I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 841: Instant Kill! Qing Deng's Absolute Destruction of the Enemy! [4300]

Chapter 841: Instant Kill! Qing Deng's Absolute Destruction of the Enemy! [4300]

As the man shouted, he drew the sword from his waist menacingly, pointing the tip of the sword at the Shinsengumi camp.

Souji opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

About 5 seconds later, she finally came back to her senses and murmured:

"One Rider to Ask...?!"

Ichikito - to put it simply, it is a one-on-one duel between generals in front of the battle line.

In ancient China, "victory determined by single combat between military generals" basically only existed in historical novels, and no one did this in real life.

But in ancient Japan, this was a serious classic tactic.

The Ikkitai was founded in the Heian period (794-1192) and flourished during the Kamakura shogunate period (1185-1333).

Japan's Heian period was just like China's Western Zhou period, with great emphasis on etiquette. Even wars had to follow various kinds of etiquette.

For example: Before a war, the generals of both sides had to introduce themselves to each other, such as who their ancestors were, what their names were, and so on.

The emphasis on complicated etiquette, coupled with the rise of samurai culture, led to the rise and popularity of the "Ikki Tou" tactic.

To put it bluntly - "Ikkito" is a twisted product created by samurai to show off their family and their own martial arts.

If I hadn't run up to the front of the two armies in a majestic manner and challenged them to a duel, how would the world know that I was a descendant of a famous family with a distinguished family background, extraordinary courage, and superb skills?

So, in order to show off to the extreme, these bored warriors designed many complicated rules for Ikki.

Before the fight begins, you must announce your identity, it must be one-on-one, and there can be no conspiracies or tricks... There are countless examples like this.

The specific content of the competition includes drawing swords to fight each other and taking out bows and arrows to compete in horseback archery.

The essence of Ikkitao is to pretend and perform.

If we break the rules, how can we all pretend to be cool together happily in the future?

Therefore, both warring parties tacitly praised and abided by the rules of Yiqitao. It was good for everyone... Then, the Yuan army came.

At that time, many Japanese generals, under the influence of path dependence, foolishly ran to the front of the two armies, wanting to fight against the Yuan army generals.

Such behavior made the Yuan army soldiers laugh - why were these guys so eager to give themselves up?
Only a fool would fight them in single combat! A rain of arrows covered the Japanese generals and shot them into sieves.

To this day, there are still ancient paintings of "Yuan army shooting Japanese generals" preserved.

In general, the Yuan Dynasty's eastward expedition was a disguised way of improving Japan's war level.

After the Kamakura period, Ikkito gradually withdrew from the stage of history.

By the Warring States Period, no one was stupid enough to engage in one-on-one duels anymore.

As for the "One-on-One Fight between Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin", it is purely a fabrication of later generations. There were many such ridiculous stories in the Japanese Warring States Period.

Today, it is already the middle of the 19th century, and we can still see people doing this kind of performance art... I have to say, it is really quite shocking, and has a kind of beauty that makes us feel like we are "traveling through the Kamakura period."

Even Qing Deng couldn't help but be stunned.

However, he soon felt relieved.

Although this incident is outrageous, it is normal for it to happen to people from Changzhou.

In recent years, in order to fight against the Western barbarians and demonstrate their irreconcilable stance towards the Western barbarians, a "retro trend" has gradually emerged among the Zunyang faction.

To put it simply, it advocates that "things left by our ancestors are the best!" and "Whoever dares to touch the ancestral rules will lose his head!".

Under the influence of this trend, many patriots were keen on reading ancient books, learning ancient knowledge, and imitating the behavior of the ancients.

In short, just coaplay the ancients, and make yourself as much like the ancients as possible.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand the "I-Knight's Tribulation in the 19th Century".

With his sharp eyesight like an eagle, Qing Deng keenly discovered that when the guy who called himself "Yamamoto Sakuyuki" rode out on his horse, there was immediately a great commotion in the Choshu camp.

Many generals in armor rushed to the camp, looking angrily at Yamamoto Tsakuyuki who had already run to the front of the battle, shouting something.

Qing Deng watched the scene and seemed to be thinking.

After a while, he looked clear.

He roughly guessed the cause and effect of the matter: most likely this guy strongly demanded a vigorous one-on-one battle with the Shinsengumi, but his superiors did not allow it, so he ignored the orders and forced his horse into battle, insisting on playing the role of a military commander from the Kamakura period.

This gave Qing Deng a good hint - the Choshu Army on the opposite side was even more disunited than he had expected, with many guys who disobeyed orders and acted on their own.

"Jujun, can I go there?"

Souji turned his head to look at Qing Deng and placed his right hand on the Dingguishen at his waist.

Qing Deng shook his head gently:
"No hurry, let's form the formation first."




Following the Choshu army camp, the Shinsengumi camp also heard horns louder and louder.

In a short while, the 3300 soldiers in the camp marched out of the camp with a rumble and lined up in the field.

