I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 86 Qingdeng's Real Name: [Yuanju Qingdeng Shengqing] [Burst Update 1W]

Chapter 86 Qingdeng's Real Name [Yuanju Qingdeng Shengqing] [Burst Update 1W]

Edo, Koishikawa Kohinata Yanagi-cho, Shouweikan——

"Zhou Zhu, I just read our 'apprentice book'."

In the living room, Kondo Shusuke sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a cup of hot tea that was constantly steaming outwards in both hands, and blew air on the cup of hot tea.

His wife: Kondo Pen knelt beside Kondo Shusuke in a standard posture that couldn't be more standard, and reported to Zhou Zhu the recent business of their test clinic in a tone of neither sadness nor joy. Condition.

"It's been a whole month since the New Year this year, and we only have 2 new apprentices in the guard hall."

"After one month, there are only 2 more newcomers... This is the worst month in the operation of our testing hall in the past five years."

"Not only are there fewer newcomers, but also fewer old people."

"As of the end of this month, there are three more apprentices who haven't come to our test hall to practice swords or pay tuition fees for half a year..."

"Ah." Zhou Zhu, who had been listening to Ah Bi's report quietly, took a sip of the tea in his cup at this moment, and then let out a low cry of surprise, "Ma'am, did you change to a new tea?"

Abi paused, and then showed a faint smile.

"Oh? Did you taste it? The tongue is very powerful."

"This is the new tea my mother's family sent me. Is it delicious?"

Zhou Zhu nodded vigorously: "It's delicious. It tastes very refreshing."

"As long as you like it."

After finishing speaking, Ah Bi cleared his throat, and returned to his expressionless serious expression.

"Okay, let's get back to business."

"Now, let's try the 'apprentice book' in the guard hall. The content in it is so miserable that I can hardly read it."

"There are only 28 apprentices who often come to our test hall and pay tuition fees on time..."

"Ah!" Zhou Zhu exclaimed again at this moment.

He passed the teacup in his hand towards A Bi.

"Ma'am, look, the tea stem has stood up."

Zhou Zhu grinned, revealing a happy smile.

"It's been a long time since I've been drinking tea and saw the tea stem standing up!"

"It looks like something good will happen in the future!"

In Japan, there is a superstitious legend that "once the tea stem in the teacup stands up, it means something good will happen".

Ah Bi glanced at the tea stem in the teacup, then looked at Zhou Zhu again.


Ah Bi pointed at the tea stem in the cup, and blew a breath.

The tea stem spun around in the tea water several times before sinking into the bottom of the cup.

"Ah! My tea stem!" Zhou Zhu wailed.

"'Good things will happen when the tea stalks are erected'—this is just a boring superstition." Abi said coldly, "As a dignified warrior, how can I believe in such a boring superstition?"

After briefly reprimanding Zhou Zhuyitong, Ah Bi changed the topic back to "operational issues of the testing hall".

"The operation of the testing hall is getting worse and worse, and the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt on the market is getting more and more expensive."

"Our family is one big family."

"You, me, Yong, Zongsi, Yuan, count 5 eating mouths."

"If this continues, we will have problems even eating..."

"Ah." Zhou Zhu suddenly let out another exclamation, "Speaking of which... why haven't Yonghe and Zongsi come back until now..."

Ah Bi raised her hand and patted the tatami next to her vigorously a few times.

"Don't keep changing the subject!!!"

Zhou Zhu, who was yelled at by Ah Bi, shivered a few times and shrank his neck.

"I'm telling you something serious! Don't interrupt over and over again!"

Ah Bi's slender red phoenix eyes, with the corners of the eyes pulled up, made her look quite scary at this time.

Zhou Zhu's body trembled a few more times.

He raised his squinted eyes and carefully looked at the lady next to him.
"Ma'am... similar topics... my ears can almost hear cocoons..."

"The current operating situation of our testing hall is very bad...Of course I know that."

"But to improve the current operation of the sword hall, it will not be achieved overnight."

