I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 84 Prelude to the storm, Edo will launch an "anti-terrorism operation" [5500 words

Chapter 84 Prelude to the storm, Edo will launch an "anti-terrorism operation" [5500 words]

"Mr. Inoya, from another point of view, I can be regarded as 'fortune and misfortune depend on each other'."

After Qingdeng smiled at Zhu Gu, he continued:
"Although it was very unlucky to encounter this kind of thing when I took a 'free ride' back to Edo."

"But haven't I also succeeded in making great achievements?"

"I should be able to pass the 'performance assessment' one month later."

At this stage, cracking down on the bewildered gang of "anti-barbarians" thugs is the biggest task of the Edo Prefectural Office at present.

This time Qingdeng succeeded in defeating more with less, repelling the attack of more than 60 "anti-barbarians" thugs, beheading more than [-] people, and saving the French businessmen and their families... Such achievements are already considered achievements shine through.

With such a great achievement in hand... Just like Qingdeng said just now: he doesn't need to worry about the "big boss assessment" on March 3 that will test their "three times" political achievements.

"Ha..." Zhu Gu smiled wryly, "That's true, Tachibana, you are indeed a blessing in disguise."

After finishing speaking, Inotani grinned at Qingdeng with a joyful smile.

"Tachibana, I'm really...more and more impressed with you!"

"I didn't expect you to have such an ability!"

"Leading dozens of people, you can repel an enemy group that is several times your size... Some generals in the Warring States Period 300 years ago probably didn't have this ability!"

When Qingdeng sent a letter for help to Edo, Qingdeng had already written all the known information about this "snow night chaos" into this "letter for help".

When, where, and how they were attacked, how they repelled the enemy, and the direction in which the enemy fled...these contents were clearly written in the letter.

After this letter of pleading for help was delivered to the Enforcement Office, the members of the "three chapters" were the first to know about Qingdeng's feat of "overcoming the strong with the weak".

Therefore, the horses, pigs, and cows are all very aware of what happened to Qingdeng, and they also know how Qingdeng led Xiaoshi and others to defeat the strong with subtle micro-manipulation.

"Orange, I've heard."

Piggy continued.

"The French consulate seems to want to thank and reward you after hearing about the story of you saving the businessmen in their country."

"The thanks and rewards from the French Consulate...Compared with the rewards from the French Embassy, ​​I'm more curious about what rewards the government will give me." Qingdeng put on a half-joking tone.

"...the government has been very busy recently." Arima suddenly interjected at this moment, "Boss and Boss take this incident very seriously."

"It is said that Da Lao and Lao Zhong have held several meetings on this incident in the past few days."

"Now...it's really troublesome..."

"You all get ready."

"There is no doubt that after the shogunate, unprecedented and severe measures will be taken to attack all the 'anti-barbarians'."

"We'll be very busy afterwards..."

Arima's words made Qingdeng and the others in the living room couldn't help showing a bit of seriousness on their faces.

In the past, whether it was in the government or among the people, people's impression of the "radical anti-barbarians" was a bunch of people who could only bully the weak and fear the strong

Every day they shouted "get rid of the barbarians" and "get rid of the barbarians", but Yi Di didn't see how many of them killed, but the Japanese who they thought were "national thieves" killed the most.

Regardless of whether they were killing barbarians or killing Japanese people, they only dared to carry out assassinations in a shady manner, and did not dare to attack those who were not easy to mess with openly.

But now—the "attack incident" that Qingdeng encountered this time completely broke everyone's perception of these lunatics.

This group of lunatics suddenly became tough, and dared to show their fierce blades at the foreign businessmen who were protected by dozens of warriors.

More than 200 people can be organized to attack a certain target.

Can have the intelligence ability to know when Anthony and others are bound to be and where they will pass, and then prepare for an ambush in advance...

Such a number of people, such mobilization capabilities, such intelligence acquisition capabilities...

This is not a small matter that can be ignored...

This means that one or even several large-scale "radical anti-barbarians" organizations have emerged.

The "terrorists" with abnormal heads suddenly formed a group, built a large-scale force, and began to carry out "terrorist actions" in an organized manner-this is not good news for the current Edo shogunate.