Qingdeng adopts a very classic formation——

The 2000 musketeers from the th and th squads were deployed in the middle.

The 300 infantrymen of the First Battalion were on the left wing.

800 cavalrymen from the th and th divisions were on the right wing.

The 200 artillerymen of the th Division were deployed in the rear.

Behind the artillery is the main camp where generals such as Qing Deng are located.

As long as Qingdeng gave the order, 2000 musketeers could move forward immediately, with the support of infantry and cavalry on the left and right wings and artillery protection in the rear - it was truly a "panacea" formation that could be used for both offense and defense.

At this moment, stools were neatly arranged in the camp.

Qing Deng sat on the main seat with his head held high and his chest puffed out.

General Souji, Inoue Genzaburo and other generals of various ranks took their seats in order according to their status.

Judging from the scene, Qingdeng's side undoubtedly has an overwhelming advantage.

In addition to the 3300 Shinsengumi soldiers, there were also 8 feudal troops! The total force was nearly times that of the Choshu army on the opposite side!
However, these 20,000 vassal troops were placed in the rear, acting as a background.

Anyway, I don't expect these guys to be of any help. Since they are mascots, it doesn't matter where I put them.

Therefore, Qing Deng simply deployed most of the feudal soldiers on the Fushimi battlefield, putting them under his nose for easier supervision.

The Choshu army on the opposite side also formed their battle formation.

Right in the center of the two camps, Yamamoto Sakuyuki showed no intention of retreating. He held his head high and chest puffed out with a proud look on his face.

Just now, an interesting thing happened: a man from the Choshu army rode out on horseback, came to Yamamoto Tsakuyuki and said something to him.

Qing Deng guessed that he was trying to persuade the other party to stop messing around and quickly return to the formation.

However, Yamamoto Sakuyuki was determined and was not moved at all. He was determined to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

Seeing that persuasion was futile, the man shook his head and left, allowing Yamamoto Sakuyuki to continue making trouble.

Seeing that no one came forward to fight, Yamamoto Sakuyuki raised his chin and shouted arrogantly:

"What? There's no brave man in the Shinsengumi?!"

Fujido Heisuke smacked his lips, looking displeased:
"Mr. Ju, my injury is no longer serious! Please let me go!"

The "Ikedaya Incident" happened only last month, and the wound on Fujido Heisuke's forehead has not yet healed and is still wrapped in thick linen.

As soon as Fujido Heisuke finished speaking, Matsubara Tadashi (vice-captain of the 10th Division) beside him hurriedly took over the conversation:
"My lord, I am willing to go! I can guarantee with my life that I will cut off the head of that bandit!"

As a newcomer who had just joined the Shinsengumi, Matsubara Tadashi was eager to prove himself by making military achievements.

Coincidentally, Nakazawa Koto (Vice-Captain of the 7th Division) thought the same.

"My Lord, please let me go!"

As Nakazawa Qin spoke, she patted her chest, her voice loud and full of momentum.

The Shinsengumi generals fought fiercely for this spot on the battlefield.

On the other hand, the generals of the feudal army... they were all quieter than each other.

Although they don't have any special abilities, they still have the most basic dignity.

Seeing that all the Shinsengumi generals were eager to be the first, and that even a woman like Koto Nakazawa was far braver than them, they all lowered their heads in shame and watched.

Faced with the generals' requests to fight, Qing Deng did not respond.

He pondered for a moment with an expressionless face, then raised his hand to signal "quiet". Seeing this, the generals shut their mouths.

The main camp, which was noisy a second ago, suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Okay, stop arguing."

After saying that, he slowly stood up.

"You all don't have to move. I'm going to do it myself."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone at the scene looked stunned.

The chief blinked:

"Jujun, you want to take the lead?"

Qingdeng smiled slightly:
"If you think about it carefully, this might be a good opportunity."

"Although 'Ichikitou' is a very outdated and ridiculous tactic, it is undeniable that it is not completely useless."

"If we crush the enemy's generals with overwhelming strength, it will definitely deal a heavy blow to the enemy's morale."

"This will be beneficial to our next battle."

After he finished speaking, Qing Deng raised his head and shouted without waiting for anyone to respond:

"Bring me a cup!"




Luobo raised his ox head high and ran to the front of the battle with Qingdeng on his back, with the only ox leading the way.

Qingdeng holds a long spear in his hand, wears a Vairocana on his waist, and a precious bow, Iserthapvarala, hangs on the saddle of the ox.

Riding a black bull...After seeing this iconic feature, many people on both the enemy and our side immediately recognized the identity of the fighter.

In an instant, exclamations came one after another from the armies of both sides.

Especially the Choshu Army, many of them had their eyes wide open with an expression of disbelief on their faces.

However, Yamamoto Tsakuyuki does not seem to know what the "Black Bull Samurai" represents.

Seeing that the enemy was finally coming, he immediately perked up, staring at Qing Deng intently, looking him up and down.

