I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 857: The Innate "Selfless Realm" Holy Body! [5100]

Chapter 857: The Innate "Selfless Realm" Holy Body! [5100]

Qing Deng, who came out from the side, half-crouched, held the knife in his right hand, raised it above his head, blocked Prajna's attack, and used his free left hand to protect Boss Kiryu under his body.

The sudden change stunned Boss Kiryu and Prajna.

However, in just a moment, the facial expressions of the two people changed drastically.

The stunned look on Mr. Kiryu's face was replaced by astonishment and a hint of surprise.

As for Prajna, there was only pure shock on his cheeks.

Qing Deng secretly exerted a ruthless force and deflected Prajna's knife with a "clang" sound, then took advantage of the situation to perform a reverse cassock slash, sweeping towards Prajna's chest.

At this moment, Prajna sensed a strong danger signal.

Driven by instinct, he immediately leaned back and dodged the blade with a narrow margin. Then he leaped backwards and covered a distance of 10 meters before stopping.

Qing Deng slowly stood up, then took a half step forward and protected Boss Kiryu behind him.

He pointed the blade at Prajna, staring at the opponent, with a fierce posture ready to fight at any time.

"Boss Kiryu, are you hurt?"

He said this without turning his head.

"Apart from being tired and feeling sick, there's nothing serious."

As Mr. Kiryu spoke, he raised his eyes, looked up and down at Qing Deng, and smiled:

"Jujun, why did you become a calico cat?"

Qing Deng laughed at himself:
"Honestly, if I wasn't in a hurry to find you, I really wanted to take a shower first."

Qing Deng took a lot of effort to escape from the burning Tianlong Temple.

There were flames everywhere, thick smoke everywhere, and heat waves everywhere... Fortunately, Qing Deng was not an ordinary person, otherwise he might not have been able to escape successfully.

With his extraordinary hearing, he identified where the fire was smaller and then rushed out of the fire in one go.

Although he managed to escape successfully, he inevitably ended up in the ridiculous state he is in now.

His body was covered with the embers of burning wood, and the skin exposed outside his clothes was covered with marks of black smoke, with patches of black and white.

Especially on the face, only a few places such as the eyes, mouth, and nose tip are still white.

At first glance, it really looks like a calico cat.

Under the fierce attack of the Choshu Army, the Choshu Army, which had no ability to fight back, began to retreat on all fronts.

This once-in-a-decade battle was decided in just two days, and the Tantang Army won an overwhelming victory!

For the shogunate and the pro-shogunate faction, today's battle is largely over.

But for Qing Deng, today's battle has just begun!
I said goodbye to Boss Kiryu frankly last night, and his safety is always on Qing Deng's mind.

Therefore, as soon as the battle started today, Qing Deng used all his strength and attacked the Choshu army like crazy! Just to find Boss Kiryu as soon as possible and confirm his condition!

After escaping from Tenryuji, Qing Deng immediately followed the trail of the Choshu army and plunged into the lush Arashiyama to continue looking for Boss Kiryu.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, fortunately the result was satisfactory.

While traveling through the mountains and forests, with the help of his talent "Wind Perception +4", he suddenly heard the continuous sound of metal clashing - as one of the top swordsmen in the world, Qing Deng immediately recognized that this was the sound that could only be made by a duel between top masters.

He immediately followed the sound and soon found Boss Kiryu who had fallen to the ground and Prajna who was raising his knife to kill.

There is no need to elaborate on what happened next.

Prajna, who was not far away, stared at Qing Deng, narrowed her eyes, and sneered:
"Ha! Who was that? Turns out to be my junior fellow apprentice."

"This is the second time we've met."

"Due to special circumstances, I was not able to have a good chat with you last time we met. What a pity."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qing Deng immediately said:

"'Chat'? What can I talk to you about?"

"Although I don't know you well, I already hate you quite a lot."

Qing Deng lowered his eyelids, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Yamada Asaemon Katsumi... No, Hannya, you are really crazy."

"What were you planning to do just now? You were planning to harm your own master?"

Although his tone was calm, there was a hint of anger that he could hardly suppress between his words.

