I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 90 "Mr. Orange, are you married?" [5600 words]

Chapter 90 "Mr. Orange, are you married?" [5600 words]

Ever since——the God Master approached Zhou Zhu and Dingji, whom he was familiar with, and sent invitations to the Test Guard Hall and Little Qianye Sword Hall.

The Almighty is also quite generous, he didn't intend to let these two friends of his come to work for nothing, he offered them a generous appearance fee of "15 taels of gold for each sword gym".

Faced with this novel invitation from the divine lord, Zhou Zhu and Dingji both happily agreed due to their different reasons.

Regarding this "Red and White Battle", it can be said that the Test Guard Hall and Xiaoqianye Sword Hall are very familiar with each other - because in recent years, they have been launching "Red and White Battles" to make the opponents in each other's halls Disciples exchange swordsmanship with each other.

The reason why Boss Kiryu recommended the test gym to Qingdeng, who "hoped to compete with as many people as possible", was because the Kondo family and the Chiba family have a deep relationship that has lasted for decades.

Thanks to this karma, the Test Guard Hall often conducts "swordsmanship exchanges" with the Xuanwu Hall opened by Chiba Shusaku, and the Little Chiba Sword Hall opened by Chiba Sadakichi.

Qingdeng always thought that the Weiwei Gym, the Xuanwu Gym, and the Xiaoqianye Sword Gym used the form of "catch and fight", and each side sent one person to compete with each other to let each other's apprentices exchange swordsmanship.

Only now did Qingdeng learn from Okita that this is not the case.

At the very beginning, the way they exchanged sword skills was indeed "two-two catch and fight".

But gradually, Zhou Zhu, Ding Ji and others, who are the owners of the museum, all felt that this "two-two catch and fight" communication method has an obvious flaw-it can only test the individual level of force of the disciples.

The original intention of these three sword halls to hold frequent "swordsmanship exchanges" with each other is to allow their apprentices to discover their own deficiencies and improve their skills during the exchanges and discussions.

Let the disciples fight one-on-one... What can the disciples gain from this way of swordsmanship communication?What can the disciples learn?
It is nothing more than gaining a little "one-on-one" combat experience, other than that, there is no other gain worth mentioning.

Therefore, Zhou Zhu, Dingji and others, who realized that "two-two catching and fighting" would not be a good way to train their disciples, after some discussion and research, finally decided to change the way of exchanging swordsmanship to " Red and White Battle".

From "individual warfare" to "team warfare".

Team battles are far more difficult than individual battles, and they can better test the comprehensive abilities of the disciples.

Personal force is no longer the only factor in victory.

Group warfare requires not only strong personal force, but also a certain "big picture view", a strong adaptability, and a tacit cooperation with partners who may not be very familiar with them...

Zhou Zhu and others, who unanimously believed that group battles can train disciples more effectively, promoted the "red and white battle" in an all-round way about 2 years ago.

Since then, the Weiwei Hall, the Xuanwu Hall, and the Xiaoqianye Sword Hall have all exchanged swordsmanship in the form of team battles, and they no longer engage in such old-fashioned things as "catch and fight".

After quietly listening to Okita's introduction, Qingdeng gave a low voice of praise:
"Let the disciples discuss and exchange skills in the form of "red and white battles"... This method is indeed more interesting, and it can also cultivate the comprehensive ability of the disciples..."

As long as one's personal force is strong enough, he can win the "one-on-one duel", and the "red and white battle" is very likely to lose no matter how strong his personal force is...Which of the two can test the disciple more? Their comprehensive ability is clear at a glance.

Moreover, the boring "one-on-one duel" and the interesting and simple "red and white battle"... Obviously, the latter is more able to mobilize the enthusiasm of the disciples.

As far as Qingdeng is concerned, he naturally welcomes this kind of "team battle" competition.

Because compared to "individual battles", "group battles" are obviously more convenient for Qingdeng to compete with various masters in the Xuanwu Gym and Xiaoqianye Sword Gym, and then copy their talents from them!

Qingdeng couldn't help but silently praised Zhou Zhu and Dingji who had reformed the way of swordsmanship communication.

As soon as Qingdeng's low voice of praise fell, Okita went on to say:

"In the past two years, we have fought countless "red and white battles" with Xuanwu Hall and Xiaoqianye Sword Hall, and we are already familiar with how to organize a lively "red and white battle" .”