"Yong and I have been working very hard to improve the current economic situation of the testing hall, but..."

"Very hard?" Before Zhou Zhu finished speaking, Ah Bi's eyebrows stood upright, "What's the use of working hard?"

Ah Bi patted the tatami next to him vigorously a few more times.

"If hard work can be useful, then those farmers who get up early and work hard every day to cultivate the land will not become rich?"

"The most important thing is 'effect', right?"

"Have been trying, but have been ineffective - what's the difference between that and no effort?"

"Ma'am, you're talking too much..." Zhou Zhu said weakly with his shoulders shrunk and his neck drooping.

"Too what?!" Ah Bi cut his sharp gaze towards Zhou Zhu.

"It's nothing..." Zhou Zhu silently withdrew his gaze from Ah Bi.

at this time--


From the direction of the entrance, there was the sound of the door being pushed open.

"We're back!"

It was Okita's voice.

Hearing this voice, Zhou Zhu, who was suffocated by the suffocating atmosphere, quickly said to Ah Bi as if he had grasped a life-saving straw:

"Ah, Yonghe and the boss are back...huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Zhu was stunned for a moment.

Also stunned was Ah Bi.

Both of them found that the sound of footsteps...was it too much...

This series of footsteps moved from the hallway to the outside of the hall door.

Wow—the hall door was opened.

Zhou Zhu and Ah Bi stared in astonishment at Kondo and Okita who pushed open the door of the living room...the three behind them were Qingdeng, Saito, and Kubei...



Edo, in a certain inconspicuous house——

"Todo, that is to say—only Miyabe was caught by that Tachibana?" Sitting upright behind a desk, he was carefully looking at a piece of paper covered with tadpole-sized dense words. Kanno asked a young man with only one right arm behind him.

"Yeah." The one-armed youth... the young samurai called "Todo" by Kanno, nodded lightly, "The rest of the people except Miyabe escaped smoothly."

"...It's really useless." Shenye clenched the writing brush tightly in his hand, and the wooden pen holder made an overwhelmed "creaking" sound, "I can't even light a fire..."

"Forget it, anyway, Gongbu is just an insignificant pawn, and he doesn't know the important information inside our barbarian group. If he is arrested, he will be arrested."

"Did Juqingdeng's house burn down smoothly?"

"Ju Qingdeng's house has now perfectly turned into a pile of scorched ruins." Fujido grinned, "It's a pity——Ju Qingdeng couldn't be burned to death."

"It doesn't matter." Shenye said, "From the beginning, I never expected to burn Tachibana to death."

"It can burn his home down, just give him a little warning."

"Mr. Kanno, what should we do next?" Fujido asked, "Are we going to continue to take revenge on Tachibana Qingdeng? I feel like I just burned his house down, which seems a bit unpleasant."

"It's enough." Shenye put the paper in his hand on the low table in front of him, "The reason why I decided to burn Ju Qingdeng's house was just to give a warning."

"Warning Ju Qingdeng: We will not forget the revenge that caused us to suffer a humiliating defeat, and we will avenge it."

"Now that the warning has been issued smoothly, for a while later, I plan to do nothing for the time being, and let Ju Qingdeng enjoy himself for a while."

"Next, I plan to concentrate on reforming our barbarian team."

Kano's brows were slightly furrowed at this moment.

"Suehiro's big defeat this time made me fully aware: we were patronizing the expansion of the number before, which led to our team being mixed up now. Although the number has increased, the combat power has not increased."

"If that night, Suehiro led a group of people who were determined enough to fight, how could they lose to an enemy whose number was only a fraction of theirs?"

"If our combat power against the barbarians continues to be so weak...our 'removing the barbarians' is nothing but a dream."

"Yeah." Fujido nodded, "I agree. I also think it's time for us to weed out the bad and keep the good."

Seeing that Fujido agreed with his proposition, Kanno smiled slightly:
"I plan to use one or two months to carry out a thorough reform of our barbarian team to enhance our combat power."

"After our reforms achieve remarkable results..."