The actual master of the Edo shogunate, who is now in power, is the well-known "founding theory".

He has always advocated the founding of the country and boldly started exchanges with overseas powers.

Therefore, it is conceivable: As a "founding theory", how could Ii Naosuke ignore the "radical extermination of barbarians" who had grown stronger without knowing it?
God knows if these people will make a big basket that will cause the whole country to suffer because of it in the future.

These lunatics dare to attack an innocent foreign businessman and his family today. Who knows if they will attack a foreign embassy tomorrow, or do something more radical?
At that time, the "founding of the country" policy that Ii Naosuke has always insisted on will definitely be hit.

Anyone with a little bit of political judgment can see that from now on, Ii Naobi will devote more resources to "anti-terrorism".

As Edo was one of the hardest-hit areas of the "Movement against Barbarians", the shogunate would naturally "strike hard".

At that time, Qingdeng and others who are "three times" will definitely be regarded as important combat forces and put into "anti-terrorism operations".

"Anyway, Mr. Tachibana, you should rest in peace and rest for the time being." Arima said softly to Qingdeng, "It just so happens that from the day after tomorrow, the Southern Division will be in charge of Edo, and our Northern Division officials no longer need to go to the Enforcement Office to serve their duties. In February, you can take the opportunity to rest at home with peace of mind."

"During the time you're staying at home, by the way, take out your bag and dry it in the sun."

"The people above took this incident very seriously."

"I'm reckoning—probably after some time, there should be a big person with a not-so-low level who will summon you."

"Ask you in detail about the attack you encountered and how to repel the attack... At the same time, I will give you a reward for such a great service."

裃: The dress of the samurai.When participating in important activities or meeting important figures, you need to wear a gauntlet.

"Then... During this time, you have to be more careful."

Having said that, Arima subconsciously turned his head and looked out the window.

"It can't be ruled out that those lunatics found out who made them so ashamed, and then launched a retaliation against you."

"So, it's right to be more cautious."

"Stop going to those remote places with few people, and pay more attention to your surroundings."

"If you see any suspicious characters sneaking around you or your house, remember to report to Fengxing as soon as possible."

"En." Qing Deng nodded vigorously.

At this moment, Niu Shan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:

"Speaking of this... Arima-sama, Tachibana-kun, something very strange happened in Edo in the past two days."

"Strange thing?" Qing Deng asked back.

Qingdeng and Arima cast doubtful glances at Ushiyama.

"Arima-sama, you led people to Kanagawa Juku to meet Tachibana-kun before, so you probably don't know yet—the incident of Tachibana-kun repelling the group of enemies was leaked for some reason."

"Probably since the day before yesterday, news has been spreading throughout Edo that 'Ji Qingdeng of Beipansuo Dingchohui defeated the many with fewer and defeated the mobs of the barbarians'."

"What?" Arima's already big eyes widened a bit.

At this moment, Qing Deng also frowned slightly in surprise: "Mr. Niu Shan, has the enforcement office made this incident public?"

"No." Niu Shan shook his head, "Mr. Ju, you should also know, right? It is definitely impossible for the enforcement office to leak this kind of incident to the public so quickly."

Qing Deng pursed his lips.

Niu Shan was right.

No different from "terrorists", the "radical anti-barbarian faction" who tossed the common people enough has suddenly become powerful and terrifying, and can dispatch more than 200 people in one go to ambush Western businessmen with dozens of warrior guards ... Once this kind of thing spreads, it will easily cause panic among the people.

Before doing all kinds of work well, it is definitely impossible for the enforcement office to expose such a thing so quickly.

"Then how did this thing leak out?" Arima frowned suddenly, "Who was it in the prison, accidentally said it was leaked?"

"...I don't think so." Niu Shan shook his head slowly, "If someone in the enforcement office accidentally leaked this matter, there would be such an exaggerated speed of transmission."

"In just two days, the news spread to almost the whole of Edo... I absolutely don't believe that there is no one behind the scenes to fuel the flames at such a speed of transmission."

The more Qingdeng listened, the more confused he became.

Someone deliberately leaked this incident of mine?
who is it?