He was looking at Qing Deng, and Qing Deng was also looking at him.

When he got closer, he was able to see Yamamoto Sakuyuki's attire more clearly.

This man was wearing a dark red armor with a gorgeous feathered armor on the outside of the armor. He wore a helmet with a spade-shaped front and had a thick beard on his face.

At first glance, this look is indeed quite realistic and has the style of an ancient military general.

It was not popular to grow beards during the Edo period.

The Edo Shogunate believed that men growing beards was a relic of the Warring States Period and would encourage violence, so in order to demonstrate the new dynasty's elegant governance and prevent the recurrence of the Warring States period, it strictly prohibited men from growing beards.

For this reason, those Sonnōjo patriots who pursued "retrogression" and at the same time intended to go against the shogunate all grew beards to show their determination.

After Yamamoto Tsukinoshi sized up Qing Deng, he shouted with full energy:

"I am the descendant of Yamamoto Sudai, Yamamoto Sakuyuki Nobutoyo! Who are you? Tell me your name immediately!"

Introduce yourself before the fight begins - this is one of the important rules of Ikkitao.

Yamamoto Sudai...a name I've never heard of.

Qing Deng didn't know if there were any famous people among his ancestors.

However, this kind of thing doesn't matter.

Anyway, no matter which generation of ancestors, their names are definitely not as famous as his!
Qingdeng said calmly:
"Aki no Kami, Lord of the Qinjin Domain, Governor of the Capital Region, General of the Shinsengumi, and the head of the Hachioji Thousand, Minamoto no Sukutani Aoto Moriharu."

Although the identity of the perpetrator had been guessed, when Qing Deng actually gave his name, it still caused a huge stir in the Changzhou army!

"It's Tachibana Aoto! Tachibana Aoto is here!"

"Tachibana Aoto is here! I thought he would be in charge of the Yamazaki battlefield!"

"Oh no! Yamamoto Sakuyuki is in danger!"

"Damn it! This idiot is really incapable of doing anything good, and is always causing trouble!"

"Calm down! There's no need to boost the enemy's morale and destroy your own prestige! Yamamoto-kun is very strong! He may not lose to Tachibana Aoto!"

"That's right! Don't forget that Yamamoto-kun is known as 'Ghost Yamamoto'!"


Seeing that "Niou" Tachibana Aotoshi personally went into battle, many people in the Choshu army changed their expressions, looking nervous and frightened.

However, there are still a small number of people who are quite confident and very optimistic, and even claim that "Yamamoto Sakuyuki may be a match for Tachibana Aotoshi."

Apart from anything else, Yamamoto Sakuyuki himself is very confident.

Even though Qing Deng had already revealed his family background and knew that he would be facing off against Ren Wang, he was not at all panicked and still looked confident.

Come to think of it.

If it wasn't for a fearless young man, how could he have created such a performance art as "Riding a Horse to Ask for Money" in the mid-19th century?

"Huh! You must be Tachibana Aoto! Well done!"

"I never thought I could face off against the Shinsengumi's general directly. This is exactly what I want!"

"Let me, Yamamoto Tsakuyuki, take your head!"

After he finished speaking, he nimbly dismounted from his horse and quickly drew the sword from his waist.

Seeing this, Qing Deng silently jumped off the cow's back and drew his sword.

Under the gaze of two armies and more than six thousand pairs of eyes, the two men held their swords steady, got into position, and faced each other from a distance.

Qing Dengcai is in the middle configuration. Once his posture is set, he remains motionless without even blinking, as if he has turned into a rock in that instant.

Yamamoto Sakuyuki raised the tip of his sword, lifted it over his head, and immediately assumed an aggressive upper stance.

The confrontation between the two did not last long.

In the blink of an eye, Yamamoto Sakuyuki shouted.


With an angry roar, he rushed forward, leaped in front of Qingdeng, and slashed at Qingdeng's head with his knife. The blade made a sound and the attack was fierce, which was really terrifying.

He has the guts to challenge Qing Deng, which shows he has some skills.

From the swing of the blade to the blade falling, it only took a moment.

But at this moment, Qing Deng had disappeared from where his blade had reached.

What Yamamoto Sakuyuki cut was just the air.

Where did Qingdeng go?

He has appeared behind Yamamoto Sakuyuki.

Keep the knife-drawing posture.

Yamamoto Tsuke's body paused for a moment, then bounced up as if being sucked, and then fell heavily to the ground.

【Ding! Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Heart of the Lion"]

[Talent Introduction: Heart is stronger than ordinary people]

【Ding! It is detected that the host already has the same type of talent]

【Ding! Start talent fusion]

[“Lion’s Heart +5” ability upgrade——“Lion’s Heart +6”]

The whole place was silent!

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

Leopard wants to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival in advance, so I'll take a day off tomorrow~~I'll take a break after a long time~~Please know.

(End of this chapter)

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