Kanno's smile slowly faded away, and a cold light burst out from his eyes.

"Let's come again to settle accounts with Ju Qingdeng and plan our 'Great Cause of Removing Barbarians'."

Fujido showed an expectant look.

"Reform...hahaha, it really makes my blood boil."

"Mr. Kanno, wherever you can use me, just send me!"

He hammered his chest hard with his single arm.

Shenye nodded: "You are an important cadre of our barbarian group, and there will definitely be many tasks to be entrusted to you."

"Hey, I'm relieved to hear you say that." Fujido smiled happily, leaning back and leaning against the wall behind him.

At this time, Fujido glanced at the piece of paper that Kanno had been looking at just now on the table in front of Kanno.

"By the way, Mr. Kanno. What have you been looking at?"

Kanno glanced at the piece of paper on the table.

"...I was looking at Ju Qingdeng's information just now."

"Juqingdeng's information?"

Shen Ye nodded: "Although I really don't want to admit it - but we really underestimated that Ju Qingdeng before."

"At first, I thought he was just an ordinary 'three-time' Tongxin. But I didn't realize that it was this guy who we thought was ordinary, who caused us so much trouble."

"In order to better deal with this national traitor in the future, I entrusted a trustworthy and efficient intelligence dealer 3 days ago to help me get the details of Juqingdeng."

"Hey... the detailed information on that Tachibana..." Fujido cast a curious look at the paper, "Mr. Kanno, can I have a look?"

"It's nothing to look at." Kanno raised his hand, and handed the paper with Tachibana's detailed information to Fujido, "There's nothing of high value."

Fujido took the paper from Kanno and looked at it at a glance.

"Young name, Kuro."

"Full name, Yuanju Qingdeng Shengqing... Tsk tsk, so he is a descendant of Genji, the lineage is very noble..."

"The descendants of Genji are nothing special." Kano said indifferently, "The streets are full of descendants of Genji."

"That's true." Fujitang nodded, "This Ju Qingdeng's full name is quite elegant."

"Genmori Haru...is really a full name full of the style of the Heian era."

After all, Fujido continued to look down.

After reading this piece of paper completely, Fujido found that——as Shenye said just now, there was no high-value information, but information similar to Qingdeng's full name, where he lived, and how much his family was worth. trivial information.

Although there are quite detailed records of Qingdeng's previous life, there is not much information worth noting in Qingdeng's past life experience.

"It's so boring." Fujido waved the paper in his hand, "There is no interesting information that can be used at all."

"So I've said it all, there is no high-value information on this piece of paper."

After all, Kanno raised his head and looked at the night outside the window next to him.

"...It's almost time." Kanno said while standing up, "Let's go, Fujido, it's time to go back to our base camp."

"Well, good." Fujido nodded, and then grabbed the knife resting beside him.

Armed with swords and hats that could hide their faces, Kanno and Fujido left the remote hut one after the other, and walked farther and farther toward a small path outside the house.

The figures of the two gradually sank into the dark night.



Edo, Koishikawa Kohinata Yanagi-cho, Shouwei Hall, in a certain room on the second floor——

"What?! Let those 3 people stay in our house temporarily? No way!!"

Facing the air wave formed by Abi's roar, Kondo and Okita who were sitting in front of her couldn't help shrinking back.

In the room, Zhou Zhu, Abi, Kondo, and Okita sat facing each other.

"That... Auntie." Okita said to Abi first, "Our test hall is quite big, it can accommodate a few more residents."

"This is not a question of whether our home can accommodate a few more residents!" Abi cut his gaze at Okita's face, "Director, I don't need to go into details, you should also know the current situation of our testing hall. How bad is the income?"

"Let our family add three more people who eat and drink for free? No! Absolutely not!"

"and also--"

Having said that, Ah Bi paused, and then looked up and down Okita several times with strange eyes.

"...Director, don't you feel uncomfortable letting three big men live in the test hall?"

"No." Okita raised his hand to play with the slender ponytail on the back of his head, and smiled without thinking, "I won't mind."

