I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 828 Copy New Talent [Early Birth of a Child 5] [4800]

Chapter 828 Copy New Talent [Early Childbirth +5] [4800]

To be honest, Qing Deng thought Miss Jin would not come.

Her words and actions have already shown that she is a "cautious person" who does not like taking risks.

In the previous discussion, Ms. Jin also clearly stated that "Qingdeng's conjecture is reasonable, but it is too rash to pin all hopes on the conjecture."

In any case, the timely appearance of Miss Jin and others was really a great help.

Let Miss Jin and the others protect the people at the scene.

Now I just need to focus on defeating the enemy in front of me!
At the same time as he jumped up and drew his sword, Qing Deng threw away the bow in his hand and the almost empty quiver at his waist.

The moment Qing Deng drew his sword, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed slightly - looking up, the faces of all the patriots, including Yoshida Minoru, changed.

With a "bang", Qing Deng landed steadily on the ground.

In an instant, like the repulsion of magnets, the patriots around him retreated in fear, as if they were hiding from the god of plague.

At this time, the moon was high in the sky.

The night wind blows.

The clouds roll and unfold.

Qing Dengren's hair was messed up by the wind, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and his face was expressionless, making it difficult to see his current appearance and expression.

Suddenly, a purple blade light shot towards the eyes of everyone present.

With a "whoosh" sound, Vairocana swept out diagonally, like a rolling cloud and a gust of wind, and slashed directly towards a patriot who was closest to Qingdeng.

Raise the right arm, twist the waist, and attack - these movements are almost carried out in sequence, all at the same time.

Before the man could even react, he just lowered his head, his body trembled violently a few times, and then he was motionless.

In a flash, Qing Deng's right elbow bounced back like a broken bowstring! He swung out several times in a row!

Wherever the purple light passes, blood flows!

In a short while, a large "vacuum zone" was cleared around Qing Deng.

The already panic-stricken patriots were now even more terrified.

However, at this moment, Yoshida Minoru's voice came from afar:
"Don't panic! Everyone, retreat!"

Yoshida Toshima's sudden words once again gave the patriots a backbone.

In the blink of an eye, the patriots retreated in a rush, like pigs and wolves running forward - only in the opposite direction.

They retreated all at once to Yoshida Toshima's side and huddled together tightly, as if only in this way could they feel safe.

At this point, a clear-cut picture appeared at the scene.

On one side are Qing Deng and Tojo Shintaro.

On the other side were hundreds of Sonnōjō patriots led by Yoshida Toshima.

Although in terms of numbers, the latter has an overwhelming advantage.

But in fact, anyone who sees this scene of "two sides confronting each other" will feel that the former is more imposing!
Qing Deng silently turned his eyes and scanned the enemies, thinking to himself: In order to "burn Kyoto" tonight, the radicals really spent a lot of money!
Not only did he design a plan to delay Katsura Kogoro, but he also mobilized hundreds of people.

Qing Deng was too lazy to talk to these crazy people with broken brains, so he said loudly:

"Your conspiracy has been exposed."

"It is better to surrender happily than to struggle ugly."

"Although we in the Shinsengumi severely crack down on the Sonjo faction, we have always been lenient towards those who have not done anything bad."

"Just surrender quickly and you might be able to save your life."

Having said this, Qing Deng paused for a moment, then changed his tone to something meaningful:
"Let me be frank: you can't compete with me with just a hundred or so people."

"Countless people before you have proven this with their lives - if you draw your sword against me, there will be no good end."

Perhaps it was God's will. The wind that was very strong just now has now weakened a lot.

No matter how fierce or violent the flames are, they still need the help of strong winds.

Although the patriots succeeded in setting several hoko carts on fire, causing columns of flames to rise, the fire had not been able to spread so far due to the lack of wind and remained within the center of the street.

If this continues, all they will do is burn a few Yamaboko and a few houses.

Of course, we can't be careless. After all, Zhu Rong's power is unfathomable.