Why do you want to do this?
Niu Shan saw the doubt on Qingdeng's face, and sighed lightly:
"The enforcement office is already investigating who is spreading this story."

"But it depends on luck whether we can find out who did it."

"...Then this is going to be troublesome!" Arima's face suddenly darkened, "Now that everyone in Edo knows who repelled those lunatics..."

"Then those lunatics will also know who caused them a big defeat...!"


The not-so-big hall suddenly became extremely quiet...



The visit of the horse, the pig, and the cow to Qingdeng finally ended in an eerie silence...

At present, Qingdeng's feat of "winning more with less" is being spread everywhere in Edo... This is definitely not a good thing for the current Qingdeng.

In a disguised form, he informed the group of "terrorists" who beat them to shame-this was not the worst.

Worst of all: Qingdeng has nothing to effectively prevent retaliation...

They don't have the financial resources to hire more bodyguards.

Ask the enforcement office to send a large number of people to protect Qingdeng 24 hours a day?

The enforcement office has always been in short supply of manpower, even though Qingdeng has just made a great contribution, he is still not important enough to allocate a large number of people to protect him...

Qingdeng had a brief discussion with his three seniors on what to do.

After a discussion, they came to the conclusion that there was nothing to do...the only thing they could do was to be more cautious on weekdays...

In this embarrassing and strange atmosphere of silence, after Qingdeng personally sent the three elders away from his home, Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief, and then turned to the three people who stood behind him and followed him to send the horse, pig, and cow. Saito and Kubei who arrived at the door said:
"Recently... you all should be more cautious."

"Especially you, Kubei."

"I'm becoming more and more convinced now: I can't use common sense to understand those lunatics."

"No one knows what kind of methods those people will use to retaliate against me."

"Jiubingwei, if you can't go out in the future, try not to go out."

"When you must go out, do so during the day."

"Take the road with more people."

"When you go to buy vegetables and daily necessities, you also go to areas with better security."

"Yes..." Jiu Bingwei lowered his head and let out a long sigh, "Young Master, I think it's really unfair..."

"You have just made such a dazzling achievement."

"As a result... life has become more uneasy because of it..."

Qingdeng smiled and raised his hand to pat Jiubingwei's back a few times: "For us 'three-time' warriors, being hated and retaliated by others is just a very common thing."

"Take it easy, Kubei."

Qingdeng softly comforted this old servant who was unwilling to accept what happened to him——

Bang bang bang...!
Qingdeng, Saito, and Jiubingwei, who had just sent Ma Zhuniu away, were still standing at the entrance.

At the same time, the three of them turned their heads to look at the door in front of them where there were a few knocks on the door...

After the knock on the door fell, a very energetic baritone sounded from outside the door:

"Is anyone home?"

After the baritone fell, a neutral voice with a very pleasant tone followed closely:
"Is anyone home—?"

Hearing these two voices, Qingdeng was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly went down to the soil room in two steps, and then opened the door.

The door opened - a big thick mouth and a slender and light high ponytail tied with a purple ribbon came into Qingdeng's eyes.

"Kondo-kun? Okita-kun?"

After seeing Qingdeng, Kondo and Okita outside the room both showed surprise.

"Tachibana-kun." Okita said, "Have you returned to Edo?"



The living room of Qingdeng's house became lively again.

Qingdeng sat opposite Kondo and Okita.

Saito held his saber as always, and sat in the corner of the hall with a blank expression and a silent expression.

Kubei retreated into the kitchen, preparing new tea.

"Tachibana-kun, who is this?" Kondo winked at Saito.

That's right...the people in the testing hall don't know Saito...

Qingdeng cleared his throat: "This is the bodyguard my elders hired for me: Saitoichi."

"Bodyguard?" Kondo's eyes lit up, and then he cast a curious gaze on Saito, "Since you can be a bodyguard...then you must be very skilled?"

Qingdeng nodded: "Saito is the recipient of the all-permission-free pass. Thanks to Saito, I have saved myself from danger several times."

"Everyone who doesn't leak out...!" Kondo showed surprise and admiration to Saito.

Okita, who was sitting beside Saito, couldn't help blinking a few times at this moment, and looked at Saito a few more times.