Seeing that Okita refuted her without hesitation, Ah Bi frowned.

"Uh... madam." Zhou Zhu took a deep breath at this time, as if to embolden himself, "I think... it's okay for Mr. Ju and the three of them to stay at our house temporarily."

"They didn't always live with our parents, they just lived in our house temporarily before regaining a stable residence."

"Although our family's current income situation is not good, it's not so bad that we can't even pay for the three meals a day for three people..."

"Shut up!" Ah Bi glared at Zhou Zhu.

"Yes..." Zhou Zhu silently retracted his gaze without saying a word, and shrank his body even smaller...

Kondo and Okita looked calmly at Zhou Zhu who was instantly "suppressed" by Ah Bi—they were already used to this kind of scene.

"In short - I don't allow the three of them to live in our house!" Ah Bi flicked the sleeve of the kimono vigorously, "The three people live wherever they like! In short, they are not allowed to live in our house!"

"...Mother!" Kondo, who had been drooping his head and kept silent just now, gritted his teeth, raised his head, and looked at Abi without flinching or fear, "Please listen to my child!"

"Mr. Ju is not an outsider, he is an apprentice in our test hall, and a member of our test hall."

"Now, a member of our testing hall is in trouble... As the teacher of the testing hall, I really can't stay out of it!"

"Also, regardless of Ju-jun's status as a member of our testing hall, Ju-jun himself is a hero worthy of admiration!"

"Mom, you should have heard of it too, right? Ju-Jun's rumor of 'Xue Ye breaks a powerful enemy'."

"Leading such a small number of troops, he beat up the mobs of the 'Dispossessing Barbarians' who were several times their size."

A little excitement slowly rose on Kondo's face at this moment.

"Although I didn't have the honor to witness Mr. Ju's heroic appearance, but even just listening to a few rumors, the child can't help but be fascinated."

"Those thugs from the 'Anti-barbarian Sect' have been doing evil for a long time, and countless innocent people have been victimized by them."

"A few days ago, my son, I just saw a shop in Asakusa that was destroyed by the so-called military expenditures extorted by the thugs of the 'Big Barbarians'."

"Mr. Ju beat these shameful thugs to pieces, which is a powerful blow to the arrogance of those lunatics."

"Even if it's just out of respect for the hero, I don't want to stand idly by Jun Ju who is currently in trouble and homeless!"

"Obviously able to provide a helping hand, but in the end they just sit on the sidelines... This is really heartless!"

Kondo's words were impassioned...but it didn't move Ah Bi.

On the contrary——it seems to have angered Ah Bi.

A Bi first glanced at Kondo with a slightly dazed expression, and then his face turned bright red.

"Hmph! Yong, why do you think I objected to those three coming to our house for free?"

"I'm not worried about our family's money!"

"Yes! Our family is indeed not so poor that we can't even afford to pay for three more people's meals! It is indeed more than enough to support three more people!"

"But the money in our family didn't come from the wind!"

"It's you, Zhou Zhu, Zongsi, and Yuan who worked hard to manage the sword gym, and earned a little bit!"

"You don't care about money! I love money!"

After finishing speaking, Ah Bi patted the tatami beside him angrily.

Then... due to emotional instability, she subconsciously muttered:
"Hmph...a farmer is a farmer, it's really worrying..."

Ah Bi's murmur was not too loud.

But not too small...

Her murmur...was quite clearly heard by everyone present.

Kondo's expression suddenly changed.

The gaze in Okita's eyes also flickered slightly at this moment...


"What?!" Ah Bi, who was still angry, swept her fierce gaze at Zhou Zhu beside him.

As soon as his eyes fell on Zhou Zhu's body... Ah Bi was stunned.

Zhou Zhu, who is always smiling...at this time, his face was expressionless, his expression was serious, and he squinted at A Bi.

His squinted eyes that were so small that no one could see his eyeballs...opened.

The eyes that have been hidden behind the eyelids on weekdays are revealed at this moment.