All in all, the Sonjo faction's scheme of "burning Kyoto and kidnapping the emperor" was definitely a failure.

How can we not fail when we lose all the advantages of time, place and people?
As soon as Qing Deng finished speaking, Yoshida Minoru raised his voice and shrilled:

"Who would surrender to a bunch of running dogs like you?"

"You are just a running dog, but you are so arrogant!"

"Do you think this will make us give up and despair?"

"Open your dog eyes and see clearly! We will chop off your dog heads and then welcome His Majesty to Changzhou as scheduled!!"

The more he spoke, the more excited his tone became, and the more ferocious his expression became.

I saw that he had his eyebrows knitted together, his eyes were wide open, the corners of his eyes seemed to be torn apart, his facial lines were strangely distorted, and the whites of his eyes were covered with dense bloodshot like spider webs.

He looks like one of the "Three Beauties of Songyin" or "Four Heavenly Kings of Songmen".

If others saw him, they would probably think he was a gambler who was addicted to gambling.

To be fair, it’s not wrong to say that he is a gambler.

There is a saying that goes "If God wants to destroy someone, he must first make him crazy" - Yoshida Minoru is probably in this state at the moment.

An important operation that had been prepared for a long time and was full of confidence ended in a disastrous defeat... Not everyone can withstand such a blow.

At this time, Yoshida Minoru looked like a hysterical madman.

It is very similar to Hisaka Genzui who, after the "August 18th Coup", clearly had already seen the outcome, yet still refused to give up and was still thinking of gathering all his forces to fight against the Hussain coalition.

In fact, even if we take a step back and say that they really succeeded in getting rid of Aoto and Tojo Shintaro who were blocking their way, they would basically have no chance of rushing into the Imperial Palace and kidnapping the Emperor.

Protecting the Imperial Palace and the court was the main responsibility of Matsudaira Yoshiyasu as the guardian of Kyoto.

Therefore, 500 well-equipped Aizu soldiers were stationed around the Imperial Palace for a long time.

If they were allowed to set a fire when the Yamaboko Parade was in full swing, causing great chaos, they might really be able to take advantage of the chaos and kidnap the emperor.

But now, this possibility is very slim.

What a pity! Despite all the ironclad facts before his eyes, Yoshida Toshima had already lost his basic sanity.

"Follow me! Kill King Ni! Go straight to the Imperial Palace! Welcome His Majesty!!"

He raised the blade in his hand and shouted angrily.

As soon as these words were spoken, many fanatics immediately echoed them.


"You are just a running dog, stop being so presumptuous!"

"As a dignified Choshu samurai, how can I bow down to the enemy?"

Those who were weak-willed and unsure whether to fight or surrender, after being influenced by this atmosphere, also put on stern faces and clenched their knives.

Qing Deng had a look of being used to it.

He quietly put the knife in place:

"Since you don't want to surrender, then stop talking nonsense and just come over here!"

Suddenly, dark shadows surged under the firelight - the patriots rushed towards Qing Deng and Tojo Shintaro like a tide.

Before the enemy group approached, Qing Deng's body flew into the air, his arms turned into feathers, and he leaped towards the three patriots closest to him.

In an instant, the throat of the patriot on the left was cut open, and the top of the head of the patriot in front was stabbed.

As for the patriot on the right, when he saw Qing Deng rushing towards him, the bravery he had just forced himself to show disappeared in an instant.

He had no chance to resist and subconsciously turned around and ran away.

But before he could run away even a step, he fell to the ground wailing due to a knife wound in the waist and abdomen, and his terrifying scream cut through the night sky.

The next moment——

Qing Deng stood up again and flew over the heads of the other two patriots like a flying swallow.

As he flew over, he was seen swinging his right arm twice - one of the men had half of his head cut off and died instantly; the other man, although not dead, was holding his stabbed neck tightly and fell to the ground, unable to get up, with only half his life left.