To Qing Deng, Mr. Kiryu is not only a mentor but also an irreplaceable elder.

This guy actually raised his knife and slashed at Boss Kiryu who had no power to fight back... The anger in Qing Deng's heart was like a volcano ready to erupt.

Upon hearing this, Prajna shrugged vigorously with an indifferent expression on her face.

"Humph, you, a junior, are actually lecturing me."

"I admit that I was a little impulsive just now."

"But this is all Master's fault!"

"Who told the master to speak nonsense? What nonsense!"

"You can't even use my full strength, but you're still saying things like 'your strength is stagnant'... It's really annoying!"

"But, Master, don't worry, I won't let you die."

"I will keep my master alive until he recognizes my strength and admits that I am the best successor to his legacy!"

Speaking of this, his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the Vairocana in Qingdeng's palm, with a hint of intoxication appearing on his cheeks.

"Vairochana... this sword is as beautiful as ever!"

"Junior brother... no, Tachibana Aoto, you just said that you already hate me quite a lot... Coincidentally, I have the same idea."

"Why do you hold this knife?"

"You are not qualified to own this knife!"

The sharp, murderous gaze shot straight towards Qing Deng.

Qing Deng stared back fearlessly and sneered:
"'Why'? Of course, because I'm stronger than you!"

"Because I am stronger than you, Vairocana is in my hands. Do I need to explain this simple and obvious truth to you?"

In an instant, Prajna's facial expression was dominated by intense indignation, and his look was terrifying.

"Hehe... Master just said that..."

He was seen laughing in anger, and veins on his temples, neck and other parts of his body were bulging like worms.

In addition, spider-web-like red blood threads climbed up its eyes.

"You are better than me? Ha, you dare to say that!"

"Okay, then I really want to see it!"

"Although your sudden appearance was totally unexpected to me, you came just in time!"

Having said that, Prajna glanced at Boss Kiryu behind Qing Deng.

"Master, watch carefully!"

"Look carefully at how I defeated Tachibana Aoto!"

"Your so-called 'legitimate successor of the sect' has actually become my defeated opponent... Then, I want to see what else you have to say!"

After saying that, he swung the knife violently, shook off the few broken leaves remaining on the blade, and then pointed the tip of the knife diagonally at Qing Deng.

Upon seeing this, Qing Deng raised his sword in response, and pointed the tip of the sword at Prajna without showing any weakness.

"Ju Qingdeng, looking at you, it seems that you have just experienced a lot of bloody battles. Do you still have the strength to fight?"

Qingdeng said calmly:
"That won't bother you."

"On the contrary, after fighting with Boss Kiryu, can you still hold the sword steadily?"

"I don't want you to refuse to admit defeat by saying 'I just used up too much energy' after I knock you down."

Prajna had an expression of naked provocation on her face.

"You worry too much! Master is already a frail old man with clumsy legs and feet. His desperate fight didn't even drain a single ounce of my energy!"

"In that case... come on!"

Qing Deng raised his chin as he spoke, indicating that he would "stay with me to the end", his aura rising steadily.

Almost at the same time, Prajna on the opposite side also gained momentum!

"This battle...I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

"Ever since I learned that Master passed on Vairocana to you, I have been looking forward to this day all the time."

"I look forward to defeating you and proving to my master that I am the true master of Vairocana!"

"Tachibana Aoto, get ready! I'm going to... tear you apart head-on!"

After saying that, he suddenly raised his left hand and grabbed the cloth on his right shoulder.


He ripped off his clothes, revealing the hideous tattoo on his back.

His face was pale, with several sharp teeth in his mouth, a pair of long horns on his head, and he glared at others with a hideous grin - it was the evil demon Prajna formed by intense jealousy and resentment!
"Feiyan Zanshin Style"

"Yamada Asaemon Katsumi!"

Niou held his sword in front, and the awe-inspiring righteousness that gushed out dispersed the evil mist emitted by the evil spirit.

"Tenen Rishin Flow" "Tachibana Aoto!"

The next moment, two extremely powerful "forces" collided heavily in mid-air, and the terrifying aura caused by this even changed the color of the wind and clouds!
A moment later, two fast-moving figures shoveled up the soil and disturbed the fallen leaves on the ground.