These are a pair of... eyes that remind people of the Tranquil Ancient Pool.

Looking into these eyes will give people the illusion that their body is being dragged into the bottomless bottom.

"Ma'am, you are so emotional now that you are starting to speak incoherently, please calm down a little."

"..." Hearing Zhou Zhu's words, Ah Bi was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, as if she realized something, she turned her eyes and looked at Kondo whose face had returned to normal with complicated eyes.

She pursed her lips, looked at Zhou Zhu, and then at Kondo in front of her.

The originally messy breathing gradually returned to normal.

The flushed face gradually became normal.

Seeing that Ah Bi's mood calmed down, Zhou Zhu smiled slightly, then closed his newly opened eyes again, and returned to his smiling and amiable appearance.

"Abi, I think—even if you don't talk about such illusory things as love and righteousness, but just talk about vulgar things like money and power, let Mr. Ju and others live in our house, give him help, and sell favors Give him a lot of benefits."

"Tachibana-kun, he is the concentric of the town of Beifan."

"Who are the people who serve the public in the 'three times'...you should be very clear, right?"

"They're all a bunch of humble, powerful and rich uncles."

"Although the official position is not high, it is in charge of the security work in Edo. Every town and family owner in Edo is at their disposal."

"It's only good for us to make friends with this kind of official who has been serving the public in the 'three times'."

"If something happens in the future, there will be multiple ways to solve the trouble."

"Also—befriend Mr. Ju, it will also be good for the promotion and development of our natural mental flow in the future."

"I remember I told you before that this rookie who has just entered my guard training hall not long ago has an outstanding talent in swordsmanship."

"In terms of swordsmanship talent... I don't think he will lose to the chief executive at all."

"Beichen Yidao Style has only a history of more than 30 years since its establishment."

"Why can the Beichen Yidao style, which has only a history of more than 30 years, develop so fast, and develop into the current 'No. [-] school in the world' in just such a short time?"

"It's not because they are talented people, and their disciples have a strong sense of belonging to Beichen One Sword Style."

"Because of the strong sense of belonging to their sect, the disciples who have been taught from Beichen One-Sword Style all spontaneously promote and develop Beichen One-Sword Style."

"This is the main reason why Beichen Yidaoyu was able to dominate the entire Japanese swordsmanship world in just over 30 years."

"Abi, think about it - if we make friends with such an apprentice with great potential and develop a deep friendship with him, what will we gain in the future?"

"In the future, after Mr. Ju becomes a teacher, maybe he will spontaneously promote and develop our natural Lixin flow like those disciples of Beichen's Yidao style."

Zhou Zhu's narration was neither hasty nor slow, but methodical.

Ah Bi lowered her head slightly and said nothing.

After Zhou Zhu's voice fell, Kondo and Okita both focused their eyes on Abi, waiting for Abi's answer.

The room... fell into a deathly silence.



Testing hall, first floor, hall——

When Shusuke, Abi, Kondo, and Okita went up to the second floor of the room to discuss whether to keep Aoto and the others, Aoto, Saito, and Kubei stayed in the living room on the first floor , quietly waiting for Kondo and the others to end their discussion.

Saito, who didn't seem to worry that he would have no place to live tonight, held his saber calmly and sat in a corner of the room with his eyes wide open in a daze.

This morning, he was still exhausted, and not long after returning home in the afternoon, he ran into the unfortunate incident of burning his own house and chasing the arsonist. Qingdeng, who was quite exhausted physically and mentally, leaned against the wall behind him, closed his eyes and rested.

Only Jiubingwei was shaking his hands and feet around restlessly.

"Jiu Bingwei." Qing Deng slowly opened his eyes, and smiled helplessly at Jiu Bingwei, "Be safe, don't be impatient, sit down, and calm down."

"Alas...Young Master..." Jiu Bingwei sat cross-legged in front of Qingdeng, and sighed heavily, "If the people in the testing hall finally disagree with us staying here temporarily... what should we do? "

"There's nothing to do." Qingdeng smiled, and wrote lightly, "When the time really comes, I'll think of a way."