"Master and Mr. Dingji have already accepted the invitation of the god master of Yushima Tenmangu, and are willing to hold a 'red and white battle' in Yushima Tenmangu on the day of the 'Plum Blossom Festival'."

"As a result - some priests of Yushima Tenmangu kept obstructing us..."

"Those people said: 'Plum Blossom Festival' is a festival to commemorate the 'God of Learning' Sugawara Michizane. How can a group of warriors be invited to fight and kill in such an elegant festival? It's inappropriate, and there has never been such a thing before. precedent."

"They kept putting pressure on the god master, asking the god master to cancel the plan to invite us to "fight and kill" in Yushima Tenmangu on the day of "Plum Blossom Festival"."

"Although the god master is the head of Yushima Tenmangu, he is not the only one in the shrine, and he can't be 'one word'. Therefore, facing the pressure from his subordinates, the god master is also miserable."

"It's just that the god master didn't back down. He insisted on holding some activities that the common people love to see on the day of the 'Plum Blossom Festival'."

"So——this matter has been deadlocked like this, and it has not been decided what happened."

Qingdeng, who finally finished listening to Okita's "Summary of the Past", pursed his lips lightly, silently digesting the massive amount of information he had just learned.

"So that's what happened..."

"Then...listen to Chiba..."

At this time, Shigetaro suddenly let out a hearty laugh, interrupting Qingdeng's words:

"Mr. Ju, there are two 'Qianye' here, who are you calling?"

"Just like Yongjun and the others, just call me 'Shigetaro' and your younger sister 'Sanako', it will be convenient for you and me."

Qing Deng was taken aback: "Just calling your names...? Wouldn't that be too offensive?"

In Japan, it is impolite and offensive to call someone by their first name. When facing strangers or friends with a more general relationship, you can only call them by their last name, and only people with very close relationships will call them by their first names.

"Hahahaha." Chiba Shigetaro laughed boldly again, "It's okay, it's okay, my sister-in-law and I don't care about such trivial things."

"For the convenience of distinguishing me from my sister-in-law, my friends basically call us brothers and sisters by our first names."

Sanako, who had been silent just now, also interjected softly at this time:

"Tachibana-kun, don't worry, just call me and my brothers 'Sanako' and 'Shigetaro'."

Now that the siblings have said so, Qingdeng has nothing to worry about.

"Then..." Qingdeng picked up the words that were interrupted just now, "Listen to what Mr. Shigetaro said just now, this plan to hold the 'Red and White War', which has been stalled for a long time due to the opposition of some clergy, is finally allowed to be held. Yet?"

"Hahahaha, yes." Chiba Shigetaro expressed emotion, "During this time, the priest of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine nearly tore his lips in order to persuade those who opposed him."

"However, his hard work has been rewarded. He managed to convince most of the diehards before the 'Plum Blossom Festival' was held, and made them agree to let us hold the 'Plum Blossom Festival' this year. ' A lively 'red and white battle' was launched."

"My father also just learned the good news."

"After knowing this good news, my father immediately asked us, brother and sister, to come to your mansion as soon as possible to bring this good news to you as well."


Zhou Zhu smiled apologetically.

"I'm really sorry, please both of you brothers and sisters came here to report this good news to us..."

"Actually, you brothers and sisters don't have to rush to tell us the good news.

"Anyway, this good news, sooner or later we will know about it."

"It's okay, Mr. Zhou Zhu." Chiba Shigetaro let out his trademark bold laugh again, "This is just a trivial matter."

"Finally it's confirmed, are we allowed to hold the 'Red and White Battle' at the site of the 'Plum Blossom Festival'..." At this moment, Kondo let out a sudden breath, then raised his hand with a wry smile, and pressed his chest, "Ah... I'm already getting nervous... on the day of the 'Plum Blossom Festival', I don't know how many tourists will come to watch..."

"Ah, Yu-kun, to be honest—" After hearing Kondo's words, Chiba Shigetaro also smiled wryly and raised his hand to press his chest, "After learning that this matter is confirmed, I am also in a very sad mood." Nervous..."

"To be precise, I feel very nervous until now..."

"On the day of the 'Plum Blossom Festival'...hundreds of tourists will come to watch our 'joint battle'... That scene, tsk tsk, I feel nervous just thinking about it..."