Prajna's feet brushed the ground as if she was gliding, and the knife in the Qingyan stance slashed down diagonally downward swiftly. The speed of the knife was so fast that it was frightening. The characteristics of the "executioner knife technique" were fully demonstrated in this attack.

Qing Deng did not retreat a single step, he put down his knife and concentrated his strength on his waist.

The tip of the knife just stayed still for a moment, then it swung up like a rolling cloud and a gust of wind, directly knocking Prajna's knife away. The remaining force even caused Prajna's body to lose balance uncontrollably.

Qing Deng accurately seized this fleeting flaw, jumped up, lifted Vairocana to his chest, rushed towards Prajna, and stabbed into his arms.

Logically speaking, Prajna, whose body was out of balance, was doomed.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, Prajna showed an extraordinary balance ability. She stepped firmly before the purple sword light arrived and raised the sword to block it.

clang! !

The deafening sound and the hand-numbing reaction force were transmitted to both parties at the same time.

Although Qing Deng did not use all his strength in this strike, he still used 7% of his strength.

But even so, it is enough to make it difficult for 99% of people in this world to compete.

It had been a long time since Qing Deng encountered an opponent who could take his blows head-on.

In this round, both sides were attacking and defending, no one was injured and no one took advantage, so it ended in a draw.

In the next round, a more intense confrontation began!

Prajna did not deflect Qingdeng's sword, but instead flexibly turned her wrists and adjusted the direction of the blade, so that the blade of Naga Sone Kotetsu was close to the blade of Vairocana and slid towards Qingdeng's face.

The rapid friction between the two knives scraped out countless elf-like sparks.

Before the sparks faded away, the knife was already in front of Qing Deng.

At the same time when the sparks had not yet dissipated, Qing Deng leaned back as if he was broken - his talents "Water Body +4" and "Snake Body +4" were activated - and he somersaulted swiftly, dodging out of Prajna's slashing range without a single mistake.

[Note: Water Body +4: The coordination of limbs is better than that of ordinary people. Snake Body +4: The flexibility of the body is better than that of ordinary people.]

This time, Prajna released an offensive that was overwhelming.

Before Qingdeng could fight back, he took a big step like a whirlwind, pressed forward like a giant, and fought with Qingdeng again.

A flash!
Flash again!

Three flashes!

If viewed from a bystander's perspective, one would see Nagazene Kotetsu's blade flashing three times in the air. Because the speed of the blade was too fast, at first glance, it seemed as if the three swords were swung at the same time.

As soon as these three flashes of light approached Qing Deng, they shattered and disappeared without a trace - because three equally indistinguishable purple flashes of light blocked them one by one!

You come and I fight, and the swords shine.

The two men kept changing the fighting venue, sometimes they shuttled through the dense forest, sometimes they wrestled on the open ground, and sometimes they flew to the thick branches.

As the battlefield between them continued to expand, the trail of destruction also spread rapidly.

Crushed fallen leaves.

Broken tree trunk.

Cracked earth.

A powerful force is surging, and everything within the reach of the blade is ravaged!
Unlike the fight between Prajna and Boss Kiryu just now, this is a real fight between two evenly matched people!

No one has the upper hand, and no one is at a disadvantage.

Whenever it is attacked, it will immediately counterattack.

In order to cope with the opponent's fierce attack, both sides had to keep their eyes wide open, not even daring to blink, staring closely at the opponent's every move. A moment of relaxation would result in direct death, and there would be no chance of injury - anyone hit by such a terrifying blow would surely die!

Although their confrontation was extremely fierce and the rhythm of offense and defense was incredibly fast, the transition between victory and defeat was also equally fast.

From a certain perspective, Qing Deng is a "slow-to-warm-up" swordsman.

As the battle lasted longer, he felt the blood in his body getting hotter, his hands and feet becoming lighter and more agile, and his mind becoming highly focused.

Talents "Focus" and "Born for Battle +9" are activated!
[Note: Born for War +9: The more intense and fierce the battle is, the better your physical and mental state will be.]

In a flash, Qing Deng's will was transmitted to the tip of the knife, and he swung the knife forward as easily as if he were moving his arm.