"Young Master..." Jiu Bingwei looked at Qingdeng blankly, "You are so optimistic..."

"I'm the kind of person who always believes that there are more ways than difficulties, and that as long as people are still alive, there is hope for everything." Qingdeng closed his eyes, and continued to close his eyes to rest his mind, "There is no need to worry, Jiubingwei."

“These crises we have right now are nothing at all.”

"Isn't it just that the house and all the belongings in the house are gone?"

"These things are just some dead things in the final analysis. As long as people are still alive, they will be able to have them all again one day."

"Alas..." Jiubingwei's face showed bitterness, "It's true...but I just feel very sad..."

tom tom tom tom...

At this moment, the sound of chaotic footsteps came from outside the hall.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Qingdeng hastily opened his eyes again, and then straightened his clothes.

Saito, who was sitting in a daze in the corner, also quickly raised his knife at this moment, walked quickly behind Qingdeng with Kubei, and knelt down on the ground politely.

The hall door was pulled open——Zhou Zhu, Abi, Kondo, and Okita, who had not been parted for a long time, entered along the opened hall door.

After these four people came in, Qing Deng couldn't help but look at A Bi a few more times.

Tonight was the first time Qingdeng met Kondo's adoptive mother.

For Kondo's adoptive mother, Qingdeng has admired her name for a long time.

When I first came to the test health hall, I heard from that Suzuki that he was named "the head of the five King Kongs in the test health hall" and "the most troublesome person in the test health hall".

Ah Bi is the kind of woman who just looks at her appearance and thinks she is not someone to provoke.

Sharp eyes, thin lips, fierce face and facial features... a mean face.

The four of Zhou Zhu sat down in front of the Qingdeng three according to the row in which Zhou Zhu sat at the front, Abi sat at the right rear of her, and Kondo and Okita sat at the back.

"Mr. Ju, I have already heard about you from Yong."

Zhou Zhu calmly and slowly said to Qing Deng.

First, he routinely said to Qingdeng some scenes such as "I am sorry for what happened to you tonight".

After all these pleasantries were over, Zhou Zhu cleared his throat and straightened his back a little more.

"Our apprentices in the Weiwei Hall have encountered trouble, and we can't just sit idly by."

"Mr. Ju, we have all agreed--until you regain a stable place to live, you can stay in our test hall for as long as you want!"

Hearing what Zhou Zhu said, Jiu Bingwei, who was sitting behind Qingdeng, showed joy.

Saito, he... Well, he put on his very style expression: no expression.

"Thank you so much." Qingdeng bowed down and thanked Zhou Zhu and the others, "I will be grateful for this kindness."

"After the family salary, salary, and offerings are issued, I will definitely pay the rent and food and drink expenses for our temporary residence here."

"Hahahaha, no need." Zhou Zhu laughed boldly a few times, "It doesn't cost much to let you stay with us temporarily... Ah!"

Zhou Zhu screamed suddenly, which attracted the suspicious eyes of Qingdeng, Kondo and others.

"Ah, it's all right...it's just that my legs are a little numb." After hahahaha at Qingdeng and the others, Zhou Zhu secretly looked at Qingdeng and the others with an aggrieved gaze, and stretched out his left hand just now with a very concealed movement. With the thumb and index finger of his left hand, he pinched a little bit of flesh in his lower back, and then twisted the pen in a 180-degree circle...

Ah Bi pretended not to see Zhou Zhu's gaze, and stared straight ahead expressionlessly.



After finishing the conversation with Zhou Zhu and others and leaving the office, Kondo and Okita began to work together.

Kondo went to help Qingdeng and the others prepare futons and other necessities.

And Okita is responsible for taking Qingdeng and others to the room where they will live for a period of time in the future, and taking them to briefly visit this home that is integrated with the dojo.

The test hall, the second floor——

"Mr. Ju, after this is your room."

Okita led Qingdeng, Saito, and Kubei to the second floor of the test hall, and pointed to the two paper sliding doors in the corner.