In a moment——

After Qing Deng landed, he transformed into a "light green gust of wind" and dived into the "cluster of white blades" in front of him, passing through the gaps between the white blades.

In an instant, with a flash of "purple lightning", several more people were killed. After pausing and stopping, he did not forget to strike back with his sword, chopping down the enemy behind him.

When he pulled the knife back to his hand, he cut off the heads of two people in one breath.

In just a few seconds, more than a dozen people fell under Qing Deng's knife!
The high-intensity jumping, sprinting, and sword-swinging did not make Qing Deng look tired.

He was still at ease and his breathing was steady.

Half to adjust his attack rhythm, half to observe the enemy and find the next favorable breakthrough point, Qing Deng lowered his arms, dragged the tip of the knife on the ground, took relaxed steps, and walked forward slowly.

The "cluster of white blades" in front of him must not be underestimated.

A number of white blades, shining with cold light, formed a large arc-shaped formation.

Qing Deng put himself in the midst of swords and sabers without any scruples.

Suddenly, a certain patriot took advantage of the protection of the shadows and quietly sneaked to the side and rear of Qingdeng, preparing to launch a surprise attack on Qingdeng.

However, before he could make a move, a loud shout and a spear came straight towards him.

Tojo Shintaro shouted, stepped forward with his gun, and penetrated the man's body with just one strike.

The next moment, he concentrated his strength on his waist, exerted a fierce force, and used the centrifugal force to directly send the man flying!

Blood was flying everywhere, and his body drew a beautiful parabola in the air before falling heavily into the enemy group.

After retracting the spear, Tojo Shintaro changed his steps, moved behind Qingdeng, raised the spear, and firmly protected Qingdeng's back.

Qing Deng asked with concern without even turning his head:

"Mr. Dongcheng, don't push yourself. You must be very tired, right?"

He is nearly fifty years old and has a body as round as a ball - just looking at these two things, you can tell that Tojo Shintaro's physical fitness is definitely not that strong.

First, he rushed to the scene of the "Yamaboko Parade" at full speed, and then he carried Qingdeng and did a "Lü Bu riding Dian Wei"... As he did this, a look of fatigue appeared on Tojo Shintaro's cheeks.

Facing Qing Deng's concern, Tojo Shintaro wiped the sweat from his face and chuckled a few times:

"An Yi, don't worry about me. I know what to do."

Since the other party has said so, Qing Deng naturally has nothing to say.

He refocused his attention on the enemies in front of him, turned his right wrist, and a purple light flashed. The intimidating blade turned a circle in his palm, changing from a normal grip to an inverted grip.

Seeing Qing Deng change the way he held the knife, all the patriots' faces changed.

Those who are brave enough can still keep calm.

People who are timid will simply tighten their shoulders and legs, and wish they could tense their entire body into a ball, as if doing so can increase their sense of security.

Before using the sword-drawing technique, Tachibana Aoto would first change the way he held the sword, changing from a normal grip to an inverted grip. This information was already known to everyone.

Therefore, the patriots all thought that Qing Deng was going to use his world-famous "super-fast sword-drawing and slashing" skill.

But who would have thought that Qing Deng did not sheath his sword, but just rushed straight towards the enemy group!

The "cluster of white blades" that was in good order the previous second suddenly became a mess the next second.

The man in charge subconsciously thrust his knife forward and stabbed towards Qing Deng's chest with a whoosh.

But the tip of the knife only pierced Qing Deng's afterimage in vain.

Before he could put away his knife, the head flew a long distance - at this time, Qing Deng had appeared several meters away.

Qing Deng maintained the reverse grip of the knife and charged back and forth, unstoppable!
Holding the knife with the backhand... According to the traditional concepts of Japanese kendo, this way of holding the knife is simply evil.

However, because few people have seen such a knife-wielding technique, they were all at a loss when faced with Qing Deng's "evil attack".

For a time, many people found it difficult to adapt and were unable to respond effectively.

Someone dropped his eating utensils.