Seeing Chiba Shigetaro who was also clutching his chest tightly, Kondo smiled knowingly:
"Jutaro-kun, are you nervous too... Then you have to hurry up and adjust your state in the remaining half a month, don't be embarrassed by being too nervous on the day of the 'Plum Blossom Festival' .”

"Hahaha, Yongjun, each other!"



Shigetaro and Sanako made a surprise visit to the test hall tonight purely to inform Kondo and the others of the good news.

Now, the purpose of the siblings has been achieved.

It's not too early now, since the purpose of this trip has been achieved, the two brothers and sisters are embarrassed to stay in the test hall for a long time.

Shigetaro and Sanako walked quickly to the entrance of the house with Kondo and the others seeing them off.

"Tachibana-kun." After putting on his straw sandals, Shigetaro put his hands on his hips and said to Qingdeng with regret on his face, "If time and conditions permit, I really want to chat with you more! I really want to tell you more about it." Ask for advice: How did you win more with less, and defeat so many "anti-barbarians" thugs!"

Qingdeng smiled politely: "I'm also very interested in having a good chat with Mr. Shigetaro. When we have time and opportunities in the future, let's have a good chat together."

Qingdeng's words were not all polite.

Qingdeng has always had a good impression of Chiba Shigetaro, who has a cheerful and forthright personality, and behaves gracefully and without coddling.

If conditions permit, he is indeed quite interested in chatting more with this heroic man in front of him.

"Haha!" After hearing Qingdeng's words, Chiba Shigetaro raised his eyebrows, raised his hand, and patted Qingdeng's right shoulder hard, "Okay! Then we've made an agreement." , when there is time and opportunity in the future, the two of us will find a place and have a good chat!"

After finishing speaking, Chiba Shigetaro suddenly turned his gaze to his sister.

Sanako is standing in front of him now, with her hands folded in front of her body, she respectfully said "Thank you for your hospitality tonight" to Zhou Zhu, Kondo, and Okita.

My sister is... a little bit away from me.

Kondo and the others were also not by their side.

I am now... and Qingdeng are in a state similar to "being alone" - Chiba Shigetaro noticed this, squinted his eyes, and then quickly stood half a step forward, bringing himself closer to Qingdeng Some.

"...Tachibana-kun." Chiba Shigetaro asked Qingdeng quickly with a deep voice that only he and Qingdeng could hear clearly, "Have you got married or engaged?"

Qing Deng was startled: "Mr. Shigetaro, why did you ask me this suddenly?"

"Haha, it's nothing." Chiba Shigetaro laughed, "It's just a momentary curiosity."

After hearing Chiba Shigetaro's explanation, although Qingdeng was still a little confused, he still quickly answered the question that Shigetaro raised just now:
"I haven't married yet, and I don't have a marriage contract." After finishing speaking, Qing Deng paused, and then added in a joking tone, "I'm still in a fairly free state."

In ancient Japan, such things as "free love" were quite rare.

Whether it is a samurai or a commoner, the marriage of a man and a woman basically relies on a matchmaker to match.

When my own children reach the age to marry, they will ask a reliable matchmaker to help them find a suitable family. Make a marriage contract and plan to wait for a good day in the future before holding the wedding.

Therefore, there is a marriage contract at a young age-this is quite common in this era.

Hiring a matchmaker is generally a man's business. Before Qingdeng's father Takashi Tachibana died of illness, Takashi Tachibana had also found many matchmakers, asking them to help find a suitable and high-quality marriage for Qingdeng.

The matchmakers entrusted by Tachibana Takayuki were indeed very helpful. They introduced a large number of girls from good families who were not only related to their Tachibana family, but also had good looks and talents.

However—Tachibana Takayuki was not very satisfied with the girls recommended by the matchmaker.Until he died of illness, he did not find a daughter-in-law that suits him.

After Ju Longzhi's death, the matter of "finding a wife for Qingdeng" just fell away.

Knowing that Qingdeng has not married yet and has no marriage contract behind him, Chiba Shigetaro "showed" a stunned expression:

"Mr. Ju, haven't you got married or engaged yet? I thought that at your age, you must have been adopted as a son-in-law by some lucky family..."

Qingdeng didn't notice: in the astonishment "exposed" by Chiba Shigetaro... there is a bit of hidden excitement...


At this time, Sanako, who had finished saying goodbye to Zhou Zhu and others, walked towards Chiba Shigetaro with quite elegant steps.