Hiss—a slight sound of flesh tearing apart. The knife was too fast, and Prajna didn't have time to dodge it completely, leaving a small bloody mark on her shoulder.

Qing Deng continued his attack and chased after Prajna like a flying swallow, swinging his sword to chop the opponent's chest again.

His body was not stable and he had no time to dodge, so Prajna could only raise his knife and fight hand-to-hand.

Qingdeng's attack was unstoppable. After Prajna took it head-on, she took two steps back before she could stabilize her body.

In order to get rid of the current passive situation, Prajna took a deep breath, accumulated strength in a second, flew up and attacked Qingdeng's waist and abdomen, trying to interrupt his attack rhythm.

In a flash, Qing Deng stabbed twice in a row.

With the first stab, he parried Prajna's attack, then his hand turned into an afterimage, and he pulled the knife back to his hand at a dizzying speed, and then stabbed for the second time.

That bit of cold light instantly magnified in Prajna's eyes... Although he dodged it again, the blade of Vairocana grazed his earlobe, and the straight scar opened up like a shell.

There is no doubt that Qingdeng has gradually gained the upper hand and Prajna is already showing signs of defeat.

What Qing Deng lacks the least is physical strength. Even if it is a war of attrition, he has full confidence that he can drag Prajna to death.

As one side gains strength while the other loses strength, Prajna will only become more and more passive, exhausted, and ultimately end up in defeat.

But having said that... there was no trace of panic on Prajna's face.

He responded to the challenge calmly and responded to each move.

Even if he was accidentally injured, he had no reaction and didn't even frown.

At this moment, Prajna's eyes changed slightly - a strange light flashed from them.



7 years ago--

Somewhere in Kanto——

"Finally I found you. You must be Yamada Asaemon Katsumi, right?"

The sudden voice made Keji tense up all his nerves instantly. He subconsciously lowered his waist, grasped his sword, and turned to face the person who spoke - a handsome young man walked out of the shadows of the forest at a leisurely pace.

"Yamada Asaemon Katsumi, nice to meet you!"

The young man smiled brightly and greeted Keji enthusiastically.

He remained unmoved and asked back as if he were facing a formidable enemy:

"Who are you?"

The young man stood ten meters away from Keji, his smile growing even wider.

"I am Shuten-doji of the Fa-Jue Party!"


Keji's eyes widened instantly.

"Oh? You know me?"

"I've heard a lot about you!"

Katsumi said with an excited smile.

"I heard you're one of the strongest swordsmen in the Fazhu Party!"

"The strongest swordsman? Hahaha, if there is a suffix of 'one of', then it is indeed true..."

Before Shuten-doji could finish his words, Katsumi rudely interrupted him:
"Although I don't know why you are here, but since you have come to my door, let me see for myself how powerful the top masters of the Fazhu Party are!"

Suddenly, there was a bang sound of someone stepping on the ground - Keji disappeared from where he was.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind blew towards Shuten-doji, and the figure of Keji was hidden in the wind.

At the same time as he lunged towards Shuten-douji, he drew his sword, adopted the Blue Eyes formation, aimed at the top of Shuten-douji's head, and slashed down.

He came at me with great force... but before he could get close to his opponent, he fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string, and landed flat on his face.

"Ho...! Ho...! Ho...! Ho...!"

Keji covered his waist and abdomen, cold sweat broke out on his face, and his facial lines were distorted by pain.

"What's this……?"

As he murmured, he turned his head to look at Shuten-doji beside him.

"Oh, you are so impatient. Even if you want to spar with me, you should at least wait for me to finish speaking!"

Shuten-doji said this while shaking the sword in his hand—or to be more precise, the sword that had not yet been unsheathed.

Looking closely, I saw a strange light emanating from Shuten-doji's eyes, making him look particularly charming.

Keji's pupils suddenly shrank.

“‘The state of no self’…! Why… you are so young… but you can master the ‘state of no self’?!”

Shuten-doji tilted his head, feigning confusion.

"'Master'? I don't understand what you are talking about. I just naturally possess the 'selflessness', just like a person is born with two arms and two legs."

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