"He has obtained the no-discharge exemption at such a young age... What a hero!" For some reason, Kondo, who became a little excited, straightened his waist and said to Saito seriously, "We're meeting for the first time! The teacher's representative in the lower natural mental health training center: Isamu Kondo!"

After Isamu Kondo solemnly reported his name to Saito, Okita was stunned for a moment, and then quickly straightened his waist in a similar manner:

"Tongtian Lixinliu Exam Guard Hall, Director Okita!"

Saito seemed not quite used to the enthusiasm of Kondo and Okita, he shrank back and nodded to them.

"Kondo-kun, Okita-kun." After helping Saito, Kondo, and Okita to get to know each other, Qingdeng will turn his puzzled eyes back and forth on the faces of Kondo and Okita, "Why are you here?" ?”

"Ah...it's like this..." Kondo smiled.


To put it simply, Kondo and Okita came to see if Qingdeng had returned to Edo.

Niu Shan just said to Qingdeng that in the past 2 days, the rumors that he "victorious with the few, smashing the barbarian thugs" spread rapidly in all parts of Edo at a rather strange speed.

As for the testing hall, it was only in the evening this evening that I learned about it from a neighbor.

Kondo, Okita and the others were astonished after knowing that Qingdeng had made such an extraordinary feat.

No wonder I haven't seen you come to the sword hall to show your face in the past ten days... It turns out that you are going to fight against the thugs of the "Big Barbarians"...

Qingdeng is a member of their testing hall.

And it is also a potential new star that Kondo and the others have high hopes for.

Having encountered such a fierce battle... Kondo felt that it was unlikely that Qingdeng was not injured at all.

So, out of concern about Qingdeng's status quo, Kondo decided to come to Qingdeng's house with Okita after much consideration, to see if Qingdeng had returned to Edo.

When Qingdeng was in the Apprentice Examination Center, he registered his address in the "apprentice roster".

Kondo and Okita successfully found Qingdeng's home in Hatchobori by following the address recorded in the "roster book".

After that, there is no need to repeat it.

Kondo and Okita were also very lucky. After knocking on the door of Qingdeng's house, they saw Qingdeng who just returned to Edo this afternoon, and they did not make a trip in vain.

After Kondo succinctly explained why he and Okita appeared here, Qingdeng secretly said in his heart, "So that's the case", then smiled and said softly to the two in a polite tone:
"Kondo-kun, Okita-kun, thank you for coming to visit me."

"As you can see, I'm in great shape right now."

Qingdeng raised his hand and patted his chest.

"All the wounds on my body have started to grow new flesh."

"After resting for another 2 or 3 days, I will be able to calm down."

As soon as Qingdeng's words fell, Chong Tian, ​​who was sitting opposite him, immediately said in an impatient tone with his eyes twinkling like stars:
"Mr. Ju! You are so amazing! You are able to lead only a few people and beat those annoying 'Big Barbarians' thugs to pieces!"

——Ah...appeared...Okita-kun's "You are amazing"...

——Do you have any other adjectives...

Qingdeng found that Okita's "vocabulary" seemed to be really lacking...

Apart from "you are so amazing", he seems to have no other words to praise someone...

Last time when Qingdeng broke the case against Granny Ping, Okita would only praise Qingdeng with "You are so good".

"Thank you for the compliment." Although he was crazily complaining about Okita's vocabulary in his heart, Qing Dengming still showed a smile on his face, and said modestly, "But to be honest—the reason why I was able to win that battle , and a lot of luck..."

Qingdeng's words haven't finished yet...


Click, click, click, click, click, click...


Unexpectedly... Suddenly there was a sound like porcelain being smashed outside the house.

This strange sound interrupted Qingdeng's conversation.

In the living room, whether Qingdeng, Saito, Kondo, or Okita, they haven't had time to react to the sudden strange sound——

blazing blazing...!
The sound of the flames burning violently, like waves of the sea, poured into everyone's ears one after another.

It's the end of the month!Book friends with monthly tickets, please be sure to vote for this book! QQ
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 Yesterday, due to force majeure, I went out for a meal and came home very late, so today's chapter is a little shorter.

  I will try to write as long as possible tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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