Open the door and look into the room - this is an extremely empty and spacious room.

As soon as his eyes fell into this room, Qingdeng couldn't help clicking his tongue: "This room is really big..."

This is a... large room with an area of ​​about 30 square meters.

If you squeeze it, let alone 3 people, even 10 people will be more than enough.

"This room was originally intended for diners to live in." Okita said.

"Diner?" Qingdeng asked back.

"Yeah." Okita nodded, and then continued, "Master, when he was building this test guard hall, he thought that the sword hall might attract some diners in the future, so he specially built such a spacious room for special use. Come to the big room where the diners live."

"However..." A helpless wry smile appeared on Okita's face at this moment, "As you can see...Since the establishment of our testing hall, we have never succeeded in attracting diners, so this 'among diners' has been like this for a long time. Wasted..."

The sword hall in the Edo period has always had the atmosphere of attracting diners.

Some sword gym owners with relatively strong financial resources often recruit some swordsmen with high sword skills to their sword gym, provide them with food, drink, and support them-this kind of people are called diners.

Their nature is the same as those diners who were raised in the mansions of the rich and noble families in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods of China-helping when there is nothing to do, helping when there is something, accomplices in quarrels, and accomplices in fights.

At the very beginning, the sword hall recruited diners purely to guard against those who came to kick the hall.

If some gym kickers are allowed to kick the gym successfully, losing face is not a big deal, but causing the sword gym's reputation to decline is a big deal.

Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, some powerful diners who are specially responsible for dealing with kickers are kept.

The custom of raising diners spread like this.

Today, the reasons why many sword halls keep diners have become strange.

Some are to strengthen the momentum of the sword hall and make the people in the sword hall look more numerous.

Some are because they admire the strong and want to gather the strong by their side.

"Is it a room specially used for diners to live in..." Qingdeng smiled and turned his gaze back to the "between diners" in front of him, "From another perspective... now I want to eat and live here for a while The three of us now seem to be the diners of the testing hall."

"Hmm...it seems so." Okita smiled at Qingdeng, "The three of you are indeed the first batch of diners in our testing hall."

"This 'room between diners' is a little dirty because it has been idle. Let's clean it together later."

After finishing speaking, Okita, standing in front of the door of "Among the Diners", stretched out his finger and pointed to the left.

"The room over there is brother Kondo's room. The room opposite is the room of the master and aunt."

Okita turned his finger and pointed to the right.

"Then...the room with the big patch on the door is Uncle Yuan's room."

"Uncle Yuan?" Suddenly hearing a name he had never heard before, Qing Deng couldn't help but startled, "Who is this?"

Okita was stunned for a moment: "That's right...it seems like we haven't told you about Uncle Yuan yet..."


Using as simple a language as possible, Okita introduced to Qingdeng who the "Uncle Yuan" he was talking about just now was.

Uncle Yuan-full name Inoue Gensaburo.

He is the doorman of their test guard hall and an old man with extremely senior qualifications.

He is 31 years old this year. In the fourth year of Honghua (1847), he joined the test guard hall to practice the natural flow of mind and heart. In terms of seniority, he is the senior brother of Kondo, Okita, and Qingdeng.

Inoue Gensaburo, who has a very old qualification in the test hall, has a very deep relationship with Kondo and his family, and the relationship with Kondo is even better-because they are fellow villagers.Both Kondo and Genzaburo Inoue were born in Tama.

Gensaburo Inoue, a senior in the sword gym, has been doing his best to assist Kondo and others, assisting them in teaching swordsmanship and running the sword hall.

In order to better assist Kondo and others in managing the testing hall, Inoue Gensaburo was invited by Zhou Zhu to live in the testing hall a long time ago, before Okita moved into the testing hall, and lived with the Kondo family. People live under the same roof, eat and live together.

To be directly invited by Zhou Zhu and the others to live in their home... This shows that Zhou Zhu really does not regard Inoue Gensaburo as an outsider at all.