Seeing his sister coming, Chiba Shigetaro quickly shut his mouth tightly and stopped talking with Qingdeng.

"Brother, let's go, let's go home."

"Oh." Chiba Shigetaro nodded vigorously a few times, "Well, okay, let's go. Then—Mr. Zhou Zhu, Mr. Yong, Mr. Soshi, Mr. Tachibana, Sanako and I will leave first, see you later Bar!"

Saying farewell to Chiba Shigetaro with a loud voice, he turned his eyes and glanced across the faces of Qingdeng and others one by one.

His gaze... specifically stayed on Qingdeng's face for a moment longer.

"Yeah." Zhou Zhu, the head of the family, smiled and waved to the siblings, "Walk slowly!"

After saying goodbye, Chiba Shigetaro and Sanako strode out of the testing hall one after the other.

Sanako turned her head and glanced at the testing hall behind her, which was getting smaller and smaller in her field of vision.

It wasn't until he turned a corner and entered a street where the testing hall could no longer be seen that Sanako looked away, and then with a blank expression on his face, he looked at the woman who was half a body ahead of her with a flat tone of neither sadness nor joy. Chiba Shigetaro asked:
"Brother, I saw you chatting with Mr. Ju in a low voice just now... what are you talking about?"

"Ah? Didn't talk about anything." Chiba Shigetaro replied without hesitation, "I just asked him how he was living in the test guard hall."

"...Is this really the only thing we talked about?" Sanako stared straight at Chiba Shigetaro with an aura that seemed to want to see through Chiba Shigetaro's heart.

"Why?" Chiba Shigetaro, who was stared at by Sanako's eyes, felt uncomfortable, folded his arms around his chest, and curled his lips, "Why are you staring at me like this...don't believe what I say?"

"...Of course I believe my brother." Sanako slowly retracted his gaze and stared at Chiba Shigetaro, "Since you have said so...then I also believe that you did not talk to Tachibana-kun Do something messy."



The backs of the two brothers and sisters, watched by Qingdeng and others standing outside the door, gradually melted into the night at the intersection of the street.

After the figures of Shigetaro and Sanako completely disappeared from everyone's field of vision, and everyone returned to the house, Abi's voice suddenly came from the other end of the corridor facing the door:
"Have Chiba Shigetaro and Chiba Sanako already left?" Abi asked, walking towards the people who were still lingering in the entrance.

For some reason, when Chiba Shigetaro and Sanako came to the test hall, and talked with Qingdeng and others in the living room, Abi never showed up.

"Yeah." Zhou Zhu nodded, "They just left."

"The brothers and sisters came to our test hall suddenly at night, what did they come for?" A Bi frowned and asked.

"Uh...well..." Looking at Ah Bi, Zhou Zhu seemed to be recalling something, and laughed a few times awkwardly, "Well...to put it simply, he is here to tell us some good news .”

After Zhou Zhu laughed, he raised his hand and made a gesture of "please" to the hall.

"Madam, let's go to the living room first. The entrance is not a place to talk. After we go to the living room, I will tell you slowly."


About 5 minutes later—

"What?! Yushima Tenmangu even agreed to hold the 'Red and White Battle' at the site of the 'Plum Blossom Festival'?!"

Ah Bi let out a roar that felt like it would shatter the ceiling above their heads.

Zhou Zhu who was sitting in front of Abi... and Qingdeng, Kondo, and Okita who were sitting side by side in a corner of the hall all involuntarily leaned back, trying to stay away from Abi as much as possible, and dispelled the blow from Abi. Pass "Sonic Attack".

"What are you doing..." Ah Bi raised his hand with an ugly expression, and held his forehead, "Did this thing happen..."

"Madam..." Zhou Zhu said with a wry smile, "Are you still very opposed to us holding the 'Red and White Battle' at the 'Plum Blossom Festival' together with Little Chiba Sword Hall..."

"Of course!" Ah Bi gritted his teeth, "Zhou Zhu, you really wonder if you've lost your mind."

"For a long time, in the previous "red and white battles" in our trial guard hall, we have basically never won the little Qianye sword hall! Isn't it?"

"Carry out the 'Red and White Battle' with them at the scene of the 'Plum Blossom Festival'? Isn't this tantamount to letting countless people watch our test guard hall being beaten to pieces by others' Little Chiba Sword Hall?!"

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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