were holding a meeting.

The bloodiness inside the room was even worse than outside.

Knife marks of varying lengths and depths covered every corner of the room.

Hijikata Toshizo only took a quick glance and found a familiar figure——

"A Sui...you guys...you're here too late...what have you been doing?"

Kondo Isami sat on the ground with his back against the windowsill, covered in blood. The moonlight shone from behind him, barely illuminating the smile on his face.

"We came running here, please forgive us."

Seeing that Kondo Isami was still alive and all his body parts were intact, Hijikata Toshizo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let me make it clear... I'm not injured... I just have a small cut on my right leg... The blood on my body is from the enemy..."

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came from the other corner:
"You...are all...short-sighted...insects...!"

Hijikata Toshizo and others turned their heads and looked - this corner of the wall was filled with layers of corpses, piled up like a small hill.

On this "hill", a dying middle-aged man barely raised his upper body and glared at Hijikata Toshizo and others.

"A Sui, this guy is Miyabe Teizo... He is just a weak scholar, I knocked him down with just one blow of my sword... But his bodyguards are quite capable..."

It's a pity that no one saw Kondo Isami's fight just now.

He alone faced off against several martial arts masters who were as powerful as Inoue Genzaburo and Fujido Heisuke, and won in the end... With such a record, he is worthy of the title of "the fourth generation head of the Tennen Rishin-ryu family"!
For Miyabe Teizo, the unexpected events of tonight were both unexpected and made him extremely sad and angry.

I originally wanted to use tonight's meeting to keep Katsura Kogoro here and prevent him from hindering the plan of "burning Kyoto".

But he never thought... that this "praying mantis" was eaten by the "yellow bird"!

He was so grief-stricken and angry that his eyes were bloodshot.

"Just watch... history... will be written by us...!"

Hijikata Toshizo said calmly:
"I don't know who will write history in the end, but it will definitely not be someone like you who was defeated by me."

Serizawa glanced at him and asked calmly:
"Do you need an intermediary?"

Serizawa Kame's "kindness" was like a needle, deeply hurting Miyabe Teizo's self-esteem.

He should have only one breath left, but at this moment he suddenly burst out with strength——


He raised the broken sword in his hand and rushed towards Kondo Isami with a howl.

Hijikata Toshizo was about to raise his sword to block the attack, but Kondo Isami jumped up faster and swung his sword right into the side of Miyabe Teizo's neck.

Under normal circumstances, Kondo Isami's sword would definitely have been able to cut off Miyabe Teizo's head.

However, because he was exhausted, his knife only cut into his neck a few inches deep.

However, such injuries are enough to be fatal.

Miyabe Tingzo collapsed to the ground instantly, his body twitched a few times, and then his eyes widened, completely lifeless.

Hijikata Toshizo glanced at the body of Miyabe Teizo, then withdrew his gaze with disgust and looked around.

"Asheng, where are Koji and Nagakura? Where is Saito who just arrived first?"

Kondo Isami's face darkened instantly.

"I have been concentrating on dealing with Miyabe Teizo, so I am not very clear about the specific situation..."

"All I know is that they are working together to fight a powerful enemy."

"I just vaguely heard that they thought the corridor was too narrow, so they moved to the rooftop..."

When Hijikata Toshizo heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately pricked up his ears - there really was a faint sound of metal clashing coming from the direction of the roof!
They quickly climbed out of the window and moved to the roof.

There was no one on the roof of Ikeda House.

Hijikata Toshizo looked around before he finally found Souji and the others - on the roof of a shop 20 meters away, four figures collided and intertwined repeatedly!
While holding up his sword, Prajna quickly glanced at Souji, Nagakura Shinpachi and Saito Hajime who were surrounding him in a "品" shape.

Looking at Saito Ichi on the left, Prajna curled the corners of her mouth:
"What a superb Wu Wai Liu! I haven't met a Wu Wai Liu master as strong as you in a long time!"

Saito Ichi ignored his advances, slid forward silently, and swung his sword to attack the enemy.

Seeing Saito make a move, Souji and Nagakura Shinpachi immediately stepped forward to cooperate.

The three of them coordinated with each other, attacked alternately, and launched a continuous and sustained offensive, leaving no chance for Prajna to breathe.

Tennen Rishin-ryu, Shinto Munen-ryu, and Mugai-ryu - the three great masters of the Shinsengumi who learned from different schools join forces to defeat the powerful enemy.

Such a grand occasion is indeed rare to see!
Prajna, who enjoys this grand occasion alone, is indeed a monster with unfathomable strength!

Even when he challenged the three greatest masters of the Shinsengumi, he showed no sign of weakness at all!

Just like a fish in water, he moved back and forth between the attacks of the three people with ease, counterattacking with a blow or a slash from time to time, putting Souji and the others in danger repeatedly.

Seeing this, Hijikata Toshizo and his companions rushed forward, trying to join the melee.
"Mr. Hijikata, don't come over here!"

Suddenly, Souji shouted loudly.

She took advantage of the opportunity to regulate her breathing to dissuade Hijikata Toshizo and others who came to reinforce her.

"Adding more people blindly will only hinder each other's efforts!"

"Go deal with the other warriors! Leave this guy to us!"

Having said this, Souji paused for a moment, then tentatively asked:
"Mr. Hijikata, is Tachibana-kun here?"

Ju Jun——Hearing this title, Prajna immediately changed her expression as if she was reacting to stress:
"Jujun? Ju Qingdeng? Where is he? Let him come out! I want to see him! I want to see how capable he is to be able to inherit the master's legacy!"

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: Leopard has tried to enrich the content of the "Ikedaya Incident". The "Ikedaya Incident" in historical facts is actually very boring. It was not a fierce battle. When Hijikata Toshizo arrived with reinforcements, the battle was basically over.

(End of this chapter)

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