According to Okita, Gensaburo Inoue returned to his hometown a while ago due to some incidents in his hometown. It will take some time before he returns to Edo. This is why Qingdeng has never met Gensaburo Inoue before.

After listening to Okita's explanation, Qingdeng nodded lightly: "Genzaburo Inoue..."

Putting the name "Gen Saburo Inoue" in his mouth, chewing it carefully, and silently memorizing the name, Qingdeng smiled and asked Okita in a half-joking tone:

"Since Uncle Yuan is an old man who has more than ten years of experience in our test guard hall and is capable of assisting Kondo-kun to teach him swordsmanship...then he must be very powerful, right?"

"Hmph." Okita put his hands on his hips, showing a proud expression, "That's natural."

"Although Uncle Yuan has a harmless face, he is the top expert in our test hall."

"Uncle Yuan, he just received the 'exemption from everyone' from his master a while ago."

"If you don't include Master, Uncle Yuan's strength is second only to brother Kondo and me in the entire guard hall."

"Everyone can pass on...?" Qingdeng exclaimed in a low voice, "It's really amazing to be able to pass on everyone..."

Qing Deng silently remembered the name "Gen Saburo Inoue" better.

At this time, Okita continued to introduce the structure of this house to Qingdeng.

"Next to Uncle Yuan's room is the utility room, where there are many unknown objects that seem to be older than me."

"Then next door to the utility room... that is, the room at the corner of this corridor is my bedroom."

"Mr. Ju, if you want to come to my bedroom to find me for any reason, remember to knock on the door before entering the room."

"Oh." Qingdeng glanced at Okita's room and nodded, "Okay, I will."

Saito and Kubei who were standing beside Qingdeng also nodded at this time.

"Remember, before entering my room, you must remember to knock on the door first." Okita, who is always smiling, rarely showed a serious expression at this time. Come into my room."

"Okay. Don't worry, Okita-kun." Qingdeng nodded to Okita again, "I've always had the habit of knocking on the door before entering other people's rooms."

After all, Qing Deng secretly said in his heart:

——This child is very concerned about his privacy...

Qingdeng didn't think too much about Okita's behavior of asking them to say hello before entering his room - because he thought this behavior was quite normal.

Qingdeng also doesn't like others trespassing on his private area without his permission. It is because he doesn't like this kind of behavior that Qingdeng develops the habit of knocking on the door before entering other people's rooms .

"Well, it's good if you can pay attention." Okita returned to his smiling and cheerful look, "Let's go, let's get a bucket and a rag, and let's clean up this 'diner room' together."

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 【About Qingdeng's full name】

  I know that there must be many people who are not familiar with ancient Japanese name culture, and they must be very confused-isn't Qingdeng's full name "Juqingdeng"?What's going on with this "Yuanju Qing Deng Sheng Qing"?

  This "Ju Qingdeng" is actually just the abbreviation of Qingdeng's real name, and this "Yuan Ju Qing Deng Sheng Qing" is Qingdeng's real name.In some official documents such as government documents, Qingdeng's signature will not be "Juqingdeng", but "Yuanjuqingdeng Shengqing"

  Qingdeng's name can be permuted and combined in 4 ways.

  You can call him "Yuanqingdeng", "Yuanshengqing", "Juqingdeng", "Jushengqing".The above four names are all correct, and they all refer to Qingdeng.

  All the samurai currently appearing in this book are like this. They all have a lengthy real name. The names you see so far are just abbreviations of their real names.

  Take Okita as an example-according to historical facts, Okita's real name is "Fujiwara Okita General Secretary Fangliang".

  You can call him "Okita Souji", "Fujiwara Soji", "Fujiwara Fangliang", "Okita Fangliang", these 4 titles are all correct, and they all refer to Okita.

  Why are their names so long?

  What happened to the "Yuan" and "Sheng Qing" in Qingdeng's real name?

  Why so far in this book, no one has given their real name when introducing themselves?
  The author will post a free popular science post to tell everyone about it.

(End of this chapter)

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