Some were covered in blood and collapsed to the ground.

Some of them had already died, but their lower bodies instinctively supported their upper bodies and they staggered forward a few steps.

Just like that... Qing Deng caused a big disturbance in the "White Blade Cluster" and broke through the heavy encirclement in the blink of an eye.

Shintaro Tojo followed closely behind Qingdeng the whole time, protecting Qingdeng's back while taking care of the enemies that Qingdeng missed.

Qing Deng’s target was clear—he had been targeting Yoshida Minoru from the very beginning.

"To shoot a man, shoot his horse first; to capture a thief, capture his leader first" is an eternal truth.

Moreover, after seeing Niou's attack and the failure of their plan, the morale of these patriots was already low, and they were able to maintain their fighting spirit only with the encouragement of Yoshida Toshima and others.

As long as Yoshida Toshima was killed, the rest of the things would be much easier. It would be nothing more than wiping out the remaining enemies and chasing them down to the north.

At this moment, Yoshida Minoru was hiding deep in the "white blade cluster", shouting and giving orders with all his might.

As Qing Deng continued to advance deeper into the "white blade cluster", the distance between the two sides gradually narrowed.

Soon, Qing Deng was only 10 meters away from Yoshida Minoru.

For Qing Deng, such a distance is just a blink of an eye!
In a flash, Qing Deng dodged the enemies around him and rushed straight towards Yoshida Minoru! He was about to pounce in front of him!

The fanatics who had gathered around Yoshida Minoru suddenly stood up with knives in their hands and poured out like a torrent breaking through a dam.

Qing Deng did not choose to fight head-on.

I saw him cleverly change his steps, turn left, and walk sideways to the left.

"Hurry up! Don't let him run away!"

They brandished swords, roared, and chased after them.

I'm sorry I didn't realize I had fallen into Qing Deng's trap.

The originally tight formation gradually became loose and disordered during the pursuit.

Qing Deng, who had been observing the battlefield out of the corner of his eye, saw that his goal had been achieved, so he immediately stopped and turned around to attack!
He passed through the gaps between these people, dodged their swords, and went from the front to the back of the team in one breath - he left dozens of sword lights behind him.

The sword light disappeared and the enemy group collapsed.

Those people spurted blood and fell to the ground one after another.

Qing Deng didn't even look behind him and pounced on Yoshida Minoru again.

Although a few people stepped forward to block, they were all killed instantly by Qing Deng.

Looking at Qing Deng who was approaching rapidly, Yoshida Minoru did not retreat. He still looked like a madman, with a miserable look on his face, and raised the knife in his hand resolutely.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

With a short cry coming out of his mouth, the blade fell.

Qing Deng waved his hand violently, and the two steel swords collided in the air, directly deflecting Yoshida Minoru's slash.

The opponent was indeed no ordinary person. In a flash, he pulled the knife back to his hand, and his posture was impeccable.

Then, he swung his sword at Qing Deng again, attacking him non-stop.

It seems that he really risked his life.

This kind of fighting method completely disregards life and death.

Because of this, he burst out with power far beyond ordinary.

For a moment, he actually suppressed Qing Deng briefly - of course, this was only temporary.

However, after a few rounds, Qing Deng adapted to the opponent's offensive.

The two of them moved back and forth, and their changing positions were dazzling.

Suddenly, Qing Deng lowered the blade of the knife and cut to the lower part, and the blade was like a dog lowering its tail.

Yoshida Toshima attacked regardless.

He pretended to attack Qing Deng's face, but actually chopped at his right arm.

Qing Deng had already seen through his little tricks.

Qing Deng narrowed his eyes and rushed forward, moving as fast as lightning.

To the bystanders, they only saw two figures quickly overlapping.

After just a moment, they separated - Qing Deng stood safely, while Yoshida Minoru, who was chopped away, fell 10 meters away.

【Ding! Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: Early childbirth +5]

[Talent Introduction: Greatly Increased Fertility]

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